James Wilson

By onechicagofan4

14.3K 227 59

Younger brother of Cory and Jordan. ⚠️TW include abuse, drugs, suicide, death etc⚠️ They'll be a mix of what... More

The Wilsons
First Day of School
Blame pt2
Telling someone
Kicked out
Mr Qureshi
Found out
Visiting home
Staying at Missys
Weeks later
Last day of Ackley?
New family
Surprise Pt 2
Homework struggles
Not you again
Calm down
Pt 2
The question
A month later
Any ideas

First day at waterloo Road

196 2 1
By onechicagofan4

My foster parents let me finish the year at ackley meaning that I had to get the train. The journey was around an hour which for me felt like years. I also got to spend half of the summer holidays with Cory and Jordan.

I do miss them but there's nothing we could have done about it. When I left we would speak on the phone everyday but now we only do it on the weekends but I do know that they would pick up the phone whenever I ring. Corys busy with his a levels and Jordan went away to art school. I'm still in contact with Mr Bell and he'd come and see me whenever I'm in ackley. I hate to admit it but he was more of a dad to me than my own. The booths and aaron check on me now and then and I see then whenever I'm around. I will always appreciate everything missy did for me. I am now in year 8. I play for Rochdale AFC Academy. I'm a starter for the u14s and have lately been training with the u15s in hopes to be moved up.

Anyways today is my first day at Waterloo road.
Sheryl: James get up and ready
James: 5 minutes
Sheryl: nope up now. It's your first day of school.
James: do I have to go?
Sheryl: I'm afraid so kiddo. Come on. David made pancakes.
I jumped out of bed
James: why didn't you say that?
I ran downstairs and Sheryl walked in behind me.
David: someone's in a good mood
Sheryl: he wasn't in this mood a few minutes ago. One mention of pancakes and here we are.
Liam: morning James
Lila: morning
James: morning
We ate our breakfast. I put my plate in the dishwasher and went to leave the kitchen
Sheryl: where do you think your going?
James: erm to get ready?
Sheryl: meds
James: ugh fine.
I went over to the medicine basket and took my seizure meds. I then pretended to take my ADHD ones
Sheryl: done?
James: mhm
Sheryl: you've got about half an hour to get ready
James: okay

I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I went to my room and put my shirt and trousers on and my Nike hoodie over stuffing my blazer in my bag. I put curling cream in my hair and scrunched it
David: James! Liam!
I ran to the top of the stairs and threw my trainers down then sprinted down the stairs crashing into David who was waiting
David: Seriously James?
James: sorry
I sat on the stairs and put my shoes on
Sheryl: where's your blazer?
James: bag
Sheryl: tie
James: upstairs
Sheryl: you need to put it on
James: I don't like it
Sheryl: you have to wear it. You don't want to be getting into trouble on your first day. I'll make it loose so you don't feel it
James: fine
I ran and got it and Sheryl tied it loosely
Sheryl: better.
Liam came down the stairs.
Sheryl: right you two. No fighting. Do as your told. No arguing with teachers. No trouble. You hear me
Liam: mhm
James: no promises
She glared at me so I held my hands up in surrender
David: right let's go before we're late
James: dibs in the front
Liam: not if I get there first
Liam ran out so I ran after him
James: hey you son of a bitch
David: watch your mouth
I got to the passenger seat first after shoving him out the way.

Oh did I forget to mention. David's a teacher at school. My school. The school I'm being forced to go to. Yayyyyy. NOT.

We were on our way to school. I was just zoned out staring out the window.
David: James
James: yeah yeah that's cool sure
David: James
James: hmm yeah
David: did you hear what I said?
James: yeah yeah totally
He just looked at me
James: okay no I didn't
David: that's okay. I said that if you need anything just come and find me or Liam
James: okay
We finally arrived. It was quite a big school. There was quite a lot of people. I was feeling a little overwhelmed so I tried calming myself down by counting.
Liam: hey your okay. Everything will be fine. I'll be here to help you.
We walked through the doors.
Liam: I better go to my form room. I'll check in at break. If you need me message me okay?
James: okay
Liam left so it was just me and David
David: how are you feeling?
James: I don't know
David: that's okay. I know it must be confusing and overwhelming but everything will be okay. Right I've been told your in Mr Clarksons form. Don't worry he's a friend of mine
James: okay.
We walked to my form room.
David: I'll see you later
I walked in and sat at the back.
Mr Clarkson: good morning year 8. Nice to see you again. Hope you all had a lovely summer. Right as you can see we have a new student with us. I want you to welcome Thomas and make him feel at home. Is there anything you want to tell us about yourself?
James: nah not really
Mr Clarkson: what's your favourite thing to do?
James: playing football
Mr Clarkson: what team do you support?
James: Barnsley sir
Mr Clarkson: is that an accent I hear?
James: yeah I'm from Yorkshire sir
Mr Clarkson: cool. Right class today we're just gonna do some icebreaker games. First is a getting to know you game. I want you to pair up with someone, introduce yourself then ask these questions on the board.
1) What's your favourite movie?
2) What do you wanna be when your older?
3) Who is your role model?
4) What's your favourite food?
5) If you could have 3 wishes what would it be? (Can't be for more wishes)
??: hi my name's Ellie. Who is your role model?
James: erm probably one of my teachers from my old school or my brother.
Ellie: What's your favourite movie?
James: definitely avengers: infinity war
Ellie: cool. What do you wanna be when your older?
James: a footballer
Ellie: what's your favourite food?
James: definitely Chinese 100%
Ellie: If you could have 3 wishes what would it be?
James: erm be a millionaire, infinite holidays and I guess to see my mum again
Ellie: that's nice
James: alright my turn. My name is James. Okay so what's your favourite movie?
Ellie: erm probably captain America: the winter soldier
James: cool do you like Marvel?
Ellie: duh who doesn't
James: nice. What do you wanna be when your older?
Ellie: I want to be either a model or an actress
James: Who is your role model?
Ellie: my mum
James: What's your favourite food?
Ellie: takeaway
James: Chinese or indian
Ellie: I've never had a Chinese
James: what! Seriously. Damn your missing out. If you could have 3 wishes what would it be?
Ellie: have a house in the Bahamas, have an older brother and be rich
Mr Clarkson: right times up. Now we're gonna go around the room and you tell me the persons name and one fun fact about them.
He went around the room until he got to Ellie
Ellie: well I spoke with James and a fun fact about him is he wants to be a footballer when he's older
Mr Clarkson: good now James
James: I spoke with Ellie and a fun fact about her is she's never had a Chinese
Mr Clarkson: very good. Right take a seat and we'll get on with our next activity. I want you to draw or write me a family tree.
Ah shit. I just drew a random picture. I drew a chain going across the page. I was getting a little restless so I started fidgeting in my seat and tapping my pen against the table.
Mr Clarkson: James
James: sorry
I started walking around the classroom.
Mr Clarkson: sit down
I sat down but within 5 minutes I was up again.
Mr Clarkson: right seeing as you want to walk around you can hand out everyone's timetable
I handed out everyone's timetable and then looked at mine

Mr Clarkson: break is after period 2 and lunch is after period 3. You have 5 minutes to get to your next lesson so no one should be late.
The bell went signaling the lesson had ended and it was now time to head to our next lesson. Science with Mr Mead

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