21♡Risens Ashes (WonMina)⏳

By JeonMina_05

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-All they wanted is only one answer....... "Justice of Non-Human existence" -"Human is such a full of greedy... More



83 12 10
By JeonMina_05


Days later~


Everyone turn around to see Vernon and Sunghoon flopped on the ground after brought two big buckets out from pigs stable.

"I wanna go back to Cubic's!!"

Sunghoon shouted while panting.

Even its only afternoon, and the weather doesnt seems too much hot; everyone already sweating.

And a little weary after three hours working.

"God, I rather hunt a bear than feed a horse."

Vernon muttered until they heard few footsteps coming to them.

And when Sunghoon open his eyes, Tzuyu were shoving her hand to him; sign him to sit up.

So he took it and sit straight, only to realise everyone already surround them.

"We had another few minutes before lunch, just finish whatever left."

Mingyu said made Vernon groan and glares him.

"If I know being a farmer could be this suffocated, I would just eat them."

They chuckles until they realise one of them missing.

"Where's Jeonghan?"

Dahyun asked until Jun wave his hand on air.

"Just let him be; probably at the lake."

Vernon groan again and stomped his feet on the ground before stand up with full of annoyed.

"He's too lucky! His job are just feeding the ducks and throw all corns for chickens."

Everyone probably understand why Sunghoon and Vernon complained so much.

Its not just today, almost everyday now they both keep complaining.

But the others cant do anything to help, being a farmers is the only job that are safe for them.

As long the owner of the farm didnt suspicious on them, they are safes.

Wonwoo was assigned to take care of the horse stable and he wasnt denied; its a peaceful job cause he doing it alone.

Mingyu was assigned to train and control the dogs at edge of farm.

Meanwhile Mina had soft yet careful work; feeding all the babies animals and make sure they are healthy.

Tzuyu are fine to control all the sheeps, making sure they are well behave.

Jun sometimes had a hard time to control the cows cause they are big and hard for Jun to make them follow his order.

While Dahyun are fine to be at bunnies side where everywhere are just bunnies and rabbits, feeding carrots and so on.

The farm wasnt far from their house.

And the owner is a husband and wife.

Mr. Colin and mrs Katie.

They have a baby few months ago and now they were glad that nine of them asking a job to be their farmers.

"They didnt contact us yet?"

Sunghoon asked them as soon Jun sign him to stand up.

"Nope, even samcheon Henry and Junho didnt appear at mirror."

Jun answered while everyone make their ways to one of hunt that closed to the horse stable.

With that, Mingyu and Mina prepare their lunch.

"We're run out of groceries for this week."

Mingyu said after served their plates.

"I'll go. Just list what you need then give it to me."

Mina volunteer while put the foods in the middle of their tables.

"Well, want me to come with you?"

Mingyu offered and before Mina could agree or answer, Wonwoo interrupt them.

"I'll go with her. I assume you need someone to cook for our dinner when you cleaning the house; like you told this morning."

He said make Mingyu humming while thinking what really he has said earlier morning.

"Oh yeah! I need someone that could help me to cook dinner."

Mina was dumbfound cause she dont know what on earth Wonwoo will go with her to buy groceries.

Last time they both go together, was the day everyone went to find a place to work as farmer.

And it wasnt took long time they started to had a small argument.

Talking about time to complish their mission either to be more fast or maybe waiting for the wizards to come back.

Of course Mina and Wonwoo had lots of difference of thoughts.

They even argued when Wonwoo said its better to not waiting for wizards another more days.

But Mina didnt agreed.

She dont like the idea he wanted to change the plan.

With that, they have been argued for an hour until none of them succeed to find a place to work.

"I can help you cook."

Tzuyu lazily raise her hand while started to eat her lunch.

Mingyu feel relieve to know and grin to Tzuyu although she didnt see his face.

"I'll bring Jeonghan trolling some forest around this city and probably will be home before dinner; I assume there must non-human we didnt notice."

Jun said that makes everyone no doubt to agree.

Cause their lecturers always mentioned about non-human living in human's world.

For example; married and family.

There is non-human choose to leave beast's world where they will start their new life with their human's partner and pretend they aren't beast anymore.
Well in fact, they's still beasts and it wont change anything.

And what about their child?

Half-human and half-beast.

It takes big risk to combine two different race.


"I didnt ask you to accompany me here."

Her feet was too stubborn on keep walking through peoples surround them as they're in town that was quite unique as it look ancient for them.

Beside her, there is guy who calmly follow the rythm of her steps walking; just to make him left behind.

But did anyone remind her about his long leg?

He look normal when walking but to her, he pretty fast on keep her speed pace.

"Well you're welcome for that; I'm here just to avoid Vernon's noises."

"Ha, ha, ha, it was nice to had a bodyguard like you."

"I see you're little ashame to admit, that you do appreciate my existence beside you."

Mina stop her track and quickly glare him as she know, Wonwoo would never bothered by how annoyed she is.

"I see you're too confident on yourself."

Wonwoo shrug his shoulder.

"I'm not confident; but I just knew it I'm too better on my own ability."

She groan before take out the list Mingyu gave to her.

"Its better than argue; if you help me buy these heaviest groceries while I'm looking for ingredients to cook."

"I said I'm just accompanied you, not helping you."

Mina look at him again with disbelief gazes.

How could he say that like it wasnt a sin to him? What stuff that sir henry have putted into his brain?

Until he had those dirty mouth to her?

"If I know you can be such a this jerk, I would rather take Jeonghan or Mingyu than you!"

As soon she was about to leave Wonwoo at the middle of town, he catch her wrist.

It may stopped her from walking, but she cant deny her heart was suddenly acting weird.

"I'm just kidding."

Her eyes turn wide.

Which side he said that she could take it as a joke?

She scoff and turn around to face him again.

"But in one condition."

Mina roll her eyes and realise he still holding her wirst, so she softly snap his hand away from her.

And Wonwoo aware of that.


He bend down and smirk.

"Do a spell to call those stupid wizards on midnight at 12 am; with me."

Her eyes went wide again. At same time she look surround them, peoples arent bothered at all when they still standing in the middle of ways.

As she was about to protest, he suddenly snatch a second list from her hand.

"We'll meet again, at here, in just one hour. You late? Go home alone."

Wonwoo playfully wink at her and left the witch alone with several questions in her mind.

But when his figure perfectly gone, she shudder her shoulder.

"What was that wink for?"

Mina suddenly grin her teeth and stomp her feet away at opposite way that Wonwoo took.

She dont know why, she look frustated so sudden when she remember again when Wonwoo winked at her.

And the smirk,

What was the motive for smirking at her?



"Hola hola! Your beautiful black werewolf is home~!"

Vernon without doubt, stomp on closing the door after get inside their dorm only to know living room arr quite empty.

And he can see Tzuyu helping Mingyu cooking like what they agreed afternoon ago.

"What took you so long, Kim Vernon? You said you go to east forest to hunt a deer."


Jeonghan almost make Vernon get heart attack.

Not because his question, but the way Jeonghan just standing upside down on the ceiling.

"Was that necessary to be up there?!"

Jeonghan shrug his shoulder before look at outside window.

The orange sun was hitting their living room.

"The sun was so ugly to my eyes when I'm on couch."

Vernon roll his eyes before put the big plastic bag beside the sink of kitchen.

"You think, hunting take a short time like how you sucked your victim's blood? I'm not a vampire to hypnotise a deer to die."

He answer Jeonghan with sarcastic way after wash his hands.

Before he could take shower, he notice Jun was outside with Sunghoon as the youngest witch were busy on firing the charcoal.

Probably trying to set up a barbeque.

Like Mingyu had suggested when Vernon said he wanted to go hunting.

While Dahyun are quite busy on preparing a table beside Jun and Sunghoon.

"You didnt try to help them?"

Vernon stop at stair to wait for Jeonghan respond him as the vampire still reading a book on the ceiling.

The vampire turn down his book and smirk to Vernon.

"Sweetie, the sun will make me stink. I need to protect my lovely scent of my charming face."

"Charming your ass!"

Vernon stomp to his room and notice again Wonwoo wasnt on his bed.

And few minutes ago, he didnt realise Mina wasnt with anyone too.

Maybe they left something to buy?

Vernon shrug his shoulders and begin to take off his shirt, only to show how many scars on his body.

Its not something to be surprise.

Wonwoo and Mingyu had it too.

But what makes them difference, Wonwoo's face was slightly scratched indicating he was probably often involved rough fights.

While Mingyu dont, his face was perfect.

Many peoples thought he was a vampire cause of his unique fang teeth.

Well actually, Mingyu had lots of scars on his legs.

Mingyu used to fight using his legs than throwing a punch. No wonder some opponent will accidently scratched his leg to make it more pain.

But Mingyu didnt cared.

As long he win, scars are nothing to him.

At last, Vernon had lots of scars on his body cause he often pinned down the opponent until he had chance to kill them.

While Jun and Jeonghan had the most cleaniest body.

Only to see their arms had few scars to prove, the opponent trying to fight when the vampires choking them.

Although Mina, Tzuyu and Sunghoon are witches; only Sunghoon had the scars.

Still its not a surprise, cause they both know how Sunghoon get fight with other witches that keep trying to piss him every recess.

Well Dahyun dont and hopefully dont have scars.

Cause Exo would kill whoever try to leave a scar to Dahyun's skin.

Most of them, probably Kyungsoo.


"There is no non-human detected afternoon ago. Jun and I will trolling around again this night. So dont wait for us on midnight."

Jeonghan said while they in the middle of dinner at backyard.

Everyone does listen to him and just nodding their head. But then Vernon muttered.

"Not like we will stay awake for you both."

Wonwoo and Mingyu glare him when they heard what he said.

Vernon quickly clear his throat.

He sudden think he wanted to change the topic.

"Since we in the middle of eating this, whatever kind of deer are; is there anything more to say?"

His head keep turning left and right to see their reaction.

"Like our fourth hint?"

He added until he success to make everyone started to think.

"To me, I dont care what the fourth hint wanted; I just wanted to leave this country."

Sunghoon said make Vernon twitch his lips and muttered.

"Australia are beautiful, idiot."

"I'll try to contact sir Henry or sir Junho through mirror and asked what was our hint meant for."

Tzuyu said cause she knew Sunghoon wont able to make a serious spell.

All Mina and Tzuyu know is Sunghoon would always use nonsense spell to make everyone fall on his prank.

"Tzuyu and I will do it together."

Jun offered and they didnt surprise how Tzuyu and Wonwoo shared a same expressions.

They both look definetely dont care at all.

But everyone know, they both actually listen and understand.

"So what I'm gonna do?"

Sunghoon asked as he thought no one ever tell him what he actually need to do.

"You and I will find some herbs at town to make a powerful spell."

Dahyun said and Sunghoon wasnt even try complaining.

"As long I can go anywhere alone, I'm happy to fly solo again."

Jeonghan scoff and continue drinking his coffee while staring at the brightest moon on the top of their heads.


Vernon touch his chest while looking at his brothers.

"Like we have planned, we cant stay here for too long anymore. Citizens around here are slowly notice our existence; they keep trying to know us more."

Mingyu said before he glance at Wonwoo beside him.

So Wonwoo added after him.

"Exterminator are now targetting us; so we wont know when or how they will catch us, so we better be ready and solve the hint faster."

Before anyone can interrupt, Mingyu speak again.

"Vernon, you and I will settle on cutting our claw; so we will make sure the claws you had are better than when you were hunting this deer."

Vernon eyes widen.

"What?! My claws is beautiful when its long! You dont know how much it looks fierce when those animals saw it!"

Mingyu glares him.

"Soft way or hard way?"

Before Vernon can even protest again, he thinks twice back.

Right then, he sigh and surrender.

"Fine! I'll cut it by myself! No need to drag me in hard way."

Vernon pout before the silence fill surround them.

But Wonwoo decide to end the dinner quite fast than usual.

"Mina and I will go to middle field to try interact with those wizards. What you guys get aftet this, will discuss tomorrow."

Slowly Wonwoo stand up makes everyone raise their heads to see he was ready to leave.

"Do what you guys should do now; dinner is over."

He left, but none of them try to say something about him. Whoever know Wonwoo, knew he's fine and its natural.

But to the witches and an elf, it takes time to adapt themself to know other's personalities.

Mina would never able to guess what's playing in Wonwoo's mind.

To her, he's so mystery and secretive than her.

But there's something she wonder.

How much big,worst,weight and complicated the responsiblities he carried on his own shoulders alone?

What kind of auro he had behind his back?

As witch, she can feel it.

How many thousands arrows had shot him from behind until he have to act tough?

Was he born to be tough or he never open to anyone?

She was curious.

Too curious until she didnt realise he's the person who make her trust issue to him getting complicated.

What makes Wonwoo have to be cool all the time although he can be wrong?


As soon everyone do what they should do inside their dorm, and two vampires has left; Mina arrives at middle field where she can see Wonwoo.

He was standing with his hands inside his pocket pants while looking at the sky.

He look calm, she can see it.

No burden in his eyes.

But he gazes, he was tired.

"Now, what you want me to do?"

Her voice are so quick echoing his ears that makes him quickly turn around.

He clear his throat and take a step closer to her.

"Like I said earlier, call those wizards."

She frown and look at her watch.

"Its not 12 am yet."

He scoff and bend down a little.

"Change the plan, we need to be fast."

Mina then scoffing too like how he does to her.

"You really love to change anything as you please, arent you?"

Wonwoo smirk and raise his brows.

"For the best only. Besides, I'm not a witch; I'm not born to play with magic."

He stand straight back and take a step back.

"I'm a lycan, beast didnt learn spell. So, do what you know, princess."

She grin her teeth and glares him before look away to find a space to do her magic.

While Wonwoo standing not far from him, but not too close.

He know his boundaries between her.

Mina close her eyes and raise both of her both palms while mutter some spells.

Of course Wonwoo wont understand.

But he's her witness.

He watching a mint pollen dust around her hands and at same time, he felt a little cold.

Was the spell effect her power too?

As the pollen dust suddenly fly to front Mina, it slowly turn into oval that familiar to be like a mirror.

Mina stop muttering and open her eyes.

While Wonwoo quitely standing beside her.

The pollen oval started to show the figures until they both can hear the noises of people's voices.

"Mina noona! Wonwoo hyung! Oppa! Unnie!"

They flinch as soon they heard ten people's voices.

"Didnt say hello yet, they already screamed; very rude."

Wonwoo mutter that only Mina can hear.

She scoff and slowly smile to them.

"Greeting, Itzy, Txt. How are you guys?"

"We're doing great, noona!"

Soobin said with tone that very sure that he was excited to see Mina than meeting Wonwoo.

"Any news about spell for fourth hints?"

Mina ask straight to the point as she knew Wonwoo wont like to make the interact more longer.

Her question then were answered by Lia.

"We're done but we're not sure if its working for everyone at same time. Cause the field are kinda wide for small spell."

"So what do we need to do?"

Wonwoo ask back as Lia's explaination wasnt what he wanted to hear now.

"The spell was actually need some equipments to make it stronger."

Chaeryeong said that makes Mina and Wonwoo getting confuse.

Then, Kai interrupt.

"I dont know if this alright, but...."

He scretch his nape when his eyes met Mina while Wonwoo trying to figure out why ten of them suddenly when silence.

And why they suddenly look nervous and worried.

Mina frown and take a step forward.

She still patiencely waiting.

"But what?"

Beomgyu sigh and clear his throat.

"But maybe its time for you guys to move with not as a team anymore."

Mina eyes widen and Wonwok was dead stunned to speak anything. Txt and Itzy understand Mina's reaction.

She gasp and close her mouth before shaking her head.

"That was absolutely never! We cant seperate into two team again!"

Yeji shaking her head and hands at same time.

"No, not into two team, unnie!"


She can feel her hands getting cold as like she started to use her power.

"We afraid you guys need to seperate into few ways."

Yuna said that added more obejction for Mina.

"Is there any ways than this?"

Wonwoo finally speak after few seconds of controlling his hidden surprise.

"We afraid, there is none. But we promise! It wont take too long!"

Taehyun said and his tone are little consoling Mina to calm down more.

"But if we did seperate soon, does I have a little chance to be with Sunghoon?"

Mina grip her palms, hoping what she wanted is gonna be fine.

But seeing how the wizards getting more worried and axious, she can feel her hopes will fall down.

"We're sorry, unnie. Fourth hint forbid two witches to be together. We're afraid your energy with Sunghoon aren't sync to activate the spell."

Ryujin said and at same time Yeonjun added something.

"The equipments also wasnt for witch to collect alone."

Mina and Wonwoo look at each other in confusion again before look at the wizards back, waiting for the understandment explaination.

"Whatever happend, we might teleport you guys in different race of beast."

Again Mina would be protest about it.

She can sense she might end up be pair with a guy beside her or maybe two werewolfs; maybe can with two vampires.

Could it be with Dahyun, as elf.

"Is there more you guys want to say?"

Wonwoo speak again, but this time, he felt like he wanted to finish the conversation.

The more he listen, the more headache in his head.

Yeji sigh and clear her throat.

"Starting right now, be careful and stick with each other more."

Wonwoo and Mina frown.

Right then, Soobin talk.

"We didnt able to track straykids now; we're worried they're coming for you guys and we're afraid they will find you there."

Their eyes widen and Mina's mind quickly remember peoples inside their dorm.

Wonwoo glance behind them.

Checking how their dorm still bright, signing his brothers and others still find and safe there.

"So be prepare. Never be comfortable much on staying inside Australia."

Kai said that makes Mina more worried than Wonwoo.

"I guess, that's enough. Thank you for sparing your time with us, wizards. Study hard and be smart more than today."

Wonwoo said when Txt and Itzy nodding their heads.

As soon they waves their hands, the portal of pollen dust finally faded like a blue smoke.

He turn his body, only to see Mina was zoning out.


She startle when he snao his finger on her face.

"Stop worrying."

She frown and quickly look at Wonwoo in disbelief.

Mina even cross her hands on her chest.

"Stop? You think its easy?!"

"There is nothing we can do."

"It is! I wont let them or anyone seperate me with my sister and brother!"

Seeing her started to fume, makes Wonwoo decided it will be wasting mkre time.

"Suit yourself, if that's makes you will stop protesting."

Wonwoo suddenly turn around and walk away, leaving Mina in the middle of field.

What's more hurt, is he didnt try to make her feel better.

Of course Mina wont hoping for that.

She just hoping he would be more understanding to her.

"Stuborn ass, lycan...."


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