our weird friendship anomaly...

By DaytimesMoon

41.4K 1.4K 515

Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... More

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Bury Me in My Blood - 27
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
Days Gone By - 30
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
SoulMates - 32
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Letters to SoulMates - 37
Surprises, Surprises... 38
Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

A Successful Plan - 11

1K 36 15
By DaytimesMoon

After Enid's little packed breakfast and lunch during the few hours of walking and going through streams, the duo had set foot onto the boundaries of another town. Enid let out the longest sigh of relief Wednesday ever heard, quite annoying obviously, making her glare down at the blonde who held her hands on her knees.

"Come on, let a girl have a breather," Enid grumbled and stood straight, looking through the trees and the town ahead.

She looked to the side and realized how wide the town stretched, and through the noises of nature she heard how loud it was there.

"Ourgh, it sounds like a lot of people are here," the blonde started getting a little nervous, "not sure how I feel-"

"If you managed in the town before, you will manage this one," Wednesday walked off.

"Geez," Enid rolled her eyes, "bitchy still? Of course, the dark emo girl you are."

"I am goth, you imbecile," the ravenette said out loud without a turn of her head.

"And you're still bitchy, but yet, you still do some nice things, what the heck?" Enid muttered under her breath. Seriously, what's with this girl? Weird as shit, still.

She followed after the Addams, hesitant at first from the size of the town before them.

There were several tall buildings, even taller than the clocktower and church back at the previous one. Many open spaces in between many more buildings and streets. Several carriages and wagons going around with people everywhere and livestock respectively.

From what Wednesday could tell, from her raven eye vision, she saw many notable shops, boutiques, and other places that were connected to a few decades ago when the first settlers arrived in this area.

This was quite an old large town. Wednesday glanced over at Enid and saw that she was much more nervous. She clenched her fist and sighed, "I'll let you have a breather."

"Th- thank you?" Enid's eyes fluttered in confusion.

They stared at each other.

"Well? Go on, do whatever, sit," Wednesday shooed her away.

"Sit? Really?" Enid placed her fists on her hips.

"Sit, or I'll force you," Wednesday gave her signature deadly deadpan of daggers, "go relax."

"Ya know, for trying to calm down someone, you're really fricking great at it," the blonde strolled off and sat on a rock next to a few chopped down trees.

Wednesday just crossed her arms and stood there, menacingly, staring upon the large town ahead.

Her eye caught a board that held the words, "Welcome to Jericho!" and more informational text below it.

Eventually, the two girls had finally stepped foot onto the main streets of the so-called town of Jericho. It was at least five times busier than the previous one they went to. Enid followed Wednesday like a dog- wolf?... as she started her search for an inn to clean up and rest a bit.

Today wasn't much of a walk, but it turned out that Enid was actually indeed very tired after the transformation. Strange though, the first time turning back to human from a permanent werewolf, there was not much exhaustion.

Maybe it was the actual overnight human-to-wolf-to-human process? The tiredness finally had caught up to Enid.

And while they were at it, might as well venture to some places Wednesday occasionally visited back near home. Her intention to scare off people and get something she would silently enjoy for a moment.

Wednesday caught sight of an inn ahead but stopped at the corner when a board caught her eye. She snapped her head to it and her eyes twitched at the headline news board.

Fresh paper was printed up, reading "Nevermore Academy Finally Sends Its Students Away and Shuts Its Doors!"

Enid squinted at the title, "Nevermore Academy? Like... the school?"

"Yes, the atrocity of a school that tarnished an exceptional gothic castle," Wednesday replied.

A quiet chuckle escaped Enid's mouth, "School ruined your goth vibe, ay?" she whispered and observed the newspaper, fists on her hips, "And what's it mean they "finally" closed?"

She looked over at the goth and saw that damn tiny smirk again. Not everyday you see such a cold-demeanor goth girl smile a bit.

"Did you... do something?" Enid's hung open in shock.

The small smirk dropped from the Addams' mouth and she glared daggers through the corner of her eyes at Enid.

~ A Few Days Ago... ~

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Miss Thornhill's teeth bared in pity, "I know that you said you like taking strolls in the woods but... that's where they usually happen. I'm sorry again for bringing that down on you."

"You can stop apologizing, I like the shadow and darkness but this one you're trying to bring down on me has no loose ends for me to latch onto," Wednesday replied, "and do not fret for my being as I can surely survive by myself in the woods."

"But the-"

"No. An Addams does not back down from a mere conclusion of disappearing students and murders," Wednesday's voice flat, "I'm not a regular commoner. I'm an Addams, even if I despise many things of the name. I will take my routine walks in the woods no matter what."

"There's no stopping you," Miss Thornhill chuckled, "I wouldn't advise it."

"Enough of this."

"Well, alright then... anything else you have, Wednesday?" Miss Thornhill asked.

"No. Thank you for your hospitality, I hope to return the favor," the goth replied and briskly walked off.

~ That Next Day... ~

A set of brisk knocks rammed at the door, "Wednesday? It's Miss Thornhill, you haven't shown up to first period and I was wondering if you need some help!"


There was another set of a few knocks before the door opened slightly, "Wednesday? May I come in?" Miss Thornhill greeted before peeking around the door.

"Wednesday?" she called out her name a few times as she looked around the dorm.

Bed? Empty.

Bathroom? Empty.

Closet? Empty, Wednesday would've come out of it anyways if Thornhill took a step into the room, with the intent to stab her for invading her privacy.

"Oh no. Oh no, no, no, don't you dare tell me," Miss Thornhill facepalmed.

"Shoot, did she really take her walk last night?" she muttered as she looked at the open luggage and belongings of the Miss Wednesday Addams, "She took her walk last night, didn't she? Ohhh, why do kids have to be so stupid and stubborn? Why couldn't she have listened?" Miss Thornhill stared at Wednesday's open cello and typewriter.

Miss Thornhill then rushed out of the door and down the stairs to see the other teachers and staff, even students, if they had seen Wednesday or a description of her.

The students were all tense when they heard of a missing student again, even the teachers. All the available remaining staff were looking for the missing new-transfer student in pairs...

They couldn't find anything. Nothing. Just like the disappearances from a few months ago.

Night had fallen, all the students chatted to their roommates about the disappearing student rising again, while all the teachers were having an emergency meeting, not a single soul was brave enough to venture into the forest where they all happened.

Miss Thornhill stood aside the tall Headmaster Weems who stared with a long face at the black dahlia plant, Wednesday's cello, and typewriter.

"She just transferred here," Weems sighed, "she couldn't have run away, all her dearest things are here and she has her own privacy!"

"I can't believe it. Clean gone, like all the other students. She even asked me about the lower number of students and was strangely interested in investigating why," Miss Thornhill bit her nail as she looked at the black dahlia plant.

"Miss Thornhill, you can't be suggesting she went to investigate herself the reason for the disappearances?" Headmaster Weems' eyebrows furrowed.

"I hate to break it to you, but... it is a possibility she did... and when she went out to explore, she had the same fate as the others," Miss Thornhill, "perhaps when she was on her walk she kept persisting about."

"No, that can't be possible," the tall principal gritted her teeth.

"Her parents had suspicions she would run off. Even if she did run off, where would she go? And how couldn't she have run into the reason why students disappeared in the first place?" Headmaster Weems looked out the giant circle window and beyond the forests, "Miss Addams gave off the impressions of joining several of our club activities. I think she wanted to stay for sure, and was interested in investigating so-"

"It's back? The thing out there is back? Taking our students without a trace left behind," Miss Thornhill looked at her superior in sorrow, "we have to inform her family."

"We have to inform the authorities also, we cannot risk losing another student, I thought they stopped disappearing for good, but that is no longer the case," Headmaster Weems stared at the engravings of Wednesday's name in the cello.

"We have to shut down the school," the Headmaster stormed out of the dorm and down the stairs, being followed by the red-haired teacher.

And so, Nevermore Academy was empty the following week. The authorities had returned another murder disappearing case, and soon the message of a missing child would be sent to the Addams Manor, along with her "precious" belongings.

~ Present... ~

Her plan worked.

It worked so well that the entire school shut down.

The atrocious school for "outcasts" was closed, and her disappearance was listed as a murder with several others.

"O... M... G... that is terrible," Enid covered her mouth's gasp, "what the heck, this is terrible and I feel like you had something to do with it because you're smiling-"

"I didn't do anything, in fact I left as nothing to everybody's lives there," the goth answered.

"I don't even know if that makes sense," Enid sighed.

"I can't make sense to a mutt's brain," Wednesday brushed past the blonde who stared with jaw-wide.

"How dare you?" Enid scoffed.

"Yes, woe is me," Wednesday remarked, giving a side-deathly-glance at her.

Enid let out a low growl before following after the ravenette, she needed her after all, as much as she "hated" it.

The two walked silently through the town, Enid feeling closed off from the Addams. They saw more posters of the great Nevermore Academy closing down and theories of the disappearances rising again.

Enid was still mad at Wednesday's comment that she didn't even bother to look at the food vendors, thinking it would make Wednesday more spiteful of her for some reason. Why is Wednesday so cold to me? Even more cold than when we first met...

Questions, questions, questions...

They both had several questions about each other, and both figured it would be a struggle to get an answer to any of those questions; Enid however felt like she would never learn anything more about Wednesday.

They continued walking through the streets until they strolled into a cozy inn, Enid went to collapse into the lounge of the lobby before being dragged up the stairs into the room by the goth.

This time, Wednesday made sure to not make the mistake of booking a single bed. Within the room were two appropriate beds.

Wednesday placed down her pack while Enid tossed hers on the table and belly flopped onto the bed like the first time, letting out long groans of how comfortable and relaxing it was. Her pack being thrown on the table earned a death scowl, but of course Enid didn't see it, however she did feel it behind her back.

Admittedly she was afraid the Addams would walk up behind her and her life right there. At the same time though, she felt like Wednesday wouldn't do such a thing.

Unless she's been playing her the entire time...

Hopefully not!

Wednesday unpacked her necessary things, even her typewriter. She fixed herself up and looked over at Enid, still facedown on the pillows of the bed.

"Sinclair," Enid turned around within a split second, sitting up.

"Yes, W-" she coughed into her fist, "Yeah, Addams?" her eyebrows lowered into a bored expression. Not the expression she wanted to give off but whatever.

"Before you start grinding your canines or growling in your sleep, I suggest we get ourselves a satisfactory reward for what we have done so far," Wednesday offered.

"What?" the blonde cocked her head to the side, her eyebrows now raising.

The goth did an eye roll while crossing her arms. She repeated her suggestion before remarking: "Or in your language: let's go have some fun, we haven't done anything. I will not repeat myself."

A smile peeped on Enid's lips before quickly turning into a grin, "Y-yeah! That sounds fun!"

"Of course you say that," Wednesday did another eye roll as she headed for the door, "I will wait in the lobby, you must be prepared within five minutes if you want to make it out here alive."

"F-five?! Why five? I literally just laid down?!" Enid scattered around the bed.


"OKAY, gimme a hot five minutes! Geez! Need to freshen up!" Enid rushed to the bathroom after snatching her pack.

Wednesday watched as the bathroom door slammed before hearing the blonde begin humming and singing terribly.

"You're welcome," she mumbled under her breath before heading to the lobby as she said.

Enid was washing her face and straightening out her hair, she froze mid brush as she stared at herself in the mirror, She's so cold yet she offers me these things. From death threatening to somewhat nice offering? Weird... as... shit...


Fifteen minutes later, the blonde nervously walked down the stairs to the lobby. She hesitantly creeped around the corner seeing if Wednesday was there, hoping a knife wouldn't come flying in her direction.

She turned the corner and saw Wednesday sitting quite like a gentlewoman in a chair, and immediately felt hot.

"C-calm down, calm down you stupid me!" she hissed at herself and gently smacked her cheeks.

"Something amiss?" suddenly, Wednesday. Again.

She was right up in Enid's face, the shadow looming over the bright blonde.

"UH! NO! WOAH, YOU'RE SO CLOS-" Enid started choking on her spit.

"As much as I enjoy one smacking themselves and choking... not you," Wednesday turned on her heels, "let's go."

Shocking. Wednesday didn't bring up that Enid was late!

Enid lived to see another day!

If she STOPPED CHOKING, that is!

Finally, after a moment of learning how to breathe again, Enid followed after Wednesday after an apology. The two set off through the busy streets, walking by more vendors, shops, and the respective people.

Wednesday halted on a corner and gazed up at a hanging sign, she looked through the window of the door and then the side and deemed this as the place.

"O! M! G! COFFEE!" Enid bounced like an excited puppy.

"WED- Geez- ADDAMS! Coffee shop, oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ya know, I could REALLY use an iced coffee!" the blonde laughed and gazed at the coffee signs.

"Nooo WAY! No way! They have pastries and bakery thingies! Chocolate and everything?! Hell yes!" Enid pumped a fist triumphantly and looked at the sign above, "Might not be SunDollars, but thank you Weathervane Café!"

"A nice large iced coffee, with 12 or 16 pumps of- oh no, wait! What about some sweet ice tea? A splash of all the fruit syrups they have available and chopped up fruit to go with-" Enid finally realized she was talking to a door.

"Oh right, you don't like hearing me talk," Enid sighed and looked at the goth's back going through the café, "oh well! She actually wanted coffee or tea! And I need coffee AND tea~!" she sang a little and skipped through the doors happily. Arms swinging high as she finally got to get an extreme sweet-tooth drink. She completely forgot about these cafés!

Enid walked up to Wednesday who was at the counter but froze when she heard regular chatter from the goth.

A tall barista stood behind the counter, the boy had somewhat curly brunette hair and green eyes. Fitted on his apron was his name tag, "Tyler Galpin," strangely his last name too.

She thought Wednesday was glaring and threatening him about coffee, then ordering one, but no... she was now on the other side with a booklet.

What is she doing?! Did she scare that boy so much she was now making her own coffee?

Then Enid realized there was something totally wrong with the coffee brewer in front of them. Steam was puffing out everywhere and it kept hissing at them.

Now, Wednesday suddenly had tools in her hand and was twisting something within the machine.

"Uh, no personal horse chauffeurs here in Jericho," the boy chuckled, "you could try the regular public stagecoach service?"

"I refuse to use transport of the public service. One, they're filthy; two, when I step into their carriage, they would pass out from my deathly look; three, they're keen to gossip and spread around news, no matter what you tell them," Wednesday said as she tightened the screws within the machine.

"I do not want any information spread about me at the moment. A personal chauffeur, private and paid well, would however. But unfortunately your town does not have any," she remarked.

"The information you would provide for me will have to do," she added.

The boy had a small smile over his face, looking in amusement at the work Wednesday was going, "Then you're out of luck. Where you going anyway?"

"That's on a need-to-know basis," Wednesday replied and gazed at the internals, "you have a valve issue. I've seen it before."

"W-where?" You have one of these monsters at home?" the boy chuckled.

"Steam-powered guillotine. I built it when I was ten," Wednesday simply answered and looked at the boy with her deadpan, "I wanted to decapitate my dolls more efficiently."

"Sure. Grim Reaper, makes sense," he nodded.

Enid didn't realize that she was glaring at the boy, Tyler, who was extremely interested in watching Wednesday, "W- Addams-"

"Sinclair, I'm busy," Wednesday said, and the machine finally stopped making a fuss.

"Wow. Thanks, judging from... your looks... I never met a kid who got their hands dirty like this, I assume you're like 17 or something?" Tyler cleaned off the machine.

"Addams, what are you doi-" Enid tried to talk again but was cut off.

"Like I said, mutt brain, you clearly did not see what I was fixing?" Wednesday said coldly and walked around the corner.

"Oh hey, what's up? I assume she's a friend of yours?" the barista boy smiled welcomingly to the blonde after glancing at Wednesday.

"She is merely a burden of an acquaintance," Wednesday answered back.

"Hm, well, I'm Tyler, by the way. Didn't catch your name, or is that on a need-to-know basis too?" he smiled, "Well, I'll get ya what ya need, and tell ya what I know in an hour. So... what can I get for ya right now?"

HOW does this random-ass boy manage to just casually smile at Wednesday and not earn a knife back?! Enid gritted her teeth, not realizing her fists were clenched and her nails slightly extended and dug into her palms.

"I can read, thank you very much. Addams, that is all you're going to get," Wednesday replied, giving a quick look down at Tyler's name tag, "I need a quad over ice."

Oh, Wednesday likes her drinks cold too? Never figured, Enid kept a mental note.

"Sure," he smiled, "and you? "Acquaintance" of Miss Addams here?" he looked over at Enid.


After Enid's crazy order of an abomination was given out, the two sat down at the booth by the window, but not after Enid glared at the boy's back after he gave a "special" smile to Wednesday.

Wednesday wasn't moved by him at all, no jump or death-glaring look that seemed to be a hobby of hers.

She couldn't believe that he managed to get so close without being in danger from Wednesday. She was closer- well, she wasn't sure about that part actually, but as far as she knew, THEY JUST MET! And she didn't lash out or insult him in any way!

All the other public interactions Wednesday frightened them to death, like their soul had left them, but this boy? Tyler? No. No-no-no-no, no glare or anything.

And Enid could tell... she could just tell that the boy was quite interested in Wednesday.

Wait, he said he's going to do something with her in an hour... right? DID... ARE THEY GOING OUT OR SOMETH-

She couldn't help but growl lowly to herself after every sip of her cup of sugar invasion.

Did Wednesday actually... tolerate that boy? Ugh, why... why am I thinking like this? Because of how "regular" she is to him and "cold" to me?

"I was expecting you to finish that even before I took a sip of mine," Wednesday spoke up for once.

Enid snapped into reality and looked up from her cup, looking at Wednesday's completely black drink that was nearly halfway done.

"O-oh, sorry, just thinking... a lot..." Enid laughed nervously, "I know right? Like I actually didn't chug this down like it was my last drink," her laugh ended awkwardly.

"What is bothering you?" for once, Wednesday was concerned?

"Oh, nothing, I'm not bothered, just thinking abooouuut-" Enid's eyes glanced around the upper décor of the café, "how well this interior is!"

"I can tell the façade you're putting on, what is the matter?" Wednesday said in a concerning yet flat voice.

"Nothing," Enid grumbled and looked over her shoulder at the barista boy, smiling happily to another customer who walked in.

"You get really along with that Tyler, huh?" a very spiteful voice came out of her, WOAH where did that come from? Shit, retreat, retreat, stop you stupid voice! "What's with him?"

Wednesday's eyes slightly squinted, a brow raised in confusion.

"How come you didn't freak him out?" Enid asked, facepalming mentally at why she was still speaking.

"I did, but you were too busy blabbering. I found out he was significant to our further plan," Wednesday said, "Tyler Galpin, are you aware of the information that was posted around the news boards?"

"N-no? Besides the Nevermore thing closing?" Enid shrugged.

"The chief of authorities here, Donovan Galpin, the best idol of power and serving justice, as well as being a top hunter in the ranks..." Wednesday added.

Enid squinted her eyes and shrugged again, "And?"

"Really? You can't make the connection?" Wednesday cocked her head.

"Donovan Ga-" the blonde's mouth went o, "gotcha, he is like the Uncle of Tyler over there? So what?"

Wednesday somehow managed to resist and eyeroll. She took a sip of her coffee which relaxed her somehow, and returned to staring at Enid, "He is his father. While you were outside, making an embarrassment out of yourself, I learned that he resents his father very much but knows very well about the state of Vermont."

"So... wait- what? Is he gonna come along with us? He's going to come with us?!" Enid's claws suddenly extended out, she felt herself become infected with venom and was already killing her.

"Settle down," Wednesday suppressed a smirk at Enid's impressive sharp nails, "no. He will only provide us with resources and necessary information."

Provide us with resources and necessary information? And he said he'll see her in an hour... though Enid tried to calm herself down with this info, she still couldn't help but feel the twang in her heart about Wednesday and... Tyler... being so casual.

She felt her fangs growing all of the sudden.

She couldn't believe it.

Was she so jealous about Wednesday and Tyler being so calm to each other and already?!

Enid snatched a sweet pastry from the plate and stuffed it into her mouth to try and calm down, hoping her fangs would stop and retract, along with her colorful claws.

"Good?" Wednesday asked about the pastry.

Enid muffled a question with the food still in her mouth, resulting in a crumb being spat out onto the table. She earned herself the signature Addams glare. She swallowed and nodded.

Wednesday took a pastry for herself surprisingly and ate it with ease overtime, "If you were to chew your food, you would enjoy the taste. I despise it, but I at least take time to chew."

"Well that's why I bought a bunch, ya know?" Enid chuckled and inhaled another sweet pastry, "You get a bunch, overtime you enjoy it because the seconds build up and you enjoy it as one," Does that make sense? I dunno.

"You also spend more of the money we have. Though I have plenty, I would like to not spend it on one-second-enjoyments," Wednesday unusually took another pastry and ate it calmly.

The two finished their little pleasant meals in peace, Wednesday patiently for Enid to finish up the sweets and her coffee abomination.

They left the café and would explore the town for about an hour in silence. The sky had turned into a dark shade of blue, the sun still remained in the sky but could not be seen by the pair. They came back to the Weathervane place again with Tyler absent. The duo sat themselves in the back corner and waited.

Shortly after, the boy came back in regular clothes with a pack, Enid scooted her chair as far away as she could from him while also giving Wednesday her appropriate personal space.

He greeted the pair and only silence was returned. He shrugged and started unpacking whatever was in his pack.

There were a few rolled up maps to which he spread out.

"So, got these maps from my dad," he cleared his throat, "I don't think my old man would be missing a few maps from his intel drawer but here."

Wednesday and the boy leaned close together over the map under the light, Enid sat there against her chair watching the two.

How did Wednesday convince him to give up so much info? Did... did she mean so much for him that he would go this far? And look how fricking close they are! Enid wasn't really complaining about the help, but just the reason of how he was doing this all for the goth. It really seemed like there was much more of a connection she was too blind to see.

Tyler's fingers pointed around paths of the map while Wednesday studied very closely, her eyes trailing along wherever his finger went and listened.

"This side of the hill's known for bandit ambushes, the other side a few crappy thieves, but I best you avoid that area," Tyler advised as he continued reading his dad's small notes.

"They are no matter. Even an organized crime syndicate, they would not dare go near me after my first example I present to them," Wednesday remarked.

"Ookaay then," he chuckled, "well, there's those bandits. Down this far side is a tiny town but a lot of hunters go there. They also have a pretty busy campsite in this area where they come and go pretty often."

"This town up here doesn't get much activity from both. Maybe a few authorities are there but that's about it, that one however is filled with thieves and stupid idiots," Tyler continued.

He gave more and more information for Wednesday, who was benefiting from this very much. Wednesday had been going off pure memory, skill, and perception of the sky of their travel.

Seeing how absorbed she was in Tyler's explanation and him just chuckling and smiling, Enid was now completely furious inside. Battling her mind and feelings with rage as she refused to believe how Wednesday got so close already to this stupid dumb boy.

She couldn't see how nice he was, her dumb heart kept arguing about how Wednesday was letting herself be so close to someone else. At the same time, she felt like it was hopeless in even becoming friends, clearly Wednesday didn't want that.

Enid was too busy arguing mentally that she didn't realize Tyler already packed up the maps and handed them to Wednesday.

"Here," Tyler's hand extended a small handful of money, "it's not much, but... it'll help in a way."

"There is no need. I have plenty, I am not homeless," Wednesday replied and he withdrew the money, understanding.

"Well, I'm glad I could help ya, Addams, and I'm also glad you actually kept your word on meeting up," he gave a goofy smile.

The blonde frowned on the side, but then it turned to pure disgust when Tyler extended an empty hand in which Wednesday shook.

Wednesday never shook anybody's hand. She never even let her touch her except when she was in her wolf phase.

This can't be, Enid felt her heart crumple into bits as their handshake stopped, could Wednesday... actually like him?

After the goth and barista boy said farewell and thanks to each other, they finally departed from the Weathervane Café. They set their way to the inn to sleep in for the night, as it had already fallen.

Enid wasn't even hungry for dinner, she felt empty whole from the simple interaction between Wednesday and Tyler.

Her steps were sluggish as she stared down, Why is such a friendly contact bothering me so much? Is it really because of how Wednesday was different to him? Am I thinking on this too much?

"Hmm... I guess not. What a surprise," Wednesday said, crossing her arms.

"What-a-what?" Enid blurted, not hearing the first part of the sentence.

"You not being hungry. What a surprise," the goth repeated.

"Hungry? O-oh, yeah, I dunno, not in the mood, really not in the mood for food right now," Enid sighed.

They arrived in their room, Wednesday had returned to her writing time while Enid cleaned up herself in the bathroom. She washed herself under the hot water, thinking madly about the interaction between Wednesday and that boy.

She stopped midway brushing her teeth, her fangs came out again. She looked at her hands and saw her claws out again. It angered her, it really angered her how this day bothered her so much.

It was the day after her turning back to human regularly from a werewolf for once, and it bothered the hell out of her. Wednesday being cold but somehow barely nice, then meeting Tyler Galpin.

Enid put away her toothbrush and washed out her mouth. She saw her fangs out and then at her eyes, which were beginning to water.

She slumped against the door and hugged her knees to her chest, face down and finally... finally... she let the small tears flow.

"What a damn stupid day... what a damn stupid girl I am. What a weird-shit she is. I hate you so much, Wednesday. I'm so pissed at myself, I can't even think right," she muttered between soft cries.


Ah, shit.

"Sinclair, you come out right now. We need to have a talk."

Enid was definitely dead for sure. Wednesday never had this tone before.

Her hand literally was shaking as she twisted the door knob and left the bathroom.

She opened it and faced Wednesday who held a towel and her toiletries in her hand. Wednesday looked up slightly, thanks to their height difference, and sighed, "First, don't cry out your tears in the bathroom. People actually have to use it. Second, tell me everything you refuse to tell me after I clean myself up."

The goth brushed past Enid and shut the door, the shower running and then a curtain drawn.

Enid looked at the door and strangely smiled, even with tears still running down her cheeks, she smiled. It was a small-Wednesday-sign of offering kindness. Enid would be able to clear her mind of all the stupid complicated things she thought of properly.

She would hope she can come to the conclusion that the interaction with Tyler was different only because of the information she got from him.

And so it was.

Moments later, after Wednesday's shower and clean up, Enid let out all her thoughts on why she was so different to Tyler.

Wednesday allowed Enid to let out all her bottled thoughts. She listened, and she gave her answer which reassured the blonde.

Wednesday simply answered because he did have valuable information... but also he did not see her differently. Though she could care less about him. Enid definitely overthought it. Wednesday was able to get vital assets and details for their plan, making the chances more successful for the both of them in the end.

And that was that.

Enid's thoughts about Tyler had suppressed, and now she was just thinking about the complex relationship with the goth girl.

Enid sat at the end of her bed, legs crossed as she watched the Addams from behind clicking on her typewriter. The paper moving from side to side, being filled with more ink as it went. The Addams still had a towel hung on her shoulders for her wet hair and-








Enid's jaw hung open as she admired the long let-down hair along Wednesday's back. It still lightly sparkled from its dampness in the light.

Now this was something she couldn't believe! Her hair is so... majestical...

Enid started pinching and fidgeting with the colored ends of her own blonde hair out of self-consciousness. She would call herself pretty, but that Addams over there was pretty much an infinite times more.

Geez, there I go again, Enid felt her cheeks get extremely hot and her heart thumping faster. She needed to distract herself.

Oh, right... I was interested in that novel writing she's doing!

The two then exchanged comments on the novel being written through Wednesday's typewriter. She shared details and facts about her story and characters, feeling somewhat surprised that someone was genuinely interested in it.

Enid listened as closely as she could, she was amazed by the creative, but also disturbing, mind of the goth and how she could come up with such a captivating story plot.

The words Wednesday said were imprinted in Enid's mind, and all of Enid's responses were also imprinted in Wednesday's mind. She kept it to herself of how Enid was authentically interested and her responses were genuinely nice and awing.

A moment of silence passed before she continued typing ink onto the papers. Enid meanwhile snuggled up under the blanket, feeling really glad that at the end of the day... Wednesday was still there and not interested in anyone else... and she was subtly nice to her.

Their plan would be continued with the addition of that too-nice of a boy's info, and they would continue their journey like they had from the beginning.

Wednesday's sincere tone in her explanation of her story brought out some of her softness.

Wednesday was kind enough to turn off all the lights except for the lamp by her typewriter, her fingers now gently pressed the keys, making the clicking quieter. At some point, she also removed the bell it would ring inside the machine.

Through that tiny bit of softness from the Addams, Enid felt like she could actually start a friendship with her. But not for quite a long time. She will find a way though.

Maybe by the end of their journey together, they would be close enough to be considered friends...

There is some doubt, but... just maybe... there is a way.

Her vision then turned completely dark, as her mind began its first dream since turning back into a human regularly.

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