our weird friendship anomaly...

By DaytimesMoon

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Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... More

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
A Successful Plan - 11
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Bury Me in My Blood - 27
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
Days Gone By - 30
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Letters to SoulMates - 37
Surprises, Surprises... 38
Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

SoulMates - 32

846 29 15
By DaytimesMoon

It was a pleasant morning in the strangely organized house.

Sorry, not just any house, but House.

Enid and Wednesday woke up peacefully in each other's arms and exited the room to the sound of some classical music Uncle Fester had set on the record player.

They listened to the melodies of serenity together as they went through their morning routine together.

Through the strawberry-mint toothpaste smell and Wednesday's scent, Enid could smell an exuberant breakfast awaiting downstairs.

Although they were not pancakes, nor waffles, they were her third favorite breakfast. A classic bacon and eggs.

Oh, she could eat a greater number of plates than the number of fingers on her hand.

She only had just met Uncle Fester yesterday, and things are still a bit stiff around him... but he was very generous in providing for the two.

He didn't care how much they ate or whatever they did in House, as long as they were happy in the end.

What a very nice man, if only more people were like him.

Well- actually- remembering about his weird fantasy of electrocution and deathtraps... as well as stalking just to say hello to their niece... and even more-

Correction: actually, if only more people were as NICE as him.

His weirdness and goofiness makes up for it, she guesses.

But besides, he was a very welcoming man.

Enid could tell all the Addams have their own charm of weirdness, which could be in all sorts of ways pleasing. And oh boy, she has only met one member of the Addams.

Anyway, Enid could imagine herself gobbling up all the food as fast as possible.

The savory flavor and fluffy eggs, the creaminess- or maybe the yolks bursting with flavor or the crispiness of it- and don't forget the crispiness of the bacon itself too.

Yes, bacon is very fatty- but Enid can't stop herself from eating a bunch.

And of course other sides would be a delight too!

Ohh, she hasn't had home cooked breakfast food in so long... she just wants to chomp away.

The smell of the food made Enid's mouth water and... unknowingly something else as well.

She didn't realize until Wednesday had been staring at her for a solid minute.

"Is... something wrong, Wends?" her head crooked to the side like a puppy.

She could see how Wednesday's eyes were mesmerized by something, and then she found out it was something within her mouth.

"Your... fangs," Wednesday's voice was in awe.

"My- oh," Enid immediately knew.

This was rare, but not unheard of.

Her fangs would only appear on very rare occasions. Enid remembered how she didn't know when and only a family member would point it out or she saw it in the mirror.

The cotton-candy blonde's jaw dropped and she stared in the mirror- and there they were.

Two fangs. Nearly as sharp as the goth's knife, and clean as crystal.

"Y-yeah, I guess something I remember about these things happening is when I really think about food- like crave, crave food," Enid awkwardly giggled.

She looked at Wednesday's face again and saw how it shifted to curiosity.

"May I, Meine Wölfin?" her voice was so gentle... like she was afraid to

Oh, Wends... how I feel like my heart is going to burst by just looking at you, Enid nodded and allowed Wednesday to pull her face toward her.

Her warm hands rested alongst Enid's cheeks for a moment, her hand was gingerly rubbing her scars which she admired very much. Then she gently widened Enid's mouth and studied the anatomy of the two fangs.

From her raven-sharp eyes, she could tell that the fangs can cut through wood like nothing and crush down on a metal pipe.

Her heart thumped loudly in her ears, "Fascinating. You're so... beautiful, Enid."

The blonde felt like she was going to pass out. Her heart beated in her ears like a warhammer in a race, and her cheeks were full on boiling hot.

WHAT DO I SAY? WHAT DO I SAY? Enid flustered.

"You're so fascinating and beautiful... mi loba," Wednesday repeated but with her signature Addams-foreign-pet-name.

"Ahyupodasme," Enid blurted, What the hell did I just say?! Was that even English?! Was that even Gibberish?!

She tried to think of a cool thing to say back, to try to get back at Wednesday playfully. So she thought of "Uh huh, that's me," with "yup," but ended up mixing the two.

Wednesday's warm hands held Enid's cheek and she stared intensely into Enid's diamond-blue eyes, "You will be the bane of my existence," she said but with no bite.

Enid swore her heart skipped a few beats at just those words.

And then her mind popped up with something!

She knew how Wednesday gets so embarrassed with foreign languages!

"Ευχαριστώ. Αγάπη μου. ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ μου," through bits of stuttering and hesitation, Enid managed to get the words out.

And when she finished her final word, she saw the slightest hint of red pass through Wednesday's cheek.

Even her eyes were widened!

But then Wednesday scrunched up her nose and scowled. She coughed into her fist, "Breakfast, let's go," she said awkwardly and left the room.

Enid stood there with a face of triumph, POINT! Enid... very smooth, Sinclair! Very smooth, you got Wends blushing! she giggled to herself but felt that was weird all alone.

Quickly, Enid followed the goth through the hall and down the stairs into the grand dining room.

And indeed Enid was proven right. There laid a feast of breakfast and... something on the side?

Enid's eyes narrowed in confusion at what was sitting on a plate by where she presumed Wednesday's seat was because that's where they sat yesterday-

"Wends, what is-" she looked over and saw a brightened face over Wednesday.

Oh, god, I'm gonna die again! HEART ATTACK! Enid couldn't believe she was seeing Wednesday's happy face again.

There was a half grin and happy eyes expression on Wednesday!

"Uncle Fester!" she mutely gasped and looked over to the shady man.

He stood leaning against the fireplace with a pipe that sprouted bubbles instead of smoke, "Thought you could use a good ol' grandpapa meal after five months of running away!" he let out a hearty laugh.

"It's your favorite! And it's still moving!" he grinned.

"It's still what-" Enid looked over and- yup.

Whatever dark goop was on Wednesday's plate was... moving to the side...

"I hope you don't mind a bit of the recipe changing though actually, Wednesday. Not every market you find the pepper of the void or salt of victims' tears," he chuckled nervously.

"Do not worry, Uncle Fester, it will satisfy me," Wednesday nodded with her regular facial expression and quickly sat down.

Enid followed and sat before three different ways of eggs and stacks of bacon.

"You kids enjoy! I'll eat with ya after popping the archive room for a jiffy!" and then Uncle Fester disappeared.

Enid happily plopped the food onto her plate and watched the ravenette... stab?... her plate of... food?...

"Your... uh... your favorite, huh?" Enid chuckled.

"Of course. It is a classic recipe passed down from grandpapa from even the colonists days," Wednesday ever-so-calmly with a blank expression ate the dark gloop like it was oatmeal.

"At least you got your favorite meal cooked," Enid smiled.

"And it seems like you as well, Mi Sol. Judging from your fascinating fangs and drool," Wednesday remarked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Enid hid her blush with her hand that fed her the pieces of bacon.

The two ate in a peaceful silence, listening through the windows the owls hooting- wait what.

It's morning...


Oh well, it's Uncle Fester's home and House after all.

So they listened to the owls hooting instead of birds chirping outside through the windows... and also listened to the relaxing melodies from the record player.

Wednesday was nearly finished with her... whatever... before she turned to Enid.

After wiping away some juice-stains from her lips- very romantically- Wednesday stared for a moment, "Should I dare ask what you said... in the wonderful language of Greece?"

Enid gave a mischievous laugh behind her hand, "You wanna know?"

"Enlighten me."

The blonde leaned extremely close, to the point where she could hear Wednesday's heartbeat, and whispered into her ear, "Thank you. My love. My moon."

She sat back in her chair and watched once again as red passed through Wednesday's cheek and a near flustered expression.

Wednesday shut her eyes and took in a silent breath, the blush fading away.

"Enid," she looked at her menacingly.

Oh shit- Enid prepared for the worst.

Wednesday leaned closely and in firm yet tender words, she said, "Enid, il mio sole sempre così colorato e luminoso."

"Con tu fascinante y hermosa loba."

"Mi torturi."

"Me torturaste"

"Nur du quälst mich."

"Und nur deine Folter werde ich akzeptieren."

"Ich liebe dich."

"Cara mia."

"Te amo mucho."

"Mi Sol. Mi loba."

"Niente cambierà ciò che provo per te."

Wednesday finished with the tiniest faint blush in her cheeks. Her tone was tense but determined in affection.

Enid was lost for words, she heard at least three different languages there judging from the accent changes.

With a nervous blush, the cotton-candy blush fiddled with the fried eggs with her fork, "So... what... what did you say to me?"

And in the corner of her peripheral vision, she could see that damn smirk of Wednesday, "You will have to learn those languages to understand."

"WHAT!" Enid gasped, "That's not fair! I told you what I said!"

Wednesday attempted to hide her smug smirk but it only grew a tiny bit, "But that was only one language. You are indeed correct, there were three... so in exchange for your bravery in such wonderful expressions of Greece... I will tell you one of the languages."

"No! No, no-no-no, you can't do this to me, Wends," Enid laughed and gently took the goth's hand, "you can't leave me on a cliffhanger like that. I gotta know it all!"

Enid sighed, desperate to know what that monologue Wednesday just gave her, "You read books! You read! So you know when you read a really- REALLY good book, but it suddenly never continues right after a cliffhanger? Like- I dunno? A near-death! A kiss! A confession! Or whatever the hell happens or- in your case, some torture device that never gets completed."

"What makes you think you deserve to know it all?" the goth said, her smug smile revealing even more.

Enid's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. She then thought of the perfect idea.

The blonde leaned forward, her lips barely ghosting above Wednesday's- but then... they never met.

Enid with all her strength pulled away, showing off what it feels like.

She went in for a kiss but never actually kissed!

And then it worked!

She saw it all in Wednesday's eyes. Her dark eyes of betrayal, "Why how dare you," she remarked in a monotonous expression.

Enid smiled, "If you tell me what you said, I will kiss you. AND! It's cheating if you try to kiss me!"

The ravenette stared with a stern expression. And like a grumpy child, she huffed.

But then suddenly her emotions changed and it shifted smoothly to a soft expression, "In the words of Italy, Spain, and Germany-"

"Enid, my ever-so colorful and bright sun."

"With your fascinating and beautiful wolf."

"Only you torture me."

"And only your torture I will accept."

"I love you."

"My dear."

"I love you so much."

"My sun. My wolf."

"Nothing will change how I feel for you."

Enid sat there frozen. Her face was full-on steaming red as a hot tomato.

Well, what the heck? That's... that's not fair! That's too much for my dainty-little heart!

Wednesday hummed in amusement, "You cannot hold back on a deal. You break trust."

The blonde's mind couldn't handle the romantic words. So she squeaked, "Gonna go run a lap and then write you a poem."

"No," Wednesday leaned forward and grabbed the kiss herself.

It was a short but sweet kiss the two shared.

They pulled away and stared at each other intensely, losing themselves in each other's hypnotizing eyes.

And then, Enid started laughing at the little joking battle they had, and Wednesday couldn't help but show a small smile.

"Oy vey!"

Wednesday and Enid's eyes went wide and their heads snapped to the direct opposite side of the table.

"Look at you two! Definitely like your mother and father, Wednesday!" Uncle Fester laughed, "Except... not Italian, but Greek! Very impressive, my dear Enid!"

The ravenette rolled her eyes as the blonde awkwardly waved. They forgot that he said he will be right back after checking the archive room.

The shady man chortled and continued on with his little breakfast. He was reading a book, sideways this time... as well as eating his egg yolks like it was soup.

How long had he been sitting there?

Enid blushed, whether from embarrassment of Wednesday's heart capturing monologue... she didn't know.

The two ate in a slightly awkward silence. The record player had suddenly started playing some happy folk music, which certainly didn't help with the embarrassing scene especially when Uncle Fester started humming and singing to it.

Wednesday finished her breakfast and was waiting patiently as Enid finished hers.

Uncle Fester watched Enid take her last bite and chuckled to himself.

His eye twitched and he leaned forward in his seat, grabbing the attention of the two girls.

"My dear Wednesday and Enid?" he tapped his mug with a spoon, making a ringing sound even though the pair were already looking at him.

His niece raised a brow, "What do you have to say?"

"Well? Isn't it obvious?" he had a grin and looked over at Enid... and then they both immediately knew.

Enid could already feel tears welling up in her eyes...

"I have very good news for you! I have located your family's home!"

She was... she was going home!

Even though a part of her inside felt like it would be a messy reunion... after all this trouble and time... she would be going home.

All the trouble and panic... all the trauma she remembered... she would be going home.

She will be seeing her dad again... and her brothers... and... mother.

But, ignoring the negativity of her family counterparts... Wednesday had kept her word.

She helped her find her way home.

Wednesday could do everything. She could do the impossible and that was locating a lost werewolf girl's home and family.

Of course, thanks to Uncle Fester's very generous help and strange hobby as well.

But truly, in the end, if it wasn't for Wednesday... Enid would still be wandering alone as a lost... permanent werewolf.

Immediately, tears were streaming down the blonde's cheeks.

Wednesday faced her love with a softened look, quickly taking her in a tight hug.

The two embraced in a warm hug. Enid could feel her wolf howling greater than ever, telling the importance of Wednesday's bond even more.

Uncle Fester strolled over and managed to make a set of handkerchiefs for Enid's tears appear in his hands. He set them by the blonde and patted her on the shoulder before returning to his seat.

"One thing I appreciate about the people around us today is their innovation of technology!"

Enid looked over with happy tears, smiling still in appreciation for his effort.

"What do you mean? More inhumane traps?" Wednesday questioned. The two were still in an embrace.

Uncle Fester giggled, "Besides that... burning power!"

"The power of trains! Though I wish it could be a bit more quieter... trains are quite a fabulous tool of moving around!"

"I think it could help me with laying low!"

"Trains?" both girls asked.

"I took the liberty and got you the earliest and fastest transport there!" Uncle Fester raised his hand and suddenly appeared two papers.

Enid didn't realize she could cry any more happy tears until now.

"I know you don't like public transport, my dear Wednesday, but trains!" he laughed all giddy.

"Thank you, Uncle," Wednesday nodded.

"Yes, thank you... thank you so much, Uncle Fester! This is really kind of you!"

"Ohh, you're most welcome, dear Enid... and of course, Wednesday!" Uncle Fester slid the two papers across the table toward the pair, "Tomorrow morning?"

"Two tickets to San Francisco, California!"


Enid tiptoed across the hall from the bathroom, thankfully there were no visions she had during the day.

Night had fallen and Enid made the conclusion that a lot of things were opposite around House.

The owls were cooing in the morning, and now the birds were singing in the night quite softly.

The moon couldn't be seen anywhere from the windows, but the stars lit the dark sky quite nicely.

She followed down the lit blue candles of the hall, her feet creaking on the wood boards every step.

For a modern looking house in this day and age, Enid didn't expect the floor to roar like she wanted the whole world's attention.

But then she remembered Uncle Fester was full of surprises.

Just like now-

"Dear... Enid," came a longed out call for her from the side.

The cotton-candy blonde jumped several feet high with a squeak, she saw the bald man pop out from the shadows of the hallway and nearly revealed her claws to him.

"Y-yes, Unc- Uncle Fester?" Enid chirped, hiding her claws behind her back.

"Ahh, I'm so content that you are able to get to your family!" he chortled.

"Oh, yeah! Of course!" the blonde nodded, "I cannot thank you enough, Uncle Fester."

"It is no problem!" he came closer to Enid with a bigger smile, "When Wednesday's parents and I were your age, we would've done anything for our loved ones as well. I'm thankful Wednesday is like that too."


"Yup. You know how a lot of people look down on us, especially me... but we are a strong family. We have each other to hold onto as we push through. We are not a little wave, we are a tsunami from the sea!" he spoke proudly, looking up as if he was speaking to the ones from above, "All of us together... despite all the strange looks we get for us being- well... the Addams freaks- we have the strength of a tsunami together."

He looked down at Enid and smiled softly, "Of course, with dear Wednesday trying to not be like the other Addams... she still holds on her own as a wave. A wave can still be strong, but obviously not like a tsunami," he sighed, "and eventually... that wave dies out."

"That wave washes out, unlike the tsunami which still stands longer and stronger."

Enid hummed gently, "Wednesday told me how she escaped other schools but never managed to stay away... is that her joining back the tsunami?"

"Yes! Exactly that, my dear Enid!" Uncle Fester laughed, "Obviously, if a wave were to return to its tsunami, it would not only be stronger itself but make the tsunami bigger!"

"That is what family is! We keep each other strong and moving forward. You can never truly stay away from family... or friends."

He sighed and looked over to where Enid and Wednesday's room was, implying he was looking at where Wednesday was, "Those escapes you mentioned where she tried. She always ended up back home. Dear Wednesday always denied it, ever so stubborn she is but the perfect image of the outside of an Addams. An ice-cold heart of stone."

"But when I look at her. I can see that my niece had actually longed to see her family again. I would bring it up but obviously I want to keep all my fingers," he giggled and wiggled his fingers like a wave.

"So... what about being independent?" Enid asked.

"It is good to be independent... but you shouldn't be entirely independent to the point where you shut away your family. They should be your backbone, and thankfully Wednesday hasn't fallen into that. She always tries to escape home and school, but always ends up coming back right after a month!"

He let out a long happy sigh, "That is... until she met you!"

"Meeting me?" she could feel her heart flutter.

Uncle Fester nodded excitedly, "From what I can tell, you're becoming her second wave to latch onto. Both of you are straying off as your own waves from your tsunami families, but then you found each other and came together to form one BIG wave!"

"I'm... her second wave?" Enid lost her breath.

"Preeeeetty much! But as I said earlier, the waves will die out quicker than a tsunami. And judging from the situation... you both will be turning to your immediate families soon... that's where you'll both be reinforced and become stronger again."

"But that doesn't mean you two should leave each other! Two waves making a big one is still strong... and they can grow even larger!" he laughed.

Enid wasn't sure if he was entirely making sense, but she felt her heart was touched that Uncle Fester was telling her a message.

He was definitely making this up in his head and maybe part of it didn't flow, but it was very sweet of him to do so.

He must've known a bit about Enid being away from her family and how Wednesday was subtly missing her own, so he put two and two together and made four.

Even though she knew from the beginning... Wednesday wasn't heartless. She may seem sadistic, but she had a heart.

She missed her family... and Enid felt like in a way... she missed some parts of home.

Hopefully... hopefully Enid will get that same feeling of missing family just like Wednesday.

They will just have to wait and see in San Francisco.

"Well, enough rambling and nonsense," he chuckled, "all I can say is... Wednesday can become a tsunami with you. Just don't forget you're not a lonely wave, yeah?" he smiled.

"Oh, my niece never fails me," he looked at her and suddenly his expression changed. His eye twitched and his smile dropped, "She surprised me with a werewolf."

Enid's eyes widened, "W... what?"

"Enid..." he said quietly, "oh, dear-oh-dear Enid," he smacked his lips.

"I never thought Wednesday would bring a werewolf to my home. What a surprise, most certainly," his eyes became dark.

The blonde was immediately sweating bullets, her heart jumped to her throat.

"Enid. You're a werewolf aren't you?"

Enid knew her life was over. Wednesday was probably reading her book or writing away at her novel.

Uncle Fester seemed to be a partial-mentor of Wednesday's skills... so there was no way she could escape him.

What was the point of lying?

What was the point of trying to get out?

There was no escape.

So she shut her eyes and nodded, shaking in her shoes, "Y-yes, I... I am a werewolf."

There was silence.

And then a giggle.

Enid immediately felt warm as she was swept up in the air, "WOAH!"

"I knew it! I knew it, I knew it!" all of the sudden, Uncle Fester was swinging her around the hall in a hug.

He finally set her down before making her dizzy, and looked at her happily.

Enid blinked the shock out of her eyes, staring back with confusion.

"I finally got to see a werewolf again!" he sighed in relief.

"Ya know? It's about time we have a werewolf in the Addams Family!" he laughed.

"What-a-what," Enid blurted.

Her cheeks immediately heated up. Oh, how could she forget? Uncle Fester was a jester! A joker who liked to scare! Of course!

He stalked them in the forest only to say hello earlier!

Wait- back up-

"W-what do you mean in the A-Addams Family-" all of the sudden, Enid remembered her embarrassing words of asking to be proposed and join the Addams Family on their dates in that one town.

"Well isn't it obvious, dear-clever werewolf? Once a lover of an Addams, always an Addams! You're girlfriends, right?" Uncle Fester chuckled.

The blonde blushed at hearing those words. She's still not used to hearing that!

"But you! You're so interesting! So colorful! And that just makes me more proud of Wednesday and altogether you!" he gave a warming smile, "You two are like the yin and yang from the culture of China! Darkness and light together, a perfect match!"

"Oh... oh thank you, Uncle Fester- I'm glad to know you're happy," Enid was stammering. She couldn't believe how happy she felt with how accepting Wednesday's family was with her.

And once again this was only her Uncle! How many more would she meet?

"Of course! It is my pleasure, and I'm sure to hope I have the front seat at your weddin-"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Fester, but Enid is coming with me right now," suddenly, Wednesday.

Wednesday appeared out of nowhere, not scaring Enid though as she was used to it. She gave her signature glare of daggers at her Uncle.

"Oh, that's my cue!" he laughed and stepped away.

Enid felt her hand quickly taken by Wednesday's, she looked at her with a flustered blush, "Ya know, your Uncle I really like," she giggled, "just like you! Full of surprises with a demeanor to torture!"

"Shut it," the goth said but with a gentle voice.

"Is that any way to treat your lover? I expected a more dramatic insult from the fearful Wednesday Addams!" Uncle Fester joked. He quickly rubbed his feet on the ground, reached out, and electric-zapped his niece on the shoulder.

All it did was earn another signature glare, but he laughed.

Wednesday swiftly took Enid down to their room. The blonde looked back at Uncle Fester who waved rapidly; he was filled with excitement and happiness.

"Remember? Tomorrow, you will be on the way to make the tsunami that your family needs! You will be the one starting it, my dear Enid! You're the wave that everyone needs to become a tsunami! Have a goodnight!" he saluted.

Uncle Fester turned toward the opposite end and started weirdly skipping to his room.

Enid could hear him laughing and singing, jumping up and clicking his heels together about...

Oh, the cotton-candy blonde blushed heavily when she realized he was singing about the name: Enid Addams, the werewolf.

Well, she will think of that some other time...

She saw Uncle Fester fade into the shadows, suddenly, even when several candles were still lit around him.

Disappearing from her sight, Enid's senses could hear how Uncle Fester was amazingly fast asleep in his room already.

Aww, Enid could feel the praise in her heart.

He had so much faith in her.

She sighed and had a big smile on, turning back toward her lover who was guiding her to the bedroom.

She sort of doubted her capabilities, however she questioned herself, Am I really the wave my family needs to become a tsunami now?

After all, it had been five months. A lot can happen in five months... who knows what changed in her family, especially after her disappearance and wolfing out?

Well, just like the goofy-kooky-shady bald man had said... they will find out very soon.


"What was that about?" the ravenette questioned as the two of them got into bed together.

"Oh, your Uncle told me a really deep message and then found out I was a werewolf and was being silly and swung me around," Enid replied casually.

"I see. He has always been fascinated with werewolves," Wednesday nodded, sitting against the headboard of the bed as she read over her book.

Enid laid down under the covers all cozy, looking up at her love in a cute way like a puppy peeking from under the blanket.

Wednesday let out a quiet hum that Enid could barely even hear, "I see now why they are so fascinating."

"Why, cuz of me?" Enid chuckled, trying to hide her blush.


"Awww," the blonde pouted like a sad puppy, "I thought I was your everything."

Wednesday inhaled sharply, nearly forgetting where she was on her page, "You are, Mi Sol... I just fancy tormenting you at the moment."

"Whaaat? You fancy me?" Enid snorted.

The goth looked at her with a softened look, "Always and forever."

Enid ended up turning red as a tomato. She expected more playful fighting but Wednesday straight up flirted back in the most casual monotone voice.

She pulled the blankets up her face, just enough to reveal her eyes, "W-well, I- I guess I fanc- fancy you too alw-"

Suddenly, Wednesday leaned in like she was about to haunt her, "You... GUESS?" she said in a quiet yet tense voice.

"Aha, I mean for sure! I know it r-right in my heart," Enid awkwardly chuckled.

Wednesday sat back and continued reading her book, "What was Uncle Fester's "really deep message" that you mentioned? I cannot assume it's him droning on about his deep pockets with the most fabulous tools for surgery, which he instead uses for his food. Or his deep love for cats?"

"What? No," Enid scoffed, "and he loves cats? No way! I love cats too! They're my favorite!"

Wednesday raised a brow, "I thought it would be dogs."

"Huh? Where-" and Enid immediately frowned, "seriously, girl? Just cuz I'm a werewolf?"

"No, you act like a puppy, sometimes."

"I thought you preferred dogs, anyway."

"No! Remember, Willa?" Enid raised her stuffed animal of the black cat, shaking it adorably.

"And yet you have Mr. Fox," Wednesday's hand gestured to the bright orange plushie.

"Well, he's a fox! The fantastic Mr. Fox! He's not a-"

"Foxes are part of the dog family, Canidae, which also includes domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, dingoes and other canines, Enid."

Enid blinked in surprise, "Wow, thank you for the life lesson. Will totally be remembering the first word you said to me!"

"But anyway, I like cats and all, but your Uncle Fester was just talking to me about some personal stuff," she finally revealed her face fully, her smile fading a bit, "it was... just about seeing my family."

Enid slowly sat herself up, now leaning next to her love, "And about you a bit."

"About me?"

"Yeah... about your feelings."

"My... feelings," Wednesday closed her book and stared at the front cover of it for a while, "my feelings."

"Y-yeah, but don't worry it was just how... how you felt about your family. And how you have a very big heart," Enid's words trailed off, Wednesday was able to hear the last part of it though.

Enid laughed nervously, "Your Uncle really likes me."

"I know. Everybody tolerates you in my family, even if they haven't met you yet... they like you."

Enid felt her heart thumping loudly.

Just from those words, her wolf spirit howled even greater for Wednesday.

Was this... really the time and place for it?

For her wolf to go out like this?

Inside, she could feel how all of Wednesday's family would be so accepting of her. Every single aspect of the werewolf would be accepted and welcomed into the Addams Family arms.

Uncle Fester said it himself. And Wednesday implied it in some sort of way.

Enid felt her inner wolf howl more, wanting a further declaration.

Declaration. Tch, what the hell am I thinking about? Enid shook her head.

"Is something on your mind?"

The blonde looked over and bit her lip. She sighed, "Yes."

"Please. Tell me."

I can't tell her how my stupid inner wolf wants something that deep! A declaration? Seriously, I can't tell her that!

"Enid. Please, tell me. I want to help you as much as I can."

Wednesday... you don't understand... this is on ANOTHER level of "wow, holy crap."


The blonde looked at her and felt guilty. Her face was nearly a blank expression, but she managed to look so worried but also determined.

All this happening so suddenly? The acceptance and feeling so loved. Like she belonged in their family.

Enid turned her face away, deciding the hell with it, "Wednesday... deep inside... I can feel my inner wolf howl."

"Your inner wolf howl?"

"Yes. And it's howling a lot. Especially to you."

Wednesday remained silent. Watching as her hands slowly started trembling.

"It howls a lot especially when you say things like how I will become an Addams. I will join your family and stuff-"

The goth immediately knew where this was going and her hand stopped midway in holding Enid's to comfort her.

"Wednesday, I can't help it but that is how my wolf feels for you. It's... it's-" Enid started hyperventilating but quickly Wednesday was able to finally grab onto her hand.

Wednesday took Enid's hand into both of hers, and gently massaged it. She remained quiet until, "Enid. Am I... your mate?"

Enid's head snapped toward her, staring with eyes watering with small tears, "Yes."

Wednesday blinked in confusion her hands swiftly moved to caress Enid's cheeks, "Why the tears?"

"B-because it's... it's such a big deal and everything! Being a mate to a werewolf means you are bonded for life and you promise to be with the-" Enid was silenced by a kiss.

Enid's eyes widened as Wednesday pulled back.

"Enid. Don't you remember?" her hands continued holding Enid's cheeks, "I am devoting my life to you. I am willing to do whatever it takes for you, remember?"

"Doesn't that say enough already? I am drawn to you. I am the moth from the dark, you are the light. I willingly go to your light even if it burns me."

Enid remembered, how could she forget? But... part of her still questioned her life choices, "Wednesday... are you 100% sure you want to spend your life with me? With every part of me until the end?"

Wednesday wiped away the tears in Enid's eyes and gently caressed her cheek again, "For eternity."

"Eternity and forever, Enid."

Enid then remembered all of Wednesday's heartcutting speeches for her... how she would give her life and how she couldn't live without her.

She doubted it because of her fear... but she needs to confront it.

Wednesday had said everything true in her heart. She was dedicated to Enid.

Oh, how could she be so dumb? That was her way of accepting her!

That was the Wednesday way of accepting her for life...

For life...

Wednesday Addams... I can't believe you.

"Enid. I want you... to ask me... officially," Wednesday didn't shy away when her cheeks started tinting red.

Enid could feel Wednesday's heart racing, just as fast as hers.

And so, she smiled, with happy tears... accepting the truth that was right in front of her this whole time, "Wednesday Addams... will you become my mate?"

The goth traced her fingers over Enid's scars and stared into her blue diamonds intensely, getting lost already, "Yes. Enid Sinclair... of course I will."

And then the tiniest of smirk appeared in the corner of Wednesday's lips, "The Addams Family desires a werewolf bloodline anyway," she muttered ever-so quietly.

"I will be your mate... forever and always, Enid," her words sounded so magical and full of warmth.

Enid let out a soft laugh and rushed forward and softly smashed her lips onto Wednesday's.

In a matter of seconds, the kiss intensified and deepened.

Both girls were feeling sparks of electricity running through their body.

Enid could feel deep inside her wolf now finally becoming quiet, living peacefully inside in ecstasy.

Warmth enveloped them entirely with full passion.

Wednesday blindly traced Enid's scars with one hand, touching them so softly like she was pressing kisses along them as well. Her other hand ran through the luscious, cotton-candy blonde locks.

Enid's hands ran through the silky-raven hair in return as well.

Both could feel each other's hearts racing in rapture.

The kiss continued on for an eternity, Wednesday was hesitant at first but made a bold move.

Thanks to her Addams blood... she initiated French kissing...

It surprised Enid at first, but then it turned into pure bliss.

They both battled for passionate love and knew neither one of them would win. It was a never-ending battle for love.

They continued on taking in the sweet taste and fragrant scents of each other.

Both girls felt this was the happiest moment of their lives, which had just begun together.

Their kiss lasted for what felt longer than centuries, but the passion remained on and grew even more.

The two girls slept peacefully in each other's arms, embracing the warmth of sleep together. Wednesday had a faint smile over her face, even in her sleep... and Enid?

She smiled from ear to ear, as she dreamed with Wednesday.

Both of them couldn't believe it but it did happen. They were mates, until the end of time. Both were dedicated to do whatever for their lover.

They will push through the struggles together, in Uncle Fester's words, as a tsunami.

A strong tsunami of love and strength built together.

They had a supporting tsunami behind them... and that was the very welcoming Addams Family.

And hopefully a second one... the Sinclairs.

Tomorrow... was their train to San Francisco.

Wednesday and Enid will face the Sinclairs very soon.

They both knew that it wasn't going to be a peaceful resolution, or it could go very out of hand. But one thing they did know was that they had each other.

Each other was all they needed to begin their strong tsunami...

For now, they will enjoy this peaceful time of rest, with their hearts fulfilled of a bond of love.

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