Remus <3

By yoyoyolmnop

4.2K 130 15

Ash Potter was always close to James and so it was only natural for her to be a marauder. Just like it was on... More

1 Meeting the marauders
1.5 Suspicion
2 lycanthropy
2.5 Once a month?
2.75 First Kiss
3 Summer of second year
4 Brotherly protection
4.5 Hogsmeade
6 Quiddditch
7 first moon after the turning
8 Fabian Prewitt
9 Wedding pt.1
10 Wedding pt.2
11 Tickets to Quidditch
12 More of a Writer
13 Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
14 Injured
15 Scars
16 A Pact
17 Poppy
18 A new brother
19 Prefects
19.5 Make up
20 The Map
21 Wolfsbane
22 Sirius
23 Viritisium
24 A Crush
25 Rounds
26 Everyday
27 Charity
28 Friends
29 Finn
30 Toxic
31 Chocolate
What now 32
33 A Potter Summer
34 A Potter summer pt.2
35 A Potter Summer pt.3
36 Blessing
37 Blessing 2

5 Animagus

126 2 2
By yoyoyolmnop

"Argh! I spotted them outside the great hall again today," Sirius dramatically slumps onto the couch.

"It's none of our concern," Remus turns the page of his book.

"Oh but it is, what if he swallows her mandrake leaf? You should've seen it, he was trying to swallow her whole!"

"As charming as the image of my sister snogging Prewitt is, let's talk about something else," James grimaces, he didn't seem to be able to separate the two.

The only thing keeping him going was the knowledge that once they broke up he would finally be able to kill him.

"His tongue was literally down her throat," Sirius yells as he throws himself onto the bed, "I didn't even see her for the first few seconds, the Prewitt had her flushed against the wall."

Remus grimaced at the description, he was all to familiar with the scene of Ash making out furiously with Fabian Prewitt. The only one who seemed to be spared of the site was James Potter.

"Lot of good that information does me Sirius, we've already pranked him with an inch of death. The bloke is head over heals and he isn't scared of me. I told him he was dead to me if he put her hands on her and he just smirked and said 'I guess I'm already dead then'.  I've hexed him so hard he didn't even have ears for a week. My dear sister grew them back for him!" James rants.

"Maybe he's good for her?" Peter says before trying to take it back in a fit of stammering, "W-well I just m-m-mean that that well maybe he because he clearly um he cl-clearly is fond of her."

He's met with glares from James and Sirius as if he had just said he was going to become a death eater and kill Lilly and James.

"Have you all even started the charms project?" Remus asks.

"Peter will do it for us," Sirius shrugs.

The tension in the room dissipates.

"I will?" Peter asks sadly.

"You won't," Remus goes back to his book.

"Then Ash will. I think she's got a thing for me," Sirius beams.

James scoffs, "Yeah she's smitten. And not doing your homework, I won't allow you to take advantage of her like that."

"We all know how it goes anyway, I make Ash do it then Remus feels bad and ends up doing it and then I turn it in and get the Outstanding I deserve," Sirius fiddles with a pen as he lays on the common room couch.

Ash barges into the common room and makes her way to the boys, "it's time."

They all get up and follow her to the second story girls restroom, they were to brew the potion there.

"Is it true you were snogging Prewitt?" James asks.

"Probably, but you'll have to be more specific," Ash turns the corner.

Sirius's eyes go wide and he hits James as to say 'see what I mean'.

"Just think of it, if that's how they act in public what are they doing in private," Sirius whisper yells.

"Well whatever we do in private doesn't affect my hearing. Sirius."

They get to work on the potion. Ash was brewing it considering she was the best one at potions but Remus was double checking everything out of guilt anyways.

"Did you add in the-"


"Well did you stir it two t-"


"What about the-"

"Remus," Ash looks up at him.

"Right sorry I'm sure you, added in exactly a teaspoon of dew," he fidget with his hands nervously.


"Well did you?" he asks again.

"James," Ash motions for Remus to be removed.

"I hope I turn into a dragon so I can set you in your place," Ash rolls her eyes once Remus has been escorted away.

"Well just tell me if you did or not," Remus pokes his head to look at the potion.

"Peter could you check if the lighting storm is soon?"

The boy scurries off to check.

"James I'll need about 4 vials."

"On it," James rummages around to retrieve them.

"Anything from me love?" Sirius asks.

"Tear that potions book away from Remus will yah. Other than that just sit still and look pretty," Ash scoops the potion into the vials.

Peter makes his way back, "one more hour."

"You can take the leafs out of your mouth," Remus grumbles from the corner Ash forced Sirius to baracade him to.

"Yes we can," Ash takes hers out of her mouth, "strand of hair in your vials and then we wait."

The potions change color and they all huddle together in anticipation.

"Not that I don't fully believe in you sister but are you sure everything is in order?" James eyes his vial.

"You'll still love me if I'm permanently transfigured into a mosquito right?" Ash checks her watch.

"Nothing could stop my adoration for you," Sirius winks.

"You wouldn't be having this talk if Ash had just allowed me to double check her work," Remus huffs.

"Sirius," Ash gestures to Remus who had somehow made his way away from his time out.

Once everything had settled the first lightning strike was seen.

"Everyone go go go. Chug!" Ash yells before downing the potion.

She feels a tingling sensation, then pain, then an image in her mind. A phoenix. She opens her eyes and there she is sitting on the ground in bird form. She was flying in circles and squawking in excitement as a stag, a dog, a rat, and Remus stare up at her.

She shifts back to a human and leaps into Remus.

"Playdates in the shrieking shack!"

"Gosh would you stop shrieking, no wonder you turn into a bird," Sirius smirks.

"You as a dog is equally fitting, if not more," Ash glares.

"Padfoot," James laughs.

"Prongs," Sirius hits James over the head.

"More like wet snout if you ask me," Ash gazes at the two.

"And I was going to call you Firetip, now that I look at it though, you're more of a bird brain," Sirius rolls his eyes.

"I think Wings is more fitting," Peter says.

"Well if I won't be Scarlettail, you can be Wormtail," Ash smiles.

"Wormtail, Wings, Prongs, and Padfoot," Remus nods.

"We didn't forget about you Moony," Ash puts a hand on Remus's shoulder.

"Yeah," Remus fell into a daze as he stared at Ash.

"You'd better stop before I jump your bones," Ash laughed.

"Fabian wouldn't like that."

Ash laughed harder at this, "I was only joking Remmie. Oh you really are the cutest."

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