A Zodiac summer

By Uranusnothere

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What happens when the government decides to put 12 teenagers in one house, let me tell you... Chaos. Follow o... More

Introduction of the Zodiacs (part 1)
Introduction of the Zodiacs (part 2)
Arriving to the house
Time to get to know each other
Pizza night or game night?
What's on his phone?
In the dark
Sleepy days and the surprising guest
Water signs goes buying groceries
Capricorn and nerf guns
The group chat
Pisces wish
A weird day
A weird day, part 2
A day with the air signs
Who knows the Zodiacs better
Who knows the Zodiacs better, part 2
The day before the vacation
Goodbyes and motion sickness
Incorrect quotes and memes
At the hotel
Capricorn's friend
Disney land
The bet
Mission (Im)possible
A b̶r̶o̶s̶ date
A restless night
If the Fire signs got a job
The day Cancer died
Never shop with your girlfriend
The one time we need you
Where is Sunny?
Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought
Midnight party
Smash or pass
Smash or pass, part 2
Sleepover but with the girls
Sleepover but with the girls, part 2
How to succeed a plan
How I found a secret library
How to lure ophi away
Pool party went wrong?!


308 7 69
By Uranusnothere

Sagittarius pov

It's been two days since Taurus and Virgo announced that they were dating. And in two days a whole lot of things happened. For example, Scorpio and Capricorn have gotten closer. And when I mean closer I mean super close. For the past two days they haven't been leaving each other's side. I have also not failed to notice the glares they have been sending to the newfound couple.

Leo and Pisces have also changed, they are always on alert as if something might bad happen.
And then there is the rest of us, who are just following the flow.

"Libra can you come over here a sec?" Capricorn asked from the kitchen.

I sigh a bit. I almost forgot about Libra and Capricorn new relationship. Before they never used to actually talk to each other but now Libra seems to be the person helping Capricorn.

I eyed Virgo who was looking at Capricorn with a hurt look.

It really pained me how much everything had changed. I sigh once again and Aries looked at me in a concerned way.

"Hey, Sag you okay?" My best friend asked slowly.

"Yeah everything's fine, why you ask?" I replied and he frowned.

"You're worried about everyone huh?" He said and I was surprised he figured me out that quick.

"Mhm, it's just I feel like we are all drifting apart, you know what I mean?" I said quietly.

Aries looked at me a second before making a big grin. A grin that meant that he just got an idea.

"Hey why don't we all go to the beach." He said standing up.

"Wait that's actually a good idea." I said also grinning. We both quickly ran over to the kitchen to present our idea to the others.

"You wanna go to the beach? On a Tuesday?" Leo asked surprised.

We both nodded.

"Well I am all in for it besides it might actually make everyone loosen up a bit." Leo said shrugging and I smiled knowing she had the same mindset as us. What can I say, it's a fire sign thing.

"Then that's decided let's call the others to tell them to pack their things." Aries said and we all fist bumped.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

"Remind me why we all decided to go to a beach today?" Aquarius said yawning.

"Because it's fun." Pisces replied entering the mini bus Leo had manage to get a hold of.

"Could you guys go even slower?" The driver said sarcastically pointing at us. She even managed to get a hold of driver even though they might not have been the best choice.

"So is everyone on board?" Libra questioned and we all looked around to see if someone was missing.

"I think so or wait where is Scorpio?" Capricorn said with a sigh.

"Wow um rude, the way you guys just assumed I wouldn't be here when we are going to the beach is offensive."Scorpio said from the back of the bus.

"Anyways let's go." Cancer yelled standing on his seat. The bus driver frowned at the boy. Pisces looked at the boy and smiled widely.

"Yes sir let's go." Pisces agreed also standing up.

"Is it just me or are the water signs acting like the fire signs today?" Taurus said eying the 'new' set fire signs suspiciously.

"I hope we're not getting a new set of them. One set is already enough." Capricorn said tiredly.

Virgo and Taurus agreed much to my horror.

"Hey what do you mean by that?" Aries yelled from the front.

"They don't want to have more of you guys." Gemini repeated loudly.

"Personally I wouldn't either." Aquarius added rubbing her eyes.

"No need to lie you like us Aqui." I said teasing the teal haired girl.

"Shut up-"

"If you guys are done with your wonderful flirting show anytime soon then I would like get on the road. I don't have much time to spend on kids like you." The driver interrupt.

"Just drive then." Leo told the driver.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

At the beach...

"We are finally here!" Pisces said and jumped of her seat.

"You all should put on some sunscreen before you go play." Libra recommended handing Taurus the bottle.

"No, we don't need it besides it takes to much time to put it on." Gemini shouted.

"You will look like a cockroach when you leave this place." Libra argued.

"He already looked like that in the first place." Aquarius quipped.

"Yes that's right and besides my skin can absorb sunlight pretty good so the chance that I get burned are zero to none." He smirked as if he made a good point.

"Did you just agree that you're a cockroach, ugh whatever." Scorpio said.

"Me and Cancer don't need it either. Am I right?" Pisces said giggling. The boy looked at her.

"I guess?" Cancer replied confused.

"I give up on you guys." Libra said out loud.

"Don't worry mommy Libra, me and Scorpio will follow your lead." Aquarius said snatching the bottle from Taurus. She then quickly gave it to Scorpio who used it after several of deadly glares from the girl. When he was done she used it on herself and threw the bottle away.

"Mommy what?" Libra repeated in surprise.

"All done mom what should we do now?" She asked but Libra was too shocked to answer. However Cancer decided to speak up instead.

"First to the water has to pay the other for ice cream." Cancer yelled and he and Pisces took of.

"Who is going to tell them that they have to change before they jump in?" I asked out loud.

"No need, look." Gemini replied pointing at the two signs.

I looked over to see them in the water, somehow already changed in to their swimming clothes.

"Well I see no point in standing here, so let's join them." Libra said returning after he placed our stuffs in a spot.

"Last one in the water is a pussy." Aries yelled and we all ran over to the water.

"Language" Libra yelled after the boy.

"I am not planning on getting wet today." Gemini mumbled going the opposite way. His loss then, I thought and ran after the others.

"Finally you slowpokes are here, what took you so long?" Pisces asked blowing a string of hair from her face.

"First of all-" Capricorn started but stopped as she suddenly got dragged under the water.

"Capricorn!" Libra yelled in terror and jumped in after her.

We saw bubbles floating up and it stopped.

"She died?" Aries wondered out loud.

Cancer shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Of course not, where is Taurus and Virgo?"

"I guess it's safe to assume that this is the earth signs doing?" I said nervously after a while.

I looked around to see Capricorn coughing loudly.
"You guys could have killed me you know."
She coughed at the her fellow earthies.

"It was her/his idea." They said accusing the other. They both eyed each other before bursting out laughing.

"You should have seen your face it was hilarious." Virgo snickered.

That was the last time I saw him that day as he got chased by the younger girl.

"I am tired, wanna go build a castle with me?" Pisces asked her fellow water sign.


Aries coughed. "Let's make a competition, whoever makes the most beautiful sandcastle wins." Me and Leo nodded.

Pisces glanced at Cancer. "Who said you were allowed to join?"

"So me, Sagittarius and Leo vs Pisces and Cancer." Aries decided while ignoring her.

"Wait we need one more to make the teams equal." Cancer said acting like Libra. To be honest Libra is the only one who cares about peace and that stuff.

"But who?" Leo questioned.
We looked around to see Virgo running and Capricorn chasing him with Taurus straight behind them. Aquarius and Scorpio were burying Gemini, who had decided that he could take a nap on the sand. All our eyes stopped at Libra who was sitting all alone under a tree.

Without even thinking about it twice we all knew he was the one who would join us.
We rushed over to him and prepared our cute faces.

"What the fudge is with you guys faces?" He asked surprised.

"Please play with us Libra." Leo plead.


"Please." Cancer plead surprisingly as well.


"Pretty please." I joined pleading.

"No and stop with the faces, it's embarrassing."

"Listen up man you're going to play whether you like it or not." Aries said bittersweetly.

"Not with that attitude nuhu."

"Libra." Pisces started but caught herself off guard by coughing.

"Sure I am coming." He said standing up. That boy dared to say that he didn't have any favourites.

"Simp" Aries mumbled before earning a glare that shut him up.

"So are we going to start?"

No one's pov

Aquarius and Scorpio were walking around on the beach eating ice cream.

"That's not the proper way to eat an ice cream you know." Aquarius said looking at the boy.

"So you mean that biting the ice cream is it?" He replied.

"Yes, I mean who even licks it now days?" She asks and rolls her eyes at the thought.

"Wait is that Gemini over there?" The boy asks pointing at the blond.

"Stop avoiding the question and for your information yes that's Gemini laying, lonely on the ground." Aquarius said running over to the boy.

"Let's throw him in the sea." Scorpio said and Aquarius agreed.
Together they both carried the older boy to the water. Sadly enough the boy woke up right before the could toss him in to the sea.

"Hey what are you doing let me go." He yelled looking at the water in shock.

They look at each other.
"If that's really what you want then."
They both let go of him.

Gemini looked around and saw himself in the water. His mind went back to that one time that he keeps dreaming about. The time he was to late to save her.

The boy stood up with tears noticeable in his eyes and carefully backed away.
His friends noticed there was something wrong and tried to talk to him but he just ignored them.

"That was weird." Aquarius said and Scorpio nodded.

"Let's follow him."

And they followed the boy.

Meanwhile Gemini was running around at the beach. Sadly his running streak ended as he tripped over a rock and fell on the sand.
He laid down there for a couple of minutes, calming his nerves.
"Shh it's okay." He heard someone whisper as he slowly drifted into sleep.

"Why is he laying on the ground again?" Scorpio asked pointing at the blond boy.

"I don't know but I feel like we shouldn't have done what we did." Aquarius replied ashamed.

"For real, I feel like we might have triggered something." Scorpio said with a sigh.

"Let's bury him so he doesn't feel any cold." Aquarius said and they both grinned as they happened to have the same thoughts.

Sagittarius pov

The sandcastle competition when so great, if you forget the part that both teams cheated to win.
What started as a nice game ended in a disaster. First of all, the spot we decided to build or castle at was the exact same spot the other team had decided. So we talked and after a bit of bickering, we decided that we could share the spot.

As we were building someone*cough* Pisces accidentally hit our castle with their leg as they were turning around. Then Aries accidentally pushed Cancer on their castle. After that a sand ball fight broke out. That was until Libra, who was the only one not participating got hit in the eye. This made the pink hair scream in pain and we all tried to calm him down.

"Someone call Capricorn or something." Cancer said over the wailing and Leo quickly took off to find the said girl.

"What happened here?" The younger girl asked when she some minutes later arrived with Leo behind her.

"We had a sand ball fight and he got some in the eyes." Aries said filling her in on what had happened.

"You all seriously had a sand ball fight, wow I am not even surprised at this point." She said, scolding us for our foolishness.

"Can you scold us later and help him?" Pisces asked and Capricorn sighed lightly.
She then pulled out an eye washer from her handbag and proceeded to watch the sand out of his eyes.

"So all done." She said with a small bow and we all applauded.
She looked at the clock and then told us to gather everyone for our leave.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

"So is everyone here?" Leo asked as we entered the bus again.

"Yeah I think so." Taurus replied.

"Let's go t-" Aries said but before he could finish the sentence someone banged on the door. It was Aquarius and Scorpio carrying Gemini on the back.

"You guys tried to leave us?" Aquarius asked with a hint of disappointment as they entered the bus.

We denied. "No."

"It's okay this is basically everyday for me." Scorpio said shrugging before looking at all of us. He snickered and nudged Aquarius to get her attention. When she looked at us she also proceeded to snicker quietly.

"You all look like burned cockroaches."She said as she placed Gemini on a seat. She then took out her phone and snapped a picture of all of us.

"We what!" Cancer said and went over to see the picture. He gasped dramatically and fell to his knees, begging her to delete it.

"What it can't be that bad, right?" Aries gulped before looking at the phone in terror. "Oh my gosh is that me?"

"Yes I told you guys you would look like cockroaches if you don't apply your sunscreen."
Libra said sighing tiredly.

Suddenly the bus started moving and we all feel on each other.

"I like this view I get from everyone." Gemini snickered, who had woke up from the incident.

"Ew get a room." The driver said angrily.

"Couldn't you have given us some warnings beforehand?" Leo mumbled loudly.

"Well you guys were taking a lot of time so I thought I speed up the process a bit." He replied bitterly.

"Whatever I am tired, inform me when we are at home." Cancer said drifting away.

I adore the new friendships that we have gotten introduced to.

So a little side information, I have decided to change the name of this book to, A zodiac summer. The reason to that is because I simply thought the current title is boring and I have seen a lot of stories with the same title as well.

I also wanted to shorten this books length and decided that it's only going to be about their summer and that I might, notice that I said might...do a separate book about them starting Zodiac high or whatever I am going to call it.

But enough of that hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any questions feel free to ask them.

Happy Easter everyone!


Edited, 2023/06

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