Divergent High

By FallenCause

341K 9.7K 3.1K

"I think I might be in love with you." His whisper tickles my ear. "What happens now?" I feel my stomach quen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 *
Chapter 8 *
Chapter 9 *
Chapter 10 *
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Contest
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending Note
Cover Contest!!

Chapter 46*

3K 92 195
By FallenCause

*Two years Later*

"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!" Ben and I scream out the window at the top of our lungs down town. "I NEVER HIT SO HARD AT LOVE!"

"Please make it stop.." Noah whines plugging his ears while Dale laughs in the drivers seat.

"Your an amazing singer babe." Dale kisses my cheek as I sit in my seat.

"Best damn singer ever." I correct and he chuckles agreeing. The past two years have been the best years of my life. Dale and I started dating again three months into me joining them. We traveled to almost every state and life has been better then ever with these idiots.

"Your birthday is coming up.." Dale smirks and I sigh.

"Please don't do anything stupid." I beg. Last year we went to mcdonalds, cause who doesn't love it, and we got kicked out within five minutes because the boys were dancing on the tables singing One Direction songs to me. I didn't even get the mcflurry I paid for.

"You know you loved our singing." He states smugly and I scoff.

"Not as good as Ben and I together." I shoot back. In the background I hear Noah and Ben fighting over who's turn it is to go to the bathroom first and I shake my head smiling.

"You know its going to be your 21st birthday. We should go clubbing." He suggests excitedly and I nod in agreement, sounds fun. I climb back to the small kitchen and sit at the foldable table where my Doritos from earlier sat.

"Tris your phone is ringing!" Noah yells and I smack him. He is literaly 2 feet away from me.

"Dipwat, hand me it." I say putting another handful of Doritos in my mouth. I look at the caller I.D. and its unknown.

"Hello?" I answer curiously.

"Tris?" A squeal comes and I pull the phone away from my ear. Woah.

"Um who's this?" I ask confused on who knows me and my number.

"Oh um its Christina. You do remember me right?" Christina? From School? We stopped talking a few months after I left.

"Hey Chrissy! Of course I remember you." I say suprised and Noah looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Dang girl, we haven't talked in forever." She groans. I do miss talking to her.

"I know right? How is everyone?"

"Good... kinda. Uriah and Marlene go to the same college and I'm sure they are still together, Zeke and Shauna go to the same college and I think they broke up after graduation, Cole and Toni are closer then ever, Four....." Christina trails off in realization and I chuckle.

"Christina, that was highschool, I moved on from him." I tell her amused and I hear her sigh.

"I wish I could say the same." She mumers and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Don't tell me he is still in 'love' with me.." I moan.

"Tris.. I believe he was in love and still is. When you left he shut himself out from the group and I'm pretty sure he hasn't moved on with life, for all I know he is probably still living in that run down apartment he got of his." She says and I frown. Did I really cause him that much pain?

"Christina, I thought I was in love then, but that was my innocent highschool life. Sooner or later Four would've got tired of me." I try and explain.

"I didn't call to fight. I actually called to tell you something..." She starts to get excited.


"Will proposed last night!!!!!!!" Christina yells and my eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh really?!?! Ahhhhhh! Can I be your bridesmaid?? When's the wedding?" I rant and earn weird looks from the boys.

"That's why I called girl! The wedding is in a month and Iexpect you to be right next to me!" She demands and I grin.

"Deal. I have to tell Dale." I say and she stops squealing.

"Your with Dale still?" She asks confused.

"Yeah of course. I've been dating him the past two years." I inform her like it really even matters.

"I just thou- Nevermind. Hey, I have to tell Toni the news! Bye." She hangs up quickly. I finish the bag of Doritos and and make my way towards the front of the RV.

"Dale, I have a question." I state in sing song voice.

"No we aren't getting a llama." He sighs.

"Not that, though I am going to get one some day, but can we pleaseee go back for Christinas Wedding? Which by the way Will proposed!" I beg. Dale knows about all of my highschool friends and the problem with my parents.

"Go back?" He asks suprised and I nod.

"I distinctly remember when I first traveled with you guys, you said I could go back and visit in a few years." I point out.

"Well sure then. We have no where else to be." He shrugs. I know it secretly bothers him though because he knows about Tobias.

"Great! When will we be there?" I ask excitedly and he enters the town in his GPS.

"Approx 14 hours and 23 minutes from now." He informs and I grin. I can't wait!

"Guess What???" I exclaim to the boys behind us and they return with an ethusiastic 'what.'

"We are going back to Arizona!!" I squeal.

"Isn't that where you used to live? Cause if it is, there are smokin hot girls there." Ben smirks and I chuckle.

"Of course there is, that's why I'm from there." I flip my hair and give my best ugly face, which wasn't hard.

We are a little over 14 hours into the trip and should be there any minute now. I don't know why, but I keep getting nervous.

"Calm down hon." Dale mummers and puts his hand on my shaking leg. I smile and look out the window as we enter the town limits. This is going to be a blast from the past.

"Look! Its my old school!" I point at the building where my life started here. I text Christina that we are in town and she immediately replies to come to Will and hers apartment. I keep forgetting that we aren't in highschool and everyone has grown up. We pull into her apartment complex and I see Christina standing near the entrance.

"Chrissy!" I squeal jumping out and hugging her.

"Damn, its been too long." She hugs me back.

"Oh my gosh, you look so differant." I tell Christina with wide eyes. Her hair has grown a little past her shoulders and she has definently gotten taller.

"You too!" She exclaims. The three boys walk up and flash a perfect smile at Christina.

"Ben, Noah, Dale, this is Christina." I introduce them. They all wave, but Christina runs up and hugs all of them.

"Tris is family so are you guys now too. Follow me, Will is dying to see you Tris." Christina leads the way up stairs to the first floor.

"She's very upbeat." Dale whispers in my ear chuckling and I nod in agreement. Dale slips his hand in mine and I smile. We enter apartment 342A and the smell of chocolate invades the air. Brownies.

"Tris!" Will greets me with a big hug and I hug back. His hair is cut clean and he has a small stubble.

"Hey Will." I hug him again and then he goes over to talk to the boys.

"Come with me." Christina says pulling me down the hall leaving the boys alone. I gasp when I walk into the living room. Zeke, Toni, Cole, Shauna, Marelene, and Uriah are all sitting on the couch talking.

"Oh my gosh guys! I missed you all so much!" I squeal and run over to them. I hug every single one before I sit down.

"Finally your back!" Uriah exclaims with Marelene on his lap.

"How long are you staying?" Shauna comes over and takes a seat next to me.

"As long as I want I guess." I don't really have anywhere to be. Everybody starts catching me up on their lives besides Zeke who is staring longly at Shauna. Oh yeah, they broke up after graduation.

"Tris we have one more suprise." Will states coming in. Where are the boys? A knock on the door quiets everyone and Christina grins.

"I wonder who it is..." She says dreamily and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Aren't you going to get it?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I can't the brownies are done. Can you please?" She is already in the kitchen at the end of her question. Okay then. I walk towards the door and open it.

"Ye- Tobias?" My blood drains out of my face and my heart stops at the sight of him at the door. He looks a lot differant. His hair is a bit longer, a stubble is growing long on his face, he towers over me in height and he looks depressed. His eyes are cloudy with emotion and there is bags under his eyes. He looks ruff. Real ruff.

"Tris?" Tobias rasps with wide eyes. My mouth is dry and I don't know what to say. I can't face him.

"Who is it Tris?" Marlenes voice trails from behind me and Tobias glances inside. Feeling sick, I run back down the hall and into the kitchen to Christina.

"Did you know he was coming?" I ask uneasily and she bites her lip to keep from smiling.

"Yes! I couldn't help it." She answers sheepishy and I frown.

"Chris, I'm happy with Dale. This is just going to hurt Four more if he still likes me." I say quietly. I hear shouts and greets so I assume Tobias has come in.

"Where's Dale?" I glance towards the living room.

"We kind of sent them on an errand to get pizza so he wouldn't be here when Four came..." She admits and I groan.

"I'm sorry.. I can send him away." Christina offers and I decline.

"No, I'm fine. Our relationship was long ago and I'm not going to be affected. Also, it wouldn't be fair to everyone else not to see him, especially Zeke." I reassure putting on a confident smile.

"Okay..." She says unsure and I walk out. Tobias is leaning agaisnt a side wall uncomfortable with everyone hugging and talking to him.

"Pizzas here!!" I hear Ben yells down the hall from the door and I see Tobias snap his head in that direction. Everybody cheers and takes a seat at the table. Dale walks in with three pizzas and Tobias narrows his eyes as Dale pecks me on the cheek before taking a seat beside me.

"So Tris, who's your loverboy?" Toni asks nodding towards Dale and I smile.

"Oh um that's Dale. And this is Ben and Noah." I introduce them and put a peice of peperoni pizza on my plate. Hellos rang throughout the table all except one voice. Tobias. What makes it worse is he is right across from me.

"So Chirstina, I can't believe your engaged!" I squeal and Christina shows us her ring. Its a simple band, but there is something about it that makes it beautiful.

"That can be you someday." Dale mutters in my ear causing me to blush.

"Have to get me to say yes first." I retort quietly and he chuckles.

"You two done over there?" Tobias remarks coldly and I roll my eyes.

"Relax Four. How have you been?" I ask in a cool tone.

"Like you want to know." He laughs unhumorously and Dale frowns at Tobias's rudeness.

"Listen, If you are mad about the past forget it. That was highschool years." I shrug taking a sip of my pepsi. Tobias clenches his fist and abruptly stands up.

"Christina, Will, I am happy for you too. Thanks for inviting me, but I feel unwelcomed." He glancing at Dale and I holding hands.

"Four! Please don't go.." Toni begs with puppy dog eyes and he sighs.

"Fine, but don't expect me to be happy." Tobias sits down ruffly and glares at me.

"Well.. who's ready for brownines?" Christina, being the hostess she is, changes the subject.

"Me!" Exclaims Ben excitedly and jumps up from his seat eager to get them. She laughs then walks into the kitchen to get the pan.

"Come on baby, sit down nicely." Noah teases in a baby tone and Ben flips him off.

"Must of been fun traveling with them." Remarks Marlene to me.

"Yeah, lots of fun." I smile and Tobias rolls his eyes. We all eat brownies and talk about all of the fun times we had in school together. After the whole pan of brownies is devoured everyone is stuffed and we decide to watch a movie.

"How about The Notebook?" Shauna suggest even though all the boys complain, we play it anyways. Halfway through the movie I start to cry and Dale chuckles.

"What?" I frown.

"Nothing." Dale tries not to laugh and I punch him in the arm.

"Sorry babe." He whines holding his arm then pulls me closer to him.

"Whatever." I ignore him and continue to watch the movie with everyone else.

"Tris... don't be mad." Dale begs pouting and I force myself not to smile.

"Trishy poo." He bumps my shoulder and I continue to ignore. Dale sighs and pecks my cheek then the side of my mouth.

"Shall I continue?" He smirks, but I don't reply. "Okay then.." He kisses me and I of course couldn't help but to respond. It was a passionate kiss and I feel like I can't get enough of his rough lips memorizing my soft ones. He pulls away to breath and grins.

"Couldn't ignore me for long, right?" He asks smugly.

"Go die in a hole." I mumble and cross my arms.

"Fucken disgusting." Tobias suddenly states staring at me and I frown.

"What?" I ask suprised. Was he even talking to me?

"You heard me. Fucken disgusting. Did I stutter?" He asks coldly and Dale tenses next to me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I raise my voice standing up, but Dale tugs me back down earning him a glare from me.

"You gu-" Christina starts then is quickly cut off by Tobias.

"You. You are my problem!" He seethes.

"Tris, don't." Dale tells me as I attempt to stand up again. I get up and walk right up to Tobias, who is looking at me with hatred.

"You know what? I felt so damn guilty the first year of leaving you, I couldn't stop thinking of you and how selfish I have been. I convinced myself that our relationship was a high school romance. So, I'm sorry if I was wrong! I understand if your so fricken angry, but stop trying to slander everything I do! I can't come running back to you, okay? I love Dale and that won't change." I shout and everyone is quiet. Tobias looks taken back then his shock was replaced with a hard face.

"You honestly think that's why I'm mad? Ha. I could honestly care less about you anymore. In fact you were just a play toy for me in school to distract me from other things. Do you believe I loved you? Cause if you did, that's the funniest part of everything." He laughs mocking me and I bite my tears back.

"I..." I don't even know what to say honestly and Tobias grins.

"You really did believe I loved you didn't you? This is hilarious. Tell her Zeke. Tell her the truth." Tobias smirks and leans back in his seat.

"Four..." Zeke uneasily looks down and my stomach turns.

"Fine, I will. It was a dare. Everyone in this room knew about it, besides Toni and Cole. One night at a party, I was dared to make a innocent girl fall in love with me. That worked didn't it? When you first moved here, I knew you would be perfect to trick. I mean, you were so desperate. I almost gave up on you , but then you fell into my trap. God, you were so easy to open up. I made you believe so many things. The best part is, your 'friends' all knew about it the whole time." He is cracking up by the end and tears are falling down my face. I look around and the ashen look on everyone faces confirms that it's true.

"Fuck you guys." I sob and Dale immediately comes to my side.

"We should go." He says and I nod then grab my purse and run out with Ben, Noah and Dale following.

"Tris wait!" I hear Christinas voice and I freeze. I can't believe she did this.

"Stay away." I warn and continue to walk away.

"No, it's not all true! I got to know you and you became like a sister! Please listen!" She begs and I shake my head before getting in the elevator. I hate them all.

"It's all my fault. I'm the one who brought you back." He mutters hugging me.

"No. It's not. It had nothing to do with you. I'm just glad I found out the truth." I sniffle and he hugs me tighter.

"I was going to wait, but I think nows better then ever to cheer you up.." Dale says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. He gets down on one knee and I gasp as he pulls out a ringbox. Oh my gosh.

"Tris, these past two years with you have been the best years of my life. I feel like I can entrust you with anything and would always hope for you to do the same. This may be a shitty place and time, but Beatrice, will you make me the happiest guy for the rest of my life and marry me?" I have tears filling my eyes and this time of joy. I pull him up and kiss him. Ben and Noah are squealing like female pigs in the background and I grin widely.


End of Book 1.

How much do you guys hate me right now?

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