Another Malfoy!?

By CouchPotato_wastaken

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Draco Malfoy has been going to Hogwarts for two years now. Now it's his little sister's turn to run through t... More

Chapter 1 - A Letter From Hogwarts
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - The Platform
Chapter 4 - The Train
Chapter 5 - The Golden Trio
Chapter 6 - The Dementor
Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat
Chapter 8 - A Great Hall A Great Fight
Chapter 9 - Buckbeak
Chapter 10 - Draco's Arm
Chapter 11 -Boggart
Chapter 12 - Fat Lady's Message
Chapter 13 - Quidditch
Chapter 14 - Marauder's Map
Chapter 15 - Truth of the Prisoner
Chapter 16 - Astronomy Tower
Chapter 17 - A Child
Chapter 18 - The Train Home
Chapter 19 - Finally Home
Chapter 20 - The Letter
Apology (Feel Free to Skip)
Chapter 21 - Harsh Love
Chapter 24 - After Dinner
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
New Chapter Tomorrow!
Chapter 26 - Class
Chapter 27 - The Party
Chapter 28 - The Party pt 2
Chapter 29 - Aftermath
Chapter 30 - Morning ⚠️ Mentions of Abuse ⚠️
I'm back!
Chapter 31 - Four years later
Chapter 32- Day Before School
Chapter 33 - A surprise

Chapter 25 - The Truth

392 6 9
By CouchPotato_wastaken

        Lucy's POV

    As my mother left the room, I sighed in relief, thank god she hadn't seen the letter. I pulled it out of its hiding spot under my pillow, tearing it open. I somewhat rushed to read it, in case another member of my family came in.

                   Dear, Lucy Malfoy
Hey, thanks for writing to me, it's always an honour to receive a letter from you. Ron and Hermione both told me to tell you thank you. I wanted to say sorry for getting you in trouble and I'll try to focus on my studies (Yes, 'Mione wrote that last      bit). Owl me as soon as you can.
Sincerely, Harry J. Potter

     "Lucia, hurry up!" my father called from outside my room, knocking on the door. "The dressers won't wait forever."
    I groaned walking over to the door, placing the note back under my pillow.

    After my fitting, the dressers decided on a forest green dress with a lace top and loads of uncomfortable tule. Finally an emerald crown, that I didn't understand the reason for.

        As I got back to my room, I headed to my closet to pick out some grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I went to lay them on my bed when I realised my mother had already laid an outfit on my bed.
I sighed, the shirt looked like something my great grandmother would wear. Reluctantly, I put the outfit on not wanting to cause another fight.

       I walked down and grabbed a green apple from the fruit basket. Seeing my family in the living room, I entered quietly. I sat in a chair by the fire. The tension in the room seemed awfully high as I looked around. Mother was reading a book, Draco and Blaise were laying on the ground playing cards and Bellatrix was torturing a poor spider with spells that had come to her head. I could barely stand the sight of it.
A little while later my father came down in a black suit. I didn't understand why he'd always worn something that made him look as though he was going to a funeral but I guess that was something most of my family had in common.
    "Ready, Lucia?"
I ignored his disregard for my preferred nickname and stood up.
"Narcissa, we'll be gone for a while." he told my mother who nodded and came over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay, be safe and be back in time for dinner."
Why would we not be? 

Harry's POV:

"Harry has a girlfriend! Harry has a girlfriend!" Ron chanted, still in his pjs. Most of the other 3rd years had gone to Hogsmeade, so it was just us in the common room.
"I do not! Lucy is a friend to all of us, Ron!"
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
"Gulping gargoyles, can you two be any louder?" chastised Hermione. "I've been trying to study for my classes and I find it quite difficult when Ronald is running around with candy stuck in his hair."
I looked at Ron. He'd just woken up and had multiple small pieces of dried candy in his hair.
"Yeah, I'll shower later."
"No, Ronald. You'll shower now, as in you're heading to the washroom now."
After some more of Ron's childish whining, Mione had finally convinced him to go shower. 
For the rest of the day I couldn't help but think of Lucy...

Lucy's POV

My dad had sat me down at a quaint little restaurant in London for lunch. I would've appreciated the effort had it not been my father who was with me, out of everyone in the world, he was the last person I wanted to be with right now. It was quite dreadful really. We were in the muggle world so we had to talk about things like football (some muggle thing where they kick around a bludger shaped ball with their foot into a net. It doesn't make sense to me either). 
Afterward, he had walked me to Diagon Alley where I thought we'd be, maybe, getting new books, or going to Gringotts. Nope. He turned us down a dark alleyway. I'd never seen a place as dreadful looking as this.
We walked through the small crowd of horrid, sickly, looking people. I think one of them had tried to take a grab at me, but my father held my hand firmly, leading me through the people. 
Coming to a stop at a crooked old shop, the words "Borgin and Burkes" on the front.
He opened the door, walking back behind the counter. I didn't understand, did he double as a store clerk in a creepy store?
"Lucia?" He asked, placing his wand on the table as soon as we were in the backroom.
"Yes?" I replied, something felt off... I don't know if it was the fact he locked the door behind him and put a silencing spell on the room. Or that his voice was oddly comforting.
"I want you to know this... your mother and I do a lot of stuff to keep you safe, okay? Everything we do is to keep you safe."
I nodded, suspicion was filling every part of my body. I didn't know what to expect... however as soon as he reached for his sleeve... I knew. 
Lifting the dark sleeve of his suit was a black tattoo, I read about the mark. It was the stamp of a servant of the Dark Lord, himself. Of a Death Eater...
My father was a Death Eater.

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