James Wilson

By onechicagofan4

14.3K 227 59

Younger brother of Cory and Jordan. ⚠️TW include abuse, drugs, suicide, death etc⚠️ They'll be a mix of what... More

The Wilsons
First Day of School
Blame pt2
Telling someone
Kicked out
Mr Qureshi
Found out
Visiting home
Weeks later
Last day of Ackley?
New family
Surprise Pt 2
Homework struggles
First day at waterloo Road
Not you again
Calm down
Pt 2
The question
A month later
Any ideas

Staying at Missys

365 5 0
By onechicagofan4

Aaron pov
I was driving when my phone started ringing. James
Aaron: hello?
James: I'm in Bradford can you pick me up?
Aaron: sure where are you?
James: erm by the McDonalds next to the police station
Aaron: okay I'm on my way. I'll be 5 minutes

I arrive and James is just sitting on the bench with a large bag of food.
Aaron: James!
He got in the car and I got a whiff of weed.
Aaron: James look at me
He looked at me and he looked fried.
Aaron: your high
James: No shit Sherlock
Aaron: what are you playing at?
James: don't wanna hear it. Your not my dad. My dads dead.
I didn't know what to say
Aaron: I heard I'm sorry
He was on his phone just reading a message
Aaron: you wanna go home or?
James: can I stay with you?
Aaron: I was gonna go see Missy
James: we can still get her and come back. I just can't stay in Ackley at the moment.
Aaron: okay
I started driving and we just sat in silence.
James: it was my fault
Aaron: huh?
James: dads dead because of me
Aaron: it's not your fault
James: I said we'd be better off without him and that I hated him. I made him so upset he killed himself. What kind of son am I huh?
Aaron: he put you through hell. You said what any one of us would have said. It's not your fault
James: I bet Cory and Jordan hate me. I'm the reason they don't have a dad anymore.
Aaron: I'm sure they don't. It's not your fault
James: mhm
He zoned out for the rest of the journey.

We went to pick up Missy
Hayley: come in missy's not ready yet
Daniel: Missy! Aaron and James are here
Missy came down. James was just sitting on the sofa eating his food.
James: anyone want some?
Daniel: yeah
James gave him a burger and some nuggets
Missy: you alright James?
James: mhm never been better
Aaron: Missy let me talk to you quick
We went to the kitchen
Missy: what's James doing here?
Aaron: he was in Bradford and asked me to pick him up. He wanted to stay with me but I said that I was coming here so he said to pick you up and come to mine. He's in a bad way Mis
Missy: what do you mean?
Aaron: he is beyond fried and he thinks his dad dying is his fault. He thinks Cory and Jordan hate him
Missy: ah poor kid. I'll talk to him
Daniel: Missy! Aaron!
We ran into the living room and James was seizing on the floor. I rolled him onto his side.
Missy: ah shit. Er Dan chuck us a pillow
He threw me a pillow and I put it under his head while Missy timed it. The convulsions were still strong and didn't show any sign of calming down
Aaron: how long we at?
Missy: 3 minutes
Aaron: what do we do?
Missy: I don't know. erm Dan call Cory or Jordan

Jordan pov
I was falling asleep when my phone started ringing. I didn't bother looking at the caller id
Jordan: what?
Daniel: it's James. He-he's been seizing for 3 minutes and it's not slowing down. What do we do?
Jordan: ah shit. He needs his rescue medicine. We're coming now.
Daniel: be quick

I ran to Cory's room
Jordan: Cory we need to go to missy's now!
Cory: why?
Jordan: James. Bad seizure. Medicine
I ran downstairs to get his medication
Jordan: Cory hurry up
We ran to missy's and Daniel was waiting at the door
Daniel: quick
We went in and rushed to the living room where James was forcefully convulsing.
Missy: we've reached 6 minutes

I gave Cory the medication and he sprayed it in James' nose. The convulsions began to slow down before completely stopping.
Cory: what caused this?
Jordan: er I don't know probably watching dad kill himself
Cory: shut up
Missy: he obviously hasn't taken his meds
Aaron: that and he was high and probably the wave of emotions he was feeling
Cory: has he said anything about it?
Aaron: he blames himself and thinks that you both hate him
Jordan: we'll have a word
After about 10 minutes he started coming round.
Aaron: hey kid
He looked around confused
Missy: you had a seizure but your okay
James: mhm
He started falling asleep.
Jordan: we should probably go. Tell him that when he's ready we'll talk
Missy: okay bye
Both: bye
By the time we left James had fallen asleep.

Aaron pov
James had fallen asleep on the floor so we moved him onto the sofa. Missy was in the kitchen and she was just zoned out.
Aaron: you alright?
Missy: yeah.
Aaron: you going to bed?
Missy: nah I'm just gunna camp out here just in case
Aaron: alright I'll be back in the morning
Missy: can you bring breakfast?
Aaron: pancakes or McDonald's
Missy: McDonald's
Aaron: sure. Bye love you
Missy: love you too
I gave her a kiss and left

The next morning
Missy Pov
Aaron knocked on the door.
Aaron: breakfast acquired
Missy: your the best. Let me just wake up Hayley and Daniel
I went upstairs and woke them up. We all went downstairs and had breakfast. James then woke up
Missy: how you feeling?
James: like shit
All of a sudden his arm kept twitching like he had an electric shock. This lasted not even a second. He was still alert and conscious so I weren't worried about it.
Missy: Jay you feeling up for school?
James: er not today I think I might just stay here if that's okay?
Missy: erm
Aaron: what about coming to work with me?
James: sure
Missy: right go get ready trouble
We all got ready and me, Hayley and Daniel left for school

James pov
I went to Daniels room to find my spare clothes. I picked out a beige north face tracksuit and my off white Jordan 4s. I sat on Daniels bed on my phone when my head started feeling fuzzy. I stood up to go downstairs but as soon as I reached the door everything went black

Aaron pov
I was waiting for James to finish getting ready when I heard a loud thud
Aaron: James! James! You ok?!
No answer
I went to Daniels room and James was seizing. I rushed over put a pillow on his head and rolled him onto his side. I began timing it. After about 2 minutes the seizure slowed down before stopping completely. A few minutes later he began to come around
James: ah fuck
Aaron: you okay?
James: my head is killing
Aaron: let's go downstairs and camp out on the sofa
I helped him downstairs and I sat on the sofa. James grabbed a pillow and placed it on my lap, laid his head down and wrapped himself up in a duvet.
Aaron: you wanna watch something?
James: erm avengers
I put the movie on and 10 minutes later I felt his breathing even out.
I just sat and watched the film eventually falling asleep myself.

Missy pov
We had just finished school and went home.
Hayley: Shouldn't Aaron be at work?
Missy: he is
Daniel: his car is still here
We went inside to see Aaron sat on the sofa. Daniel slammed the door shut and it looked like Aaron jolted awake
Aaron: for fuck sake Daniel really. Nearly gave me a fucking heart attack
Daniel: sorry
Missy: no work?
I walked around the sofa and saw James asleep on him.
Missy: oh. He okay?
Aaron: seizure but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. It was only about 2 minutes
Missy: how long he been asleep?
Aaron: all day
Missy: okay
I gave aaron a kiss
Missy: your good with him
Aaron: he's like an annoying little brother
Missy: you want anything to eat I'm ordering McDonalds?
Aaron: just chicken select meal please. I'll pay just take my card from the side.
Missy: you sure?
Aaron: yeah
Missy: thanks babe
I asked everyone else what they wanted and now James
Aaron shook James' shoulder. He slowly woke up
James: hmm
Missy: what do you want from mcdonalds?
James: nothing thanks I'm not hungry
Missy: you need to eat something kiddo
James: I'll just get whatever Dan got
Missy: milkshake?
James: strawberry please
Missy: sure
James: thank you
I placed the order and around half an hour later it came. Me, aaron, James and Hayley sat on the sofa while Dan wanted to sit on the floor eating. James just ate the chips and drank the shake giving his burger to Dan.
After we ate we all called it a night and went to bed.

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