Unexpected Gifts

By Dyn_Arxon

107K 2.7K 104

Throughout his life, he never knew the love of his parents, but he knew he was loved by them. We all know of... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Charter IV
Chapter V
Charter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII

Chapter XIII

2.6K 69 0
By Dyn_Arxon

On the morning of the third of January, Harry was sat in the Lord Study in the Potter Manor. It was located in a side room of the library, which made up part of the second and third floors of the manor. The study itself was on the lower level of the library.

His party was given passes to return to Hogwarts in the late afternoon, so he took the time to send the family meeting letters to Narcissa and Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and the Tonks family.

The window of his study was opened, with Hedwig fluttering her wings and barking at him impatiently. Daphne poked her head through the open door, "There you are, love."

"Sorry," He glanced up from signing a letter, "I'm sending out the family meeting letters." He told her, going on to write the next.

She smiled at him as she walked over, standing beside him and loosely wrapping her arms around his neck, "When did you schedule it for?"

"Two weeks time in Gringotts." He took hold of her hand for a moment.

She hummed lightly before glancing at the impatient owl, "Which is she taking?"

Using his quill to point at three stacked letters, he sighed, "The Tonks family. Would you mind?"

"Not at all," She pulled away from him, grabbed an owl treat from a crystal dish on the desk and the letters, and walked to Hedwig.

"Here you are, girl," Daphne laughed lightly as the owl preened from having attention. "You know where to go, don't you?" She asked lightly as she tied the letters to her right leg.

Hedwig puffed her chest and lightly nipped at her fingers before taking off the window.

Having written the last letter as she walked back to the desk, Harry cast a drying charm on it. Placing the quill down, he sighed, "Kreacher."

With a light pop, the withered and bitter elf appeared. "What is filthy mudblood calling for?" The elf asked hatefully.

"Another word out of turn from you and I'll feed you to a Thestral," Harry growled at the elf.

"You are the Black family elf and I am your Lord. You will either respect that fact or will be dismissed for an elf that will." His tone was harsh as he spoke. Kreacher sneered until paling at the threat.

Giving the aged elf a hardened glare, he continued, "I am young, but not stupid. You were far too loyal to Walburga when she was alive, now you worship a bloody portrait. I am neither Uncle Arcturus nor Sirius, I will not deal with your hatred and discrimination. My mother, the late Lily Potter, was the direct Heiress of both Slytherin and Evanshade lines since Salazar. Knowing this, would you still call her a mudblood because the lines squibbed out? No, you would not."

"Hermione is actually from a squib branch of the now Dagforth-Grangers," Daphne pointed out.

"Thank you, Luv," Harry smiled at her before looking back to Kreacher. "You are to deliver these letters to Lady Malfoy, her son, and her sister. You are then to begin the cleaning and restoration of the Black family home."

Having been given his orders, Kreacher let out a croak and looked slightly better as Harry's magic bound with the elf. "Yes, Lord Black." He bowed lowly, his face still pale.

Collecting the letters, Harry stood and walked around the desk to hand them over. "You are to report to Daphne, the Lady Black, weekly on every Tuesday to have an inspection of your health and reports on the progress of 12 Grimmauld Place. She will assign you extra duties when your health will allow such. You are dismissed to begin your assignments."

Kreacher bowed lowly again as he took the letters and left in a pop.

Daphne wrapped her arms around Harry once more, laying a kiss on his jaw, "You did well, but when was the last time that elf was given an order?"

"I believe over nearly roughly ten years ago," Harry sighed.


Since their return to Hogwarts, everyone notices the change in Draco Malfoy.

Even Pansy commented on it one day during breakfast, "Draco, how come you're almost respectful towards Potter now?"

Theodore Nott, junior not senior, nodded his agreement.

"Did you not pay attention at the Ball?" Draco asked strongly. "He holds the power of my parent's marriage. He has already called the first Black family meeting in over nearly twenty years. His letter gave no information other than I risk being cut out of the family if I don't show."

"So one Slytherin play earns your respect?" Nott asked from behind his goblet.

"No, you moron," Draco snapped hotly, "Have you not been paying attention? Harry bloody Potter not only holds the titles of Lord Potter and Black, but his official name is also Lord Hadrian Potter-Black-Greengrass. Lord Potter doubles as Lord Peverell, and he is the direct Heir of both Gryffindor and Slytherin."

The group of students around him almost began to laugh until Astoria Greengrass came over, overhearing Draco.

"There's no way he holds that many votes," Nott snorted.

"And yet Lily Evans was the first Heiress to the Houses of Slytherin and Evanshade." Astoria cut in evenly.

"We weren't talking to you, Greengrass," Pancy said harshly, only to be shot down by Draco.

"She is correcting your ignorance, so shut up and listen." He seemed to snarl.

"Thank you," She smiled at him before continuing, "The Potter line is founded directly from the Peverell and Gryffindor families. Iolanthe Peverell is the single daughter of both Godric Gryffindor and Ignotus Peverell. The first Head of House Potter, Hardwin Potter, would marry Iolanthe. They would not gain their Lordship until three generations later when they were rewarded for their protection and care of the magical and muggle populace of Scotland. King Malcolm III of Scotland even gave Hardwin and Iolanthe his castle and surrounding estate as a wedding gift."

Pancy cackled, "What a shite story."

"And yet we spent our break there. Potter had us join his Yule Celebration and hosted not only myself and my mother, but also the Abbotts, Longbottoms, and Bones." Blaise interrupted the conversation as he stood behind Astoria.

"The Davises were there as well," She corrected him.

Draco was quick to stand, "I need to think and prepare for our meeting next week." He hastily left the Great Hall.


The first two weeks of the new term went quickly for Harry and Daphne. They still made love at least twice a night and once every morning, something which Tracey, Astoria, Susan, and Neville were quick to try and embarrass them about. They were proud of their healthy relationship though.

The morning of Wednesday, the seventeenth dawned crisply. Their session of union was performed in the shower that morning. They, and Draco, had been given a pass to miss their classes for the day, and so had time to be slow with each other.

After washing the other, they dressed in neat, black formal robes. Their House Crests were displayed on their breast. They had Dobby prepare their breakfast in the kitchenette of their rooms while they showered before making their way to Professor McGonagall's office and flooing to the goblin establishment.

They were led by Gutfang, the Black Family equivalent of Griphook, to a private meeting room half an hour early.

They expected the Malfoys to be slightly early, the Tonks family to be on time, and Bellatrix to be late.

Their expectations were proved correct when Narcissa and Draco entered the room five minutes before noon.

"My Lord, My Lady," They bowed lightly before taking their seats, indicated by place cards.

Sat next to Narcissa's seat was a card holding Bellatrix's name, and next to hers was Andromeda. Beside Andromeda would sit Nymphadora, and to her would be Theodore Tonks.

At exactly noon the Tonks family was led into the room. Andromeda was white, her husband seemed nervous, and Nymphadora was visibly confused about why they were there.

"Lord and Lady Black," Andromeda bowed lightly. Theodore nodded lightly, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Harry, Nymphadora smiled, "Wotcher, Harry!" She said, happy to see him.

"Sit," he commanded lightly, his voice holding power behind it.

They were quick to do so, but Andromeda ushered her daughter to the table hastily. Once she took her seat, she glanced at her youngest sister. "Narcissa," she whispered lightly.

"Andromeda," She returned in an equally soft tone.

Harry sighed and looked at them, "You are sisters, regardless of one being expelled from the family." He shook his head. "Cousin Andromeda, I have reinstated you in our esteemed family. I have taken the liberty to add your husband and daughter to our branches."

"T-Thank you, Lord Black," Andromeda stammered out. Theodore Tonks smiled.

"I thank you, Lord Black. I know that my wife doesn't regret eloping, but she has missed her sisters." He bowed his head.

Nymphadora shrugged indifferently, "We were already family as far as I'm concerned."

The door opened again and Bellatrix entered, an insult on her tongue, "Wittle baby Potty-"

Slamming his hand on the table, Harry cut the deranged witch off before she could start. "You are to sit down and shut up, you bloody bint, or so help me I will wring your neck until you do." He snarled out at her hotly.

It was at that moment that all three of the Black sisters were reminded of one man, their grandfather.

"Yes, Lord Black," Bellatrix took her place between her sisters with a sneer towards Andromeda.

"Nymphadora," His glare cut to the auror, "Lift your wand any higher and I'll have you one your arse before you can utter a Nox."

The metamorph bristled at the use of her name but complied.

"Now," He began, staring at each of the sisters. "Narcissa, you need only tell me one word and I'll have you divorced. Your compliance isn't needed, as Malfoy broke your contract when he went on trial for being a Death Eater."

"And what of Draco?" She asked, her eyes holding concern for her son.

"What of him? He is a Black through you and will be given a choice. He could either move with you or stay with his father. His master used up most of the actual Malfoy coffers during the first war, has depleted them since his return, and now draws from Black gold." He stated curtly before looking to Draco, "Your choice, Cousin?"

"My mother, Lord Black," he didn't hesitate to answer.

Nodding, Harry removed a roll of parchment and opened it. He read for a moment before looking back up, "You will remain the title of Heir Malfoy, but you will claim yourself as a cadet line to House Black. Is this agreeable?"

Draco was quick to nod, "Yes, Lord Black."

Harry rolled up the parchment and removed another, as well as removed a self-inking quill from his robes and signed with a flourish.

He called Gutfang into the room and handed him the signed parchment, "This is the divorce statement for Narcissa Black and Lord Malfoy. I will have every sickle and heirloom belonging to the House of Black back within the week as stated per their marriage contract."

"Lord Black," the goblin bowed and rushed from the room.

"Now, onto the next order of business," he smiled at Narcissa, "You are to move into our ancestral home in London within the week. Kreacher will be at hand but will be assigned other duties at my Lady's discretion. I'm sure you have a personal elf, so that shouldn't be of any consequence."

Narcissa bowed lightly, "Yes, milord, I do."

"Then feel free to call upon my elf, Dobby, if you need additional assistance during your move." He nodded.

"Father said he killed him," Draco said confused.

"Harry tricked your father into freeing him using a book and a sock," Daphne informed him.

Draco balked for a moment before shaking his head, "You're mad, Potter."

"Maybe, but that's neither here nor there." Harry shrugged before looking at Bellatrix.

"You have put me in a tight situation because your master likely gave you something."

"I don't know what you're talking about," She snapped.

Harry chuckled darkly and looked at her, "Don't take me as a fool. I know what he gave you and just what it is. My question is, do you know just what he gave you?"

"I am his most faithful," She sneered at him. "I do not question my Lord."

"You should have. I have informed the goblins what it was, where it was, and they were waiting for if you knew what it was before they were to gut us all and hung us by our innards." He snarled.

He called out for another goblin, this one wearing full armor and holding a battle axe.

"She holds no knowledge of what the item is. You are free to deal with the Lestranges in due course, but I advise that your nation waits until Tom Riddle is further dealt with. He has made multiple of those vile creations and I am still looking for the rest." He told the warrior.

He bared its teeth and snarled lowly at Bellatrix, only for Harry to growl deeply at the goblin.

"She is no longer a Lestrange. I have agreed with your nation that her dowery will be taken from the Lestrange Vaults as payment for her unintentional crimes."

The goblin seemed to regard Harry seriously, measuring him on a threat level before he spat something in Gobbledegook before leaving the room.

Daphne placed a hand on Harry's arm, brushing her mind and magic against his. His growl turned into a near purr as he calmed down and brushed back.

"Thank you, love," He smiled at her before turning back to the others in the room.

They were all balking at him, having never felt so much power behind one's voice.

Bellatrix seemed to calm as well, giving respect to Harry's prowess and aura.

"As I'm sure you've gathered, you are the Black sisters once again." Harry looked all three of them in the eye before staring at Bellatrix again. "You will remove yourself from this war immediately. You will be moved into Number Twelve and will be seen by a mind healer. When you are deemed fit, you will be questioned under Veritaserum by Madam Bones about your involvement during the first war and the torture of the Longbottoms. Depending on your answers, you either owe the House a formal apology or restitution."

"Yes, Lord Black," She answered in a giddy tone.

"Narcissa, you will see to your older sister. You are to be present when the healer sees her for the first six months. The healer will see to her every Saturday and any change in such will be confirmed by myself and Daphne." He addressed the youngest sister.

"If my Lord wishes," She nodded in agreement.

"Good. Now," Harry stood from the table, Daphne following him. "You are to hug your sisters, the three of you. Each other you are to hug both sisters. It has been almost thirty years since you have been allowed to be sisters. You are nothing more and nothing less."

"I do not care what name you took upon marriage, nor who it was to. We are Blacks before all else and will be until after Death claims us," He continued.

The sisters hugged after he finished. Narcissa and Bellatrix gave light embraces, but Andromeda squeezes her younger sisters soundly. "I've missed you both," She whispered to each.

Daphne smiled at the display before turning to Draco, "We are to see you back to the Castle. We would like to invite you to our private rooms for tea and to answer any questions you may have."

"Thank you, Lady Black," He bowed with a smile.


Once back at Hogwarts Castle, Draco was seen following Harry and Daphne. They were still acting as Lord and Lady Black so most didn't question him.

They led him to the seventh floor and past the Room. Once they got to their rooms, Harry opened the door with a smirk, "Welcome to our rooms, the personal quarters of Godric Gryffindor during his time in the castle."

Draco took a sharp intake of breath as he looked around. He noticed Dobby standing at the center table with a tea service.

"Sit where you'd like," Daphne told him as she settled into her favorite spot on the couch, curled into Harry.

Harry wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him as he offered her a teacup. Dobby handed one to Harry and then Draco before giving a light bow.

"So, do you have any questions?" Harry asked his guest.

"Of course I do," Draco chuckled, "My main one seems to be why you slighted me back in the first year and when did you become so astute? And what's with that growl?"

Harry gave a light laugh as his fingers massaged Daphne's lower back, drawing a low purr from her. "You pissed me off with your "betters" card, and I didn't know we were cousins then. I didn't find out Narcissa was your mother until later."

"The growl?" Draco asked with a sip of tea.

"I'm a lion," Harry shrugged, "Just like Godric, I was born a Wild Mage. I'm a bit different from an animagus. Daphne, we used an Occlumency technique to find her inner animal and to practice her change. I was born with the ability and connection to my form."

"Speaking of," Daphne looked up at him, "I've been able to research just what you are, dearest husband of mine."

"Go on, love," he smiled.

"A species of a magical lion to walk the American continent until roughly ten thousand years ago." She informed him.

"I'm that large because I'm a magical beast?" Harry laughed.

"Just how big are you talking about?" Draco asked nervously.

"He stands nearly two meters tall," Daphne sipped her tea.

Draco shook his head, "Bollocks to that."

"I can tell you have more questions," Harry said.

Nodding, Draco sighed, "I would like to ask for you to tutor me. I would also like to ask to be your apprentice in the political field to better my skills."

Harry stared at him for a moment before accepting, "Alright, this summer we'll tutor you in the muggle world so you can get used to it."

"What for?" He asked.

"Because it's always smarter to have money placed in the muggle world as well. They have many more businesses and franchises than we do, and it tends to be a large payoff if you're smart about it." Harry told him easily. Draco gave a light nod.

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