A image can cover so much pai...

By littlebabyeverything

2.8K 12 35

NOTE - I sometimes go back and add more/update previous chapters so keep eye on that He came across as confi... More

At the start
Trying and pretending
Alcohol and lies, dont look at me
A bad day
Do i tell? Or Do i hide?
Here we go
Do i have to?
Not intrested, but try
The 1st appointment
Not sure where i'm going.. except maybe off a cliff
He's my Brother/2nd appointment
Trying to carry on
Touring and playing
Home Again
Maybe i've got a friend
I must have fucked it up
A high and a low
Missing in Action
Coming Home
Another Day, Another Job
Happy for now
Playing shows, missing you & depression
Are we doing the right thing?
Your not here time to see Dr again
Kelly's POV - holiday
Why am I falling apart when i have you?
What do i say to Noel?
Escape but maybe time for the truth
Brothers, Talk Tonight
Brothers, Talk Tonight. Part 2
Wake up, this is me
Home to Mum
Time To Talk
Where the fuck is he?
Time To Talk Part Two
Oh God What Do I Do?
Fucking Shit, I'm screwed
I Survived
Piss Off, I'm Not Fucking Going
Let's Roll With It
Pass Me Down The Wine
I'm Outta Time But Going Nowhere
Take Me Away
Go (on) Let It Out
(It's Good) To Be Free
The Shock Of Lightning
The Nature Of Reality
Where Did It All Go Wrong
Just Gotta Be Normal
The Talk Then I'm Alone
Counting The Days
Back To It, For Now.
It's Finally Here
Here We Go

Let's All Make Believe

40 0 2
By littlebabyeverything

They walked in the bar, the journalists were already sitting at a table. Liam ordered some drinks to the table and they all sat down. The journalists introduced themselves, the band didn't, people should know who was in the band by now. The drinks arrived along with a bottle of champagne from the hotel, they left that in the ice bucket while they drank their pints. The journalists both got out tape recorders, notebooks and pens. They seemed to already have notes about the band and a list of questions.
The older one spoke first
"So how did the European tour go? You had to cancel the last couple of dates because Liam was ill will you be rescheduling those?"
Noel spoke first as usual
"The tour went well, the fans loved us, obviously. We kept it short because we'd been touring non stop for a couple of years plus now we play bigger venues so there's less of them but still room for more fans. We will hopefully get a chance to rearrange them it will depend on other things of course...."
Liam spoke over Noel At this point
"Tour was fucking mental, spent most of it off me head. Luckily no press writing shit stories cos I didn't get into too much trouble. Nice cheap drinks too"
"Don't fucking interrupt me"
"Fuck off i'll talk if I want"
The interviewer quickly asked another question to try and stop them going off into a fight.
The new album is selling well and has been at number one for over a month yet the media mainly focuses more on what you get up too, your antics etc and the music is often placed second?"
"If my brother would shut up and not get into shit then the music would be talked about more, but I don't think music mags ignore the music, they talk about it, we talk about it. It's mainly the rags, the daily papers. They want headlines, they want people to buy papers so his (Noel pointed at Liam) antics give them that, the bad boy they love to hate. He needs to fucking stop it, grow up, concentrate on what's important, the responsibilities he has but no it's all about the fights, drink, drugs and sex..." (Liam again butted in)
"Oh fuck off, you're just jealous"
Liam knew the comment about responsibilities was a dig, Noel pointing out he wasn't good enough for Katie. Unless he changed of course
The interviewer's tried to control the situation but it carried on for the whole interview.
After the interview they had time to pop upstairs before the gig but Liam wanted some more drinks Noel grabbed Liam by the collar and dragged him out the bar, they got halfway up the stairs and Noel pushed him against the wall.
"What the fuck ya doing?"
"Being me, the rock star, the fucking king of the world. You did want the situation hidden"
"Aye but still no need to go over the top when she's upstairs, you can get as fucked as you like at the gig but right now calm the fuck down"
"Fuck off ya cunt"
Liam went to storm back to the bar but Noel grabbed him, Liam responded by smacking Noel in the face, Noel decided not to retaliate, Liam couldn't really go on stage with a black eye so he just dragged him to his room.
Noel threw Liam through the door, Liam ended up on his arse but didn't get up.
"Get up dickhead"
Liam looked and got up just to flop on the bed.
"Make yourself useful and pass me a fucking drink"
"Get it yourself you lazy twat"
Peggy couldn't believe the two of them
"Will you both shut up"
Both Liam and Noel had momentarily forgot Peggy and Katie were there.
Noel turned and apologised but made a point in telling Peggy that Liam was the one who caused the problems and was being an idiot. Liam looked at him, stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

** I hope people are still enjoying this story. If anyone has any ideas on improving it cos you are not enjoying it please tell me **

At that moment he felt awful, like his entire life was just falling apart and he couldn't stop it. He decided to grab a handful of pills and some lines before he headed back out plus he knew he had to play the part, switch between two personalities his other five well maybe they might make an appearance. He threw water over his face just as he was drying his hands he heard Katie start to cry. Here we go he thought.
"Liam Katie wants you come on you can't leave her like this"
"Coming mam"
He took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Sorry I just needed a break from that fucking idiot"
He walked over and picked Katie up, he didn't quite know what to do he couldn't just switch from one thing to another in a second, yes he did it sometimes but that wasn't a conscious thing and it was usually when he was angry. Which side was just pretending, wasn't really him.
It seemed like he'd only been sitting down for minutes when Noel stood up and announced it was time to go to the venue for sound check.
They headed off Noel was ignoring Liam, he just couldn't speak to him he knew it would end up in an argument. Noel still had no idea how this whole situation was going to go if he was honest he thought the whole thing was a bad idea and really Katie should be with Kelly's parents Liam wasn't really to be a father he acted like a child himself, he wouldn't grow up. He couldn't even look after himself let alone anyone else. There was one other option but Noel knew Liam would go mad if it was suggested. Noel and Meg could take Katie, they were more stable and Katie would still be with the Gallagher family, but even the slightest mention of that would send Liam mad. He was a walking car crash.
Sound check went as normal, Liam kept disappearing to get drinks but his vocals were still spot on, when they finished they all headed to the dressing room for drinks and a chill out before show time. As usual they got pretty drunk and pretty high. The show went great, they were all spot on perfect and Liam had the crowd eating out of his hand. The after show party was at the hotel, some people Liam knew and some he didn't as usual the band had invited a bunch of fans, it was always better with fans there a lot of the industry people were really boring. The band and the fans pulled four tables together, ordered a load of drinks and Liam called Pez, Liam met him at the back door and bounced back through to the bar with a big bag of various drugs. It didn't take long before everyone was drunk and high, Liam had two girls on his knee and two hanging over his shoulders. A bunch of industry types came over to talk to the band luckily Noel was good at keeping them busy, he managed to insult them without them realising he was actually insulting them, Liam on the other hand would just insult them and tell them to fuck off. Liam noticed a sweet little blonde bird, watching him, there was his chance to escape. The toilets attached to the vip bar were quite nice the little rooms for the girls to get changed and do their make up had nice little couches in so were a lot better than standing up, leaning on a toilet in normal cubicles. He got up, grabbed some coke, a bottle of champagne and the half bottle of jack before walking over to her.
"I think your eyeliner's a bit smudged, maybe I could help you fix it"
He knew it was a terrible line but hey if it worked, it worked.
"And you need champagne and whiskey to do that do you"
He laughed and took her hand, just as he expected she followed him with no argument.
They fell through the doors already kissing, those already in the toilets either laughed or ignored them, Liam pushed open the door to the room at the back, put the champagne and whiskey next to the sink. The girl walked over and took a drink out of the champagne bottle, turned to Liam and smiled
"For some reason I don't think you intend to help me with my eyeliner"
She giggled and Liam pulled her close
"Nah I'm more interested in helping you out of your knickers"
By that point he'd already pulled her skirt up
"You don't waste time"
"Well time is short, they'll miss me soon"
"They'll know exactly where you are, Noel watched us walk away"
Liam put out some lines and pills, after he'd had what he wanted he offered her, she accepted some lines and ecstasy. She dropped her knickers, unbuttoned his jeans and walked to the couch. Liam picked up the bottles and joined her.
Noel was getting bored of the industry idiots but as usual it was him dealing with them the others were too drunk and Liam had fucked off to shag some bird as usual. In the end Noel stood up, wondered around until he found an out of the way empty table and sat down to continue his drinking there.
Liam liked it when girls just let him do whatever he wanted, they would do anything for him. Though sometimes it just passed the time, other times he got lost in it and sometimes he enjoyed himself, this was one of those times.
Various positions later, she was on her knees in front of him with him asking the famous question
"Do you spit or swallow?"
After he took a swig of the jack, fastened his jeans, set out another couple of lines and then began to walk back to the bar.
"Where's Noel? He fucked off to read his books?"
"He's hiding somewhere in the bar I think, he got a bit pissed off with some of the showbiz types so just wondered off"
"Moody bastard"
Everyone burst out laughing and ordered more drinks. The Barstaff came around to say the bar was closing up and it was time for everyone to clear out, most people had gone already there was just a few dregs from the industry, the band, a few fans, and a couple of birds who still hoped to shag Liam. Everyone moaned and asked if they really had to go but the bar manager gave them their marching orders, so they finished up their drinks and Liam got two bottles of champagne to take to his room, he had his eyes set on one of the girls who had been showing interest in him.
"Hey darling fancy taking the party up to my room? Just me and you"
"Lead the way"
Liam laughed and directed her to the lift.
He was kissing her up against the lift wall when the doors opened, he managed to fall out of the lift without smashing the champagne, usually he at least smashed one. As they walked down the corridor he was banging on people's doors and singing, bonehead opened his door
"What the fuck you doing?"
"I'm singing, I'm being a rock star, coursing trouble. I'm being Liam fucking Gallagher"
"Shut up you stupid cunt. Go to bed. You'll get us kicked out"
"I'm going to bed, this pretty little thing is joining me"
"You can't take her with you. You need to sleep the drink and drugs off"
"Nope nope nope I can take her if I want, I can do whatever I want"
Bonehead knew Katie was still in Liam's room, Peggy had gone back to Liam's to get some sleep, Maggie had agreed to watch Katie until Liam got back from the gig. If Liam walked in with some bird it wouldn't go down well and even just going into the room in the state he was in wasn't the best thing but at least it would just be Liam.
"Liam don't you not remember that other bird Katie, you arranged to meet her in your room tonight, she'll be waiting"
Bonehead wasn't sure if Liam would understand what he was saying but it's all he could think of.
Liam dropped one of the bottles.
"What? I don't remember, though it kinda rings a bell, maybe. Are you sure?"
"Yes Liam you sorted it out before the gig, now I'll see this girl gets home and you go to your room."
Liam looked at the broken bottle, suddenly the fun had gone, he just felt shit.
"Ok fine. Sorry love it looks like I've had my orders. Maybe next time eh"
"Oh come on, really, do you have to go?"
Liam kissed her, smiled and bounced off towards his room.
"Come on love, I'll get you a taxi"
Bonehead took the girl back downstairs, ordered a taxi and waited with her till the taxi came.
Liam managed to get his key in on the third attempt, Maggie was sitting in the chair he didn't notice how angry she looked
"Hey Mags, the gig was great, after show started off a bit boring but we soon livened it up. I've got a bottle of champagne you want some? Had two but I dropped one"
"No Liam I don't want any fucking champagne and you're not having any either. Where the fuck have you been?"
"At the after show obviously and suit yourself but I am having some"
He went to get a drink but she snatched the bottle from him.
"What the fuck, give me the fucking bottle"
Before Maggie had the chance to tell him to stop shouting Katie began to cry. Liam stopped dead in his tracks forgetting what he was about to say or do. Maggie watched as reality hit him like a train, like he'd forgot it all and now the memories were just flooding back.
"Shit, shit, shit"
He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands
"Well I was gonna go to my room to get some sleep but you're in no fit state to be left alone with her, you'll probably forget she's there, just pass out on the bed as usual. So I'm gonna make some coffee, see if we can sober you up a bit"
She walked over and turned the kettle on and then she heard Liam speak but it was quiet, scared, worried, he sounded so sad she'd never heard him like that
"Maggie please don't tell Noel, don't tell mam. I'm sorry. Please"
She kept her back to him, she didn't want to look at his face, she was scared that for the first time she might see him looking vulnerable and that wasn't the Liam she knew. She'd seen him happy, angry, mischievous, pissed off, thoughtful but never scared or vulnerable.
"Maggie please"
Eventually she turned around, he just looked lost
"I won't tell them but you can't be doing this, you need to learn to balance things. Think what could happen if I left you alone with her, she's a baby Liam"
"Yes I know I'm a idiot, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, yes she deserves better, I'm not good enough and she'd be better off without me. I know what everyone thinks, I know they don't trust me and probably think if it was left to me I'd be so useless that I'd make a mistake and she'd end up dead. Obviously people don't think I can learn how to look after her as no one's trying to teach me, no one's trying to help me find a balance so maybe I should just do everyone a favour and jump off this balcony"
As he was talking he walked over and began opening the door to the balcony
"Noel's getting into singing now so I'm sure he'll continue oasis without me, he'll probably prefer it that way"
Maggie was frozen to the spot, trying to process what Liam was saying. This was the guy who had more self confidence than he needed, he was big headed, never backed down from a fight, never listened to Noel, he loved being in the band. She knew she needed to move, he was dragging a chair over to the railing, he climbed onto it. For a second she looked at him standing on it then ran over, grabbed his arm luckily with him being drunk and having his back to her she was able to pull him to the floor. She didn't really know what to say so just said the first thing she thought of
"Do you want your daughter's earliest memory to be watching her dad kill himself"
"She wouldn't remember"
"Maybe not but she'd know, she'd know you jumped off a balcony with her in the room. God Liam what is going on? This isn't you"
"You know what, this is me. Where do you think I disappeared to for two weeks, I'll tell you now it wasn't a fun drinking holiday, no I was locked up in the fucking nut house after a what forth suicide attempt"
"My god Liam why didn't you come and talk to me, I would have tried to help. Even if it was just making adjustments to the touring, spending more time with you on tour. I could have tried to help, tried to do something"
He got up and walked back into the room
"Anyway I think this little one wants my attention so I better try to do something right"
He picked Katie up and sat on the bed with her.
Maggie really didn't know what to do, should she call someone obviously not Noel or his mum even though they were probably the ones that should know, Dave had gone to visit family, surely Liam should have a doctor if he'd been in hospital but she was nervous about asking plus if this was recorded officially it might affect his access to Katie, she was sure he didn't really mean he was thinking of walking away. But he needed help.
"Liam look I'm worried about you, you can't go on like this. Have you got medication? Are you taking it?"
"I keep forgetting"
"You need to start taking it"
Katie had settled so Liam put her down and collapsed on the bed but sat back up two minutes later and began to wonder around the room, he was getting frustrated, getting angry in the end he punched the wall
"I need a fucking drink"
He picked up a bottle of jack, Maggie went over to take it off him
"No you don't"
It was like, just for a minute something changed, Liam pushed Maggie away, hard. She fell, banging her head on the table on the way down, there was just this huge anger in him.
"Fuck off"
Maggie sat there in shock, yes Liam was aggressive and loved a fight but he always drew the line where women were concerned, after all he'd been through growing up, what his mum had went through, he wouldn't hurt a woman. Yet here she was, on the floor. She knew something wasn't right, he wasn't himself.
Liam put the bottle down and ran over
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, god i didn't mean it, I'm not my dad, I just, god I'm just so frustrated, I'm angry with myself, I just don't know"
Liam pulled Maggie up and fussed over her head, she told him not to worry, it was just a bump but he still kept fussing. They sat there in silence for a bit before Maggie spoke
"You should get some sleep, you'll be home tomorrow, you need to get yourself together"
Liam nodded, went over to kiss Katie good night and spoke to her.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm trying I promise, I love you and I want you to know I did love your mam"
Maggie tried to pretend she hadn't heard what he said. As Liam crawled into bed he looked at Maggie
"I'm sorry. Thank you for staying"
Before he put his head down he said one last thing
"I know you heard what I said, don't tell anyone"
Liam closed his eyes he was dreading tomorrow.

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