𝒲𝓇𝑒𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒹 𝒢𝓃𝒹 π’Ÿπ’ΎοΏ½...

By SoLikeARose

2.8K 136 25

With Obsidian missing, Zeldris has brought together his strongest and most trusted allies to assist him on hi... More

1 | The Shadows of Death
2 | Trust
3 | One of Us
4 | Now or Never
5 | The Dreaded
6 | Snakes
7 | A New Kingdom
8 | True Power
9 | New Queen
11 | Things Change
12 | Return to Liones
13 | Mental Connection
14 | A Little Problem
15 | There Can Only Be One
16 | Providence
17 | Be Free
18 | Ghosts
19 | Things Change
20 | Unlikely Allies
21 | From the Dead
22 | Family Dinner
23 | Good Times
23.5 πŸ‹ | The Princess and the Prince
24 | Boy Drama
25 | Quick Execution
26 | Plans and Frustrations
27 | Fear the Reaper

10 | Adventure Awaits

80 4 1
By SoLikeARose

* * *

"Finally!" Azrael breathed a sigh of relief as he stumbled across a small campfire. His demonic energy had nearly fizzled out on him, forcing him to make his treacherous journey on foot. He'd been walking for hours while carrying Elizabeth on his shoulder and was in desperate need of a rest.

He dropped Elizabeth beside the small fire and let out an exhausted sigh. Without a bulk of his powers, this was proving quite difficult. Azrael was running low on steam and he didn't know how much farther he could go. Not to mention, he had no clue as to the whereabouts of Obsidian. He was growing ragged as he blindly wandered the plain in search of her, hoping his current path would lead him to her.

In his heart, he felt he was going in the right direction and that she couldn't be terribly out of his reach. He wondered how much she'd changed and how much the war had affected her. It had been what felt like an eternity since they'd been together last, and he longed to lay his eyes upon her face once more.

Azrael collapsed to his knees. He took a moment to catch his breath. He had nothing left in him. He needed to recharge and had no other choice but to stay here for a while. Azrael looked over at Elizabeth who was still unconscious and frowned.

"Wretched woman," he said with such blatant disgust. Even touching the goddess felt wrong. "This is all your fault. You made me do all this. All those humans' blood is on your hands, but I know you'll never accept responsibility for the role you played."

"Please, Azrael. Think of Obsidian!"

Elizabeth's then-pleading words still struck a chord in his heart. He closed his eyes in hopes it would suppress the unwanted memories. His weakness for Obsidian was something Elizabeth had exploited back then, but once she was safe in his arms, he would make sure that no harm would ever befall his sweetheart ever again.

Azrael stared at his palms. "You should've been killed back then. You and your precious boyfriend. So how are you still alive?" He didn't expect an answer, but he was so frustrated. "I will never forgive you for what you did to me and all the shit you put my family through. But why would you care? You're so wrapped up in yourself that you can't fathom that anyone else around you matters. You're such a spoiled brat. I'd kill you myself if I didn't need you to appease Obsidian."

Azrael shook his head. He didn't even have the tiniest idea where to start his search. The world was a massive place and Obsidian could be anywhere in it.

"Dammit O. Where are you?" He gazed up at the starry sky, wondering where in the world she could be. He punched the ground in his frustration. "DAMN IT!!" He screamed to the heavens, losing his cool as he tried to fight his weakening body.

Elizabeth stirred, beginning to regain consciousness. Spotting her slight movements, Azrael grabbed her to roughly pull her into an upright sitting position. He angrily sneered in Elizabeth's face then proceeded to backhanded her with full force.

"Wake up, bitch!" He yelled in her face.

Elizabeth was startled awake and felt the stinging sensation of her cheek as she gazed into Azrael's maddened eyes. He was beyond pissed and she feared for her life. When she prepared to scream, he slapped a hand over her mouth, promising to kill her instantly if she made a peep. With a threat like that, Elizabeth gulped and nodded.

As his harsh gaze pierced through her, Azrael let go. He instinctively ran a hand through his bright hair. Cool it, Azrael. You have to stay calm. He tried to talk himself down. He couldn't handle the anger swelling within him. The more time spent with the goddess, the more he wanted to end her life right then and there.

"Meliodas, please save me," Elizabeth's soft voice whispered much to Azrael's disgust.

"You are so pathetic." He twisted her arm and pinned it behind her back. "You still cling to the notion that he is your savior? The Meliodas that I know is nothing more than a selfish bastard who will feed anyone to the flames to save his own hide. You're still as ignorant as I remember."

"Sir Meliodas has always been there for me," she said.

"Then where is he now?" Azrael spoke into her ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine. "You used to be someone. Now you're just a colossal waste of space. Though I absolutely loathe you, the Elizabeth I know would never be so whiny. Guess that's what happens when you rely so heavily on someone else. You're useless."

He shoved her to the dirt and wiped his hands on his cloak. Such harsh words had never been spoken to Elizabeth until she met the Demon Clan. Even then, Azrael's words stung the most as he seemed to have the biggest grudge against her for some reason. Elizabeth was puzzled, trying to figure out how all these demons knew who she was and why they were so intent on causing her harm.

Azrael sat down, his legs propped up with his arms folded over his knees. "I gambled everything and heavily paid the price. But I'm going to get it all back. No one is going to stop me this time. My O, my family, my empire. It'll all be mine. All my hard work won't be in vain, I won't let it. They may have taken my wings, but they will never take my will and inner strength."

Through the brush, a branch snapped and he went on high alert. Azrael was now on his feet, looking through the darkness to try to get a glimpse of who was out there. He held a hand out, ready to defend himself until a girl came from the woods quite disheveled and ragged. Her light pink hair was an unruly and tangled mess and she paused seeing Azrael.

"It's...it's you." She was stunned to see him after all this time. Melascula fell to her knees, so tired and drained. "Azrael! I am so glad to see you!"

He looked down at her with a frown. "Have some dignity. Stand up." Melascula did as instructed. "You look disgusting."

"You would as well if you went through what I have," she replied. "That Zeldris is a real handful."

"Is that so?" Azrael had heard plenty of stories regarding the young prince, both good and bad.

"It's his fault I'm out here. Along with that troublesome girlfriend of his."

"I must say I'm surprised. This girlfriend must not have much intelligence if she finds Zeldris a suitable partner."

Melascula couldn't help a small smirk. "I will say she is quite the lively one. A raging flame indeed." She coughed dramatically. "I haven't had anything in days. No food, no souls...I've grown so weak." She noticed the other form beside the fire.

"What a pity." Azrael caught her lustful gazing of the woman across from him.

"I could really use a soul..." Melascula's eyes darkened.

"I have none to give," replied Azrael and he stared her down intently. "I suggest you go find what you're seeking elsewhere."

"You're going to deny me a perfect source right there?" Melascula stood up slowly. "Such a perfect one at that!"

"You take one step and I will take that as a threat." His warning irritated her.

"Don't be so selfish," she said. "Hand over Elizabeth, Azrael." Melascula's unkempt hair hung in her face. In her current state, she was unpredictable. Her once well put-together facade had cracked and unleashed a much more dangerous insanity hidden deep below the surface.

Still, Azrael refused. He would never allow himself to be ordered around by the likes of someone so full of herself. Melascula was never as strong as she perceived herself to be, and Azrael had always loathed the puny snake who had successfully pushed her way into the Commandments. She was never worthy of such a title.

"Even with the blessing of a commandment, you are still weak." Azrael narrowed his eyes. Even if he didn't have his full strength, he could still take Melascula easily.

"Stop being so arrogant and listen to me—I'm not your enemy. We share similar goals. Let's work together so they may come to fruition."

"What could we ever have in common?" Azrael was tickled to know the answer.

"A thirst for power," she said almost breathlessly. "I'm no longer welcomed by the Commandments, so I've been out on my own. I refuse to be bound any longer by Zeldris's rules. I'm taking matters into my own hands."

"And what is it that you hope to accomplish?"

"I'm going to kill Meliodas."

That instantly grabbed the man's attention, though he did well to mask his surprise. His eyebrows furrowed together. The rumors of Meliodas were true after all, it seemed.

"And how was it that he managed to survive?"

"For someone who was presumed dead yet stands before me now, you're honestly questioning that?" Melascula closed her eyes with a smile. "Eluding death is a tricky, but not impossible feat. Especially if one is powerful enough."

Azrael glanced back at Elizabeth, knowing that she, too, had managed to stay alive when he had thought her to be dead. It was a slap to the face to know everything he had done in the past had been for nothing.

"Do you want me to tell you where he is? All you have to do is hand over Elizabeth. No games, no tricks." Melascula tried to coax him.

"I don't need your help." Azrael turned his back on her and went to lift up Elizabeth. Her panicked fear had returned and he couldn't hold back his expression of disgust. Once he picked her up, he moved away from the former Commandment.

"It's a tragedy you'll never see Obsidian again, isn't it?" Melascula spoke up as a last-ditch effort to get to him. "She's going to disappear from your life forever and you'll never be able to reach her." When Azrael stopped walking, she grinned in wicked delight knowing she'd been successful.

Azrael didn't dare turn around as he gritted his teeth, triggered by the name uttered in his presence. Obsidian, he thought helplessly. Was Guila telling the truth? Are you really in danger?

"Don't tell me you didn't know." Melascula pouted. "Yes, it was very tragic when Meliodas threatened Zeldris's life and it was Obsidian who sacrificed herself for the greater good of everyone. Meliodas went on and on about her becoming his queen and how he was going to succeed his father. They're probably planning the wedding as we speak."

Azrael knew she was baiting him and it angered him to know it was working. He slowly turned around. "Where is Obsidian?"

"Are you going to give me what I want?"

"Tell me where she is."

"Do we have a deal or not?" Melascula pressed him.

He narrowed his eyes at the small woman, knowing there was some hidden agenda more than simply wanting Elizabeth. Through and through, Melascula was one of the grimiest demons he'd ever met and Azrael would never trust her surface level behavior.

"And if I were to hand her over, then what? You wouldn't dare double-cross me, would you?" Azrael asked.

"Of course not."

"Go on, then." When met with a quizzical look, he scoffed. "You don't think I'd just give her to you first, do you?"

"I suppose not..." Melascula agreed to go first. She beckoned him closer and he stooped down a bit so she could reach his height.

"Try anything, and you die," he warned as he pressed his thumb into her wrist.

"Alright, Obsidian is..." Melascula giddily whispered into his ear, spilling everything she'd heard since her departure.

Azrael's eyes widened. His jaw tightened as he drew back when Melascula was done. He closed his eyes, trying to figure out how he was to reach his new destination in his present condition. There was also the matter of going up against Meliodas which would be difficult without the full extent of his power.

"You did well holding up your end." Azrael thanked Melascula then promptly attacked her with a beam of light. "A shame I must be moving on now."

"That wasn't the deal!" She screamed out. "I trusted you!" She attempted to attack him, but he easily dodged her measly attacks.

"That was your own mistake," Azrael jumped back, his face sunken into his cloak's collar. He breathed calmly, unaffected by Melascula's anger.

"You bastard!"

"You know that you can't beat me."

"We'll see about that." Melascula was determined to make him pay for his deceit.

"I guess you'll be a suitable warm up for Meliodas." Azrael displayed much cockiness and he casually tossed Elizabeth aside without a single care. He tore off his robe, his muscled body now on full display with neatly scrawled ink etched into his left pectoral.

Azrael's hands glowed with a bright aura. With his limited magic, he had to bluff—and he hoped that Melascula was dense enough to not call it. He held a determined gaze, prepared to secure his victory by any means necessary.

As the two battled, it was obvious that there was no chance in hell that Melascula could win. She had sorely overestimated her own strength and Azrael had punished her accordingly for her ignorance.

"Are we done?" Azrael's dagger was held firmly at Melascula's throat and he panted as he tried to regain control of his breathing. Two fights back to back so quickly wasn't good for his current state. Internally, he was dying, but he had to keep up his facade to keep the fear instilled in Melascula.

Melascula glared, refusing to cave. Her honor demanded her to keep going even if she knew in her heart the battle had already been decided. Azrael sighed, using his discarded robe to dab the sweat from his face. He'd managed to last in that fight longer than he thought and was happy to know even with his little strength, he was still stronger than Melascula.

Azrael shrugged with a sly, wicked smile. His head slowly turned towards her and Melascula felt the coldest shiver run down her spine.

"Devouring souls was never my game." He closed in on the woman's cowering frame. "However, maybe yours is just what I need to give myself a little boost."

"You can...go to hell!" Melascula panted heavily between words.

"Even at your lowest, you refuse to accept defeat? Very well. I should've done this a long time ago..."

Azrael pressed his hand against her chest and her soul slowly floated out. He grinned in delight when Melascula's eyes went wide in shock and fear. Now in possession of her soul, Azrael had no more use for Melascula, so his hand shot through her chest with a brilliant white energy. Her entire body radiated the energy until her entire form exploded. Flesh and blood splattered everywhere and Azrael remained unphased by such a gruesome killing.

Elizabeth screamed in terror as she did her best to cover her face from all the viscera flying around her. Sure, she wasn't a fan of Melascula (who was?), but she still couldn't stomach a life being taken right in front of her. She wept quietly, begging for someone to find her. Ban, King, Diane...anybody. But she was all alone with a murderous demon who hated her guts.

"Shut up!" Azrael suddenly yelled at her. "I don't want to hear your whining, you bitch!" His sudden rage expelled quickly as he recomposed himself. Azrael's flaring temper had gotten worse over time. He did his best to control it, but sometimes it was hard to fully shut out his frustrations. "Patience, patience," he told himself. "Do it for her. Everything is for her."

With a slight hesitation, he took Melascula's soul into his mouth and swallowed it whole. It was as bitter as she was and it left a bad taste in Azrael's mouth. He nearly gagged but then he noticed the dark orb that had manifested from Melascula's corpse.

"What's this?" He wondered and took it in his hand. Upon further examination, he came to the realization that he held her commandment. "Well, then. Isn't this interesting?"

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