I'm Not Who You Think

By b_writing1d

437K 6.9K 1.3K

*THE STORY IS NOT LIKE DARK* Harry Styles. What do you think of when you hear that name? Sweet? Generous? Hot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Over 7 years later...please read!

Chapter 10

7.8K 96 7
By b_writing1d

Hours later, I woke up with Kate still next to me with everything the same as before we went to sleep. I lifted my head up and peeked over at her to see she was still asleep. I thought I would take a shower cause it had been a few days since I had one. I slowly moved away from her, unconnecting our bodies. I stood up and walked out shutting the door quietly behind me. I walked in the bathroom and pulled back the black shower curtain. I bent down and started the shower setting it to warm. I made sure the bathroom door was shut because I knew Kate would be disgusted if she saw me naked. I removed my clothes and climbed in the shower, closing the curtains behind me.


After my shower, I grabbed a towl and wrapped it around my lower half and walked out. I walked into the kitchen to see Kate was washing the dishes.

"What are you doing?" I asked wrapping one of my arms around her body from the back, and holding up to my waist, the towel with my other free hand. She jumped slightly as I did so and then continued to wash.

"Just doing chores." She replied scrubbing spaghetti sauce off of a plate. I let go of her and reached over to the fossit. I turned it off. She looked at me confused.

"You don't have to." I said smirking at her. Her eyes scanned my body up and down.

"I know. I just wanna make things better now." She said looking up at my wet hair.

"Kate, your fine." I said smiling down at her.

She sighed and turned back to the sink. She turned the fossit back on and began washing the dishes again. I grabbed her wrist causing her to squirm away.

"Go ahead and take a shower. Its been a few days for both of us." I said smiling and letting go of her wrist. She shook her head and continued to wash.

"Kate, what's wrong?" I asked confused looking at her as she continued. Her bottom lip quivered slightly and she put her bottom lip in between her teeth to stop it.


"I just.. Need to get my mind off a few things, thats all." She said finishing up with the last dish.

"About what?" I asked turning the fossit off once she finished the last dish.

"Its nothing.." She said looking up at me and wiping her wet hands on the shirt I gave her to wear. "Ill just go take a shower." She said faking a smile. I nodded my head and watched her as she walked into the bathroom and shut it. I knew something was up, I just didn't know exactly what. Could she actually be unhappy being with me? I know I didn't give a first good impression, but it must mean something after the kissing, saying yes when I asked her out, and always grabbing my hand and entwining our legs.

I sighed and walked back into my bedroom. I listened to the silent echo of the shower starting. I pulled out a grey pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt from my drawers. I looked for something for Kate to wear, but I honestly had nothing. Maybe she should wear what she was already wearing before meaning the bottoms, I'll give her a top, and we'll run over to her house so she can get clothes.

I quickly grabbed a pair of boxers and let my towel drop and slipped them on. I pulled the shirt over my head and put on the sweatpants. I grabbed a comb and combed out my slightly knotted hair. A few drops of water dripped down, so I put on a beanie the way I used to wear it, not worrying about the head-band thing I do. I remembered about the night I had Kate come back here, mine and her cell phones were in my jeans pocket in the corner of the room, so I walked over to both of them and picked them up. I checked to see if they were dead yet. Mine was, but Kate's still had a 19% battery. It said she had many missed calls and texts from Jack, and I'm guessing her friends Stacy and Sophia. I read the messages Jack sent.

"Kate, please tell me your still alive. -Jack" and "Im really afraid now. How could I have let this happen? -Jack" and also ones that he would just send saying to please call him. I grinned knowing I've gotten the sick user away to finally pay his price. Yes, I really like Kate, but my first intention of seeing her was to get back at him. It was then once we came back to my flat for the first time, I actually got to see how she could be. And that right there was a bitch. But she's clearly gotten better. I can't wait to see the reaction on Jacks face once he finds out about me and Kate, and there won't be anything he can do about it. I sat down on the bed and I started looking threw Kate's pictures, not worrying about her friends texts. I noticed some of her in a bikini from the beach.

"Damn." I said out loud smirking at all the pictures. The album she had those in was named "Summer time modeling(; <3"

But my smile quickly turned to a frown once I saw a picture of Kate and a guy kissing. They were at the beach, she had her hair down wearing a hot pink bikini, and he was holding her lower back pulled to him kissing her on the lips. I hope that they were broken up by now or else things would not go well at all. I sighed and continued to look threw the pictures until they finally came to a end. My fists clenched her phone tightly after seeing that picture. Why wouldn't she have deleted it if they weren't broken up? I don't know what I'll do if she was actually cheating. We haven't even been dating for one day, but she could have at least told me she was dating someone before kissing me and saying yes. I leaned back to have my back on the bed. I set both of the cell phones on my chest and just stared up at the ceiling. A million things race through my head. I shut my eyes and dozed on and off for awhile. I then heard the bedroom door creek slightly. I sat up to see Kate with her hair down, slightly damp, and she was wearing what she had on before. I grabbed both of the phones from my chest and unlocked Kate's, searching for the picture.

"Why do you have my phone!?" She asked walking towards me. I then pointed the picture of her and the guy kissing to her face. Her face changed from her normal color, to a pail one. I stood up and pressed my body into hers causing her to stumble back till her back touched the wall.

"You couldn't have just told me?" I said in a raspy voice glaring down at her.

"I'm not cheating Harry." She said throwing her hands up to my shoulders.

"Then what is it?" I asked getting more mad.

"It's me and my ex.. I thought I deleted all our pictures... Guess not." She said biting a small part of her lower lip and peering up at me.

"Are you lying to me?" I asked leaning down slightly to have my face centimeters from hers.

"No. I just skipped that one I guess." She said turning her head to the side to have her cheek face me. I kissed it lightly and backed away, coming to my normal height again. She stepped forward and just stared up at me.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"It's okay." She said nodding her head up and down.

"Why did you and him break up?" I asked curiously grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the bed. I sat down and had her sit next to me.

"I'd rather not .. Talk about it." She said whispering and looking away from me.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked cupping her chin in my hand and having her face, face mine.

"Yes..." She said with a pout.

"H-how!?" I demanded to know.

"Harry, it's alright. I'm alright." She said staring at my lips.

"How did he hurt you Kate?" I asked calmer thinking it would get the answer from her easier.

"What are you gonna do to him if I tell you?" She asked grabbing my hand.

"Depends. Now spill it." I ordered.

"Do I have to?" She wondered. I nodded my head. She sighed and began to talk.

"He uhm.. Slammed my head into a wall..." She started to say closing her eyes shut and looking down at her lap. "And.. He almost broke my wrist." She said holding up her left wrist. I felt anger build up inside me. She could tell cause she jumped when I squeezed her hand tighter.

"What else did the sick bastard do!?" I demanded observing her as she still kept her head low closing her eyes, trying to block the tears.

"I can't continue.." She said opening her eyes and looking at me. Tears quickly streamed down her face. I let go of her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, letting her sob onto my shirt.

"It'll be alright." I said in a supporting voice and kissing her forehead.

She pouted loudly. It seems we sat in that same position for what seemed like hours, her just crying onto my shirt. After awhile, she leaned up finally wiping away her tears. She sniffled a few times and blinked hard 3 times letting the last of tears flow down her cheek before wiping them away again. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"He... Tried to....." She stopped herself from saying and just looked down at her hands.

"Tell me." I said kissing her cheek softly.

"Choke m-me to d-death." She stuttered to say before breaking out in tears again. I grabbed her and turned her so she could have her forehead rest in the crook of my neck, and she continued to cry. I felt the tears soak threw my shirt, but I wasn't even worried about that. I began to shake with anger. Who would do that to her!?

"Kate.." I said in a low moan.

She sat up and looked at me. I gently applied my lips to hers which seemed to calm her breathing. I took my thumb and wiped away a few tears.

"Answer me on this?" I asked kissing her lips again and pulling back seconds later. She nodded her head.

"Where does this sick bastard live?" I asked smirking. He was gonna get his pay back. What goes around, comes right on back.

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