our weird friendship anomaly...

By DaytimesMoon

41.4K 1.4K 515

Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... More

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
A Successful Plan - 11
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Bury Me in My Blood - 27
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
Days Gone By - 30
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
SoulMates - 32
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Letters to SoulMates - 37
Surprises, Surprises... 38
Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19

809 38 2
By DaytimesMoon

Ba bump.

Ba bump. Ba bump.

That's strange... I feel... two heartbeats?

Ba bump. Ba bump.

Did the afterlife give two hearts? I'm no doctor, who has two hearts? Why do I have two hearts?

Ba bump. Ba bump.


MY HAND? I felt it move! I CAN MOVE MY HAND!

I can move my body! It fuc- oh no, Wednesday would be mad at me even though I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Okay- it fricking hurts! My body hurts but... I can move it!

I have a body?


Slowly, Enid's eyes peeled open. Revealing bloodshot eyes, but then her clear crystal blues.

The blue eyes of life that stared out into the world had returned.

A raspy breath exhaled from her.

And then, the first image that Enid saw was Wednesday.

Oh, that's nice... my afterlife is Wednesday...

"E-Enid?" her voice was broken.

The blonde could see the tiniest tears in the corner of Wednesday's eyes... her cheeks also appeared to be puffy.

No- no- no way... I'm... I'm alive?

I'm alive and... Wednesday is still here?!

Enid looked at the ravenette with a softened look, it slowly turned into a tearful expression.

She let out a quiet squeaked cry and started crying, "Wednesday..."

"Enid," the goth returned softly.

Even with her body feeling on fire, she pushed herself to sit up and embrace Wednesday.

Enid wrapped her arms tightly around her small frame, squeezing and feeling warmth until she was pushed away by a hand.

The warmth already went missing.

Wednesday looked at her with a mix of strict confusion and worry.

The goth still had tears in her eyes.

Wednesday... Enid muttered in her mind, tears falling into her lap.

And then... Wednesday pulled her in.

The two embraced each other with their arms, hugging tightly as tears fell onto each other's shoulders.

The warmest embrace they both had ever felt in their lives, even without the dark cave they were hiding in it would still be the warmest.

If their time could be forever... their hug would be eternal.


They didn't know how long they were hugging for, it felt like hours and hours and yet when they let go of each other it felt like their hug was too quick.

It was silent in the cave now, Wednesday was inspecting Enid's wound.

She let out a sharp exhale or hiss as the Addams examined it, to her surprise it looked like it was already healing.

Wednesday couldn't believe her eyes, the torn up tissue and muscle from the arrow wound were already reattaching itself to each other. She thought she needed stitches but no, she was fine.

Maybe Enid needed just a patch to help speed up the process and cover it up from dirt and infection, but that was about it.

"Fascinating," Wednesday whispered extremely softly, amazed by the werewolf's healing ability. She finally covered up the wound and walked around before sitting back in front of Enid.

The blonde sat there awkwardly, fiddling with her blood-covered hands.

"So... the wolfsbane... worked?" Enid spoke up in a tired voice.

"Yes. It appears it is helpful for werewolves. In some unexplainable miracle, it had forced blood to rush out from your body, but only the silver-infested blood cells."

"Woah, is that what really happened?"

The goth turned her head away, feeling ashamed, "When you... felt like... I was... killing you... that's what the wolfsbane was doing-"

She let out a shaky sigh, unable to shake off the guilt until Enid pressed a hand to her shoulder.

Enid smiled.

Her smile is so bright and sweet, so warm... even in a dark, and cold, bloody environment.

The blonde gingerly rubbed the ravenette's shoulder, "It's okay, Wednesday. I... I was just really scared-"

"I was scared too, Enid-" Wednesday said quickly but then held herself back. Attempting to calm herself with deep breaths.

Enid returned to massage her shoulder, trying to reassure her from shaming herself, "Hey, it's okay, Wednesday. I'm here, you're here."

"I- uh... thank you."

"Yeah... I- I know how you felt... when I just started screaming and everything and I couldn't stop moving," Enid whispered, "but you did it. I made it."

There was a moment of silence as they stared at the blood covered ground of the cave, until Wednesday sighed, "I've... never been scared in my life..."

"I've never been scared until... until you-" Wednesday trembled, "I... I don't understand myself. I don't know where these anomaly feelings are coming from, these are surely more irregular than the damned teenage hormones."

Enid couldn't help but let out a soft giggle, "Trust me, puberty is the worst."

Wednesday returned to looking at the blonde with a firm expression, "These feelings are invading and haunting me from inside. My stomach is crawling with spiders and no matter how much I stomp on them, they keep coming back. My heart beats 60 times per minute, more than my usual 30."

"Uh, 30 is not- oh wait, you're an Addams."

"Enid. Ever since I met, my body's changed."

The blonde sat there, feeling blood rush up to her cheeks suddenly, feeling hot, "O-oh..."

"I'm... I apologize, I do not know where that rant came from," Wednesday calmed herself and sat straight.

"N-no, it's okay, you're okay, Wednesday... I usually don't know much about what's going on inside... you," Enid chuckled nervously.

The cotton-candy blonde looked over shoulder the best she could before head snapped forward from the wincing pain, "So... wolfsbane is both toxic and helpful?"

"Wolfsbane is overall toxic. But its capabilities appear to be... supernatural."

"So the whole silver blood thing was...?"

"When I applied it to your arrow wound, your body reacted and started pushing out blood cells that were infected with the silver's poisoning. No healthy blood cells were sent out, but there was still a portion of your blood being excreted."

Enid looked at the dried-up blood pool that covered pretty much this entire side of the cave, "I... I don't feel so lightheaded though. Surely after losing that much-"

"Your werewolf's abilities are helping you, Enid."


"After the silver was extracted from your body, your wolf immediately started focusing on the wounded area and repairing itself. That sugar-heavy diet of yours probably is a symptom of it, your metabolism reacting fast."

"What? I thought I loved sweets in general."

"You do. Unfortunately, you eat more sugar than food but whatever-"

Enid scoffed amusedly at the comment.

"You intake a lot of food. Your metabolism makes up for it with your werewolf capabilities. Your body started healing quickly and was already producing and filling up your missing blood."

"So... keep eating, huh?" the blonde giggled.

"Maintain it, at least. Eat responsibly still, Enid," Wednesday sighed, "either way... you were able to heal up quickly."

Enid's eyes wandered around the cave and then saw the crumpled up gauze, "The wolfsbane... is that-"

"I have one more wolfsbane left in my pack. Even for me and the Addams' family's best scavengers, wolfsbane is hard to come by."

"Ah, so literally a rare lifesaver."

"Yes. Even on our journey, I've been keeping an eye for wolfsbane... I was lucky to come by one in a store which is the last one I have. I originally was going to use it against... werewolves... but you made it otherwise."

"Thank you, Wednesday."

The goth raised a brow.

"Thank you... for everything you've done for me so far," Enid smiled, her blue eyes becoming glossy again, "I really am happy for what you are doing and... sticking with me."

"I don't remember anything from my past much but I remember being alone. Afraid of being alone."

Wednesday gave a subtle nod, "You are welcome," she said back quietly.

The two shared a long moment of silence, just looking into each other's eyes, feeling safe and assured they were still there.

Enid was alive and breathing well, she would be fine in no time.

After their quiet moment of sitting still, they both looked out the ceiling crack in the stone and saw how the sun was breaking through in an orange flame. It was already turning night.

The two slowly stood up together and started reorganizing their things.

Wednesday and Enid came together knowing that the hunters were long gone. It had been a solid 12 hours since their incident.

The ravenette collected the things she threw onto the ground while searching for the wolfsbane. They were covered in blood that had spilled onto the floor, so she packed them into a bag ready to be open for a wash.

Enid figured she would stay in her ruined clothes until they reach a river where they can wash themselves. Wednesday agreed with her bag of stained-things.

They were just about to exit the cave, Enid was fixing her pack straps to her arms, feeling now only a little bit of pain in her back from the wound.

She felt the footsteps behind her, "Wednesday, are you-"

She was silenced by a small pair of arms wrapping around her.

The goth had embraced Enid from behind. The blonde just froze at the sudden touch.

Wednesday let her head fall onto Enid's shoulder, the farthest one from her wound. Wednesday's head rested on her shoulder as she squeezed tighter. Her face was pressed into her shoulder, so what she said next was muffled and yet clear.

"Welcome back, Enid..." Wednesday's voice was so little and small... so soft and quiet... even Enid's senses could barely hear it.

She felt her own heartbeat, and then Wednesday's.

And then, Wednesday slipped away and started walking forward.

Enid stood there dumbfoundedly, staring at the area of her body where the Addams girl's hands were just touching, What da fu- what the shi- hel- damn my profanity. What the heck?

"Enid," the ravenette called out, she still stood frozen, "Sinclair."

The werewolf's head turned toward her. Enid's cheeks were burning red and her heart was hammering in her ears. Her blue eyes looked closely at the strange face of Wednesday's, not the usual monotone expression nor the softened or frustrated one.

"Let's go," Wednesday said before turning her head quickly and walking away.

Enid swore she saw a faint pink blush over Wednesday's cheeks.

She watched the Addams girl walk on for a few seconds, her own feet not moving yet. Slowly, her lips curled into a big smile. Enid started skipping lightly, following next to Wednesday onwards to wherever.



Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair... their first walk together...

October 20th...

(the date of Chapter 4 - Howdy?)


(author's note):

Oh hey, look! It's a fanart I made for this story!

Oh my gosh! I can barely draw! But I think you can recognize the scene?

Enid and her "stupid-broken legs" with the gloomy Wednesday on their way to a river!
(A.K.A. Chapter 4: Howdy?)

Under Enid's exposed arm is that makeshift bone-tree branch crutch/ walking stick that Wednesday made for Enid, I guess in a way you can tell? Haha.

I would like to say the benefits of taking computer graphic classes... is that you get Adobe and other art sources! I was lucky enough to use Adobe Illustrator for this drawing! (in secret, shhh... don't tell anyone)

This is my FIRST TIME EVER drawing something fan-related! I hope it's an okay-piece of art! And also I- uh... did this all in one night.

(Except that background, I'm TERRIBLE at backgrounds!!! Urghhh, the background is meant to be a forest. Maybe someday I'll come back to it?)

I have a few more terrible-doodles of our Wenclair gay gals on my twitter if you wanna check it out!


Or just @Daytimes_Moon

(keep in mind the other doodles are just quick doodles at random, aanndd also there are other versions of the fanart above! But just versions without blood, without background, etc.)

Anyway, enough of me and my "artistic" skills...


We have made it through that "storm."

The storm has passed, and our gay gals are safe and sound.

Wednesday will not loathe existence anymore as Enid has returned to her!

And with what?


And I know they had these little touches and embraces when they slept, but they're technically not hugs.


Hooray! Wednesday finally accepts it!

And even gave one back in surprise... with... wait- was that a blush?! WEDNESDAY ADDAMS BLUSH-

Thank you guys once again, I am so happy for your support and comments. They really make my day and I am glad to continue this work.

You guys are all epic, I'll see you around in the next chapter!

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