Some Things Are Best Unknown.

By Hophop2020

40.8K 1.5K 355

It was the smile that through everyone off. She was always cheerful, always smiling, and always kind to other... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

540 27 8
By Hophop2020

A/N- Sorry that it has been so long, and also sorry if this is not the fight scene you were looking for. I just felt like the right thing to do to end it the way that I did (I have not finished the story yet lol), but this climax of a fight. Sorry for any misspellings or grammatical errors. 



The Shinko was too distracted of trying to suck the Kekka Genkai out of the Uchiha that he did not realize that the last living Hanako was about to finally finish his duties of slaying the group that had killed his and Sakura's clans. He has been waiting for this moment. The moment where he could truly protect the Hitachi family, his God-daughter...His beautiful God-daughter, finally put chakra in the ribbon.

'I should've stayed with her. I could have kept this from ever happening.' Disappointment with himself was what he was feeling.

He narrowed his eyes at the man who was cackling. He saw what were Sakura's friends tied up by the beautiful vines that seemed to be tainted. There was earthy rubble everywhere, plants slayed left and right, trees broken in half scattered across the battlefield, giant craters in the ground, what was a little weird were the groups of flowers that were sporatic like blood splatters across the torn up forest. He looked closely at the white-haired man and saw that there was this light pink aura around the end of his staff that he is currently bringing closer to the Uchiha.

"AAAAHHHH" Sasuke wailed in pain and that was Mochida's cue to attack. He unsheathed his sword and jutted forward.


Sakura closed her eyes as she focused on her jutsu that was patching her up very slowly. 'I need to relax my body and let it rest, Mochi's got this.' Her consciousness went blank and her body went limp.


All Sasuke could feel was massive amounts of energy being taken from him, his eyesight was blurring and he was starting to become a little delirious. What he could see was the figure of an older man with a sword that was heading for the subject of his pain. Suddenly, the pain stopped. He breathed heavily. There was a ringing in his ears and what sounded like Naruto screaming his name from far away 'But he is right next to me...that can't be good.' He tried to catch his breath and focus on the situation that was happening. He looked onward and saw that this older man who looked like a type of samurai...kicking this idiotic man's ass. His eyes were starting to hurt a little so he squeezed them shut to try and focus on his hearing.

"Sasuke! Are you alright?" Naruto asked. Sasuke could hear a little bit better now.

"Hn.." Sasuke grunted.

"Did he take your kekka-genkai?" Naruto asked. Sasuke focused on his eyes and tried to activate his Sharingan. He opened them to reveal the Sharingan.

"Looks like the loon wasn't successful," Sasuke said arrogantly. 'That was close.' Sasuke was secretly petrified of what might've happened if the swordsman had not arrived. 'he almost finished the entire clan.' "We need to get out of these vines."


"THERE IS STILL A HANAKO LEFT?!" The Shinko man was getting very frustrated at the fact that he was losing to a swordsman, but his first attack nicked him pretty harshly in the side and his balance is completely off now. What the man didn't know was that the Hanako is not just a swordsman, but a ninja, and has been training years for this moment. The Shinko Leader's staff was flung across the field. The kekka genkai had not fully absorbed into his chakra system, so he wasn't fighting with a lot of the vines as he had earlier. He was trying to dodge the Hanako man left and right while heading for the fallen staff, 'But the DAMN STAB WOUND ISN"T HELPING.' "AHHHHH" He screamed in distress and pain.

'He is losing it.' Mochida was noticing that the blood loss, and the constant fighting, along with the great amount of chakra absorption were not helping his sanity, and that he is very close to finishing the job. He used an earth jutsu where the ground beneath the Shinko man turned into a type of sand just enough where only his knees were showing and he hardened the ground.

'I can't move' was all he thought. 'I feel light-headed...and nausea.' and he clutched his stomach and started retching. He just kept throwing up for what felt like forever until he forced his stomach to settle a little. 'I feel really hot.' He noticed his body was going through the symptoms of like a bad flu. 'Maybe there was poison on the blade?' he thought, but while he was busy diagnosing himself, he did not notice that Mochida was standing behind him.

"I've been waiting years to fulfill my duty," Mochida said. "You killed my family, my dearest friends, and you nearly killed my God-daughter."

The white-haired man raised his head a little and looked straight ahead to where Sakura lay. He let out a chuckle. "I actually killed her, there is no way she could survive what I did to her, she called you here on her dying will." Mochida's face hardened at that. "Who would've thought that I would have died so close to my dream, at least I killed the last of that dreaded Hitachi family, too bad, I couldn't take you with me."

Mochida's face was stone cold as he drove the blade through the man's heart. The man went limp and Mochi checked for a pulse. After he confirmed the death he ran straight back to his Sakura.


Tsunade was mad. Very Mad. Her best ANBU could not find the location of the sealing group, the Cherry Blossom and Naruto. They tried to trace the Cherry Blossom's chakra, but at one point it fizzled along with Naruto's. The information gathering team was supposed to be in the area, but why couldn't they find the DAMN LOCATION.

"I smell something Lady Tsunade." An Anbu approached her.

"Well, get at it!" Tsuande was at her limit. 'About Damn time.' She followed the Anbu until the Anbu stopped suddenly. Everyone followed suit. "What's the issue?"

"The smell is getting stronger just standing here, but nothing seems to be wrong." Everyone looked around at their surroundings. Everything seemed to be super peaceful...too peaceful. Suddenly they were beginning to hear loud sounds that they could not hear before.

"Genjutsu!" Multiple people were trying to release it, but they couldn't.

"If it is a Genjutsu, why couldn't we sense it earlier?" Another Anbu asked.

"And, why can't we get out?" Shizune asked.

"Fascinating, the sounds are getting louder and the smells are getting more potent. This Genjustu originally captivated all 6 senses, including chakra sensing, but it seems to gradually be losing power." The anbu with the extremely good sense of smell commented.

"So how do we break it?" Shizune asked.

"If it's losing power in the smelling sense and hearing sense, that is it's weakest point, so we need to break it using that crack in the Genjutsu."

'Sakura, hold on. I'm coming.' Tsunade thought.


A/N- Sorry for the short chapter, and sorry if it does not make sense. Thank you for continuing to read it!


1225 Words. 

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