our weird friendship anomaly...

By DaytimesMoon

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Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... More

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
A Successful Plan - 11
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Bury Me in My Blood - 27
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
SoulMates - 32
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Letters to SoulMates - 37
Surprises, Surprises... 38
Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

Days Gone By - 30

776 32 8
By DaytimesMoon

Through the cold rains, wet grass, muddy fields, strong winds, and crowded forests... the two marched onward with great strength and will.

They were getting closer and closer to their destination.

Judging from Wednesday's perception and their map, Uncle Fester was less than a week's walk away.

Less than a week away from knowing Enid's family whereabouts.

Less than a week away from getting Enid to her family.

Less than a week away from Wednesday completing her ultimate goal.

To help Enid.

The journey so far had not been smooth, but it was not sufferable.

Although it was a tough start, Enid was quick to start getting moving again.

She insisted that they keep moving, saying it would probably make her feel better on getting closer to home.

And so Wednesday agreed and moved forward.

Every night, Wednesday clung onto Enid, comforting her in every way possible.

And it helped.

It soothed the werewolf girl, calming her anxiety and pressure.

She still sadly received nightmares, but on the fortunate side they had changed and were less impactful.

Ever since the Blood Moon event about a week ago, Enid's nightmares have shifted.

In the dreams, Enid would still see her blood covered hands and she would be running in the middle of nowhere. However, at the end of her paths of feeling shame and guilt... she always found Wednesday.

Every time, Enid would always find Wednesday in the end.

She was there for her.

Even in her nightmares, she comforted her.

After she found Wednesday at the end of her flee, the nightmares would always shift to a dream.

Instead of a bloody world, it became bright or rather just a gray... maybe showing her Wednesday's world a bit.

There were a few unrealistic parts, but Enid was glad to have dreamed them anyway. In her dream-after-nightmare, Wednesday was always smiling.

She was smiling a bit too much, and laughed a lot.

Very un-Wednesday yet very cute to imagine.

And unbelievably the real Wednesday in the world was right. She will always be there for her.

Even as far as going into her nightmares and saving her.

Enid's nightmares still continued, but they always ended in a peaceful and questionable dream state.

And that was at least a relief to the pair. The only thing Enid kept secret was how she dreamed of Wednesday grinning and laughing a lot.

That was a quick step already, Enid's nightmares changing. Wednesday assumed it was her dedication to her, in which she was correct.

Enid's wolf spirit howled strongly at Wednesday, and she already felt it a while ago: how Wednesday was her mate.

Now with Wednesday's acceptance of Enid and her wolf, even after everything... it changed positively.

That was most likely the reason for her nightmares shifting so quickly and being less of a nightmare.

Though she still was afraid of them, in the end she always had Wednesday.

On the outside world of Enid's dreams, when Wednesday watched over Enid as she slept, she helped in her own way too.

The ravenette would notice how Enid start trembling or letting out the tiniest whimpers. Her hands start gripping around tightly, clenching at whatever. Enid no longer let out cries or loud noises in her nightmares, now they were more subtle.

But even the tiniest bit of Enid squirming around, Wednesday would take action.

Wednesday would immediately notice and swiftly embrace her.

She would press gentle kisses around Enid's body, comforting and soothing her.

When Wednesday could feel the blonde calming down and relaxing into a peaceful state of dream, Enid at the same time was finding Wednesday at the end of her running-away.

So far, they've only stayed in one village.

Wednesday was really hesitant but she wanted Enid to have some of her favorite comfort food for a day and have a comfortable bed to stay in for a night, hoping she would get better rest.

She knew the risks of Enid being anxious all over again around people, so she took Enid to the smallest and most peaceful village they could find along the way.

And it was perfect, the village had a population of less than a hundred.

They preferred the life of peace and everybody knew each other like they had grown up altogether. Only a few travelers came by so a small but cozy inn was fitted.

Although Enid felt more comfortable hiding with the sheep and chickens, Enid slowly was able to go more into the village and pass by the streets regularly.

Wednesday watched how Enid's nervous face slowly grew to a comfortable but precautious one.

The blonde looked at people smiling happily at each other as they did their daily work.

It was mentally stressful, but Enid was able to push into her mind that she wasn't a monster. She wasn't a monster that people fear. She was one of the strong werewolves, and they are all innocent. Werewolves are not monsters.

And so, Enid was able to walk side-by-side next to Wednesday. There was a bit of nervousness as they went by the front desk, but she remembered again, thanks to Wednesday squeezing her hand... she was just like them.

Happy and innocent. And only wanting happiness and innocence.

Wednesday was ever-so-kind in bringing Enid's favorite food up to her in her room as she laid in bed. She surprisingly insisted on reading over Wednesday's in-progress novel.

Wednesday never thought she would feel embarrassed about someone reading her work, but she did when it was Enid. Mainly because it was Enid who influenced the romantic part in the story.

By the gods, she hopes Enid didn't find anything related to her in there.

Anyway, they had visited a happy village once. Wednesday had basically nursed Enid in comfort, and the next day they set off again, Enid not wanting to pause their journey any longer.

Oh, and Enid was quite surprised by the content of Wednesday's novel. Though it was a bit disturbing, it was quite a thrill!

So, they went through more hills and fields, slowly the Winter was melting away from the Earth and Spring was slowly settling in.

Which reminded Wednesday they haven't done something yet at all.

When a clear night falls, she puts a mental note in her head. She looked into the cloudy sky and could feel in their presence a light rainstorm rolling in for the night.

The two marched across the great lands of the Eastern coast area, surprisingly coming into contact with only the wildlife since that village stay.

They hadn't encountered anything else but nature.

Well- actually, Wednesday had encountered bandits. TWICE.

But with her sadistic appearance, she actually frightened away from the bandits. Thankfully they were just petty, amateur thieves who just simply wanted to plunder.

With a simple flick of her wrist, more knives and blades appeared on her hand than the number of bandits there were.

And then with an ankle twist and a kick, twice as many more hidden blades appeared.

The bandits probably have soiled themselves as they ran away, as Wednesday walked off with an amused expression. Disappointed she didn't get to mess around with her weapons, but she had her werewolf to attend to.

Returning to Wednesday and Enid... the werewolf was a little quiet.

Admittedly, Wednesday missed hearing the blabbering blonde's voice, and in a way even when she called her "Wends."

But she knew it would take some time for it to return.

Enid was doing great already, she was coping with her traumas and emotional-attacks. All her nightmares and sudden frights were all calmed down thanks to Wednesday.

Enid was still bubbly and smiley, just not as much which Wednesday was okay with.

She was going to get back home with her family, hopefully Wednesday gets to make amends with and show her mother a lesson on what it means to be respectful, AND a mother.

She still couldn't believe how horrid and inhumane her mother was.

But as she thought more about suppressing her anger to Enid's mother, the Addams couldn't help but think... back to her mother.

Back to her family.

Wednesday did occasionally think about them from time to time... but she never really thought about it hard enough.

Did she miss them?

Did she miss the Addams Family?

Did she miss the Addams Manor?

Mother? Father? And their atrocious abomination of displaying affection?

Pugsley? The billions of ways she could torment him?

And Lurch, the Frankenstein butler that is ever so loyal?

How the house creaked and crawl with creeping souls and insects?



She did miss them. Except whenever they displayed their love.

She missed them all. Grandmama, their pets and-

Wednesday couldn't believe she was saying this but she missed home.

Wednesday could feel deep inside of her, a part of her was longing to return to them.

It had been more than five months without them.

As more dreadful than dreadful she found them... the goth missed her family.

And another part inside her was wondering... was she actually the reason why she kept getting caught?

All those seven times she escaped the school her parents forced her to go to, she was caught or she ended up being sent back home.

Was it because in the end, she missed them?

Did Wednesday Addams really miss her family and went back home?

She never realized it until now, after meeting Enid. Someone so dear to her.

After all, this was the longest she's been away- more than five months.

All the other times it was about a month or so, never this long.

Wednesday needed to brush away the thoughts.

Eventually, she told herself.

Eventually, she will return at a later time. When Enid is safe and her mentality is stabilized enough.

Wednesday returned to reality when Enid finished her little lunch break.

The cotton-candy blonde let out a sigh of relief as she finished the little fruit bits for her lunch and leaned back against the boulder.

Wednesday looked up to her with a strange expression.

Enid looked back at her, making the same strange expression. But then she smiled.

She smiled and immediately Wednesday's body relaxed.

"Hey, Wednesday... you- uh... you didn't touch your lunch?" she pointed at the box in Wednesday's hands.

Wednesday looked down and realized it was still unopened. She was too busy thinking about her family that she had forgotten.

"Oh. Apologies, I will eat later. You look done, so let's go-"

"Nooo, Wednesday!" Enid reached out and waved her off, "I know I said I don't want us to stop too long on the way to your Uncle, but I also want you to relax yourself."

"R-relax?" the ravenette cocked her head to the side in curiosity.

Enid had to gayze a bit at the cute gesture, she quickly shook the thoughts away and nodded, "Wednesday, eat your lunch."

The blonde gave another heartwarming smile, "Come on, I know you always say you're a resilient Addams but... I want you to relax."

"And with your stubbornness... I'll offer to help you eat it," Enid chuckled.

Wednesday felt her heart skip a bit as Enid's smile grew with her soft little laugh.

She gave in and scooted over next to Enid against the large rock.

She opened up her box between them and the two shared her packed little lunch.

Wednesday could feel Enid slowly coming back out again, enjoying the moments of life. She did an overly exaggerated romantic gesture of plopping grapes into Wednesday's mouth.

Oh, if only Enid could see Wednesday blushed looking away. She was feeling embarrassed about how this was exactly what her mother and father always did in the backyard, gazing upon the graveyard.

The pair finished their little lunch together and got ready to be on the move again. Wednesday informed Enid that this would be a shorter walk before dusk, they would have shelter and camp before the rain finally comes upon them.

After fixing their snoods upon their heads, the two set off.


Enid woke up silently.

She didn't have much of a nightmare tonight, but she just found herself unable to remain asleep.

She looked up at the shelter canvas Wednesday set up for them in the dim light, as she listened intensely to the quick patter of the raindrops.

Through the quiet rainfall, Enid could hear how Wednesday was nearly silently snoring.

She looked down and saw her arm was still being clung onto by the goth in her sleep. Enid could also feel the ghost of Wednesday's lips on her cheeks, from when she comforted her during her nightmare.

The recent rain have taken Enid by surprise. Even though it was the late part of the season of Winter, it wasn't Spring yet, but it had rained quite a few times already on this last stretch of their journey.

The blonde looked out into the dark forest as the rain poured down around them.

In a way, the rain soothed Enid.

She liked the rain, the calming sound of mother nature and feeding its Earth...

And the smell of it too! It was EXACTLY... like Wednesday's scent.

The only thing missing was the "gray" of Wednesday's wonderful aroma.

Enid couldn't describe it but... that was what made Wednesday's scent.

She shook away the thoughts of the things she loved about Wednesday and continued studying the raindrops falling to the ground, dripping off of the tree branches or lining across them.

Besides the lovely warmth of Wednesday's touch, there was also the slight warmth from the candle set to the side of them.

The candle dimly lit the canvas they sat under, keeping them dry and a bit more warmer.

And to this day, Enid still does not know how this girl managed to pack EVERYTHING inside her pack for trips like this!

Seriously! First, the money. Second, EVERYTHING ELSE.

The shovel, the sleeping bags, the extra blankets, the clothes, the food, their toiletries, the canvas, matches, and a bunch more supplies and resources!

Wednesday amazes her... seriously.

Enid looked down upon Wednesday again, with a soft smile.

She felt so glad for her.

But then her smile flattened out.

The blonde's face was now filled with curiosity and confusion as something laid by the side of Wednesday's head.

No, it wasn't a strange spider. Nor a dead bat.

It was something in the shape of a rectangle.

Enid leaned down closer, but immediately recoiled back.

She blushed heavily as she realized the way it looked like, she was kissing Wednesday's lips in her sleep.

She told herself she was acting crazy and to just look at it.

And so, after a few more moments of calming herself down from getting excited about Wednesday, Enid reached down and picked up the object.

Enid sat back to her original position and held it in the low light of the candle.

It was paper.

There was something on it, as several black and gray marks covered the entirety of one side.

Enid's blue eyes narrowed as she observed it closer. The dark colors didn't help with how dark their shelter was. Then, after a few moments of looking closely, she realized she was looking at people.

It was a photo.

In that photo stood a very tall woman dressed in all black. Her face of gloom and darkness, yet mature. In a way, she resembled Wednesday. Even the smile did too, it was that damn small smirk that Wednesday always had.

And then next to her stood a shorter and sizable man. With a very, VERY big smile!

And an awesome mustache too!

He wore a black and white striped suit, his big hands were wrapped around the taller woman.

In front of the man stood a little boy who fashioned black pants but a white shirt, his face like the man and woman... smiling but in a dead gaze.

Somehow, Enid could see Wednesday in the boy.

But then suddenly... Enid's eyes went wide as she looked at the fourth person in the picture.

A girl, just as tall as the boy...

Dressed exactly like the woman... and looked exactly like-

WEDNESDAY?! Enid realized she was looking at Wednesday's family photo.

Her cheeks quickly heated up and her heart leaped a beat. Judging the way Wednesday looked, this must've been taken a few years ago!

Enid couldn't help but awe at how cute Wednesday looked, and with her family too!

They were very... Addams-y...

Definitely Wednesday's family.

Enid flipped the paper and saw that it was signed in Wednesday's handwriting, exactly as Enid predicted, a few years ago.

She flipped it back to the photo and continued aweing and fantasizing over the cute little Wednesday and her brother and parents.

But then her grin stopped.

Her excitement halted in growing.

As thoughts came to her and made her realize... Her family.

Enid realized Wednesday spoke about her family.

Sure she talked about tormenting her brother and proving her power to her parents... but she never went into depth about them.

Enid felt a bit of guilt inside of her... she was taking Wednesday's time away from her family.


She knows it's been at least five months since Wednesday has been with her and away from any sort of family contact.

Did they die or something? Is that why she's with her the entire time so casually? She can't tell because Wednesday was... Wednesday. She knows she's not really expressive and all but-

What happened to Wednesday's family?

Enid could feel more guilt rising inside of her, all this time... Wednesday has been helping her find her family, but Enid never knew of Wednesday's.

How could she be so selfish?! She never even asked once about where was her family or how were they or-

The blonde shut her eyes and took in a deep breath.

She felt her heart rate slow down and her pressure decreasing.

She focused on the sound of the rain, the smell of it and the warmth of Wednesday.

She could feel Wednesday's grip around her hand tightening subtly.

After a few moments of deep breaths in silence, the blonde was able to calm down.

She was able to hold off from a panic attack as she found herself reasons.

Enid will just ask Wednesday... as they went on to walk.

And Wednesday probably has good reasons.

Maybe it was truly a mission of independence, surviving away from home and family.

Her family must be fine, right?

Yes... they must be.

Enid will ask about them the next day. She will definitely feel bad for not thinking about Wednesday's side at all, but she'll understand.

And by some coincidence, she heard the little mumble of the goth.

"Mm... come back to sleep, Meine Wölfin... I need you," the ravenette groaned half-asleep.

Wednesday's hand tiredly reached out and lightly pulled Enid down.

Enid let out a soft laugh and joined back to Wednesday in her sleep, "I'm right here, Wednesday," she softly whispered.

She placed back the family picture in its original place, and hugged Wednesday back in her sleep.

She pressed a gentle kiss on Wednesday's forehead, "Thank you."

Wednesday just mumbled, "You missed-"

And then the ever-so-romantic-and-cliché Wednesday Addams... kissed her on the lips. With her eyes closed.

"My bad," Enid chuckled and soon, she found herself falling asleep. Now tired for once.

She didn't feel any negative pressures anymore, and just embraced the warmth. She fell asleep to the sounds of rain and the love embrace of Wednesday.


The two walked under the clear skies, the light Winter breeze blowing against their faces as they tread across the marshes.

Wednesday kept a firm grip on Enid's hands as she helped her across the waters.

She couldn't help but feel something was bringing her down, as her smile seemed a bit false.

After every little jump in the waters and parts of land and rocks, Enid flashed an expression of half-smiling and half-down.

It wasn't until they finally left the marshes and entered through plain grass fields, filled with grazing cattle.

Wednesday decided this was a halt for a small break. She sat down with Enid, gazing out at the landscape.

And before Wednesday could even ask, Enid was the first to speak up.

"Wednesday... what's... your family like?"

The ravenette immediately connected the two and concluded this was what was bugging Enid.

She slightly cursed herself for suddenly thinking about her family and taking out that photo to look at, but she shrugged the thoughts away and decided it was time to tell.

Wednesday kept it short but informative, telling the blonde about how she was basically her mother's shadow.

Morticia was the idol of dreadful darkness, but too romantically expressive.

Her father, Gomez, was the one who married into the family name. He was a childish joker, but a man of heart and faith. His Italian blood was perfect already with Addams' multiple foreign blood.

He was just as romantic, and loved her and her darkness, bringing in his own darkness as well.

The two were obsessed with each other, they were each other's favorites instead of their own children.

And oh how horrible the children were, Wednesday included herself.

Enid already knew a bit of Pugsley, he was apparently Wednesday's hamster to experiment on after their mother was tired of burying thousands of individual graves.

But don't forget, the hamsters were after the thousands of rats.

Enid didn't want to get into detail with that.

But she learned that Wednesday wasn't as cold as she was in the beginning.

Enid could feel that deep in Wednesday's heart, she cared for her family deeply.

This would probably be the same result if she asked when she first met Wednesday- but of course if she was this close to her as well.

Wednesday went on and on about how her parents displayed too much affection in public, and how much her brother loved to play with deadly things.

She even brought up about their butler- which made Enid realize, how exactly RICH was Wednesday?

Wednesday gave all the specifics on the Addams Family without going too deep in the gore and darkness.

And in the end, both of them saw how much Wednesday cared for them and missed them.

Enid could see where all of Wednesday's traits came from, but then a little bit of negativity slithered its way in and came out of her mouth.

"I bet your family hates me like you did when we met," Enid's laugh was very false, "cuz ya know? They're all darkness like you but I'm pretty sure they actually hate all color and-"

"Enid," Wednesday squeezed her hand firmly, "with all my perception, with all my thinking, with all my thoughts, with all my family's perspectives... you are 100% welcome into our family."

Enid felt her cheeks blush heavily as her heart skipped a beat, "R-really?" she hesitantly asked.

"Enid. Look at me. And I am serious. LOOK at me," the goth stared intensely.

"If you managed to make me swoon for you... you are most definitely loved by my family. Not only are you Enid, but you're also a werewolf. A magnificent and wonderful creature of nature. The perfect person. They will adore you, they will pepper you with affection, they will praise you."

Enid's heart rate went all over the place at the words, and she could feel her wolf howl greater at Wednesday. She couldn't believe how much she was complimenting her as well as go on about her family accepting her.

"Enid, my family would go as far as bringing you into our family and becoming an Addams... or... more of I will," the ravenette looked away, hiding a blush as her words trailed off in the end.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" Enid's jaw nearly dropped. She swore she could've heard those words with her wolf senses.

"I said you would be gladly accepted! They will love you, but not as much as I do as my love for you is eternal," Wednesday once again hid her shy blush.

Enid couldn't help but grin, feeling a bit shameful for that negativity to slip out... but in the end, she was glad to see the determination of Wednesday.

"Well, thank you, Wednesday... I am very glad to know that your family... um... would bless me."

"There is not a single reason they wouldn't," Wednesday cleared her throat and looked back out at the fields.

The Addams looked at the fields, thinking about how dreadful it would be to hear her parents drone on about preparations for marriage and child-

And then she just stopped.

Wednesday didn't want to think too far ahead.

Right now... she will enjoy the peace she was having with Enid.

And Enid will too.

She joined Wednesday and gazed upon the landscape, their hands holding each other as they sat in the light peaceful breeze.

The two stared out for what felt like hours, until a thought passed through Wednesday's mind.

"What would... your family say of me?" the goth surprisingly asked a bit quietly.

"O-oh... I... I don't know," Enid chuckled nervously.

Wednesday immediately cursed herself for bringing up the subject of her family.

Enid was still trying to get over the trauma of being abandoned, so she shouldn't bring it up on their feelings.

Quickly, Wednesday was able to shift the subject, "Your father. You say he is different. How come?"

Enid's gaze shifted to the sky, she looked up and let out a long sigh, "I... I don't know how to explain it... but... deep down, I can feel he still loves me."

"I know I said he stands there whenever... my mom yells at me or insults me... or other things happen but-"

Wednesday let out a tiny growl, "A good father doesn't stand there and lets their daughter be criticized."

Enid turned her head and looked at Wednesday, giving her a reassuring smile, "Wednesday. It's okay... I'm sure he has a good explanation for it. And... I don't think he's a bad father... he's a good dad."

"I know he's shy. He's really shy... but I can feel he really does love me."

"He's not very open and he's more introverted... but I do remember he would always take me out for fun."

"I remember my dad taking me out for ice cream, or for walks, visiting towns, parks, and all when I was younger."

"He was the only one who loved me and played with me when I was younger. My brothers were off doing their own thing and obviously my mom was... doing her thing to me."

"But... at some point he... changed. As I grew up, he slowly stopped doing those things and started keeping a distance away."

"I don't know how to explain it but deep down I feel like it has something to do with my mom. And I can feel that he still loves me... he's just very shy and afraid of showing it."

Wednesday stared down in her lap, eyebrows furrowed as she thought angrily how Enid's mother manipulated the family into abandoning Enid.

But, she couldn't jump to conclusions.

She had to find out for herself.

And she will eventually when Enid gets back home.

There she will set things straight.

So for now, Wednesday held off from the subject of family. At least she knows for sure that Enid's dad was the only one who tolerated and loved her... just in an anomalous way as she grew up.

Enid sighed and whispered one last comment about her dad loving her, and then she looked over to Wednesday. She gave a big warm smile, "At least I have you."

Wednesday felt her heart skip a beat. She could barely nod in return and all she did was let out a weird noise, "Always and you too."

Enid giggled at the subtly flustered Addams who cursed her brain for being unable to think of a proper response.

The blonde told her it was cute and she was fine, which only made Wednesday fluster more.

After a bit more of a laugh, Enid decided to bring something about their journey up, "So... Wednesday... who is this... Uncle Fester?"

"Ya know? Because we're going right to him but... who is he?"

She let out a mute sigh and Enid could've swore she saw a smirk on Wednesday's lips.

"Uncle Fester's... always been quite a character."

"Quite a character?" Enid hummed.

"Yes. Everyone agrees he's the Addams Family disappointment."

Enid's eyebrows raised, suddenly feeling not too great about this whole journey to him "for help."

But she couldn't help but relate, so a wry smile appeared on her lips and she nodded along, "Gee... he's just like me. We both are the same," she chuckled.

Wednesday scoffed quietly and looked at Enid, squeezing her hand softly, "Enid. He's the only person I tolerate in this dreadful world... so in that regard, you are quite similar to him."

Enid's eyes widened, Wednesday tolerated someone outside of her direct family? Even after everyone seeing him as a disappointment?

The ravenette stared intensely into Enid's blue sapphires with her dark-chocolate orbs, "The only difference is you are more tolerable... and you're Enid."

"You are no disappointment Enid... you are everything in- in... in my eyes," Wednesday's words went quiet near the end. Her cheeks tinted pink.

Enid's cheeks became hot and she looked to the side nervously, "T-thank... thank you?" she blurted as her heart thumped loudly in her ear. She unfortunately missed once again another rare sighting of the Addams' blush.

After an "awkward" silence, Enid looked back and then started laughing gently.

When Enid's laughter died down and the two agreed on finding out about Uncle Fester's "character" when they meet him, the two relaxed for a few moments longer.

After sitting and basking in the daylight for a peaceful few minutes, the pair finally agreed that they were ready to be on the move again.

The two quickly set off through the fields under the bright sun and the cool air.

Enid was satisfied with knowing about Wednesday's family now... and she felt even more loved as the way Wednesday described them accepting her.

And Wednesday was satisfied with knowing Enid's father was the safer side of the family.


Enid followed Wednesday up several rocks which seemed to be going up a giant hill.

They traversed the incline, basked in the orange rays of the dusk of the sun.

From the looks of it, it was a wide-open area with no trees around. The cotton-candy was wondering why Wednesday would choose such a place, but all she said was to wait and see.

And so she followed, hoping it wasn't a place where Wednesday would lead her to her demise.

And thankfully she was proven wrong.

Wednesday led them to the middle of the hill and made camp.

There was no fireplace set but their sleeping areas were at the ready next to each other.

It was a perfect view of the sun setting in the horizon.

But that was not it, apparently... as Wednesday explained it was much later.

In the dark.

And so, they waited.

They waited and waited.

They waited together, huddled up by each other, and waited for it to happen.

As the light of the sun had faded away and the dark void invaded the sky, the near-new moon phase was accompanied by something.

Thousands and thousands of lights.

Countless stars were spangling the black night... all of it by itself was enough light to shine upon Wednesday and Enid as they looked up.

Enid had never seen so many stars.

She didn't realize there were so many!

And this was only the tiniest fraction too!

While they both stargazed, Wednesday quickly explained how there were billions in this universe... and billions more outside.

The world itself is an interesting piece of mother nature... but the world outside is even greater and just more mysterious.

Enid still couldn't believe how stars were just suns from far away, and many of them were even bigger than their own solar systems!

Wednesday had also declared this was the last chance of a good night to gaze upon the stars.

Apparently, the Winter was where the stars would appear best... and she was right on time as these were the last few days before the Spring settled into the world. The cold didn't bother them as they had each other, as well.

Oh, how the stars were so beautiful...

She never took the time to look up and admire the beauty of it.

And many of them made patterns in the sky... constellations!

As Wednesday and Enid's heads were pressed against each other, they pointed out all the constellations they could make in the sea of stars.

Wednesday had a tiny smile curving her lips, and Enid had a big smile as she drew the stars out.

Together, the pair were able to make seven pictures in the alignment of the distant suns.

Although Wednesday has seen the stars several times, she wouldn't mind seeing them a thousand more times with Enid.

Everything with Enid could be repeated over and over again... Wednesday would never be tired of her.

This moment of calmness before sleep was a heartwarming and pleasant experience for both of the girls.

And whether by destiny or not, a shooting star was dashing through the deep sky!

Wednesday and Enid both gasped as they saw it flying through. And at the same time, with their hearts... they both wished for something together.

And then they looked at each other at the same time, both of them feeling content.

In the cruel world... there was beauty to it at least.

But of course, as Wednesday would say... nothing compares to the beauty of Enid.

Simultaneously, both of the girls felt themselves getting more sleepy. Their eyes were getting harder to keep open after about an hour of stargazing together.

But before they fully shut, they looked into each other's eyes... and saw it was a reflection.

As they got lost in each other's eyes, they could see the reflection of the stars, it was mirrored perfectly.

Both of them were tranquil. It was a time of serenity and both of them wished they could stay in it forever.

Just the two of them, being happy together and content with the world, and admiring its beauty.

Alas, the two finally started falling asleep now.

The pair faced each other under the sparkling night, gazing into each other's mesmerizing eyes that were shutting close the mirror of the stars.

Wednesday and Enid were fast asleep, peacefully. Wrapped in each other's arms, under the starry night, embracing the slumber of dreams together.

(author's note):

Our gals are nearly there! They are nearly there and Enid is coping well after everything.

She's still struggling a bit but she is managing well all thanks to Wednesday's help. And quite a bit of discussion about family too!

And they gayzed upon the stars, such a romantic thing to do... stargayzing...

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