Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian...

By Katelyn2910

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At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sixth year is the first year in which students take N.E.W.T... More

Chapter 1 - Olive Branch
Chapter 2 - Welcome Back
Chapter 3 - Checkmate
Chapter 4 - Choice
Chapter 5 - Back to Class
Chapter 7 - Answers
Chapter 8 - Poachers
Chapter 9 - Secrets
Chapter 10 - Library Venture
Chaper 11 - Coming Clean
Chapter 12 - The First Relic
Chapter 13 - Friendly Competition
Chapter 14 - The Hufflepuff Cup
Chapter 15 - Her Move
Chapter 16 - Dreaming
Chapter 17 - The Second Relic
Chapter 18 - The Moon and Stars
Chapter 19 - Vivarium
Chapter 20 - An Old Friend
Chapter 21 - Pains of the Past
Chapter 22 - Christmas in Feldcroft
Chapter 23 - An Ominous Return
Chapter 24 - Slytherin's Locket
Chapter 25 - Encounter
Chapter 26 - A Starry Night
Chapter 27 - Family
Chapter 28 - Light and Dark
Chapter 29 - The Third Relic
Chapter 30 - Kindred Spirit
Chapter 31 - Blaine's Plan
Chapter 32 - Expecto Patronum
Chapter 33 - Helen Thistlewood
Chapter 34 - Azkaban
Chapter 35 - Ravenclaw's Diadem
Chapter 36 - Our Magic
Chapter 37 - Realisation
Chapter 38 - What We Do For Love
Chapter 39 - The Final Relic

Chapter 6 - Since We Last Spoke

317 9 3
By Katelyn2910

When I had finished for the day, I started to head straight for Hogsmeade.
It would probably be a bit early for Sebastian to be there, but I wanted to get there as soon as I could.
I still had to get my story straight. Was I going to tell him everything? or just the important bits?
What even were the important bits?

It didn't matter though, as I was suddenly greeted by an Owl from Professor Weasley.

Could you please come see me at your earliest convenience.
I wish to speak to you about your first day back.

I rolled my eyes, it was like I was the new student all over again. Surely there were first years that she could talk to instead.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Professor Weasley, in fact, she was the one I trusted most after Fig. Especially since she now knew to some extent what had been going on last year.

I quickly started heading over to the transfiguration classroom, wasting no time as I didn't wish to make Sebastian wait.
When I got there, I got Deja Vu as I saw Professor Weasley talking to Deek.
I walked over, Professor Weasley noticing me almost instantly.

"Ah, hello Miss Black" she greeted, her kind smile putting me at ease.
"Hello Professor, hello Deek" I smiled back, nodding towards the house elf
"Deek was just informing me of the wellbeing of your animals. Seems they have been just fine during your break" she continued
"Thank you, Deek. I will be sure to check in with them as soon as I can" I faced the house elf once again, to which he nodded with a smile before disappearing.

"I do hope you start visiting your Room of Requirement more frequently this year, as your N.E.W.Ts are a lot more challenging than your O.W.Ls. However, given how you passed with flying colours after only one year, I wouldn't stress yourself out too much." she got up, making her way around her desk so that we were both facing each other, once again giving me Deja Vu.

"I wanted to speak to you about how you are doing. While I have heard that you are keeping up, both Professor Sharp and Professor Garlick have noticed your mind seems to be drifting elsewhere." she paused for a second, registering the look on my face, but I didn't say a word.
"Given what happened last year, I understand that it took quite a toll. You went through a lot. I just wanted to let you know that the other Professors and myself are aware of the situation and willing to help however we can." she continued, walking forward and placing a friendly hand on my shoulder.
I smiled at her, but I couldn't help the pit of dread in my stomach. The last Professor that got involved with this died. I couldn't risk that again. Not with Professor Weasley.

"Thank you, Professor, but I am fine. I think it's just taking some adjusting. I can assure you that I will be back to normal tomorrow." I smiled
"That is good to hear. But my offer still stands. I am always here to talk." she took away her hand, stepping back slightly.

"From what I understand you have also made some friends. I do hope you can confide in them as well. We do not recommend involving students in dangerous activities such as last year, but I'm sure they will listen if you wish to talk." she added, to which I nodded eagerly.
I didn't want to involve any friends in danger, or anyone actually.
But if she thought I was somewhat confiding in others, maybe she would drop the issue in the future.

"I will, Professor. In fact, I had arranged to meet Sebastian in the Three Broomsticks after lessons to catch up" I explained, hoping that she would take the hint.
"Sallow?" she asked, her eyes seemed to hold both confusion and surprise, but I nodded eagerly nonetheless.
"I'm glad to know you have become friends since your venture to Hogsmeade. I do hope the two of you stay out of trouble"
I nodded again, a little slower, not really knowing what to say. Our friendship really had blossomed since then, but with everything that happened, I didn't know if the term friend really covered it.

She seemed to sense my unease as she sighed, smiling slightly.
"Don't worry, I'll let you go now. Can't keep Mr Sallow waiting now, can we?"
"Thank you, Professor" I said, turning to leave
"Please think about what I've said. I know Professor Fig was secretive, and I understand why, but know that there are still people you can trust"
I froze slightly after she said this.
Professor Fig had said something similar just before he....
"I will. Thank you." I smiled, leaving quickly.
When I finally got to Hogsmeade, I took a deep breath, taking in the magic of the place.
It truly was something that couldn't be explained.
It just felt like home.

I didn't stop for long though as I made my way over to the Three Broomsticks. No doubt Sebastian was there by now, even if I had flown here on my broom.

I opened the doors to be greeted by the familiar scene that had seemed so strange on my first day last year.
There were people sitting at tables, Butterbeers in hand, laughing. There wasn't a frown in sight.
I looked over to the bar, and smiled when I saw Sirona at the bar, cleaning a glass. And sat in front of her was Sebastian, with two Butterbeers in front of him.
He seemed to be having a pleasant conversation with Sirona, his face seeming calm as he talked to her.
I almost didn't want to interrupt, just sit and listen to him with that look all day.
But, that was ruined when Sirona caught eyes with me, instantly changing her expression to one of a more greeting manner.
"Well if it isn't the saviour of Hogsmeade. Come to slay another troll?" she smirked.
Sebastian's head whipped around, grinning as he met my eyes. I returned the grin as I started heading over, sitting beside him.

"Good to see you, Sirona" I greeted.
Sebastian slid one of his Butterbeers over to me, to which I looked at him in confusion.
"Thought I'd get the first round since I came early. Didn't think you'd be so long" he said, clearly trying to tease me about the fact I was late.
"Thank you" I smiled, taking a large, well-needed sip from the jug. It had gone quite flat, but it was still great nonetheless.
"Professor Weasley suddenly wanted to see me after class, which caused a slight hiccup" I continued, which made him chuckle.
"You're never going to stop being the new student, are you? Getting called back all the time. What was it that she wanted to check on now?" he asked
I took another large sip from the jug, but this time it was more of an attempt to avoid his question.
I hadn't exactly planned on jumping straight into the conversation, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later.

I slammed my jug down as I finished it, earning a surprised look from Sebastian as he still had some of his left.
"Can we go sit upstairs? Somewhere a bit more private?" I whispered, leaning in so that only he could hear me.
He didn't say anything, only nodded before gulping down the rest of his Butterbeer and following me up the stairs.

Thankfully, the entire top floor was empty, with a lot of the people remaining on the main floor.
Sebastian and I quickly took a seat, which evidently made us sit across from each other. There was no way I could avoid his eyes now, which made my idea of lying all the more difficult.

As soon as we were both settled, Sebastian leaned forward, clearly eager to know what this was all about.
I hesitated though, taking one last look around to make sure that whatever was said next couldn't be overheard by the wrong people.
But when I thought about it, I didn't even know who those people could be. There was no Ranrok, no Rookwood. Yet, for some reason, there was a feeling in my chest that made me want to keep all the information I knew locked away. Hidden so that no one could be harmed.
Which made it all the more difficult to try and look Sebastian in the eye as I decided what to say.

Finally, I took a deep breath and looked at him. His eager and encouraging gaze made me feel warm and safe, like nothing I could say is half as bad as I think.
Like we were always in this together.
Which I really hoped to be true this time.

"After dealing with Ranrok last year, I hadn't seen any traces of ancient magic..." I started, to which he nodded slowly.
"I thought that meant that it was over. I ended up choosing to contain the repository, hoping to keep it safe until the time was right..." I trailed off, seeing a flash of disapproval appear on Sebastian's face. I knew how he felt about the power, but in my mind, it was better left as it was for the moment.
If it was needed, I knew where it was.
"But something is happening again. I'm not quite seeing traces of ancient magic anymore, but getting very vivid dreams. And I don't know what it all means, if anything at all." I was speaking in a hushed voice now, trying to hide the slight hysteria I was feeling saying this out loud.

"We all dream, Em. Last night I had a dream that I was-" he cut himself off, clearing his throat as he looked away. I had to hold back a laugh as he clearly almost embarrassed himself.
Now I just wanted to know what he dreamed about.
I had to stay focused.
"With everything that happened, you're sure to get the occasional dream" he continued.
"I know that. And I'd be lying if I said it hasn't plagued my mind for months now. But what I'm talking about is different, Sebastian." I insisted.
"Different how?" he asked, to which I paused. Now was the time for details. And looking at his face, I just couldn't tell him.

"I wake up in different places, firstly being surrounded by swirls, much like in a pensive. The scene takes shape and before I know it, Isidora is there" I explained, trying so hard to make sure I don't slip up on the exact details of where or what I see.
Thankfully, Sebastian seemed too concerned with the details I was telling him.
"Isidora? The one that we were chasing with the triptych?" he asked, to which I nodded, happy not to have to explain all of that from the beginning.

"She stands beside me, shows me things, then tells me how I could change it. How I can do things that others are not willing in order to help. She wants me to use the power I sealed away, Sebastian. But I don't know why this is happening now." I finished, feeling fear bubble up inside me as I relived the nightmares.
I leaned back in my chair, hoping it would relax me, but all it did was help me to notice how my hands had balled into tight fists, like it would protect me from what is to come.
Sebastian sayed in place, not moving for a while as he thought on what I'd said.
He looked at the floor, his face twisting slightly as he pondered on what to do.

Eventually, he asked me a question that I had imagined only he would want to know.
"Do you really think the magic you sealed away can help people?"
He wanted to know if it could really help Anne.
I sighed, the dream coming back to me. The soulless eyes she'd had.

"I cannot say for certain. I know far too little. But what I can say is that when Isidora took her fathers pain, she took more than that. She took his ability to feel at all. I know pain can be an unbearable thing, but to feel nothing at all, to become a shell of yourself... that seems like a much worse fate to me."
I explained, to which Sebastian nodded sadly, seeming to agree with my decision for now.

"Have you spoken to the keepers about this?" the next most obvious question, a bitter tone twisted in his words.
He still didn't have a problem with showing his distaste for them.
I shook my head.
"Not yet. I want answers, but if I tell them it is Isidora, I am scared that they may see this as a threat and -" I stopped quickly, realising I had never told him what had happened.
After the final trial, I had received Ominis' owl about Sebastian and then everything with Solomon had taken place.

It had never occurred to me that I never even mentioned the last memory I'd been shown.
But it seemed that Sebastian was quick to realise where my sentence was going.
"They would hurt you over some dreams? I thought they were there to guide you?" his voice had raised slightly, making me wince in surprise.
"They are there to protect the repository. I may be the one with the secret now, but they are quite protective over what the power is capable of" I quickly defended, I may not agree with their methods, but with everything that happened I was quite desperate for their help, given that there was no one else who knew what was at stake.
Sebastian wasn't having it.
"Sounds more like they're scared to me. You are the only one that can actually wield the power, meanwhile they're pieces of enchanted canvas that has been sat there for hundreds of years. I'd like to see them try and kill you." he scoffed, making me confused as to whether he was insulting them or complimenting me. Maybe a bit of both.

I leaned forward, playing my hands on his arm resting on the table.
We both stared into each others eyes intensely, determination in mine while irritation swirled around his.
"You're right. But that makes me the only living keeper. I do not have the knowledge they have, and that knowledge may be the only thing that can keep this magic safe. I need to talk to them, I just need someone to know what the risks are if I do." I explained calmly, not once looking away.
The emotion in his eyes changed to one that I couldn't recognise before he looked down at my hands still placed firmly on his arm.
"Please, Sebastian. You're the only one I trust with this. I need your help with finding out what these dreams could mean. And if something happens with the keepers, I want you to inform Professor Weasley about everything I have told you." I was practically begging at this point.

"I will help you. But I need you to let me do one thing" he started, still staring at my hands. I tightened my grip as I leaned forward.
"Anything" I urged him eagerly, not truly thinking about what he could possibly ask me.
He looked up as he prepared to ask, the determination I'd had before clearly rubbing off on him.

"When you go to speak to the keepers. I go too"

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