Remus <3

By yoyoyolmnop

4.2K 130 15

Ash Potter was always close to James and so it was only natural for her to be a marauder. Just like it was on... More

1 Meeting the marauders
1.5 Suspicion
2 lycanthropy
2.5 Once a month?
2.75 First Kiss
3 Summer of second year
4 Brotherly protection
4.5 Hogsmeade
5 Animagus
6 Quiddditch
7 first moon after the turning
9 Wedding pt.1
10 Wedding pt.2
11 Tickets to Quidditch
12 More of a Writer
13 Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
14 Injured
15 Scars
16 A Pact
17 Poppy
18 A new brother
19 Prefects
19.5 Make up
20 The Map
21 Wolfsbane
22 Sirius
23 Viritisium
24 A Crush
25 Rounds
26 Everyday
27 Charity
28 Friends
29 Finn
30 Toxic
31 Chocolate
What now 32
33 A Potter Summer
34 A Potter summer pt.2
35 A Potter Summer pt.3
36 Blessing
37 Blessing 2

8 Fabian Prewitt

100 4 1
By yoyoyolmnop

The year passed by quickly, until the very last week of school.



He leans in to give Ash a kiss but Ash turns and it ends up being a cheek kiss, just like she's been doing for a week now.

"What's up with us Ash?" Fabian sighs and Gideon takes it as his cue to leave.

They were alone now. Ash had been working up the right words to say and how she should break it to him for a week now. She just couldn't find the right words because frankly Fabian was a great guy. He was fun with a familiar affinity for pranks. Something was just off. She kept comparing him to her friends, Remus specifically and it just didn't feel right. She couldn't put her finger on it but she knew kissing him and acting like they usual did would only hurt him.

"I think... you aren't the one."

"We're breaking up?"

"We are."

"Because I'm not THE one?"


"And what if I think you are THE one?"

"Then you've thought wrong. I can't be THE one if I'm not in it," Ash frowns, she felt horrible for dumping Fabian.

"It's been a good year and a half Ash. Do you want me to cry now or should I hold them in until I get to my dorm?" Fabian laughs as he looks away but he wasn't really joking.

"I still care for you Fabian, even though it's not romantically," Ash puts a hand on his cheek.

A choked sob escapes Fabian before her turns back to face Ash, "So now?"

"Come on Fabi," Ash pulls him into a hug as he cries into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for this," Fabian cries.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You are a wonderful person," Ash let's a few tears of her own out.

"Just not your wonderful person," Fabian lightly sobs into Ash.

"Not mine, but somebodies. I know for sure you are somebodies. I enjoyed every moment with you."

"I can't say I enjoy this moment very much," Fabian laughs.

Ash laughs to, "You're so amazing Fabian."

"Gosh you're the nicest ex-girlfriend ever."

"We may not snog anymore but nothing more has to change Fabian. You can come to me anytime of day," Ash whispers.

"Godric, James is going to kill me," Fabian smiles despite the tears flowung out of his eyes.

"We all know James can;t do anything I don't want him to do. I want you to live a good and long life Fabian."

Fabian pulls her closer and they embrace each other for a few moments as students pass-by, not surprised by the PDA they were displaying. Ash's hands were raking through his hair like when they used to date.

"I can't lie and say I won't miss you or that I won't be crying again when I get to my dorm."

"I am pretty great huh," Ash chokes up not realising that during the time they hadn't been talking she had let more than a few tears out.

"Don't cry, Ash. This'll be okay. I understand we weren't meant for each other."

They were sitting up now and wiping away each others tears.

Ash pulls Fabian into one last hug.

"Don't be a stranger," Fabian whispers into her hair as he gives her one more squeeze and turns away.

They were walking to their own common rooms now. Ash spent the rest of the day in her dorm. Fabian did as well.

Ash had timed the break up very well. James never heard about it since the rumors didn't have time to spread before summer began.

Remus, Sirius, and Peter would be spending most of the summer at the Potters.

On the first night they sat in a circle on the floor of James's room.

"I pulled some strings and I got 5 tickets to a quidditch game in June," James smiles.

"What day?"

"Why does it matter Ash? Your free all of them," Sirius laughs.

"Just tell me what day," Ash groans.

"The 12th," James answers.

"Yeah fine... I'm free."

"Course you are. Anything to see more of me," Sirius winks.

"Hey do you think Lilly would say yes if I invited her?" James asks.

"I think she'd say yes if I invited her," Ash responds.

"Ugh you're right, I should have had you send the letter," James groans.

"You already sent the letter?" Remus smiles.

"As soon as the fool got home. He wrote a week prior too," Sirius grins.

"And what's new in Peter's life?" Ash asks, noticing he hadn't spoken in a while.

"Um... I got a new shirt?"

"Ah yes the red one with stripes, I saw it when I was checking on Sirius and you. You will look just nifty in it."

"What about me Ash?" Sirius edges closer with a flirtatious grin.

"What about you?" Ash says, glancing at James who was watching Sirius, ready to strike.

"How would I look?"

"Look with what? Peter's shirt?"

"Well I can't go around stealing other people's shirts now can I? Specially not Peters. How would I look?... you know," Sirius grins broader.

"How would you look without Peter's shirt," Remus's brows knit in confusion.

"He's trying to imply 'how would I look without a shirt at all?' He just did a poor job," Ash grimaces.

"That's enough, go to your room Sirius," James points to the door.

Sirius saunters off after flippind James off. He turns to head to his room.

"That's Ash's room! Yours is on the left Sirius," James yells, not even looking back.

Sirius turns back around after realising his, very purposefully done, mistake.

"I find it odd you let Sirius go so far and yet if Prewitt so much as smiles at her you hit him over the head. Or what about the time Remus made a flirtatious remark about her and you pounced?"

"I asked if she could pass the bread," Remus defends himself.

"No you asked if Ash could please hand you the bread," James huffs, "it was very suggestive. In fact I think I've used that exact phrase when asking Lilly-flower for bread."

"You asked Lilly if Ash could please hand you the bread? No wonder she hasn't fallen for your dim-"

"Clearly I used Lilly's name and not yours," James says.

"So why do you let Sirius do so much?" Peter asks again.

"Cause Ash has standards. She'd never date Sirius."

"It's true I wouldn't"

"Oh come on! You just gotta give me a chance!" Sirius yells from his room.

"But you think she'd date Remus?" Peter asks.

"Of COURSE she would. Well... no I guess she wouldn't. Maybe? All I know is she definitely won't date Sirius," James thinks.

"What if I one day wake up and decide him constantly flirting and asking me out is endearing and accept him? Like what you hope Lilly will do," Ash says and at this James stills.

"It's different."

"Yeah completely," Remus side eyes James.

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