Unexpected Gifts

Oleh Dyn_Arxon

108K 2.8K 104

Throughout his life, he never knew the love of his parents, but he knew he was loved by them. We all know of... Lebih Banyak

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Charter IV
Chapter V
Charter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII

Chapter XXXVI

1.1K 28 0
Oleh Dyn_Arxon

When Harry and Daphne sat at the Gryffindor table with their friends on the morning of the tenth, three birds were quick to swoop down on them.

The soft brown Barn Owl of Minister Shacklebolt they recognized. The Great-Horned and Short-Eared owls, they did not.

Harry quickly took the letters from the birds, yet they remained. They were waiting for return letters.

"Who are they from?" Hermione asked.

Harry passed the Minister's letter to Daphne before opening the other two.

It was several moments later that Harry let out a burst of laughter. He continued to laugh as he shook his head, "Viktor wrote to me. He wants to have a Seeker Off and is going to visit soon."

Draco shook his head, "And the other one?"

"It looks like Ginny's going to have to lighten up on her sister-in-law," Harry chuckled.

Ginny scoffed, "And why is that?"

Harry passed her a letter. It was from Jean Delacour, Head of the French DMLE, and Fleur's father. It stated that he was working closely with his Minister to give help to the growing threat of Voldemort. Lucius Malfoy's close relationship with France gave them cause for concern about their own country. He reminded Harry that he still owed the young man a life debt for his younger daughter, who was now a second year.

"I'll be damned," Ginny groused lowly. "Phlegm went and sent the paper to her father and he's rallying support."

"Harry, Très cher," Daphne smiled at him. "It seems we have a meeting with the Minister today."

Rosie had just come up to them, curious about Harry's laughter, "What's this about a meeting?"

Daphne passed the elder witch the letter from Kingsley. As she read her face shifted from curious to serious and then to stoic. "You two, let's go," She said curtly.

Harry quickly gave the three owls a piece of bacon each, "Go rest up in the Owlery."

The young couple followed Professor Evans up to the Head Table with the letters in hand. They walked to McGonagall and Flitwick, where Evans all but thrust the letter at her mother.

"Ma, they've been called out for the day," Rosie said, her Scottish tongue thick as she spoke lowly.

Minerva scanned the letter before she nodded. "Go. You're both being given a pass to come and go as needed until further notice."

"Thank you, Professor," Harry said before the couple swiftly left the hall as fast as they could.

Daphne was beginning to pregnancy waddle, she was five months pregnant after all. She was only halfway through her pregnancy so she knew the waddle would only get worse.

They slipped through hidden hallways and secret passages, as always, to get around the school quickly. They had shown them to all of their friends and made them study them. Hermione was at least familiar with them from their past adventures.

"How did you bloody find these?" Blaise asked when he was shown.

This prompted Harry to share the fact about his map. He showed them how it worked. He also showed them that he added a few features to the map. He could now ask to be shown any single person, or group, filter students, teachers, visitors, and anyone not supposed to be there.

"Who are Prongs, Padfood, Moony, and Wormtail?" Tracey asked.

Her question brought a sneer out of Hermione, a low growl from Harry, and Daphne rubbed his arm.

"James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew," Daphne said softly. "After myself, they are the youngest animagus' to complete the transformation. James and Sirius were a stag and a Grimm. Peter is a rat. James figured out that Remus was a werewolf and they wanted to be with their friend during his transformations."

"Peter hid as our family rat for twelve years," Ginny said.

"What's done is done," Harry growled. "The rat will get his due for selling out my parents. Remus will ensure that."

They slipped out of a hidden passage behind Barnabas the Barmy. They went to their rooms and changed.

Daphne was dressed in a thick dress and muggle pants. They were comfortable and warm. The dress was a dark gray that paired well with the depth of darkness in Harry's green armor. Her dagger was strapped securely under the dress, his sword hung from his hip.

The armor had become Harry's every day wear. He had points docked for his lack of uniform but he didn't care. He wore his Gryffindor robes around the Castle so he still displayed his House.

Daphne wrapped herself in robes that held their many Crests embellished onto them. Harry hung his traveling cloak around him. He didn't care about showing his Crests, his mate did that for them.

"Dobby," Harry called. The hyper elf popped in.

"Yes, Master Harry?" He asked, excited to be called.

"Take up to the Ministry, please," Daphne smiled at him.

Dobby held out his hand with a warm smile and slight bow, "If yous take hold, Mistress Daphy."

Once they took his hand, Dobby popped them directly into the Ministry Atrium.


Once within the Atrium, Daphne needed a moment to settle. They found that while she couldn't apparate, she could use elf magic to be transported.

"Are you alright, Mo ghràdh?" Harry asked warmly.

She smiled at him, "I am now, Cher."

A floo fired to life, spitting out the blunt face of Viktor Krum. He was followed by a burly man, Alexys Becerra, the Bulgarian Minister.

"Harry Potter," Viktor's voice called loudly as he spotted Harry.

The Bulgarian had grown slightly taller, and his girth body thickened.

Harry, not knowing who called his name, was quick to throw up a powerful Shield Charm. Minister Becerra noticed that, unlike most shields, Harry's was physical. It was a swirling dome of purple around him and the woman he held.

The Bulgarians noticed that the woman was extremely beautiful and heavily pregnant.

Once Harry realized that his friend called his name, he dropped the shield. His arm was wrapped securely around the young woman's waist, pressing her into him.

"Krum, I was about to kill you," His voice held a growl to it. His eyes shone with power, something the Bulgarian Minister noted.

"Njet," Krum shook his head. He strode up to the younger man with a strong stride. "We are friends, no?"

Harry muttered under his breath, the woman hit him for it. "Be nice, Très cher," She chastised him lightly.

"Forgive my rudeness," Harry stood tall, his body strong. "Minister Becerra, I am Lord Hadrian Potter. I will properly introduce myself later on when we are with Shacklebolt."

Becerra grunted in Bulgarian, causing Harry to repeat himself in the language. It was surprising and caused the burly man to chuckle.

They found themselves within the office of Kingsley Shacklebolt a few minutes later. The French Minister and Jean Delacour were already there.

The Frenchman and woman were surprised at the fact that Daphne was pregnant.

"Ah, welcome," Kingsley said as he stood.

Harry only gave him a nod as he helped Daphne into a seat and stood behind her.

"I can only assume that you both speak English, so allow me to properly introduce myself," Harry said in a clipped voice.

"We are Lord and Lady Hadrian and Daphne Potter-Black-Greengrass, Lord and Lady of House Peverell, House Gryffindor, Lord of House Slytherin, and Lady of House Evanshade."

The French Minister gave him a strong look. "Many have claimed such titles before," Her voice held a smooth accent.

"Lady Magic is witness to our claim," Daphne told her lightly.

Monsieur Jean Delacour stood, offering his hand to Harry, "You find yourself healthier than our last meeting, Lord Hadrian."

Harry shook his hand strongly, "A wife and daughter will kick a man into action."

The Frenchman could only nod his agreement.

"You know why we are here?" Viktor asked.

Harry and Daphne nodded. "Voldemort will march on Hogwarts just during the final week of May or the first week of June. He will want us at our most stressed and vulnerable. He will bring Werewolves, Vampires, any manner of other creature he can get, and Death Eaters from the continent," Harry explained.

His knowledge of this seemed to anger the French Minister, "And how do you know this?" She asked, her accent thickening.

Harry stared at her with strong, feline eyes. His voice shook with a powerful growl, "Because the bastard left a part of his soul in my scar the night he murdered my parents. I know how he thinks, how he plans. I have been training and preparing for him my entire life."

"I have removed Bellatrix Black from his army. I have taken gold that was rightfully mine back. I made Lucius Malfoy damn near destitute when I annulled his married to Narcissa Black and reclaimed my moneys and artifacts. You will find that no one has been trying to end Tom Riddle more than I have," He snarled at the woman.

Daphne lifted her hand, taking hold of his own. She rubbed his hand softly as she soothed him in Gaelic. The others watched as she soothed her husband, her voice holding a gentle growl as she spoke.

Shacklebolt let out a low chuckle, "Sometimes, I forget that she's an animagus."

"At sixteen?" Monsieur Delacour asked.

Shacklebolt only shook his head. Harry answered the man, "No, James Potter and Sirius Black trained for four years before mastering their forms in the early and late sixth year. Daphne completed her training in a week last Yule."

Minister Becerra scoffed, "Impossible. No one can complete the training that quickly. The process can take a few months at the least."

"We have had three different weddings. One where our family magicks merged, one where we used a secret Occlumency technique to merge our minds, and an official Ministry wedding over the summer," Harry explained.

"The Occlumency technique was used with the permission of the Ministry and Lord Greengrass because it belongs to their family," Kingsley supported him.

"Are you an animagus, Harry?" Krum asked. "I notice your eyes changed slightly and you growl."

Daphne smiled at the thick Bulgarian, "Harry has an animal form but he's not an animagus. He was born with his form, a trait that his line received from Godric Gryffindor."

"Iolanthe Peverell was the granddaughter of Ignotus Peverell and Godric Gryffindor. She married Hardwin Potter, the first of the seven Potter brothers. He was the first Head of House. The Potter Massacre reduced my family from the main line and six branches to myself, Dowager Longbottom, and Madam Bones. Heir Longbottom and Heiress Bones also hold Potter blood. I have just recently discovered that one of my family lines was orphaned and squibbed, however, Magic has appeared in the branch once more," Harry explained.

Minister Shacklebolt nodded, "I still need you to explain how you're related to Slytherin."

Harry shook his head, "I'm not the only one related to him. Salazar Slytherin tied his line directly with the Evanshade line. They eventually became the Evans family."

"Commander-in-Chief Jamison Russel Evans was my great-great-uncle through my mother, Lily Evans. As such, I am related to Professor Rosilin Evans and Professor Minerva Evans nee McGonagall. Professor Evans has claimed the seats of McGonagall and Ross, claiming me her Heir. She is Heiress Secondary to Slytherin and Evanshade. However, there can be no Lord Evanshade and no Lady Slytherin as they are bound together being patriarchal and matriarchal respectively."

Daphne cut in, "Our political party consists of the Potter-Greengrass, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Evanshade, Greengrass, Black, Malfoy, Longbottom, Bones, Zabini, Davis, Abbott, McGonagall, and Ross seats. We have united Houses from all factions under one banner."

The gathered people were silent for a long time. Monsieur Delacour was the first to speak, "Are you registered? Follow up, would you allow us to see your forms?"

"Daphne wasn't required to register as her animagus form is the byproduct of her legal Occlumency training that melded their minds," He said as he drew his want and expanded his office.

He looked at Harry, "I find that I'm curious about your forms as well."

"You'll need another Expansion Charm but my healer has forbidden me from shifting until I give birth," Daphne said softly.

Harry flicked his stave into his hand, tapping it onto the wooden floor. He tapped it again and the expanded room found the floor space to be tripled. It was now roughly ten meters along on each wall.

"Is such a large space needed?" The French Minister asked.

"Very much, Minister Moreau," Harry said before he took off his cloak. He took the sword from his hip and handed it to Daphne, the stave he held only a moment ago was nowhere to be seen. Not that he entered the room with it either.

He shifted forms as easily as breathing. Although when he shifted he was laying beside Daphne, his large head in her lap.

Viktor cursed in his native tongue, followed by his Minister as Harry stood. His body shook with a low growl as he turned his monstrous head down to his mate, sniffing at her stomach.

"We're okay, Très cher," Daphne said with a gentle growl. Her eyes held a gentle glow to them as her hands held his mighty jaws.

The lion huffed deeply, pulling a soft giggle from the woman, "No, Harry. As Queen Elizabeth has said, you're larger than a stallion."

His eyes flicked to the French Minister,  a low growl falling from him as he pressed his large head against Daphne's side. It was clear that they were communicating mentally.

"You understand him?" Jean asked.

"Of course. We keep our minds joined together most hours of the day. We only block our connection if we are holding the confidence of our family," Daphne answered him lightly.

"Oh, Minister, please add the Weasley family to Clan Potter and Finnegan. The Weasley twins have pledged brotherhood to my mate and Ginny is firm on being one of Seamus' wives," She said to Shacklebolt.

The large lion huffed lightly. She nodded, "I know that Astoria, Flora, and Hestia are also going to become his wives. The four of them are planning to corner him again for contracts."

The lion blinked at her.

"Well, that is a pleasant surprise. I do hope he plans on asking Father for her hand," She smiled. She then chuckled, "Of course, he's waiting for after the war... Please tell me Seamus isn't going to propose to them all over Riddle's dead body."

His ear flicked and her lips pursed as she looked at him, "I will not have my sister proposed to over the body of a megalomaniac. Do you think you can help him do it for Valentine's Day? They are still girls, we like to be romanced."

He must have told her something to bristle her from the low growl that left her lips. "Don't go so easy during his next training sessions," She groused.

The lion huffed and poked his nose into her stomach. She let out a sigh and stroked his head, "You're lucky I'm in love with you, Hadrian James."

"How come you didn't use this during the Tournament?" Viktor asked with a laugh.

Harry changed back before answering the man, "Because I was still keeping it a secret. Not even Hermione knew until the past year."

"Are you going to use that form in the coming battle?" Kingsley asked.

"As a last resort," Harry shook his head. "There are worse evils that sleep with the Isles and on the Continent than Tom Riddle."


"My Lord," Lucius Malfoy said, bowing lowly. "Rookwood and the Lestranges have returned from the continent."

"Wormtail, fetch them," He said sharply with a flick of his hand. His body was scarred from where he was cut and had nearly healed fully. "What numbers do they bring me?"

"The brothers bring the rest of Grayback's pack and another coven of Vampires, they are a small coven of only twenty. Rockwood has gathered a force of two hundred and thirty-five wizards and witches," Lucius explained, still bowing lowly.

Three men entered the room. "You summoned us, my Lord?" The voice of Augustus Rookwood asked.

Voldemort stood from his grand chair, "I have been told you have brought me more followers. You are to have them train under yourselves and Dolohov."

"Yes, my Lord," They all dropped into a deep bow on their knees. They left the room in a hurry to carry out his orders.

The hiss of his serpent echoed in the room as she stood next to him. He let out dark laughter, "Soon, Nagini. We will have Potter begging us for death. He will watch as I cut his spawn from his wife, and as I feed them to wolves."

Voldemort's laughter voice and laughter rang through the Manor. His choice of words caused the newly arrived vampire coven to all look at each other uncomfortably. Maybe they were wrong to follow this man.

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