Lost in memories || Harry Pot...

By ToTiredForShit

94.2K 2.7K 960

Diana Potter, though a year younger, had the best bond with her brother James. They where best friends. And I... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Inimicos amantes
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Small interception
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58

Part 27

1.6K 43 46
By ToTiredForShit

Outfit of the day:

"Poppy? Po- oh, there you are, I wondered if you have something for me, I keep coughing and it get quite irritating." Diana walked into the hospital wing the day after the feast.

"Oh, yes of course, dear." Poppy walked towards her supply closet and Diana's eyes roamed around the room when behind her she suddenly heard people loudly laughing.

She turned around to find Lee and Pippa laughing their asses off while Fred and George had long grey beards, showing them off proudly.

"Most impressive yet." George showed off and it made the two laugh even harder. Lee spotted Diana and immediately came over. "Andy! Look what happened! They tried putting in their names, and now they're totally screwed up!"

"What was even your plan?" Diana asked with a raised eyebrow. "Aging potion of course!" Fred flipped his long grey hair dramatically.

Diana heard a small gasp behind her. "Oh, not again!" Poppy pushed a bottle into Diana's hand. "Take this, one sip each day before breakfast." She told her.

"Oh, not this again. I already had two before you." She ushered them onto beds. "This is just one of those stunts those other four imbeciles would have pulled." She grumbled and Diana smiled sadly at these words.

She knew those four imbeciles really well.

"Are you alright?" Diana looked at Pippa on her left. "I'm fine, Pip. Don't worry." She smiled and combed her hand trough Pippa's hair with kind but sad look in her eyes.

She in fact did not know how happy she made Pippa with this gesture. She finally had a mother figure in her life, her biological mother, in fact.

The woman who was combing her fingers trough her hair in a mother like way, smiling at her like on would smile at their child when telling them everything was going to be alright.

Pippa looked down, bitting her bottom lip to prevent herself from grinning widely. She was almost disappointed when Diana took her hand back to herself.

"I'm still disappointed none of us could get in, though." Lee complains. "Oh please, what did you expect?" Pippa sneered.

"Well I had hopes, thank you very much." He sneered back and Diana laughed silently and shook her head with closed eyes.

"You two take this, oh, and Diana, I need you to give this to Minerva, tell her it's from me." Poppy handed a note to Diana and she smirked.

"I shall not read this, just in case-"

"PO- DIANA!" Poppy scolded and Diana chuckled and walked of. She couldn't even recall how many times the Marauders had asked the two if they where dating or if they where married.

The women had continued to tell them no, which they did not take for an answer.

Diana walked out with a huge grin on her face. She delivered the paper at McGonagall office, who looked at her suspicious because of her grin, and then headed to her own office.

Not long after, knocks sounded on the door. "Come in!" She called and Pippa came inside, a smile plastered on her face. "Hi." She greeted.

Diana pushed away the book she was reading. "Hey, can I help you with something?" Diana asked kindly, she mentally cursed herself for saying it, it was more teacher like then mother like.

"Uhm, no. I just wanted to stop by." She still stood in the doorway, a bit hesitant.

"Then come in, have a seat." Diana stood up and walked over to two comfortable chairs in the corner of the room.

They sat down and Pippa had a huge smile on her face. "So, how was your day?" Diana asked, not really knowing what to say, though her own mother asked her this a lot, so it should be right, right?

It wasn't long till the question was answered because Pippa immediately told her about her day, what she did, what she liked, why she absolutely hated Pansy Parkinson.

"Look, I don't want to be that person... or mum, however you want to call it... but how's the love life? Any interesting boys? Or girls, I'm don't care." Diana bend a bit towards Pippa who suddenly turned red.

"Oh Merlin, there is! That's amazing who is it?" Diana grinned at Pippa who holding her hands over her face. "I don't have a crush on him!" She quickly said.

"So it's a him?" Diana grinned, Pippa looked flustered and embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart, you don't have to tell me." Diana smiled.

"I don't know if I really like him, or that I'm just being a stupid teenager, I can't decide who I love at this age." She mumbled and Diana huffed.

"Oh please, yes you can. I in fact started my  crush on your father around this age." Diana winked and Pippa looked surprised.

"Really? Tell me more." She said excited and Diana chuckled. "You want to whole story?" She asked and Pippa nodded.

They spent the afternoon together, Diana telling Pippa the story about how she loved Regulus Black. She stopped at a certain point.

"Hey! Don't stop now." Pippa said. "It was getting good! It's really sweet and cute." She said with a dreamy voice.

"I don't think you're going to like the remaining of the story, it's mostly sad and dark except for one small part..." she trailed of.

"Then tell me about that part, you can tell me the sad part another time." Pippa suggested and Diana shook her head. "I don't think you want those details either." She chuckled and Pippa looked at her with a weird face.

She seemed to think it trough before suddenly realisation landed on Pippa's face.

"Please don't tell me that that was when I- oh Merlin, no I do not want those details." She said and Diana laughed.

They talked a bit about school, when Pippa started again about Pansy Diana had shrugged and told her "I'm a teacher, I am not allowed to talk shit about students... but your maybe a bit right."

Pippa had chuckled "it's like the rivalry between Malfoy and Harry but then genderbend." She said and Diana laughed.

"Talking about Harry, isn't he my cousin? By blood, because you're his fathers sister." Pippa looked at Diana who nodded. "Indeed, and- not by blood— but you're also like Neville's family, mostly because he's my godson." She explained.

"I never knew that! We really need some family bonding time!" Pippa laughed. "And we need to invite Luna to because you like her! You always have these little talks and giggles together." Pippa pointed out to which Diana nodded.

"When the cat's out of the bag, we'll have some family bonding time, we'll invite Sirius along with it." Diana grinned but then she saw Pippa's horrified face.

"Sirius? As in Sirius Black?" Her voice was hushed as if scared to say the name out loud, Diana gasped, she completely forgot that Pippa did not know Sirius was innocent.

"Oh, completely forgot about this little detail..." Diana said before explaining the short version of the story to Pippa.

To say Pippa was shocked would be a huge understatement. She has always though that Sirius Black— her uncle— was very  guilty of being the cause of murder to James Potter— her other uncle— and Lily Potter— her aunt by marriage—

"Yeah, not many know, though Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione and Don do, oh and Remus, of course." Diana explained.

She was in fact waiting for a letter from Sirius. He had sent her a very small one that said.

Don't owl me, only when I owl you and tell you that you can do it, try preventing that nephew of yours to do it to, please.

I'm heading for Spain, hope to see you some time soon,

Much love,

"It's almost time for the big announcement, I'll see you in the great hall." Diana stood up and led Pippa to the door.

"See you later, bye, mum." Pippa waved and Diana's heart stopped, "bye, sweetie." She said, in a bit of a whisper.

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Diana quickly rushed trough the halls, she forgot about the time and now she was late to the dinner. She hoped the doors where still open because those bitches make a loud noice when they close.

She entered and everyone was eating, some looked up when she arrived and Diana came up with a plan in her head, knowing that McGonagall will see her coming late as a 'bad impression' on the other students.

She walked over to the staff table, smiled at Madam Maxime, ignored Karkarof and nodded at Ludo and Barty Crouch.

She stood next to McGonagall and whispered to her. "Sorry, I'm late, I'm just acting like I'm telling you something important so if you'll stand up and walk out dramatically with me, I'd really appreciate it." Diana said and McGonagall stood up and did just that.

Whispered came around the hall, wondering what could be happening why the two of them walked out.

When they walked into the hall, they turned a few corners before just standing there and doing nothing.

"Why where you late, you know we have a reputation to hold up now!" McGonagall scolded.

"Hey, Minnie, look. I was reading a book, lost track of time and came anyway. Seeing you want to be cool for the other schools, I thought to play it if as something important and act like we handle it like professionals." Diana grinned.

"More then a decade has past and you're still unbelievable, Potter." McGonagall sighed. "Oh, I know, learned it from the best, you might know them." Diana said, giggling.

After a while they went back, sat down, and acted like nothing happened at all.

Soon enough, Dumbledore announced the goblet would be ready to announce the championship in about a minute. He then explained what you ought to do when your name was called.

Diana herself was rooting for either Cedric Digory or Angelina Johnson. Dumbledore swung his wand around and almost every candela end out, excluding the pumpkins.

The hall now glowed mostly blue and Diana was tapping her nails on the table anxiously. "Can you not?" McGonagall asked. "I'm anxious." Diana replied. "Well, you're making me anxious." McGonagall said and Diana just shrugged.

Suddenly the fire turned red and a paper came flying out. Dumbledore caught it and read of of it.

"The champion of durmstrang," he read in a loud and clear voice "will be Viktor Krum!" He called and cheers and applause swept trough the hall. "No surprises there!" Diana heard Ron yell.

The boy came forward and shook Dumbledores hand. He then walked along the staff table and disappeared trough one of the doors into the next chamber.

The goblet turned red once more as flames shot from it. A paper fell into Dumbledore hand and he read aloud.

"The champion of BeauxBatons" Dumbledore read. "I'd Fleur Delacour!" He said and there where cheers. Though Diana saw many of the other BeauxBatons look sad and some even cried.

Diana looked at Pippa who was cheering very loud for her friend and smiled. Fleur had to walked into the chamber and everyone looked at the goblet with anticipation.

It turned red, the flames wildly shot out from it and when Dumbledore caught the paper, the tnetion was high.

"The hogwarts champion, is Cedric Diggory!" He called and there where multiple reactions, hufflepuff cheered loudly but most of the other houses just looked annoyed and disappointed.

Diana cheered anyway and smiled at the boy who was walking to the chamber. She herself was about to go over there to congratulate the three, skipping Dumbledores speech, but to her utter shock, the flames turned red once again.

A ripped paper flew out and Dumbledore caught it. "Harry Potter." He said and Diana's heart sunk as tears of realisation formed into her eyes.

All she could think about was that Harry could not participate in this tournaments she could not lose him.

McGonagall had gotten up and was now whispering to Dumbledore.

There where whispers which Diana barely noticed, her eyes focused on Harry who sat there in pure shock. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called louder this time. "Harry, up here if you please."

Hermione ushered Harry to the front and he looked around in shock as he took the note. Diana sat frozen in her seat as Harry looked at her as he walked past, scared for what was to come.

She sat there for a few moment before McGonagall came next to her and told her she should also come down to the other room.

Diana slowly nodded and stood up, walking trough the door with McGonagall. Fleur Delacour immediately came of to Madam Maxime.

"Madam Maxime! Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to compete also!" She said. Diana looked at Harry who was staring around, helplessly. Though she also noticed him glance at Fleur with a bit of irritation.

"What is ze meaning of zis, Dumblydorr?" The giant woman asked and Diana looked at him aswell, wondering the exact same thing.

"I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore," Karkaroff said and Diana reassured the urge to roll her eyes at him. "Two Hogwarts champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed two champions- or have I not read the rules carefully enough?" He asked, edge to his voice.

Madam Maxime and Karkaroff made a few more comments and Diana clenched her jaw. "Obviously this was not meant to happen!" She snapped at them.

"It no one's fault but Potter's," Snape's voice sounded and Diana was about to protest that she didn't do anything when she realised he wasn't talking about her, but that made her blood boil even more.

"Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination to break rules. He has been crossing lines ever since he arrived here-" he continued but Dumbledore stopped him.

"Thank you, Severus," he said firmly and it shut Snape up, Diana glared at the man and then looked back at Dumbledore.

"Did you put your name in the goblet of fire, Harry?" He asked in a calm voice. "No." Was all Harry shortly. "Did you ask one of the older students to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you?" Dumbledore ignored the sound of disapproval Snape had made.

"No!" Harry said a bit louder this time. "Ah, but of course 'e is lying!" Madam Maxime cried out.

"He could not have crossed the Age Line," McGonagall commented and Diana nodded in agreement. "I am sure we can agree on that-" but Madam Maxime interrupted.

"Dumblydorr must 'ave made a mistake wiz ze line." She said matter of factly and Diana balled her hands into fists, trying to keep her rage inside her.

'It's fine, we're going to fix this.' She told herself. Dumbledore considered it but McGonagall immediately let know that she did not agree and that Dumbledore knew very well it couldn't have been.

"I say we try to figure out who, then put Harry's name in the goblet of fire, as I hope we can all agree that he did not do this." Diana said sternly, looking around the room.

McGonagall, who stood next to her nodded in agreement. "Me Crouch, Mr Bagman." Karkaroff looked at the two men.

"You are our, er, objective judges. Surely you will agree that this is most irregular." He said and it was silent for a moment.

"We must follow the rules, and the rules  state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the Tournament." Crouch said and Diana gaped at him in disbelief.

"Well, Barty knows the rule ook back to front," Bagman beamed and Diana couldn't form words as she shook her head in disbelief.

"We- no! We can't just- we can let him compete, No!" Diana stated and Barty Crouch glared at her.

He had always liked the girl, he thought she'd have a good influence on his son, well look how that turned out. It seem fed he didn't like her that much anymore.

Karkaroff's idea of letting two students from every school participate was also quickly forgotten as it was simply not possible.

Karkaroff started to threaten to leave with all of his students but Moody started to intervene. "Empty threat, Karkaroff." He said and everyone looked at him.

"You can't leave your champion now. He's got to compete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?" He said and Diana scowled at him. He was right, but she hated to the thought of Harry having to compete.

"Convenient? I'm afraid I don't understand you, Moody." Karkaroff tried to sound neutral, though his balled fists gave him away.

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Someone put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire, he would have to compete if it came out. Though I don't know how they managed to get him out as a fourth contestant." Diana stated and everyone now looked at her.

Diana clenched her jaw when Karkaroff and Madam Maxime agreed that Hogwarts was in luck and that someone who did this must be someone from here.

She also tried not to start a dislike towards Fleur when she complained that Harry should be happy that this happened.

"Maybe someone's hoping Potter is going to die for it," Moody said and Diana felt a shiver run up her spine. It's exactly what she had thought, but hearing out loud made her bite her lip, almost drawing blood.

No one said anything, some people exchanged glances and Diana felt McGonagall's warm hand on her shoulders.

"Moody, old man... what a thing to say!" Bagman piped up. A discussion formed about this idea, but Harry still didn't say anything.

Diana felt concerned and frustrated. She had hoped for an exciting and cheerful evening, but no, of course, Harry had to almost die again.

"How this situation arose, we do not know." Dumbledore said and Diana was breathing anxiously. "It seems to me, however, that we have no choice but to accept it. Both Cedric and Harry have been chosen to compete in the tournament. This, therefor, they will do..." Dumbledore decides and Diana looked at him in disbelief.

"Ah, but Dumblydorr-" Madame Maxime started. "My dear Madame Maxime, if you have an alternative, I would be delighted to hear it." Dumbledore smiled and waited, but she didn't speak.

"We- we can't just do this." Diana spoke up and all eyes— including Harry's— where on her again. "He's fourteen, he shouldn't be gambling his life for some stupid tournament he didn't even want to participate in, what would James and Lily have said?" Diana looked around the people.

"Well, James and Lily sadly aren't with us anymore, so they don't have much of a say." Barty Crouch said.

"Yes, well, I think that I can speak for them that this is absolutely absurd." Diana said glaring at him, he always liked her, she never liked him.

"I think they'd think that, but agree that there is no other choice." He glared.

"No, that's absolutely not the case. They where in fact, good parents, you might not know what those are seeing you didn't manage to be one, but they where and they'd agree that we can't just do this, we can't just let him participate in this tournament!" Diana said.


Crouch had no idea what to say and McGonagall squeezed Diana's shoulder slightly.

"Diana, we have no choice, remember the contract. There's nothing we can do." Dumbledore said and Diana sighed, looking away.

"Well, shall we crack on, then?" Dumbledore asked, everyone was silent and Dumbledore took it as agreement. "Got to give our champions instructions, haven't we? Barty, want to do the honours?" He continued.

Diana clenched her teeth and walked out. What a stupidly long day.

She just made her way to the third floor and walked into her classroom, then heading towards the door that lead to her office. She grabbed a book and wanted to sit down to do a bit of reading.

She didn't even make it trough one page when she noticed the water droplets hitting the pages and smutting the ink.

Diana closed her book and put it aside. She leaned back and stared at the wall opposite her. The only thing she was able to do was cry.

She was trying so hard to protect Harry and she had failed every singe fucking time. She balled her fists and felt her nails dig into the palms of her hands.

"For fucks sake!" She let out a breathy yell. "I'm so sorry, James, I really am." She said while feeling the tears stream down her face.

She closed her eyes, hoping that the tears would stop and put a hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs.

She wanted to bond with Harry, take care of him, let him know he still had family, but she couldn't. All because of Dumbledore.

She slowly stood up and walked over to the window, raindrops softly hitting it, making a ticking sound. She just looked outside as the tears streamed down her face.

"I'm so, so sorry." She apologised once again, though she didn't know to who.

She inhaled deeply and then walked towards the candles to blow them out when she heard a noice.

Thinking the noice was from her classroom, she slowly took her want out of her pocket.


She whispered and the tip of her wand lid up. She slowly opened the door and peeked in.


There was a tapping sound, it was like wood on stone, it couldn't be the rain, though the noice wasn't in her classroom.

Maybe some students out of bed? Or just a teacher or prefect patrolling. This is Hogwarts, nothing to be scared of.

Well, except for the 'serial killer' that managed to get into the school, or the giant snake in the dungeons. Or maybe the deatheater that is currently sleeping in his stupid ship outside. Let's not forget the teacher thats bullying children, but hey, nothing to be afraid of.

She made her way to the classroom and opened the door that led to the hall. She walked out and looked around, nothing.

She went to the left and when she turned the corner, someone stood at the window. A window she knew all to well. She walked towards the figure, having already noticed who it is, she wonders why she even walks up to him.

He was looking at a certain spot on the venster of the window and Diana frowned but kept walking.


She says and he turns around. "Potter, didn't hear ya." He says and Diana raised her eyebrow. "Sardothien," she corrects. "I thought you where supposed to be paranoid and hear every single thing around you." She stated.

He didn't answer and just looked out of the window. "What are you doing?" She asked, also looking out of the window to see what he was seeing, though all she saw was the night sky.

"Remembering." His whisper was barely audible but she could hear it. "What do you mean?" She asked, a slight frown on her face.

"Nothing." He looked at her and opened his mouth and then closed it again. His features softened slightly when he looked into her eyes, it freaked her out a bit to see him like this, it made her quite uncomfortable.

His features hardened again. "Don't cry about the Potter boy, he'll be alright." And then he walked out. Diana watched him go, his wooden cane making the same tapping noice she heard earlier.

A frown was on her face as she watched him disappear into the darkness.

She looked at the spot he was looking at earlier and she felt tears well up in her eyes all again, yet she smiled as she remembered the day that the engraving was made.

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