Doom & Demon Slayer: Kimetsu...

By Redlerman16

92.9K 1.7K 657

Author, remastered, and modifed by Rexreal42 from Description: (Ancient Gods & Manga Spoilers)... More

Chapter Prologue (REMASTERED)
Chapter 1 (REMASTERED)
Chapter 2 (REMASTERED)
Chapter 3 (REMASTERED)
Chapter 4 (REMASTERED)
Chapter 5 (MODIFIED)
Chapter 6 (MODIFIED)
Chapter 7 (MODIFIED)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (MODIFIED)
Chapter 14 (MODIFIED)
Chapter 15 (MODIFIED)
Rexreal42's Q&A
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Rexreal42's Q&A pt2
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60: Finale
Chapter 62: Epilogue Part 2
Chapter 63: Epilogue Part 3 (The End)
Chapter 64: Final Post

Chapter 61: Epilogue Part 1

287 5 0
By Redlerman16





The wastelands of Immora were desolate and quiet due to the death of the Dark Lord. The skyscraper-sized walls that dwarved everything, in size, had crumbled to ashes. There were no demonic corpses or skeletal remains left behind by the battle, just dust and echoes. All that remained was the ground Tanjiro stood on. The boy trudged through the empty, yet damaged, landscapes of Immora, dragging one foot in front of the other while, simultaneously, carrying the empty Praetor Suit of his fallen father-figure in his arms. He also had Valen's hammer hanging from his back. The boy's arms shook from the effort, he shouldn't be moving, but no one was around. Despite all this, the boy quietly cried as the tears, silently, slipped down his cheek to drip off his mask.

Tanjiro was oblivious towards the handful of Sentinel starships hovering towards him, descending until they landed in front of him. The dropdoors of the ships lowered to release the Night Sentinels, stored inside, as they flooded out of the ship to surround Tanjiro. They formed two, parallel, lines leading up to Valen's ship as the king rushed out of his ship to check on Tanjiro. As Tanjiro and Valen walked towards each other, the Sentinels that surrounded them began banging their fists against their chest before chanting in a unified roar, "KAR EN TUK! KAR EN TUK! KAR EN TUK!"

Valen rushed next to Tanjiro, forming a sour expression upon seeing the empty praetor suit along with the boy's injured condition and the evidence of him crying. Valen scooped his arms underneath the suit, telling the boy, "Here, let me get that." Valen took the Praetor Suit off of the boy's hands, allowing Tanjiro's arms to drop lifelessly while he stared blankly at Valen. The boy's eyelids slowly closed as he began swaying back and forth due to dizziness. Soon, he swayed backwards too far and collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Valen and all the other Night Sentinels called out to the boy as they rushed to his aid to get him the medical treatment that he needs.






Tanjiro's eyes cracked open, weakly, as he slowly tried to process what he was looking at. He heard synchronized beeping sounds next to him and a variety of other noises he was unfamiliar with. He looked around to find himself in the infirmary of one of the Sentinel ships. The boy was far too tired to notice the deja vu he was experiencing. His exposed right arm had tubes connected to it while the rest of his body (the organic parts) were bandages up. The boy looked to his left to see the multitude of other injured Night Sentinels and members of the Demon Slayer Corps resting while their wounds were treated. In the other direction, the boy's eyes widened upon seeing Kanao laying on her bed while facing him. However, she was asleep, but she was clinging, tightly, to Tanjiro's haori which he left with her in the event that he managed to die. Fortunately... that never came to pass...

Tanjiro inhaled deeply before exhaling. There was no one else in the room at the moment besides the injured. Good. The boy wanted to be alone right now, so he quietly removed the tubes from his arm, causing blood to bubble up from his open wounds but he didn't care, he'll live. He gently pressed his metallic soles against the ground, looking around one more time to survey the area before tip-toeing his way out of the room so as to not attract anyone's attention.

Several minutes later, Valen walked into the infirmary to check on the boy's condition and gasped upon seeing the boy's bed, empty. Valen cursed, "Damn it, boy, why are you so stubborn...?!" This, unintentionally, woke up some of the other patients, including Kanao, as they lifted their heads up to figure out what was going on. Kanao's eyes widened as she cried out:

"Tanjiro! Where's Tanjiro?!"

Valen raised his hand towards Kanao and said to the girl, "I'll take care of it. You stay here." Just as Valen stormed out of the room to search for Tanjiro, Kanao, ignorantly, got up out of her bed as well and began chasing after the King, despite her weakened state.

Valen noticed tiny drops of blood on the floor which he followed to lead him towards Tanjiro. That's when he found himself at the entrance of the ship's observatory which was left vacant for the time being. He peeked inside to see Tanjiro leaning against the hand-rails of the observatory while staring out into space with the lights of the room turned off. While Tanjiro was unconscious, Valen took it upon himself to return the remaining members of the Demon Slayer Corps back to their home. They portaled their way to Tanjiro's Earth and were, currently, in orbit.

Never forget by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori

Valen inhaled to mentally prepare himself before stepping into the observatory and began making his way next to Tanjiro. Valen stood next to Tanjiro, crossing his arms as he stared at the Earth, alongside the boy. He turned his head and noticed the boy didn't bat an eye towards the King, dismissing his presence while continuing to stare blankly in front of him. The boy's eyes were baggy and he looked half-conscious. Valen prepared to say something until Tanjiro spoke first, "...Do you know what I had to do...?..."

Valen bit his lip, surmising, "Well, based off the gaping stab-wound in the Praetor Suit-"

Tanjiro raised his voice in a furious outburst, "I didn't ask you to describe it! I was asking a rhetorical fucking question!" Tanjiro backed off the hand railing, standing tall to the best of his ability.

Valen looked to the ground, shamefully, before apologizing and turning towards the door to see Kanao peeking inside the room. This time, Kanao had wrapped Tanjiro's haori around her like a gestured for the girl to stay-put before returning his attention towards Tanjiro who still refused to look at the man. Valen pondered on what to say before opening his mouth to speak, "...Look, Tanjiro... You can't blame yourself for what happened, you had no other choice..."

"That's the problem! Why was that the only option?!" Tanjiro finally turned towards Valen, his eyes watery as if he was about to cry once more before continuing with his rant, "Why was I tasked with killing the Dark Lord and, subsequently, getting the man, that I considered a father-figure, killed?!"

"Because you were the only one he could trust, you know this. If he couldn't take out the Dark Lord, he entrusted you with the responsibility because, either way, he knew he was going to die!"

"Oh yeah, like that makes it any better!"

"I understand you're upset about what happened-"

"UPSET?! Try traumatized! I had to literally plunge the Crucible through the Dark Lord and Mister Flint and watch them both crumble to dust while Mister Flint was in my arms, then proceed to carry his empty suit of armor while barely clinging to consciousness and still-processing what just happened!

"I understand how you feel, I had to live with a similar guilt in my consciousness for many years. But, Tanjiro, you need to understand that none of it was your fault, this is what he wanted because, either way, he had accepted his fate and passed everything onto you. That's why he made you the Doom Slayer."

Tanjiro looked towards the Mark of the Slayer which was painted onto his metallic left arm before exclaiming, "But why me?! Is it because of this suit of armor? I bet that's it, I'm only special because of this armor bestowed upon me by the Ancient Gods."

Valen shook his head before answering, "Kid, you were his successor way before you put on that suit of armor. He chose you because of who you are, not what you have. He would've never made the choices that he made or be as reckless as he was if he didn't know that you would still be around to make sure everything was okay. When you were getting your upgraded prosthetics, Flynn did nothing but sing his praises about you. He trusts you to a shocking degree. That's why I don't want you, ever, questioning his judgment towards you again. He chose you for a reason, so don't disappoint him. You're the Doom Slayer now."

"What is that even supposed to mean for me?! Do I have to go out and become a murder-machine just to live up to the legacy of the Doom Slayer?! If so, that's not what I want! I don't want to keep killing people, we've taken enough lives as it is! I don't think I can live up to the legacy of the Doom Slayer, I'm just not cut out for it!"

This time, Valen crossed his arms as he gazed upon the Earth before stating, "The Doom Slayer was a term coined by the people he saved, not a name he made for himself. He was a symbol of terror for the demons, but a symbol of hope for us. However, Flynn didn't care for its meaning until he met you. The Doom Slayer used to refer to Flynn, as an individual, but he has chosen to make it a legacy name, a legacy he's now passed down to you. As the wielder of the legacy, it's, ultimately, your call for what you choose to do with it. Maybe you don't have to be a symbol of terror like he was. Perhaps, you could be something more, it's up to you. No matter which path you choose to follow as the Doom Slayer, Flynn knew whatever choice you would make would be the right one. Don't spend the rest of your life trying to live up to his legacy, it's time to start crafting yours."

Tanjiro blinked several times as he processed the King's wisdom, letting it sink in as he gazed upon the Earth with Valen. The King nodded in satisfaction, feeling as though he did everything he needed to do. He turned towards the other direction, placing a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder and explaining, "You always have a place amongst the Night Sentinels, remember that." before walking towards the exit with Kanao still peeking into the room. Tanjiro furrowed his brows in deep thought, looking downwards in contemplation.

Valen passed through the door frame, nodding towards Kanao to grant her permission to approach Tanjiro, before walking down the corridor. Kanao hesitantly stepped in, taking careful steps while admiring the beauty of the Earth from space before calling out, "It's so beautiful... Right, Tanjiro...?"

The boy answered, quietly, "...It is... when I saw it for the first time, I wished you were there to share the moment with me..." He exhaled, switching topics as he muttered, "I didn't want you to see me, back there... You should've stayed in the infirmary..."

Kanao continued taking careful steps towards her partner, explaining, "I can't do that, Tanjiro. We made a promise to stay by each other's side, no matter what! I won't abandon you even if you tell me to."

Tanjiro sighed upon hearing that statement, turning towards her to reveal his sorrowful expression with his eyebrows curled upwards. He answered, "...That's the thing... The path I'm choosing to follow, I don't want- It's just that-..." Tanjiro collected his thoughts before finally speaking again, "... It's just that I don't want you to get hurt out there. I've lost too many people as it is, I can't stand the thought of losing you too. If you die because of me, I can't forgive myself. That's why I'm thinkin we should-"

Kanao raised her voice in retaliation as she barked, "No! I refuse, Tanjiro! You're ignoring my feelings, again, and you're trying to isolate yourself from everyone else. Tanjiro, we've both lost people that are important to us, but that's all the more reason that we have to stick together. You spoke about how you didn't want to be like Mister Flint, but closing yourself off from everyone is the last thing he would want you to do. If you want to do right by him, then don't make the same mistakes that he did." Kanao placed her hands on the side of Tanjiro's face, soothing the boy as he closed his eyes to hold back his urge to cry. "Tanjiro, no matter which path you choose, I'll always be here to support you. No matter how difficult the challenge is, we'll face it together. You don't have to be alone anymore, Tanjiro. Share your burden with me, don't try to face it all on your own."

Kanao began sliding off Xernex's mask from Tanjiro's face, allowing the lower-half of the boy's head to be exposed to the elements. As she removed the mask, there was a pale line tracing where the mask used to be. The rest of Tanjiro's head was beet-red from the closed-off blood circulation. This was the first time the boy has had his mask removed since he put it on for the first time. Tanjiro looked away in shame, but turned back to face his partner once she called out to him and concluded, "We'll always be together, Tanjiro. Never forget that." before leaning towards the boy and locking lips with him. Their eyes closed at the same time, and all of the tension in Tanjiro's body seeped away upon feeling the soft lips of his partner. His burden felt as though it was lifted from his shoulders and he could be free. Soon, the sun began to emerge from behind the Earth, casting it's brilliant light upon the two lovers as they continued with their gentle, yet passionate kiss.

Haruka by Lacco Tower

When you said it's time to say goodbye

I thought the hurt would pass with time

But now, we're worlds apart

You've made another start

I wish to do the same, but I'm held back by my heart

Until we meet again

I recall the face you made so vividly

Before you slowly turned your back to me

I know I saw you cry, and I always wondered why

You did not get the chance to give this life one more try

Staring at your smile was my remedy

When really, you were dying underneath

At the end of every date, you would disassociate

And I couldn't help out till it was far too late

Rain falls to wash away the past

It calls people all dressed in black

Good times are gone and laid to rest

And now, I only see the moment when you left

When you said it's time to say goodbye

I thought the hurt would pass with time

But now we're worlds apart

You've made another start

I wish to do the same, but I'm held back by my heart

I try to lift my head

But what I see is hard to bear

It's like you're watching from the air

I can't escape your face

The clouds reflect its shape

When light from far away

Shines down, as if to say,

"We'll meet again someday"

You recall the loneliness so vividly

You laughed while hiding what was on your cheek

In a puzzle I was caught

Were you happy here, or not?

I did not get the chance to give it all one more thought

One word, and you fought it with a "hush"

It's like I was the only crutch

You said that nothing ever lasts

And then, you made me think that I had held you back

When I know it's time to say "hello"

I'll walk into the afterglow

Tomorrow's not the same

I hope you won't be late

It won't be far away

As soon as we can say,

"Let's meet again today"

When you said it's time to say goodbye

I thought the hurt would pass with time

But now, we're worlds apart

You've made another start

I wish to do the same, but I'm held back by my heart

So every single tear

That you had been afraid to show

They now can finally start to flow

Our quarrels and amends

The memories of then

Not sure the time they'll end

But, since we'll meet again

I'll stop my asking when

When you said it's time to say goodbye

You fixed your gaze up at the sky

The distant path you take

Is bathed in brilliant rays

When light from far away

Shines down, as if to say,

"We'll meet again someday"






He opened his eyes, only to see darkness. Wait a minute... where is he?! Is he alive?! He sat up right away, looking around, frantically, in the dark void he was in. Just where was he?! He then heard a voice call out from behind him, "Took you long enough, Flynn." The man looked behind him to see Xernex kneeling down, behind the warrior, with a gentle smile plastered on his face.

Flynn said, in confusion, "Xernex, where are we?"

The Night Sentinel stood up, extending a helping hand towards his best friend and gesturing, "Let's go for a walk. I'll explain things along the way."



Until Part 2/3

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