our weird friendship anomaly...

By DaytimesMoon

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Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... More

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
A Successful Plan - 11
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
Days Gone By - 30
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
SoulMates - 32
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Letters to SoulMates - 37
Surprises, Surprises... 38
Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

Bury Me in My Blood - 27

710 28 4
By DaytimesMoon

Wednesday set the pieces of wood against each other, surrounded by larger logs and some rocks. Within seconds, she had a fire starting.

There was a tiny breeze blowing through the forest.

The girls have continued their journey after more than a solid three weeks, it's been a single night since they had left the town.

So tonight was the full moon.

They were at a good distance away from any civilizations.

Although they were in the town for only about three weeks, and it being nowhere near home... both of the girls would cherish that small city as a memory to their heart. It being the place where they confessed and had pretty much several dates together.

But it was time to return back to their original journey.

Uncle Fester was still about a two weeks away with the girls' usual routine of walking and staying at a village, it didn't bother them that much.

Wednesday secured the woods with her special applicant. Judging from the heavy clouds impending and their behavior, there would be a rainstorm soon.

A werewolf shift in the rain, How romantic, Wednesday rolled her eyes at her own heart beating to such an occasion.

She finished touching up the wood and stepped away as it grew to a sizable amount, radiating its warmth to the pair and light around.

Wednesday sat against the tree and looked over to the side where Enid stood tall.

The cotton-candy blonde stood on the opposite side of Wednesday and the fire, staring off at the sun setting in the horizon hidden by hills and trees.

The sun was barely visible, only its rays painting the sky could tell it was not night just yet.

And... Enid looked like she was staring hard.

She seemed to be having a deep moment of thought.

Asides from admiring the beautiful face and scars of Enid... she noticed how her eyes were closed nearly firmly.

"Enid?" she called out quietly.


"Are you okay?"

There was a long silence, not even any wind picked up nor any animal noises.

Strange... it was nearly spring, surely the animals would start coming out for the increasingly warmer weather.

"Yes," Enid finally answered, but her reply sounded a bit off.

Wednesday's eyes scanned the sky, determining where the full moon would show itself. Judging from their location and time of the year, it would be low and just barely viewable from the low ground.

"Are you worried about transforming?"

This time, it was a short silence before Enid answered, "I'm not sure."

"Enid," Wednesday's voice went softer. The blonde finally turned around and opened her eyes, looking back at the goth. Wednesday looked back at her with slight sympathy in her eyes, she understood the feelings that Enid was going through, "It's okay, Mi Sol... it's always going to be okay."

"I'm never going to leave you, Enid, remember that?"

Enid stared a few moments and finally a smile appeared. A small smile curved her lips, "Yeah. That's right," she chuckled softly, "and I you."

Wednesday's corner of the lip curved up just the slightest, trying to hold in from smiling ear-to-ear.

"Come here, mio lupa... mi querida, sit by me," Wednesday patted the mat laid flat out next to her.

Enid's smile grew bigger and she accepted.

She walked over swiftly and slumped down right next up to the ravenette, snuggling up next to her as they both watched the wood crackle in the fire in front of them.

Wednesday allowed Enid to rest her head on her shoulder, maybe even take a little nap just before the full moon.

She would wake her if needed when the full moon arrives.

But for now she wanted her werewolf girl to rest.

After giving soft little kisses on top of Enid's head, she rested her head softly back as their hands found each other and interlocked.

Maybe the warmth they needed could've been done without the fire.

Oh well.

The night was just less than an hour away, the sun was about to disappear from where they could see.


Enid was walking through the forest.

Feeling the breeze that was now stronger against her face. It blew her locks into the air and sent a shiver through her spine.

Her feet lightly crunched the grass as she walked through the tall trunk of trees, touching them as she passed by.

She felt her breath being a bit constrained, and the cold was much chillier than ever.

What was she doing?

Oh right.

I don't remember.

Enid now realized why it was much colder.

She looked down and realized she wasn't wearing any piece of clothing, she was naked.

But as she looked down farther, she realized she wasn't stepping on just grass anymore.

It was blood-covered grass.

And then it hit her, the smell of iron in the blood filling her nostrils... like fresh carnage and kill.

Fresh carnage and kill... what... the hell... is going on?!

Enid's breath hitched and she looked around the forest... but suddenly it wasn't a forest anymore.

She found herself in a room.

A bathroom.

And right in front of her was the sink mirror.

All of the sudden, it was like her lungs had been removed.

She couldn't breathe anymore as she stared into the mirror at her face.

Her scars were gone... her face was entirely smooth.

But it was covered entirely in blood.

"W-WEDNESDAY!" Enid suddenly exclaimed as she jolted awake.

Enid panicked and started shuffling around a bit before a gentle hand rested on her shoulder.

"Enid. It's not okay," Wednesday's voice said.

Enid looked over where the hand came from but realized it was a chopped off arm.

She screamed and tried backing away but ended up hitting something.

"WEDNESDAY! HELP ME!" she cried out.

"It's not okay. You're a monster. A demon from hell who deserves to die."

"WEDNESDAY!" Enid sobbed and suddenly the entire bathroom formed into the forest again.

It was the bloody forest again, but this time haunting ghoul whispers filled the air around her.

Dark shadows loomed from the ground.

Enid's eyes quickly looked around and saw all the shadows getting closer and closer.

She felt so small... and she felt so lonely.

So lonely.

The blonde let out a whimpering apology for being so lonely, but all the shadows just stared in the darkness.

They just kept staring and staring, like they were waiting for something.

And then Enid decided to count.

She decided to count the number of shadows surrounding her.

But as soon as she started counting the first one, she felt her entire body being slummed down and filled with wretched pain.

Enid's mind for some reason didn't stop, even when she felt immense hurt running through her body.

She tried with her entire sheer will to stop counting, but her mind was like under control by something else.

Every single count felt like the knife inside her twisting and twisting 90 degrees.

She could barely endure the pain as her mind was twistedly counting.

And then it finally stopped.

At number 11.

At number 11.

The 11th shadow.

The 11th shadow.

And then all the shadows started bleeding.

Right as soon as her wolf felt the moon approaching from the outside world.

"The- THE 11TH SHADOW!" Enid cried out and her eyes finally opened to reality.

She panted out gasps, trying to get back as much air as she could in her body.

"Enid!" Wednesday held her firmly, making sure she didn't fall over, "Enid, are you okay, mi Sol?"

Enid tried breathing in but it felt useless. Her body started getting colder and colder.

Enid felt shivers everywhere and goosebumps all over, the hair on her neck was standing as her mind was invaded.

"W-Wednesday," Enid cried out, "Wends... I n-need help-"

"Enid! Tell me what do you need," Wednesday got onto a knee and grabbed her pack, ready to grab whatever she requested.

"Wednesday!" Enid cried again.

"Enid, I'm here. Do not worry, I'm always here for you, just tell me what you need."

"Wednesday," the blonde's eyes started filling with tears. Pain and guilt was filling her heart.

Suddenly, Enid received visions... they were like flashbacks intruding on her thoughts.

Enid no longer saw her lover and instead saw her own body moving as fast as possible through a forest. This forest seemed different than the one they were in right now.

Everything was foggy, every tree was a different species, the terrain was-

Enid let out a cry. There was a person.

A person standing.

"W-why?!" Enid sobbed.

"Enid, it's okay, I'm here for you! What- what's wrong? What do you see?" Wednesday was stuck on the outside. She was holding Enid tightly as she observed her face go through several emotions.

"Tell me, please, tell me what do you see."

But Enid couldn't hear her, all she could hear was the talking of the person getting closer and closer.

And that's when she saw the person in full detail.

He was a student.

Wearing a uniform that looked similarly to hers.

But before the boy turned around to face Enid, Enid blinked open and now saw reality.

"Oh- gods, what's going on, Wednesday?! Wednesday!" the werewolf girl trembled in Wednesday's arms.

Wednesday immediately started brushing Enid's hair with her hands, attempting to soothe her with gentle hushes, "Enid, it's okay. Your nightmares must be more active because the full moon is about to appear."

"Enid. It's alright, I'm here with you, always. You are safe and-" Wednesday stopped when Enid started frantically looking at the sky.

"Yes, Enid... it's extremely cloudy and will likely rain. I made the campfire waterproof and our belongings are prepared for the rain. I wouldn't mind running around the rain with you when you transform-"

Enid started hyperventilating.

She didn't see what Wednesday was seeing anymore. She now saw the boy again.

The boy was wearing glasses. He had short hair and was quite tall.

He wore the uniform that Enid now finally recognized.

It was a dark bluish-purple striped uniform, with a logo that read "Nevermore Academy."

"Enid?" Wednesday said, trying to bring her out of her half-awake-nightmare. But then she started panicking when Enid's eyes started tearing up even more.

Enid started whimpering and letting out cries, Wednesday couldn't make out what she was saying as it all sounded like stammering gibberish.

"Enid, my love, please! Answer me-"

Enid let out a crying scream when she saw through the eyes of her own wolf form pin the student down with her claws.

No... no, no, NO! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE! It can't be! I can't be-

"Enid! Please wake up!" Wednesday now started shaking her but Enid started crying harder as her eyes blankly looked up in the sky.

NO! Enid's vision now showed the student laid across the ground. His clothes shredded into pieces and his skin all mauled up. Blood was pouring out from all the cuts and slashes that went across his entire body.

And the student's body was not on the ground, he was in a trench.

A deep hole she had dug up with her own hands.

No, no, no, no, STOP! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE! Enid sobbed.

The vision now shifted to her own wolf body's perspective of smoothing out the forest floor... the body was gone.

And the ground was back to its original state, like nothing had ever happened.

I killed him- I killed t- Enid screamed out and her eyes blinked to reality. She felt the moon pulling her towards it now.

The moon.

"WEDNESDAY!" she shouted.

"Enid!" Wednesday tried grabbing for her but Enid had backed away immediately.

The blonde scooted away, tears streaming down her face as heavy sobs escaped her mouth.

She couldn't even recognize Wednesday anymore... all her eyes could see was just a body.

Her wolf just saw a body.

"Enid!" Wednesday's voice was shaking, "Are you okay?!"

Enid shouted again when her visions returned and showed her wolf body again, except now it was chasing down five students who were trying to flee from her.

She watched through her own eyes' vision of her wolf... which had caught up to the five students.

"Enid! I'm here! It's okay!"

But all Enid could hear through Wednesday's words was, "Monster."


Enid sobbed harder and she felt her feet standing up. Tears continued blinding her eyesight and her own visions.

All at once, her brain felt like it was being stabbed by a knife and twisted over and over again. Her heart felt the same way as well... pain filled the wounds with guilt and sadness... and loneliness.

She felt her fangs growing and her claws extending. Then her legs started moving on its own as the pain continued with more visions.

"W-Wednesday," Enid cried, "k-kill me- p-please! I can't control m-myself-"


Enid's feet carried her away from the distorted voice which made her sound like she was calling her, "monster."

She couldn't see anything as she felt her own body sprint away from the Addams.

Wednesday watched the blonde sprint away through the dark forest, unable to find any words until she realized what was happening.

The forest was tinted red.

The clouds were tinted red.

The sky was red.

Wednesday's eyes widened and all the breath left her own lungs, Enid- Enid... she never told me what happens on blood moons!

Wednesday's feet immediately took her off, sprinting to chase after Enid.

"ENID!" she called out, barely seeing the blonde's silhouette in the red tinted fog.

At the same time, little droplets of rain started falling onto the ground.

The goth called out her lover's name several times, sprinting for several meters until suddenly Enid's outline grew closer and closer in the fog.


"NO! NOOO! PLEASE! STOP!" Enid screamed, her voice hoarse and in pain.

Her hands were clawing her own head as the guilt rushed in even more... she now witnessed in her vision 10 more students... slashed up... and buried deep in a trench... with their tracks being covered.

Right after the 11th total body was buried... Enid felt her visions snap and change to her mother's face.

It was her mother in her werewolf form... and then suddenly her mother in her human face. Her face's emotions had all melted away and a deathly stare returned to her, "Monster..."

"I'm SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Enid cried out as her body started rapidly shifting.

"Enid..." Wednesday said worriedly.

"WEDNESDAY! GET AWAY!" Enid's blood curdling cries ended when the blood moon shined even more into the forest.

The forest and fog had a richer red tint... and the rain started falling more and more.

And within seconds, Wednesday stood frozen as now a werewolf stood before her.

The werewolf still looked like Enid.

What did the blood moon change? Besides the atmosphere color?

She still had her sharp furs, her razor-sharp colorful claws and fangs, her pointy ears and-


Enid's eyes... were no longer the beautiful diamonds she knew.

They were a burning yellow.

Burning yellow eyes filled the werewolf's eyes, as her fangs bared with a growl.

"Enid?" Wednesday whispered quietly, waiting for recognition.

But no, it was like... this werewolf's entire memory had been wiped.

It was like the werewolf's brain was blank and knew nothing but their nature.

"Enid? Are you there, my love?" she whispered softly. Still waiting, "Enid, meine W-"

Suddenly the werewolf stomped on the forest floor, kicking up leaves and even the dirt. She leaned upward and let out a mighty howl that rang around the forest.

It was louder than any werewolf howl before. Showing off that they were the true predators of the land.

The werewolf stopped howling and stared into the blood-red sky.

It continued to stand tall, huffing heavily in deep breaths.

Wednesday's eyebrows furrowed worriedly. Slowly, she took a tiny step toward the werewolf, "Enid-"

Wednesday felt the impact of the werewolf's arm slam into her body, sending her into a nearby tree.

She fell onto the slightly wet grass, coughing as she tried to recollect the air back into her lungs, "E-Enid?!"

The werewolf growled, now moving toward the goth.

"Enid!" she grunts, trying to stand herself up, "M-mi Sol... it's me, my love. It's me! It's me, Wednesday!"

Her breathing became quieter and quieter as the werewolf approached closer and closer, baring its fangs more and extending its claws even farther.

As if nature couldn't be more cliché, the little raindrops finally shifted to a heavy rainfall.

Rain was pouring down on the two as they stared at each other.

The werewolf was closing the distance between them fast.

Her eyes were still glowing yellow, filled with a burning fury to kill.

To kill anyone.

"Enid?" she whispered but let out gasp when the werewolf snarled and swiped a claw at her.

Wednesday grunts as she feels liquid trickling down her arm... it wasn't the cold rain... it was her blood.

Her own blood was pouring down from her shoulder. She felt the hissing pain of the wound being reopened.

"Enid..." Wednesday cries softly.

She immediately ducked and jumped to the side as the werewolf leaped at her.

The werewolf ended up catching itself against the tree, slicing it in half in the process.

It roared out and swung its sharp claws several times more at Wednesday who continued jumping away and backing up.

Wednesday now ran full-sprint in the opposite direction, running away and barely dodging Enid's claws.

Trees and dead logs fell as the werewolf's claws ended up slashing through them when it missed the goth.

More and more of the forest's tall trees fell to the ground for several minutes, as rain continued showering above them.

With the blood moon's tint, it seemed like it was blood raining down.

The werewolf was filled with madness and rage, trying to run and kill the fleeing girl who kept shouting meaningless words at it.

"Enid! It's me! Wednesday! Your love-" Wednesday moved her head to the side just in time as the werewolf lunged forward, in an attempt to stab her.

Wednesday's back hit a puddle of mud and water as the werewolf leaped toward her, snarling as it got ready to swing its arm again to slash her.

And then... it all happened in a split second.

The Addams didn't know what had happened, but she felt blood now gushing from above her forehead, the blood mixed with the rain running into her eye.

She quickly searched for the werewolf and saw it running away.

Through the thick red fog, rainfall, and trees... she saw the gear and appearance of a... man... a hunter.

Did that hunter just distract Enid? So it would barely nick at her forehead?

And then she heard a distant voice.

A man.

A familiar man.

The man was cursing himself as the werewolf sprinted towards him, snarling in intent to kill.

"DAMN YOU, DEMON! I was trying to watch you kill that emo witch! Guess I got too close, huh?!"

Wednesday quickly got up from the mud and chased after Enid, in the process she flinched from the pain from her open shoulder wound and her new head gash.

As the ravenette sprinted after Enid in the muck, her eyes caught a glint of something reflective.

It reflected the red-like-roses light from the blood moon.

A silver arrow.

"E-ENID!" Wednesday cried but it was too late.

The hunter released the silver arrow from his bow and it started flying at the werewolf.

But then the silver arrow was suddenly being knocked up into the air.

Wednesday's eyes watched in shock as the silver arrow was deflected to the side.

The werewolf was deflecting the arrows with her CLAW?!

The hunter angrily shot more silver arrows, which ended up being dodged or deflected off of the werewolf's claw.

"YOU DEVIL!" he shouted and the werewolf let out a mighty roar as it pounced onto the hunter.

Wednesday ended up tripping over the mud just behind Enid, now watching what the werewolf was doing to the hunter.

Her dark eyes widened when suddenly the werewolf sunk her fangs deep into the hunter's arm and ripped it off. She saw the hunter's cloth and fabric shred with the flesh being torn away.

The entire arm went flying to the side, blood spurted everywhere with bits of flesh. It left a clean cut in the man's arm area.

He let out a large cry, "BITCH!" quickly, blood was pouring out from his missing arm area, mixing with the rain and turning it redder than the blood moon.

The werewolf remained crouching over the hunter, now stabbing her claws right into the hunter's limbs to keep him in place.

Wednesday couldn't move at all. She was too shocked by what Enid had just done.

And then through the loud pattering rain and werewolf's pants, she heard the hunter laugh.

"So this is it, huh?" the hunter wheezed.

The werewolf just heaved heavier, staring viciously.

"At least... at least I get sent to the good afterlife!" he laughed proudly.

"I killed so many families and children because they were gonna turn into demons like you! It was either I let innocents die or kill you all monsters!"

"I'm the only one who's willing to do what's right for this world! CLEAN IT from you BEASTS!" he snapped, "YOU DEMONS! YOU MONSTERS! You think you can stop me from killing your children?! YOUR BABIES? They're all gonna turn into blood thirsty killers like you!"

"I spent the time after your emo bitch cut my leg getting my group back... but they DIDN'T WANT TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT!"

"They're a bunch of cowards for not cleansing this world of you monsters!"

"No other hunter wanted to join me! Because you're kids! BUT YOU'RE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!"

He laughed as blood started spitting out from his mouth, "I finally tracked you down while you were on your stupid little dates! I spent those three weeks trying to get MORE HUNTERS TO HELP! Because you have a damn dedicated emo bitch to protect you!"

"If it weren't for you deciding to kill me instead of her, I COULD'VE HAD THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO WATCH HER DIE AND KILL YOU!"

"I was about to kill my 40th devil, but looks like you were stupid and went for me instead?"


The werewolf simply just huffed.

"I was the only one sane enough to hunt you down! All the other cowards should die for not protecting this filthy world!"


"So KILL ME! KILL ME and I'll watch you from above get sent to and burn in HELL!"

"You will burn in hell like all the other children of the devil!" he grinned, "Do me a favor and kill all the coward hunters who didn't-"

The hunter's words were cut off suddenly when the werewolf's arm swung.

Her bloody claws swiped through the hunter's neck, taking his head clean right off.

The werewolf decapitated the hunter, sending his head somewhere where his arm was ripped off.

The hunter's body went limp into the bloody mixed mud puddle, and then was viciously dragged to the side.

Wednesday was lost for words as she watched the werewolf put the headless and armless body with its missing components in a pile, and then let out a roaring howl.

And just when she didn't think any more blood could drop... the werewolf then started slashing up the hunter's body.

With flash-moving claws, she dug them into the hunter's body and ripped out his clothes and flesh, snarling as it enjoyed the bloodshed.

And then within seconds, the werewolf used her fast claws to dig up a trench next to the body.

Even the rain causing mud didn't bother her, a deep trench was left and the body and limbs were dumped into it.

And then within a few moments, the werewolf quickly packed down the dirt and smoothed it out.

Hiding any evidence or trace that a hunter had attacked her, besides the silver arrows.

Hiding the evidence...

Just like the bandit's weapons and fabrics.

For the third time, the werewolf stood on top of the hidden-away buried body of the hunter, leaned upward and howled at the blood moon.

Rain started falling harder and started glowing more red.

It was like the bloodiness was being intensified.

And at some point the Addams found herself standing just before the wolf again. She wanted to try- she NEEDED to try.

She needed to see that Enid was still in there.

Enid... please, my love.

Wednesday swallowed nervously as the werewolf stopped howling. Her head snapped toward Wednesday with its glowing yellow eyes.

The eyes were still lost of Enid's humanity...

It was like all of her innocent humanity had disappeared and left behind the shell of a vicious wolf.

"Enid... y-you're beautiful-" Wednesday was knocked backward.

The werewolf lashed out at Wednesday once again, swinging its arms around frantically and successfully getting Wednesday on the ground.

The werewolf pounced on top of the goth, snarling at her savagely.

"Enid! Stop, please! It's me! Wednesday! Your lover!" Wednesday cried out as she tried moving away.

But all of the sudden, the werewolf was doing her stab move again.

The werewolf pulled back her arm, pointing her claw right at Wednesday's body, and started thrusting forward.

Wednesday watched the bloody claw thrust right toward her stomach.

Within a flash of a second, her hand unsheathed her hidden blade and went right of Enid's claw.

She didn't want to hurt her lover in any way, so she held the knife with all her will against the paw to prevent it from stabbing her.

But to no avail, the werewolf's razor-sharp claw was thrusted right into Wednesday's stomach.

The goth was barely able to catch the werewolf's paw, it had already sunk into the flesh of her stomach.

Wednesday let out a sharp exhale as she felt her insides immediately bleeding and hissing in pain, "E-Enid, pl-please sto-stop, you're hurt-hurting me!" she winced out.

The werewolf just roared into Wednesday's face, spit flew everywhere and mixed with the blood and rain.

"E-ENID!" Wednesday gasped as more claws came her way. She had to push and kick the werewolf off of her body, even if it did make her body feel like it was dying.

She quickly backed away across the ground and between several trees.

The werewolf let out more angry snarls as she put herself back on her feet and started charging at Wednesday.

Wednesday saw the werewolf now charging at her, so she grimaced... ready for the end of her life...

But then what came was the heavy shuffling of branches and shaking of trees.

She let out a gasp when the werewolf somehow wedged herself between the trees, clearly not taking those into terms of strategy.

"E-Enid..." Wednesday sighed, hissing as the pain grew more from her wounds. She was barely able to escape the charging kill by slipping between several trees, because now one of the werewolf's arms was stuck.

But also, the ravenette was stuck.

In an attempt to crawl away, her limbs had sunk into the mud, her legs and clothes had caught onto the roots and the bushes next to her required much more effort to get out of.

Wednesday deemed this was her end.

This was her end... this was how she was going to die.

Wiping away her forehead's blood going into her eye, as well as the rain from her face... she stared back at the werewolf who barked violently at her, swinging her only one-free-arm in an attempt to snatch her or claw her.

Wednesday laid there for a few moments, letting the rain come down on her and wash away the blood and mud from the surface of her body, as well as washing the blood out of Enid's fur.

And then she sighed again, Was she still Enid?

Are you still Enid? she stared into the glowing yellow eyes of rage.

Enid... are you still there, Wednesday felt her own feelings question whether or not Enid would still be the same after this.

Was this... how she became a permanent werewolf? Or a... lonely werewolf with no memory?

Wednesday continued observing the face of the werewolf, gone was her blue eyes that she always observed...

Thankfully though there were her faint blue and pink ends of her hair.

But... What happened to you, Enid?

She gritted her teeth and bit back on her tongue, feeling more sharp pain in her three wounds.

She saw the tree that trapped the werewolf slowly shifting to the side. It also started cracking and splitting, and Enid was budging closer and closer.

Soon... the werewolf would get right to her and just end her life.

Wednesday let out a shaky broken sigh... she reached down and pulled out one of her hidden knives.

As the seconds went on, her hand started shaking.

The blade in her knife was trembling with her body, as she felt feelings rush in and overwhelm her.

Enid, Enid... Enid... why? What happened to you, my love?

She looked back up at the werewolf, still trying to reach out and kill her.

And then her dark eyes went down to the knife in her hand.

Another shaky breath escaped through her lips as she made the decision...

Slowly, the knife dropped from the goth's hand...

And quickly, her eyes filled with tears...

"E-Enid..." Wednesday's voice was warbly, on the brink of crying out, "Enid... before you kill me... know that I curse myself."

Her eyes continued observing the werewolf getting closer and closer.

"Know that I curse myself. Know that I entirely curse the Addams Curse and everything about my family... I despise it all for giving me feelings."

"I'm supposed to have an empty cold shell, but it is full of feelings."

"C-curse them... curse them with for giving me feelings that are f-for-"

She let out a shaky sigh.

"F-feelings for you... because... I don't want to kill you."

A tear rolled down Wednesday's cheek, "Enid. I don't have any will to kill you... even though you're not yourself right now for whatever reason... I can't kill you."

"I won't."

"It's wrong."

"Because you're still Enid... deep down you are."

"Something happened... and I want to help you... but unfortunate timing happens..."

Wednesday grits her teeth, letting more tears drop.

"I hope you forget all this. I hope you forget about me."

"I hope you forget that you killed that man, even if he was a ruthless murderer himself, but I hope you forget that you killed me."

"I don't want you to know that you killed me... even as dear you are to me."

"B-but... but... I won't forget you Enid, you have left a mark on me and I WILL carry it with me to whatever afterlife I'm going to."

"Forget about me, Enid. I don't want you living with the guilt that you have killed me."

More tears followed and streamed down Wednesday's cheek. Her hands shaking even more trying to put pressure on her wounds.

"If it wasn't for... if it wasn't for you... for everything about you... even your horrible choices of fashion and colors and your hyperactivity.. I would kill you. I would've killed you from the beginning. But Enid... I can't."

"You made me realize it was worth every effort in helping you."

"I can't kill you and save my own life, Enid."

The tree finally gave in and snapped apart, letting the ferocious werewolf free.

"Enid. The sun of my life, mi Sol..." she takes in one last deep breath.

It gave one last pant, raising her hand ready for the killing strike as she was now within distance.

The werewolf took a heavy step forward and heaved, pulling back her claw.

"Goodbye, Enid... I love you," and then Wednesday's eyes shut tight.


Goodbye, Enid...

I love you...

The words trailed off her lips and then it was silent.

Where had the rain gone?

Or where had the werewolf's heavy breathing went?

The ravenette just saw darkness. Ironic.

But then she realized... her eye muscles were still keeping them shut.

She must've lost some feeling due to the blood loss she was suffering.

All the blood she lost... Enid might as well bury her in a bath of her own blood.

Wednesday finally decided to risk it and open her eyes.

After a matter of a few seconds, Wednesday's dark brown orbs opened and stared out at the forest.

It was still tinted red, only less now. In fact, the blood moon was barely out. The heavy rain had lightened up.

And Enid?

The werewolf?

Wednesday freezes and stares back into the eyes of blue.

The blue diamonds that she was missing.

The blue diamonds that only belonged to one person... and that one person is Enid Sinclair.

A broken smile appeared on Wednesday's lips, she smiled and bore the pain, "E-Enid," she said softly.

But then all of the sudden the werewolf let out a loud whimper. She let out a roar and slashed at the trees around her and sprinted off, leaving Wednesday on the ground.

Wednesday watched the werewolf take off through the light fog, the blood moon's radiance was slowly fading away and revealing the dark early morning.

Wednesday holds her shoulder, along with her stomach, and closes her eyes... blinking the tears away from her eyes, "Enid. My love. You're still there."


It was nearly an hour since Enid ran off from Wednesday.

The blood moon was over and now it was just dark early morning, light was barely out around the forest.

It was cold. The rain aftermath left a chilling brisk air.

The Addams limped throughout the forest, following the bloody footsteps and tracks that Enid's werewolf left behind in the ground.

She dragged herself hill over hill, passing by trees hoping that Enid was back to human.

She had made a quick bandage for her wounds, wanting to find Enid first before going back to their belongings.

She finally tracked her down.

Wednesday stopped outside of the cave, feeling sadness but also relief as she stood outside the cave.

She hears the heavy sobbing and cries from Enid inside.

Slowly, Wednesday walks in, lighting a match as a source of light.

And then through the small amount of light, Wednesday sees Enid curled up in the corner, hugging her knees as crying into them.


The blonde froze for a moment, and then resumed crying into her knees, "W-Wednesday... get- get away from me," she stifled out.

Wednesday objected and approached closer. She didn't care that Enid was covered in blood or herself, she needed to hug and embrace her... she needed to let her know she is still loved.

"Enid, mi Sol, let me-"

"I murdered them."

Wednesday paused for a second and furrowed her eyebrows, "Enid... please... don't worry, it was a justified case because he was a murderer himself-"

"N-NO, Wednesday!" Enid sobbed, "I murdered them."


"Wednesday..." Enid let out a shaky cry, "I remember everything. Nevermore Academy... I was the 12th... and you became the 13th."

"Enid, what are you talking about?" the ravenette opened her arms, getting ready to wrap around the blonde until suddenly she cried out.

"There were 11 students actually murdered!"


"Wednesday. Th-those missing Nevermore students? Those missing students that the news kept saying about Nevermore and you were interested in? I... I KILLED them! And I hid their bodies... I remember now... I killed all 11 of them."

Wednesday's entire body froze as she heard those words.

"I-I remember... I remember everything now. Oh gods-"

"Wednesday... I killed 11 students. 11 people are dead- they're dead because of me!" she sobs. Her blood stained fingers raised and started pulling on her hair in agony.

Wednesday just watched in pure shock as Enid cried harder and harder, full of guilt and sorrow.

And then... Enid screams. She screams. Her screams of pain rang around the cave and out into the forest all around, she cried out, "I MURDERED THEM!"

(author's note):

This is my latest chapter being published on AO3, now on Wattpad.

My expansion of fanfiction across the websites has finished.

This story will now update hopefully occasionally on the same schedule with my work on AO3.

Thank you Wattpad readers and writers, I feel very welcome...

I hope you enjoy from here on out!

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