By KookiesnMinnies99

161K 13.5K 3.5K

❝You know my private pool doesn't have cameras on the wall Officer Jeon~❞ ❝Don't hesitate, kiss me Officer Je... More

2.★Kim Brother's★
3.★A Bodyguard For Jimin★
4.★The Unknown Sparks★
5.★The Jewel Is a 'He'?★
6.★Gorgeous Little Barbie/Chucky Doll★
7.★Jimin's Saviour★
8.★Jeon Jungkook is straight?★
9.★Champagne glasses★
10.★The Eye Catching Candy★
11.★Queen Of The Dragon's★
12.★Baby Boy Turned 18★
13.★Kim Jimin Have A Crush★
14.★Late Night Rendezvous★
16.★Tension In The Air★
18.★Kill A B*tch★
19.★Mafia And The Murders★
20.★It's Forbidden★
21.★Kiss Me Officer Jeon★
22.★Coloured Lie's★
23.★Trust v/s Guilt★
24.★F*ck The Consequences★
25★The little Asmodeus★
26.★Lee/Choi Diana★
27★Who Is She?★
29★He Love's The Bubblegum Boy★
30.★Beauty With Brain★
31.★Love, Family and Pain★
32.★Kingilton Hill's★
34.★You And Me Forever★
35.★Glitters, Diamonds and Love★
36★Betrayal, The Beginning Of Downfall's★
37.★Love So Sweet And Love So Painful★
38.★Prince To The Cinderella★
39.★Everything And Nothing★
40.★The Crushed Rose's★
41★What did I lose?★
42. ★An Eventful Night★
43★The real culprit★
44.★The Taste Of The Same Medicine★
45★Love Wins By Lasting Through Death★
46.★Doll In The Trap★
47.★Namsan Fortress★
48.★Flight Or Fight★
49.★His Savior★
51.★ The Wolf Hidden Underneath The mask★
53.★Traitor And A ❛Murderer❜★
54.★Insanely In Love★

17.★Joonie And Jin★

2.4K 229 48
By KookiesnMinnies99

Namjoon flipped his phone upside down when his phone lit up with a ring. He was having a serious conversation with Mr. Convills about their branch at London. He doesn't want any distraction in between. But when his phone rang a second time, his temper lost.

Excusing politely, Namjoon walked outside of the room to curse at whoever was calling him like this.

[Hello. Who are you? Don't you have atleast some sense to understand someone might be busy if they don't take your call in the first try?]

At the other end. Jin flinched from Namjoons outburst. He was not trying to disturb Namjoon, but he knew if they don't inform about Jimin, he would be worse than this.
Wiping the small amount of sweat on his upper lip. Jin answered.

[M-Mr. Kim, I am Jin.]

Jin's rational mind didn't allow him to call the male with the lovely name ‘Joon’ now as the older was already angry at him.

Namjoon closed his eyes tightly cursing under his breath. He shouldn't have lashed out on the person on the other side without knowing who it was. He definitely doesn't want Jin to get the wrong impression from him.

[Jin.. is this your number? I didn't know, I am sorry for getting angry. I was in a meeting thats why.] Jin was quick to shook his head in negative. But Namjoon could not see him.

[It's alright Joonie. I can understand. I shouldn't have called when you were busy too.]

The 35 year old smiled hearing the tender voice from the other line. It felt surreal to get a call like this while he was away from home.

[Why did you call? Miss me already?]
Jin blushed at the playful tone. But he didn't call Namjoon to say how much he missed him but to talk about Jimin.

[Joonie please be calm. Jimin is having a fever and cold. He ate his food and is sleeping now.]

Everything was fast after that. Jin was feeling a bit worried when the older didn't said anything after that but just an “ I m on my way” was heard. And the line went off.

Namjoon took the very next flight to Korea and was back leaving behind his unfinished work there.

Jungkook grabbed at the edge of his bed tightly. The veins on his forearm popping up with how much pressure he was adding on his hand.
Jungkook was getting fed up with all of this. A few moments back Taehyun came to him to specifically remind him about the consequences of endangering Jimin by taking him to the beach on a rainy day.

And a lot more time back Taehyung had came to glare him down saying he was going to see their wrath if he continue to behave like this.

The male doesn't even know what they were insinuating by coming at him for getting the younger sick. He doesn't even know why they were making an 18 year old  getting sick  this much of a big deal. Jimin was a grown up if he is correct. He shouldn't have agreed Jungkook to take him to the beach then.

It's not like he isn't worried about Jimin. He was. The smaller had his birthday a few days back only and now he is sick.

He looked at his door when he heard a knock on it. Jungkook wore his hoodie and went to open the door.

It was Jin. Looking at him, Jungkook knew the news was unpleasant for his ears.

“Mr. Kim asked for you. He is here.”

Just like he had anticipated Namjoon had already reached here. Jimin might be Namjoon's life if a father is so concerned that he left his work in abroad and came back to Korea.

Jungkook knocked on the door of Jimins room grabbing the attention of Namjoon who was seated near a pouting Jimin.

“Come in.” The voice felt like a command.

“Mr. Kim. I am sorry for taking Jimin to the beach. I didn't kn-”

“Its alright. Jimin told me everything. It's his fault that he didn't tell you about this prior.”
Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at Jimin more like glared at the smaller. The later hid his face inside the blanket, but peaked outside with only his eyes out.
Jungkook keened his eyes further making the smaller hide inside completely.

Namjoon cleared his throat before getting up from his seat looking at his mobile.

“I need to make some calls. I believe you won't repeat this. I don't want any repetition of this incident. Look after him officer jeon. And you come with me, I need to talk to you about something.” Namjoon pointed at Jin dramatically tensing the male. Jin followed behind the older one shyly oblivious to the other two in the room.

Even after Namjoon went Jungkook was looking at Jimin with the same eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He heard the small nasaly voice talking from inside the blanket.

"Because of you I have been hearing a lot from your uncle's. Even if I didn't do anything and it's your fault they still blame me. Next time don't get me in trouble like that Jimin."

"I m sorry." Jungkook sighed. Atleast this Barbie had the generosity to say sorry. He walked back to his room leaving Jimin to rest.

The smaller raised his head from his hiding spot and looked at the door with a pout.

"Went already?"

Jin was pressed onto the wall of a small built in closet that had a lot of old books and records. A bulky male had his arms wrapped around him from behind.

"You are taking care of my son pretty good Jin." Namjoon husked earning a whimper from the pretty male in his hands. The older pressed several wet kisses on his neck making it harder for Jin not to moan out loud.

"J-Joonie we shouldn't be doing this right now. What if see us?"

"Don't call her that. Call her name Jin." Namjoon tightened his hold on Jin. He turned the male in his hold only to press his lips on Jin's. The smaller immediately kissed back with equal fervent.

"I missed you." Namjoon said still pressing onto Jin's lips in a lazy way. "I did too. But I was occupied with Minnie. He is a nice kid." Namjoon's eyes sparkled at what Jin said.

"You know Jimin never liked nannies or maid's. But I can see the difference with you. He is letting you take care of him. Thank you for that Jin." The beautiful male smiled from ear to ear hearing that. He genuinely liked to care for the smaller."And no maid has ever liked my son. That's why I made you his personal maid. I am sorry for using that word. Let me rephrase it. Care taker maybe?"

"It's alright Joonie. I don't have any problem with you calling me a maid. There is nothing degrading about it." Namjoon pressed one more long kiss over Jin's mouth and pulled back.

"I have things to do at the company. But I will find a day to meet for us soon." He caressed Jin's pouty lips. Giving one last peck he walked out straightening his suit leaving a messy Jin inside the hot small room.

It's been two months since Jin was being Jimin's personal maid. He gets a lot of leisure time after being the personal maid. Today he got a holiday as Jimin had went to a trip from his school. The younger whined and showed puppy eyes to his daddy to let him go for that trip.
An annoyed bodyguard was send with him for Jimin's safety purposes.

Jin was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus. He was going to do some shopping today. It was difficult to get a bus near the elites town. All of them used their own vehicles that poor people like him had to walk a lot to reach the bus stop outside the villa.

Jin was exhausted after the long walk. The baby blue sweater he was wearing had tiny drops of rain. These days it was mostly raining in Seoul.

Jin took out his mobile from his side bad when he heard it ringing. His face lit up seeing the caller id. It said ‘Joony baby’. Jin changed Namjoon's name like that so that Beomgyu doesn't get suspicious. He had told Joony was the six year old son of a distant cousin of his.

Over the last few month's Namjoon and him have become more than a master and maid. Sneaking to see each other. Late night calls. The deadly mafia god have became a teenage boy in love. Namjoon even smiles lately.

Whenever they were together, Jin feels like he belongs to someone. He feels like he was loved.


[Where are you?]That deep voice, it always gives tingles all over Jin's body. He smiled shyly.

[I am at the bus stop near the town.]

[Do you see a black Mercedes parked on the other lane? Come and get inside it.] 

Jin looked around him to find that particular car. He knew nothing about luxurious cars. Seeing his dilemma Namjoon said;

[Baby the one directly opposite of you.]

[Oh. Okay.]

Jin was a bit scared to approach the car. Its black tinted windows made him anscious. But it was Namjoon who told him to get in. So Jin did without thinking much. To his surprise it was Namjoon himself inside the car without his driver.

"Where is your driver? What if somebody saw us?" Jin looked here and there checking if someone had seen them.

"Don't panic baby. Nobody saw us."

"Is this the surprise you told me yesterday when I said I want to go outside?"

"Not just this. You will see."

Jin felt his cheeks burning when Namjoon pecked his confused pout. The latter started the car and drove ahead taking Jin's hand in his.

Jin bit his lips looking at Namjoon. The latter wasn't wearing his coat. But a silk button down and his slacks.

"Loving the view aren't we." Jin flinched away shyly. Namjoon had a way to make him shy.

[Eomma. It's not that I am not trying but he isn't budging one bit. I am scared that he have a hidden affair.]

[Sana don't tell me you don't know how to manage your husband still. I told you to get pregnant before Hoseok. Then what happened? He is already two months pregnant. As I have told you. Jimin, that baby boy of Kim Namjoon isn't capable of running a big a*s company like the Kim's or worse the mafia.]

Sana's mother was no different than her daughter, infact the lady was the one who moulded her daughter to be like her.

[It's not that I m not trying. Taehyun is still avoiding me like a plague just because dad forced this marriage on him. But he isn't the first person to be in an arranged marriage. People still fall in love in arranged marriages too. But this is something else. He doesn't even touch me eomma. I told dad to make him marry me because I love him. Why can't he understand that I love him?] Sana gnawed at the silk bed sheet with her nails in frustration.

[Don't cry Sana. Remember who you are. You aren't an ordinary woman but the only heir of our Empire. You hold power. It's not just an arranged marriage. It's a pact that your father and Seojoon made. One wrong move the whole Kingsloy' will get exposed infront of the world. Why don't you use your brain a bit and work.]

[But eomma-]

[It's your time to decide Sana. We can feed you but don't tell as to chew it and give you.]

She picked at her nails as she thought about her mother's words. She was always taught to come first in everything. Their family was also one of the richest in korea but they didn't had the royalty like the Kim's had.

The only one among their family before Sana who had the privilege to be wed to the Kim's was their great great grandmother. But that was a distance cousin of Seojoons late late grandfather. It doesn't count as one relationship anyways.

She need an heir no matter what. If she doesn't get it in the straight way she knows how to use crooked ways to get what she wants.

Jimin tip toed inside the gym room of the fifth floor like a kitten in mission. The anklet Jungkook bought him dangling on his feets.

The smaller was wearing a black ripped shorts and a fluffy sweater showing his belly button. The sweater had tiny ducklings painted over it.

Jimin refused to wear stockings these days as the anklets won't be beautiful on them rather than his pale legs.

He opened the black and grey door and got inside of the room. The gym was massive with its many machineries that Jimin never uses except for his stretching belts.

His bodyguard would be here anytime soon. It was only after weeks that Jimin discovered, his crush was using their gym room.

While Jimin slept like a dead princess over his princess bed, Jungkook came here early to do his work outs. Today Jimin was determined to witness that holy sight of Jungkook groaning and sweating while he did his push ups.

He bit his painted blue nails and thought about a hiding spot. Jimin flinched as some foot steps approached the said place. He quickly hid behind a machine without making any noise.

Here comes the man of his dreams wearing a black hoodie and the same colored sweat pants with his Converse shoes. A water bottle in one hand.

Jimin knew he was breathing a few seconds back now he doubts that as the older took off the hoodie in one go displaying blocks of abs over that abdomen. One hand that was always seen with gloves heavily covered with tattoos of diffrent kind.

His hard pectoral flexing as the latter picked up some weight from floor. Jimin gently wiped the drool that was sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

His face heating up with each minute as Jungkook switched from one type of work out to another. He fantasized how it would feel when the older wraps that bulky biceps around his tiny waist. How it would feel to sit on that thigh. How it would feel to caress those abs. Jimin didn't know he was turned on by those thoughts as he squirmed on the spot were he was seated. His cheeks a shade of pink with a sheen layer of sweat covering them. Lips bitten to a shade of red. He knew from that moment that he wanted Jungkook. He wanted the older in a way that's totally inappropriate. Very very inappropriate.

"Why didn't you inform me when such a notice came thrice to this house Hyun bin?" Ye Jin whisper yelled as she clutched a few papers in her hold. She was searching for Jisoo's certificates when this bunch of papers landed over her face accidentally from the top drawer where she couldn't reach. Obviously her husband knew she wouldn't keep anything there.

"Even if you know what could you have done?" Hyun bin was defeated. Jungkook had already arranged a rent house for them to shift. More like an appartment which was the bare minimum he could find this early. Most of Jungkooks salary was going to the debts and now Jisoo's and Jennie's studies.

And the rest, he is saving for a house that could be enough for everyone.

"Are you mocking me Hyun? Are you telling me that I am not capable of any help?"
Two drops of tears slid through her eyes as she asked Hyun. She knew something was off as Hyun was behaving strange these days. But never had she thought her husband would be hiding something from her. It had never happened or it was never needed in their relationship. They both shared everything with each other.

Hyun stood up from the bed and walked towards Ye Jin.

" Honey. It was not my intention to not tell you. But I couldn't see you like this. I know how much you are attached to this home. We are loosing it Ye Jin."

" W-what do you mean? Where will we go?" 

" Jungkook had already found an appartment where we can shift temporarily. In fact we had always thought about selling this house. You always complained that Jisoo and Jennie wouldn't get a nice marriage proposal if we still live in this dirty colony." Ye Jin held Hyuns hands that were placed on her shoulders with a frown.

"I was not serious Hyun. How can we forget this house where we started our lives, where Jungkook took his first steps or the other two girls? This was our home when we started our married life. Are you sure there is no other way around?" Hyun shook his head.

Ye Jin laid her head over hyung's chest with a sob. It feels like they were thrown on the streets suddenly. Her heart ached for her family. Her son who was struggling to get ends meet. She felt so useless at the moment.

Jin took a deep breath looking at the clear sea infront of the balcony where he was standing currently.
The lonely beach house had only them today as the entire shore was empty. When Namjoon said it was a surprise, Jin never thought it would be this mesmerizing.

His parted messy hair blew with wind and he stretched his hands in the air. The white silk shirt he was wearing was reaching only a few inches below his butt. Obviously the owner of the shirt was still sleeping inside.

He loved being with Namjoon. He liked the older. He knew that. He always apologized to Haejin if he was doing something wrong. But when he was with Namjoon, everything felt right.

He flinched when a pair of veiny arms wrapped tightly around his tiny waist. His lips immediately stretching a widespread smile.

"Do you like this?" Namjoon asked keeping his chin over the later's shoulder. Watching Jin from the sides as the smaller turned red in an instance. Namjoon loved to make Jin blush like this. The later's ears would turn red first then the entire expanse of his neck. Then the whole face. Jin was a piece of art to the mafia lord.

"Y-yes I love this." Jin gasped when Namjoon hugged him tight against him.

" Joon you are not wearing anything?"

" Maybe not?"   Jin was a deep shade of red by now. Namjoon loved to tease this beauty. Jin felt his entire body get warm by the minutes being pressed against Namjoon's hard body.

"Can- can I ask you one thing Joonie?" Jin asked being careful not to break boundaries. He was just a maid inside their mansion. Even if Namjoon had shown him some interest, that doesn't mean he would like anything that Jin said through his mouth.

"You don't have to worry about how I will react. You can ask me anything."  Namjoon turned Jin around in his hold. Jin clenched his fist not to get drunken at the site infront of him.

" I wanted to know about you and Mrs. Kim's relationship."

Namjoon walked Jin back towards the bed and made him sit  there.

"She was just a responsibility I took for my Jimin. But it was the biggest mistake I made. Kingsloy's doesn't divorce their spouses so she got stuck with me just like that." The part where Namjoon said kingsloy's doesn't divorce left Jin in deep thought. So what was him? Just Namjoons secret bed warmer? A mistress? And that means he never will have a chance to be with him. Jin tried hard not to tear up. He blinked his eyes to push those tears away.

"W-why doesn't she behave like a mother towards Jimin then?"

" For one she married me in the first place by eyeing the wealth and power that kingsloy's had. When people started doing everything for her, she left Jimin with the nannies too. As she was a young mother, she was after other materialistic things than our son. Eventually Jimin never asked for his mother but me. I became his everything. As I didn't give the love she wanted, she blamed it on Jimin and since then everything was a mess."

" But isn't it inappropriate to ruin both of your lives with this loveless marriage?" Namjoon scratched his head thinking about the complications of that matter.

"It was like this since I can remember in our family. Nobody had ever tried to change it."

"Don't you think, you can be the first to change that?"


To be continued...

So your thoughts?

For those who are wondering when does our Jungkook and Jimin moments starts, soon babies, soon....

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