MY WORLD TOUR: The ultimate b...

By jjbiebresmash

1.2K 27 42

What will happen when Ryan Good's little sister needs to live on tour with her brother after her mom got a jo... More

chapter 01: pilot
chapter 02: long day
chapter 03: team bieber's new member
chapter 5: little accident
chapter 06: a test
chapter 07: pool fun
chapter 08: a surprise
chapter 09: 3 days to MSG
chapter 10: 2 days until MSG (miserable)
chapter 11: 1 day to MSG (feelings)
chapter 12: finally
chapter 13: kenzie's friends
chapter 14: UTI
chapter 15: hospitalized
chapter 16: feelings

chapter 04: first concert

73 2 2
By jjbiebresmash

The morning came as soon as the night fell and, finally, Mackenzie got some rest. After her nap on the day before, Ryan took her shopping and sightseeing in Paris. As it was her first day, he really wanted to spend some time with his sister and also, keep her away while Justin rested.

Mackenzie was having a blast. Her love affair with Paris began with her first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower while she and Ryan walked around the gardens that surrounded it. Later that day, they both went to the Louvre as the girl couldn't keep her excitement hidden about seeing the Mona Lisa painting, the most famous piece of art in the entire world. At end of the day, Mackenzie walked around on Avenue des Champs- Elysée's and she jumped up and down when Ryan said she needed some new clothes. They shopped for a while before stopping at a small French restaurant to grab some crepes for dinner.

Just as they walked back to the hotel, she spotted a huge electronics store. She pulled Ryan by the hand, almost dragging him inside as he said they'd already spent too much.

"Kenz, it's getting late, we really should go!"- Ryan said, impatient as she seemed to look for something- "And what are we doing here? Do you need something specific? What are we looking for?"

"I saw online that the new NBA game on PlayStation came out today"- she said, still looking around- "I'm sure Justin doesn't have it".

"He's been talking about it for a while, but I didn't think you were into video games, punk. You've always hated it whenever I played at home".

"I do"- she laughed- "I'm pretty sure the screen makes you dumb".

"So why the hell are we here for, Kenz?"

"Well, we spent the whole day getting to know the city and buying stuff while Justin stayed in bed. All he does is work and he got sick on his down time"- she explained as if it was obvious. Ryan chuckled, getting what she meant. She really was his sister as he was thinking the same thing as they walked around the city, always alert to find something cool so Justin didn't feel left out. For Justin, Ryan has always been his big brother, but now, he had to share him. And it really sucked that he was sick while they were having that much fun- "It's unfair and we should buy him the game. At least, it will keep him distracted while he rests".

"You really thought about that?"

"Yeah, didn't you? And don't worry. I have some money that I got on my birthday, so you don't have to pay for it, okay?"- she said, opening her small pink purse and getting her silver credit card. Mom told Ryan that she would make a deposit every month for Mackenzie with enough money for whatever she needed, but still, he did want to give his sister the new clothes. She also said that Mackenzie had a couple of dollars that grandma gave her as a birthday gift, and that money, she could spend however she wanted.

"No, punk. You should keep your money. It's yours and you should spend with yourself. I can buy Justin's game. But it's really nice of you to think about him, Kenz. He's going to love it"- he smiled, before hugging her lightly.

"No, I'll pay, Ry. It was my idea and I really want to buy it! You already got me so much stuff".

"We can split it, what do you think?"

"Nope, I'm buying it!"- she insisted, and Ryan just nodded. He would make sure to give her the money back without her consent. He let her go to the cashier by herself and got the game all wrapped up with a blue gift bow. When they were all done, the two walked back to the hotel and said goodnight to everyone before showering and getting into bed as it was pretty late already.

Mackenzie got up early that morning when Ryan shook her awake and told her that he needed to run to the venue and organize Justin's concert wardrobe in case there was going to be a concert that night. Before leaving the room, he kissed her head and let her know that he put her phone to charge in Justin's room as he needed to take his charger with him (Mackenzie's charger didn't fit the European outlets and they forgot to buy an adapter). A while later, she ran into the shower when Pattie knocked and said that they were having breakfast in 30 minutes.

After brushing her long hair and spraying just a bit of body splash on, she got out of the room and greeted Scooter, Allison, Kenny, Pattie, Alfredo, and Mama Jan, who were all sitting around a huge breakfast table in the living room area. She had met everyone the day before, so she just seated right next to Alfredo and fixed herself a slice of toast with an overload of Nutella spread on it.

"How are you liking Paris, Mackenzie?"- Mama Jan asked, sipping on some hot coffee- "Pattie said you and Ryan went out to see the city!"

"I'm loving it so much! We went everywhere and I got to see a bunch of cool stuff. I've been here before, but I was so young I didn't remember anything!"- she said, smiling at the thought of the day before.

"I'm glad you had fun, honey!"- Pattie said- "Oh, before I forget. Ryan told me to remember you to take your medicine after you're done eating!"

"Medicine?"- Scooter asked, raising an eyebrow as he put some more yogurt into the bowl of fruits in front of him.

"It's just something to prevent me from having migraines. Always had them and it absolutely sucks! - she explained, taking one more bite of her sweet breakfast.

"Make sure to take them, sweetie"- Pattie reminded- "And if, by any ways, you feel anything, just don't hesitate to tell me!"

"Sure, thanks Pattie"- Mackenzie smiled- "I'll grab it in a minute, it's in the back of my phone case".

Scooter's phone beeped and he looked at the notification before starting a new subject:

"So, what about Justin? If we're really canceling, I need to make the call as soon as possible."

"What do you think, Pattie?"- Allison asked.

"I'll check his temperature again in a while. I really want him to do the concert, but I really can't let him go on stage if he's shivering with a fever".

"Yeah, I wouldn't agree with it either. If his temperature is still high, it's best to keep him from pushing too much and getting even worst"- Mama Jan added.

"Where's him now?"- Alfredo asked the question that Mackenzie avoided. She noticed he wasn't eating with everyone else. She wondered if he was still asleep even after sleeping the whole day yesterday.

"Grounded"- Pattie simply answered.

"That bad?"

"I know he's not feeling well, but I'm sick and tired of him being disrespectful"- Pattie blurted out "He threw a fit when the doctor came, didn't let me or him take his temperature, is refusing to eat... He better get his act together otherwise I'm taking his phone and videogame for a week. He's just making it harder for himself".

"You took his phone?"- Alfredo asked.

"Yes. His videogame and the TV remote as well".

"Shit, Pattie"- Fredo chuckled- "Badass!"

"It breaks my heart to do it, but he's really not himself these days. I left him crying but I think he's asleep now"-she said- "Actually, he's been crying an awful much lately... it's getting me worried".

"Well, I really hope his fever broke"- Allison frowned- "And I hope Mackenzie can help to cheer him up a bit, as well. I know he's been lashing out, but the kid is working like an adult".

Just as Mackenzie served herself a glass of Minute-Maid apple juice, they all heard Justin's voice calling, the sound muffled by the closed door:

"Mom, can I go out?"

"Are you sitting on the table and eating like everyone else?"- Pattie asked, almost yelling back so he could hear her.

"I'm not hungry"

"Then, no, mister. You're staying there"- she kept her tone firm. Usually, Pattie was all patient and understanding, but when Justin insisted on being hard, she was way harder.

"I wanna go out!"- he sounded impatient as well.

"If you do, it will be worse for you later".

"Mom, please!"- when he said it, the whole crew eating breakfast noticed that he was crying. Justin didn't care to hide anymore. 

"Justin Drew, you're testing my patience!"- Pattie quickly ended the conversation and Justin got the massage, despite, they could all hear his sobs on the other side of the door.

"Yeah, that's not an ideal situation, huh?"- Scooter commented when the room fell quiet.

"Honey, are you done with your breakfast?"- Pattie asked Mackenzie when she placed her plate over the cart with dirty dishes. Looking over, Kenzie nodded- "Why don't you go and grab your medicine before you forget, huh?"

"Oh, I had forgotten already"- Mackenzie giggled, stating up and excusing herself from the table. She was going to her room when she remembered Ryan placed her phone in Justin's room. Shit- "Is it alright for me to go in there? Ryan put my phone on Justin's charger"

"Sure, kiddo!"- Scooter answered but she really hoped he would tell her not to enter the room.

Mackenzie swallowed hard before quietly opening the door. As she was asleep there earlier, it was easy for her to spot the phone over the bedside table, still plugged in. She walked inside carefully, but she couldn't miss Justin almost out of breath from crying hard. He was laying down on his stomach, both his arms folded, and his head buried in them. He couldn't see her, but she could clearly see him.

She quickly grabbed her phone and almost ran to the door, not wanting in any way to make Justin feel uncomfortable in his own moment, but as Mackenzie was about to step out, she looked back at him one more time. Her head was against her heart, but she took a few steps back until she was close to where he lay.

She sat on the very edge of the bed and gently laid her hand on his lower back, rubbing it slowly. Appreciating the comfort, he peeled his face from his arms and looked up at whoever was there. He was a bit shocked to notice it was Mackenzie. He was really expecting Allison or even his mom. He got immediately embarrassed about breaking down in front of a girl his age who just got on tour but couldn't control his tears. She smiled sweetly, a way of telling him it was alright to cry and be upset.

"Justin"- she said in a whisper, using a tone much lighter than she was used to "Do you want to talk?"- when he didn't answer, she continued to say- "What about a hug, huh?"

He smiled a little bit thru the tears but began to slowly sit down on the bed. He giggled before being welcomed into Mackenzie's arms. It was a bit weird, but he really needed that hug, so it wasn't awkward at all. For some reason, he felt comfortable with Mackenzie. Maybe it was something about the Good's family.

"You feeling better?"- she asked and smiled proudly when he nodded- "Yeah, I know, I give awesome hugs!"

"You're too much alike Ryan"- Justin pointed as he laid back down still deciding over laughing or crying- "He would totally say this!"

Mackenzie was the one to laugh now, before patting his belly as he looked up at her.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

Justin frowned before rubbing his sore, wet eyes:

"Everyone is mad at me"- he said quietly, almost as if he was embarrassed.

"Because you've been acting up, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess"- he took a deep breath- "But, no one ever hears me, you know? They always act like I'm a child who's enabled to decide or participate in anything. It shouldn't be my mom's decision if I'm feeling alright to do the concert. If I say I'm okay and I want to do it, why is she not letting me? Ryan is the only one that actually listens to me!"

"Maybe they're just worried, you know? They think you want to do the concert so bad that you're going over your health to do it. But can I give my opinion? Don't be mad!"

"Please! I won't be!"- he almost begged. Justin didn't even know he needed to talk to someone that bad.

"If you want to be taken seriously, acting up and being bratty isn't going to help, you know? Don't you think is better to just sit and talk to your mom and everyone else? They all just want what's best for you!"

He stayed quiet but really heard what she had to say.

"You said you wouldn't be mad, bro!!"- she said, using her finger to poke his cheek trying to get a word out of him that looked to be deep in thought.

"I'm not"- he giggled- "You're right! Thanks, Kenzie. It's good to have you here"

Mackenzie smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him up into a sitting position and back on another warm hug.

"It's good to be here as well!"- she whispered, rubbing his back. After separating him from her, she raised an eyebrow to talk to Justin- "Now, what do you think about some waffles, then you can talk to your team, huh?"

"Yeah, sounds good"- Justin agreed, staying up to finally go and have breakfast. Mackenzie felt so happy about being able to cheer him up that she was already feeling much more welcomed- "Oh, and Kenz, I'm sorry for not saying 'hi' to you yesterday. I was out of it!"

"It's okay! You're all forgiven, mister. Now, let's go!! I regretted skipping the waffles, I hope they are still warm"

He laughed again, following her out the door, still in his pajamas. Just as they got to the living room, everyone looked over them:

"You were taking so long I thought Justin killed you with the mood he's in lately"- Fredo laughed, and Mackenzie just smiled, awkwardly. She knew he was kidding but reminding constantly that Justin wasn't being himself didn't seem like it was going to help him at all. Alfredo instantly got the message- "You feeling better, bro?"

"Yeah, thanks, man"- Justin answered quietly, sitting on the table next to his mom. He looked at Pattie pleadingly- "Can I still join you guys for breakfast?"

Mackenzie bit the inside of her mouth after swallowing her migraine medication with some orange juice, unsure of how Pattie would react. She knew she had the right to be mad at him, but Justin really needed comfort right now.

"Of course, my love"- she said, kissing his cheek- "You feeling up for food?"

"Yeah, I think so. I got quite hungry after Mackenzie told me we ordered waffles"- he said, pouring maple syrup on top of two large waffles that were already on his plate. Justin licked his lips, wanting a big bite of that sweet sticky breakfast. Just then he realized his stomach wasn't hurting anymore. Maybe he just needed some cheering up to get a little better.

"Good, honey!"- Pattie said, watching him eat. She was glad he finally wanted something on his stomach. Maybe she should insist on making him chew on something a bit more nutritious, but she noticed he needed a break from being told what to do every time. He was just a kid.

"If you're eating, maybe we could talk about letting you perform huh?"- Scooter smirked and Justin smiled wildly.

"Really, mom?"- his eyes were shining with hope. Pattie thought before nodding her head- "Oh, I love you so much, mom! You're the best!"- he hugged his mother tightly after his crew just watched and laughed.

"I didn't say yes yet, Justin!"- Pattie said- "But, if you're positive you feel okay, I think we can trust you, right?".

Justin looked at Mackenzie before cheering and getting a few more bites of the sweet waffle. She was right. How can she be this smart? He liked that. He smiled at her, and she just gave him a little wink before serving her plate with some waffles as well.

"Alright, bud. If we're going to the venue, I need you all showered and ready in an hour, alright?"- Scooter said, typing on his phone, probably confirming Justin's presence at the event tonight.

"I'm going, right mom?"

Pattie stayed silent for a minute, before giggling slightly and nodding her head. Justin screamed, standing up on the chair and doing some weird dance that Ryan would probably follow if he was there. Mackenzie laughed and Pattie made sure he got down before he could injure himself.

"Go shower, Justin! Dear God, what was in that IV that doctor gave you, huh?"- his mom laughed, pointing at the door as Justin kept on crazy dancing around.

"It's Kenzie's first concert! We have to celebrate!"- he screamed, full of energy.

"Justin, if you wreck your voice, I swear to God"- Mama Jan warned and he immediately shut up, still giggling.

"Thanks for the honor, Justin"- Mackenzie laughed when he finally entered the room to shower.

As everyone else got ready, Mackenzie used the time to make herself a little bag with a change of clothes and a small makeup bag. She wanted to take some pics at her first concert so she thought it would be smart to pack some stuff. After that, she lay on the bed and decided to catch up on social media for a little bit. Her friends had texted her and she made sure to reply to each one of them telling all the details about how happy she was.

Time flew by as Allison called everyone into the living room, saying that the car was waiting outside. They got to the venue fast, and Justin was rushed inside his dressing room as he needed to warm his vocal cords with Mama Jan before rehearsing.

"Kenz, why don't we go around and I show you the place?"- Alfredo suggested and she smiled, after setting her bag down and following him down the huge hallway- "So, have you ever been to a JB's concert before?"

"Not really"- she answered- "I was supposed to earlier this year, but I had some school stuff that I couldn't miss".

"Well, I'm glad you're here now!"- Fredo said, giving her a side hug as they kept on walking through the gigantic place.

First, he showed her some dressing rooms that they could hang. They were small but well-equipped with sofas, snacks, a lot of soda and water, mirrors, clothes, and black boxes with Justin's name on it.

As they kept walking, she passed thru the wardrobe room, where Ryan and Carin were separating all the dancer's outfits for the night. Mackenzie made sure to say 'hi' to them both before heading down and being amazed by the huge stage. Goosebumps appeared on her skin when she imagined how amazing it would be to watch Justin's perform when that place was crowded. It looked like it could fit a billion Beliebers inside.

"Pretty cool, right?"- Fredo said when she looked around, her mouth wide open.

"That's huge!

"I know, and it's not the biggest one we had been, believe it or not!"

"It's amazing! Look at all those lights..."

"Yeah, it gets even nicer when it's all turned on and the place is full. You'll see it tonight but maybe Scrappy could show some cool stuff right now! C'mon!"- Alfredo pulled her by the hand offstage, behind some black wall.

Alfredo spotted the control panel table and just as he predicted, Scrappy was there, testing all the settings for the night.

"What's up, Fredo!"- the tall, chubby blondish man said, making some weird handshake with him- "And is that Ry's sister I see there?"

"Hi, I'm Mackenzie"- she smiled sweetly and Scrappy just ruffled her hair.

"Hey, kiddo! Ryan talks a lot about you!"

"I hope that it just compliments, huh?"- she laughed and Scrappy giggled, nodding his head.

"Scrap, can you show her some cool light stuff? It's her first concert!"

"Sure, come here, kid. I'll show you how it works!"

Mackenzie got right behind the table as Scrappy managed to show her what each colorful button was supposed to do. He pressed them and made the whole stage very bright, but then, adjusted so a blue cool illumination took over. After that, Mackenzie turned the whole venue pink, and later, Scrappy made it turn purple.

"That's so cool!"

After that, Mackenzie got to hand with the whole tour crew and meet the dancers. She watched the rehearsals and then helped Ryan with some ironing as Justin was resting for the concert. Everyone was watching him closely, making sure he was okay, but he seemed just fine.

Allison offered to post mate dinner for everyone, and they all lined up to place their order on her phone and as they were waiting for the food to be delivered, Justin showed Mackenzie some new dance moves he was adding to the choreography tonight. She was so pumped about everything, that the time was flying by.

Half an hour later, they were all chewing on some burgers, fries, and chicken tenders, while Mackenzie opened a kale-chopped chicken salad and sipped on her mango-iced green tee.

"Jeez, I always forget how healthy you are, Kenz"- Ryan commented after stuffing his face with fries.

"Someone in the family had to be, huh?"- she mocked, and he rolled his eyes.

"Justin, you see? Mackenzie can teach you how to eat more greens, huh?"- Pattie said, elbowing Justin that was sipping on some Coke.

"Mom, my Coke is sugar-free! I consider it healthy, alright?"-Justin answered- "And, I don't trust clean-eating people".

"Oh, is that so?"- Mackenzie raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I trust you, so you better start eating something greasy!

After dinner, it was showtime. Mackenzie followed Pattie to a special place where all the crew hung while Justin performed. It was on the right side of the stage, on the front roll. It gave them an awesome view of the whole stage and crowd. She saw Ryan slipping some plugs on his ear, but Mackenzie was enjoying hearing the fans screaming loud and clear. She thought it couldn't get better until Justin got on stage.

Her heartbeat raced as his voice echoed around the whole place and she never saw him glowing that much. It was like performing was literally a part of him. He sang his heart out and Mackenzie felt chills running all over her body with each song. She never screamed or danced that hard in her entire life and it was nice to do it with Justin's crew, who were all being so nice to her. Of course, they had to run and help Justin throughout the concert, but they had time to enjoy it too. Before going on tour, she wasn't sure, but after that concert, she was positive that no matter how many times she had to watch him, she would never get sick of it.

"Guys, this is my last song but before that, I would like you all to cheer and welcome Mackenzie Good! - Justin said and the whole crowd went wild. Mackenzie's eyes almost popped out and Ryan laughed- "I don't know where she's at but she's spending some time with us on tour, and I would like all my Beliebers to make her feel part of the family. So, welcome, Kenzie!!! -he giggled as the fans screamed harder- "Alright, thanks, guys! I'm pretty sure she's feeling loved now! But now, I have a question for you all. Who wants to be my baby?"

By the end of the show, everyone was guided back backstage to pack while Justin was getting cooldowns done. Mackenzie was so excited she couldn't stay still for a minute and Pattie just laughed at her hyper. After some minutes, Justin was back in the dressing room, and they all took turns giving him a hug and congratulating him for the performance.

"You were amazing, Justin!"- Kenzie said as she wrapped both arms around him, feeling his sweaty body on her skin- "It was so cool!"

"Thanks, Kenz"- he laughed and kissed her cheek- "Did you like the shoutout?"

"I mean, yes, of course! Everyone was screaming for me! It was so awesome!"

"Justin, I need to talk to you!"- Ryan said in a serious voice, interrupting their talk and dragging the boy to sit on the couch- "Sit down!"

"Woah, man"- Justin said, sitting down and looking up at him- "Is everything alright?"

"How come Mackenzie is here for one day and she already got a shoutout?"- he said, and Justin and Mackenzie burst into laughing- "I'm serious, man. I'm here being your buddy for months and I never got a single cheer".

"Alright, alright, dude! I'll give you a shoutout too at the next concert, alright?"

"You better, douche!"

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