Miraculous The Second Agreste

By 95nicholasnm

76.3K 1.1K 572

Marinette's life was getting bad ever since Lila promise to her in which she told lies about what Marinette d... More

Bio of Character:
Cat Warrior and Ladybug's new gear:
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Arrival Part 2
Chapter 3: The Picnic and Meeting New Friends!
Chapter 4: Justin and The Heroin of Paris!
Chapter 5: Reconnecting with Gabriel and Natalie!
Chapter 6: Time with Justin!
Chapter 7: New Miraculous Holder of Destruction!
Chapter 8: J and M Hangout!
Chapter 9: A warrior with surprises!
Chapter 11: Attack of The Animan!
Chapter 12: The Date!
Warrior Bug much more better look!
Chapter 13: Warrior Bug and Lady Noire!
Chapter 14: The Liar met her quick end!
Chapter 15: Lies revealed!
Chapter 16: From Ladybug to ScarletBug!

Chapter 10: The words calm the minds of all begins even butterflies!

3.5K 53 28
By 95nicholasnm

Today was the day that Justin was going to spend some quality time with his uncle Gabriel as well as his godmother Natalie who looked forward to spending time with their favorite person who they miss after being away for so long. Right now Justin who was all dressed in decent clothes headed out of his penthouse to head over to his uncle's mansion along with Plagg who is resting inside his holders pocket after eating a big full of Camembert for breakfast which also counts as his lunch since Justin got his kwami the biggest cheese that could fill up the kwami's stomach.

Plagg: So whats the plan for today?

Justin: Like I said Plagg, we're are going to the gardens with my uncle as well as my godmother to spend some time together.

Plagg: Oh all right, wake me up when you are finished.

Justin: Hehehe, my dear Plagg you are such a lazy little kitten.

Plagg: Yup and thats how I like it, tell me all about your day after you finished as for me I am going to relax my tummy after eating so much of that yummy Camembert.

Justin: Very well you take your rest little buddy.

Plagg: Most appropriated kid.

While walking towards the mansion Justin stopped and looked to see who was coming out of the gates and it was his idiotic cousin along with lying vixen to which Justin hid behind a car so that they wouldn't see him. When he looked to see the two morons leave in the car that Gorilla was driving, Justin came out of his hiding place and walked towards the mansion and headed inside the place to meet with his uncle and his godmother who were waiting patiently for Justin to arrive. Once he was near the door of the mansion, he gave his knock and await for Natalie to come and answer it and she did and looked to see her godson that earned the woman a smile on her face.

Natalie: Hello Justin.

Justin: Hello Natalie, hope I am not late.

Natalie: Actually you are right on time. I will let your uncle know that you have arrived.

Justin: Sure thing, I will wait here until then.

Natalie: Very well and I see that you look rather dashing today.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Justin: What can I say I like to look my best for today and since we're going to the gardens I wanted to look nice for my uncle and my amazing godmother.

Natalie: Always the charmer just like your father.

Justin: I try not to stand out too much but I guess its in my blood.

Natalie: He's still how I remember him back then.(Natalie saids in thought then heads into Gabriel's office to inform that his nephew has arrived)

While Justin was waiting for his uncle, he decided to take out his phone and give Marinette a text to see how she is doing.

(SkaterBoy is Justin and BlueBerry Angel is Marinette for text)

SkaterBoy(Justin): Hey Marinette hows it going.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): Oh hey Justin, things are doing well so far what about you?

SkaterBoy(Justin): Well I just arrived at my uncles place and we're about to head over to the gardens soon.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): Oh yea thats right you got a call from him asking if he wanted you come with him and his assistant to the gardens to spend some time together.

SkaterBoy(Justin): Yup so right now I am just waiting for my uncle as well as Natalie so we can be on our way.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): Did you bump into you know who and you know what?

SkaterBoy(Justin): If you mean my idiot cousin and that lying vixen, I just saw them walking out of the mansion while I hid behind a car so that they wouldn't see me and they driving off with Gorilla to some place I have no idea where.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): I can tell that Lila is going to lie to Adrien all day long until his mind is as stupid as the rest of the Akuma class.

SkaterBoy(Justin): I still can't believe that thing is my uncle's son, I mean obviously that moron needs to get a life and get a better education but no he is surrounded by idiots and liars.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): I agree and its a good thing I am not going back into that school since I wont be able to handle anymore beating from those idiots in class because if it wasn't for your idea Justin to allow me to take online classes I would have never survived.

SkaterBoy(Justin): I do what I can to help those in need, speaking of which are you doing anything because I was hoping if you wanna hangout some more.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): Well not today because I am pretty much booked due to commissions as well as helping my parents at the bakery.

SkaterBoy(Justin): Understandable, I will allow you to pick a day when you are free so we can hangout again because I really enjoy your company Marinettte I really do.

On the other line Marinette saw the text that Justin sent her and it caused the girl to blush as well as smile that Justin enjoys her company and thought about a day when she and him can hangout again.

BlueBerry Angel(Marinette): You know what I think I just found the perfect day for us to hangout again. Hows about Sunday night because I heard that there is going to be a concert happening at the stadium.

Justin looked up anything about a concert happening on Sunday and when he did he saw what he couldn't believe who was going to play at the concert. Justin looked to see that The Weeknd will be playing at nights concert on Sunday and Justin was a big fan of the music and always wanted to go see the concert and listen to his favorite songs.

SkaterBoy(Justin): NO WAY! The Weeknd is playing a concert on that day. I love those songs, I practically heard them like hundred of times but now to actually go and see it in person is a dream come true I am so there Marinette!

BlueBerry(Marinette): Great! I will see you Sunday night but for now I need to get back to my designs.

SkaterBoy(Justin): Oh of course, I should be leaving soon anyway but it was nice texting you Marinette and keep on designing.

Blue Berry Angel(Marinette): I will bye SkaterBoy! 🛹

SkaterBoy: Later BlueBerry Angel. 🫐👼

When both ended their text, Justin put away his phone and looked to see the doors of his uncle's designing room open and out came both him and Natalie who were looking to see Justin waiting patiently for to two of them.

Gabriel: Hello Justin good to see you.

Justin: You as well uncle Gabriel.

Gabriel: Shall the three of us attend the gardens.

Justin: Yes we shall. After you miss Natalie.(Justin saids while holding the door open for his godmother)

Natalie: Hehehe what a gentleman.

Gabriel: Seems like you take after me sometimes.

Justin: Seems that way uncle but what can I say were both charming men who like to treat women with respect.

Gabriel: Yes indeed my nephew.

All three of them headed out and took the spare car that Natalie decided to drive while Gabriel and Justin sat in the back to talk to each other about their daily lives and whats been going on for the both of them. Justin went on about his life in San Diego as well as his school life which he is top of his class and getting all good grades in each of his assignments but also helping around the bakery with his parents that made Gabriel pleased that his nephew is doing marvelous though for his own son however he feels like Adrien is becoming more of disappointment and was falling behind with some of his classes as well as his lack of photoshoots. Gabriel decided not to mention his son towards Justin because his nephew feels like that he and Adrien wont get along well and due to the fact that Justin knows what kind of person his so called cousin is and wants nothing to do with him as well as that liar girl and her idiot minions. Gabriel decided to tell Justin about his fashion designs as well as his company as well as the many creations he did over the years and it made Justin happy that his uncle's creations look absolutely amazing as well as that he is doing well so far and still wants to be around him including Natalie who was listening the conversation between the two.

After their conversation together, all of them arrived at the gardens where Justin looked to see a very beautiful site as well as many different colors of flowers that were blooming in the sun including feeling that cool breeze in the air that made this day perfect for him and his uncle as well as Natalie.

Justin: It's beautiful, just like how I remembered it years ago.

Gabriel: That it is my nephew, such a splendid garden filled with absolute peace.

Justin: Not to mention the verity of flowers blooming around each part of the garden and showing their amazing colors in the area.

Natalie: They are quite lovely to look at Justin. I remembered when you were little you use to bring me flowers from the garden.

Justin: Hehehe yea I was such a silly little boy back then.

Gabriel: Come let us enjoy the gardens together like the good times we shared.

Justin: I wouldn't have it any other way uncle Gabriel and maybe after words hows about the three of us enjoy some tea and some music because I heard that have a piano here for people to listen to after walking the gardens.

Gabriel: That sounds like a wonderful idea Justin, after a nice walk around the gardens having tea while listening to beautiful music helps calms the mind.

Natalie: Indeed it does sir.

And so all three of them began to walk around the area of the garden in which they seen so many different plants and flowers growing that made Justin remember the good times he had with his uncle as well as Emilee who used to chase him around the gardens playing while his uncle and his parents as well as Natalie watch the two play together as well as picking out flowers. Justin felt bad for what happened with Emilee and how his uncle wasn't looking too good when he got the news about his wife and wanted to help him so that he can see the uncle he knew years ago and help bring that Gabriel back.

When the three of them looked all around the area and saw so many flowers as well as sections of the garden and took some pictures since Justin wanted to send something to his parents and his friends to know how amazing the garden looks. Once Justin finished taking so many pictures as well as sending them to his parents and his friends including Marinette, both him, Gabriel and Natalie decided to have that tea together while also listening to fine music.

Justin and his uncle including Natalie found a nice table near the garden and they all sat down to enjoy their tea together while also listening to a person playing such lovely music on the piano that the sound of it was pleasing to their ears.

Natalie: Would you like sugar sir and you as well Justin.

Gabriel: Yes thank you Natalie.

Justin: Most appreciated. I must say this is perfect absolutely perfect.

Gabriel: I agree it has been so long since we all been here together.

Justin: Too long, though I am enjoying this right now. Spending time with the two people I care about in my life besides my parents of course, and I really did miss the two of you and the best times we had together.

Natalie: We missed you as well Justin, things weren't the same after you were gone but now that you are back things might change around here.

Justin: I am glad to be back even though I like my life in San Diego, I miss the times I had back here in Paris with you two.

Gabriel: We all do Justin and I know that Emilee would of felt the same way after what....

Justin: Uncle you don't need to say it, I understand I loved Emilee as well but I cannot bare to see you like this and that is why I want to be around you more so I could give you the convert you need. I thought about you, Natalie and Emilee for a long time even after I left for San Diego I still remember the good times we all had together as a family and I want to help you however I can.

Gabriel looked upon his nephew with such kindness and gave his nephew a warm hug that made Natalie smile as well as Justin who hugged his uncle back knowing that he will always be with him so that he never feels alone. Justin then soon gave Natalie a sign to join in the hug in which she did and the three of them hugged each other to show how they all missed being together like before and once the hug was over all of sudden Gabriel's phone starting to ring.


Justin: Whose calling you?

Gabriel: Sigh....that would be my model wonder what she wants.

Justin: Something tells me that you don't want to take the call.

Gabriel: Not really besides spending time away from the company for a day is what I need but it looks like I am needed.

Justin: Uncle allow me to handle the call for you.

Gabriel: What do you mean by that?

Justin: Hand me the phone and you will know.

Both Gabriel and Natalie looked each other in confusion of what Justin was going to do but decided to listen and gave the phone to him so they can see how he is going to take care of the call. When Justin looked at the number as well as the person who was calling who turned out to be Lila Rossi, Justin decided to take action and do his voice acting once more but this time pretend to be his uncle.

Justin(Gabriel): I am terribly sorry but I am afraid I cannot take your call right now because I am in the middle of an important meeting with my clients so I will have Natalie leave you a message.(Justin saids while sounding like his uncle made Gabriel and Natalie jaw drop of what they just heard from Justin and how he sounded exactly like Gabriel himself)

Lila: But..Mr.Agreste I was just wondering if you could...

Justin(Gabriel): Like I said I am in no position to take your call right now, so leave a message for Natalie and she will inform me of your question good day.

Lila: Wait...I just..

Call Ended.

Justin: Problem solved.(Justin saids while looking at his uncle and Natalie's faces)

Natalie: Jj...Justin? How did you just?

Justin: Hehehe that is something I was going to tell the both of you. You see I been doing voice acting for the past year in half and I was getting really good at it. Were you impressed?

Natalie: Um....well I was quite shocked of what I just seen and the way you were speaking on the phone just now, you actually sounded like Gabriel.

Gabriel: Justin I didn't know you had such a talent like that?

Justin: I wanted to surprise you at the right moment but it looks like this was the time. Speaking of how did you find my voice acting of you uncle.

Gabriel: Hmm..well I must say you captured my voice marvelously as well as how you acted towards the call with my model was splendid Justin very impressive.

Justin: Thank you uncle Gabriel.

Natalie: How many voices can you do Justin?

Justin: Not that many yet but I am getting there soon. But for now I will focus on my life since I am almost finish with my school work as well as focusing on my dream.

Gabriel: That is wonderful to hear Justin.

Justin: Thank you uncle.


Gabriel: Is someone calling you Justin?

Justin: Let me check? Oh its mom and dad probably want to check in to see how I am doing. I have to take this, I wont be long.(Justin saids while getting up from his seat)

Gabriel: Take all the time you need Justin.

Justin: You sure, because it would be nice of you to get in with the call with my parents.

Gabriel: Thats all right maybe next time I will join the call.

Justin: Natalie?

Natalie: I will do that same Justin, go and have your call with your parents while myself and your uncle wait for you.

Justin: Well all right then, I will be back in a while.

Justin left while leaving Natalie and Gabriel to themselves while also seeing how much Justin has grown but still cared and remembered his uncle and godmother who he still treats them with such kindness and love.

Natalie: He hasn't changed one bit wouldn't you agree sir.

Gabriel: Yes, having him back here would be good. Why can't my son be like that, he always making life harder as well as spending too much time with those classmates of his.

Natalie: Especially with Miss Rossi, I get the feeling that she isn't someone who should be around Adrien.

Gabriel: Indeed though it would be best to keep an eye on her because even though she is only looking after Adrien and telling us about the bad influences in his life I still don't trust her completely even if she was under the power my Akuma's.

Natalie: Speaking of Akuma's have you sensed any negative emotions lately?

Gabriel: Hmm...not that I know of yet.

Natalie: Well maybe it would be a good time to check for any negative emotions.

Gabriel: Very well, though what about Justin.

Natalie: Don't worry I will attend to him while you attend to search for another person to Akumatized.

Gabriel: All right I trust you Natalie.

Gabriel soon left to find a quiet spot to transform while Natalie stayed behind to watch over Justin who is outside of the gardens talking to his mom and dad who are pleased to see their son doing well.

Justin: Yea everything is going great here mom and right now I am enjoying some quality time with uncle Gabriel and Natalie at the gardens.

Elisabeth: Thats great honey, I am so happy that you are enjoying yourself.

Jonathan: Hows my brother doing son everything all right?

Justin: Uncle Gabriel is still going through a tough time but I am sure he will come around since I am back in Paris with him and Natalie.

Jonathan: Thats good son.

Justin: Yea and he said that he will be on the next time you guys call back.

Jonathan: We look forward to hearing back from my brother after so long.

Elisabeth: That includes Natalie, I miss her very dearly.

Justin: I know she misses you as well mom and of course dad. But tell me hows the cruise going so far?

Elisabeth: Well honey I am sorry to break it to you but your father and I wont be going on the cruise for our anniversary.

Justin: Why not? Did something happen?

Jonathan: We checked the news and it turns out there would be heavy storms over the seas so we wont be able to attend our anniversary vacation.

Justin: Oh dad sorry to hear about that. What will you and mom do now?

Jonathan: We decided to spend our anniversary at home for the time being.

Elisabeth: We don't mind it one bit Justin as long as we are happy that is all that matters.

Justin: Well I wish you two a wonderful anniversary and do tell me how it went.

Elisabeth: Of course sweetie and tell me did you found yourself a lovely girl to spend time with.

Justin: Mom seriously this again..

Jonathan: Come on honey let's give Justin his time with his uncle and stop bothering him about finding a girl. You did meet a girl did you not Justin?

Justin: And I'm hanging up now, bye love you two.

Jonathan and Elisabeth: Bye Son!

Justin ended the call and was about to head back to meet up with his uncle Gabriel and Natalie until he heard something that sounded like a person who looked hurt and upset and decided to find out where the person was until he looked to find a two little girls who looked upset about something and Justin went over to see what was wrong with them. Justin walked over towards the girls and looked to see that they were both twin sisters.

Justin: Hey are you two all right?

No.....(One of the sister saids while converting the other)

Justin: Why what's wrong and why are you two all by yourselves?

We were here with our sister in which we asked her to take us to the garden because we wanted to see the flowers.

But then she..got a text from her friend and she just left and completely forgot about us..

Justin: That is so cruel, no sister should leave their little siblings on their own that is not responsible at all. And who was this friend that she was so excited to text while also leaving behind her little siblings.

I think her name was Lila something with the letter R at the end.(When the one sister said the name all of sudden Justin was completely pissed off as well who that person name was and wanted to know who the sister of these two girls were)

Justin: What's your sisters name by any chance?

Ayla...she's the one who made that Ladyblog that we used to like but not anymore after she put some weird stuff on it and we're her sisters my name is Ella and this is Etta.

(Ella is the green and Etta is the pink)

Justin: Wow I thought the tabloid reporter wasn't bad enough but leaving her little sisters alone is another story, if her parents knew about this then she will be in deep trouble for abandoning her sisters.(Justin saids in thought)

Justin: So all because of some text from this Lila girl, she just left you two here alone.

Ella: We met her friend a couple times and she isn't a nice person.

Etta: Her eyes look like snake eyes and her hair smells like very bad sausage.

Justin: I guess we agree on something because I met her as well as I think she is a very bad person.

Ella: We don't know why Alya hangs around her and not spend time with us anymore.

Etta: Does she not love us anymore..

Justin: That Lila girl filled your sister with lies saying that she did a lot of amazing things but she never did any of them as well as lied about knowing celebrities and hurting people like my friend Marinette.


Justin: You two know her?

Ella: Marinette was our babysitter, she's the best!

Etta: She took care of us while our parents went to work, while Alya just went out to spend time with that meany Lila girl.

Ella: Ayla even had that mean girl babysit us and she didn't do anything for us not even made us food and tuck us in bed because Marinette does a better job than her until Alya said that she is not allowed to babysit anymore.

Justin: Due to the lies that Lila told her about Marinette being a bully and doing horrible things in which it was Lila who was doing all the trouble making as well as having her friends and your sister gang up on Marinette and attack her.

Etta and Ella: GASP....Alya hurt Marinette...

Justin: Yea...and it is something you girls do not want to know more about because your still too young.

Etta: 😢sniff...I want to go home...

Ella: We want to see our mommy and daddy as well as Nora.

Justin: Nora?

Etta: She's our big big sister, she's a professional boxer.

Ella: And she is very protective of us.

Justin: Does she know about what Alya has been doing?

Ella and Etta: No....

Justin: By any chance do you two know your big big sisters number. I would like to give her a call and tell her that her two sisters are alone and want to go home.

Ella: Yea we know her number.

Justin: Good my name is Justin by the way nice to meet you Ella and Etta.

Ella and Etta: Hi Justin!

Soon the girls gave Justin their sister Nora's number and began to call the girl who picked up and ask who was on the phone and Justin told her that he was with her two little sisters who were left behind all because of other sister Alya left them behind because of her so called friend Lila in which Nora was pissed that her own sister left her little siblings all alone and told Justin that she will be at the gardens as soon as possible. Justin told her that he will keep the girls company until she arrives and it made Nora pleased.

Justin: All right girls I just got off the phone with your sister Nora and she said that she will arrive soon to pick you both up and in the mean time I will look after you both until Nora comes.

Ella and Etta: OK!

Justin: Hows about I treat you two to some ice cream, would that be great.

Ella and Etta: ICE CREAM!

Justin took Ella and Etta to get some delicious ice cream while somewhere else Gabriel while in his Hawk Moth was trying to sense any negative emotions since he found one but went away after words but kept on searching until he can sent out his Akuma.

Hawk Moth: Strange, a minute ago I felt a negative motion but it just went away for some reason? No matter I will wait until I sensed another and then I can send out my Akuma.

Back with Justin and the sisters, the three of them headed off and found a small ice cream stand that was selling ice cream in which Justin got himself a mango ice cream while Ella got a raspberry and her sister lime and the flavors were delicious.

Justin: Mmm..how you girls like your ice cream?

Ella and Etta: Delicious Thank You Justin!

Justin: I am happy that you girls love it.

Ella: Do you think Alya hates us?

Justin: Honestly I think your sister is just lost and needs of help and needs to see the light of things but due to Lila being around her and Alya being near her I think its hard to believe that your sister barley has any brain cell at all to see that Lila is a bad person.

Etta: Whenever we tried to talk to her and ask her if she could spend time with us, she always yells at us and tells us to get lost...

Ella: She used to be so fun and kind to us but now.....she isn't the sister we knew anymore..

Justin: I guess with all the lies that Lila has been telling her and those so called classmates that became her mindless sheep, she has forgotten everything that she used to know and love and became a bully, a tabloid writer and not a nice person. I am sorry you girls had to deal with how your sister turned out.

Etta: I miss the old Alya better.

Ella: Me too...

Justin felt sad for the girls and how their sister turned out be a total bitch and a bully who believes in the lies of someone stupid and cruel in which Justin wanted to knockout the reporters lights out for hurting the twins and leaving them behind. When Justin was about to convert the poor girls all of sudden he heard a flapping sound and looked to see what it looks like an Akuma heading towards him and the girls.

Justin: Girls get behind me now.

Ella and Etta: Why?

Justin: There's an Akuma heading towards our way.

Ella And Etta: AKUMA?!(Both said and got behind Justin)

The Akuma felt the emotion of the girls and went to fly towards them when all of sudden Justin stood in front of the butterfly and then did something that left the girls and Hawk Moth confused who was watching and seeing his nephew holding his Akuma in his hand until he spoke something that got everyone's attention.

Justin: Listen little one, I know that your master is telling you to do his job and Akumatize these little girls behind me but you must know what you are doing is wrong and a beautiful creature such as yourself shouldn't be doing any of these things not even children. A butterfly doesn't deserve to be treated like a slave, they should be treated as a part of life and thats what you are right now and you should be with your own kind out there in the world. You should fly away and be with your fellow butterflies who are enjoying their freedom and peace, I know that you can understand me little butterfly and I know you do not want to bring any harm to others.

After Justin said those amazing words to the Akuma, all of sudden the Akuma reverted back into its original white butterfly form and then took off into the sky that left the girls in awe while Hawk Moth was absolutely shocked of what his nephew just did and couldn't believe his own eyes that his Akuma listened to the words of Justin and changed back into a white butterfly and flew away.

Justin: Sigh..thank goodness.

Ella: How did you do that?

Etta: That was amazing!

Justin: When I was younger I had this connection towards many different species of animals that includes insects so what I did was showed the Akuma some compassion and love as well as showing that doing these bad things are wrong and it deserves to be with its own kind.

Ella and Etta: WOW SO COOL!

Justin: Come on hows about the three of us take a stroll around the gardens.

Ella and Etta: YAA!

Justin took the girls a stroll around the garden while Hawk Moth transformed back into Gabriel and went to tell Natalie about what happened in which she saw the whole thing with Justin and the Akuma and found out something that Justin had when he was younger in which Natalie informed Gabriel about Justin having a connection to different species of animals that included insects after that time they took him to the zoo where Justin bonded with each animal he encountered. Even though Gabriel was disappointed at not Akumatizing anyone but somehow he was kind of proud and shock of what his nephew can do to his Akuma's and after those words he said to it, it means that Justin could somehow revert an Akuma back to the way it was before Gabriel changed it.

After a while now Justin got a call from the twins other sister Nora who just arrived at the garden and was ready to take the little girls home with her while also going to give her other sister Alya a big scolding about leaving Ella and Etta alone together and not doing her job to look after them.

Ella! Etta!(A voice saids from the gardens that got both Justins and the girls attention and looked to see a girl who was tall and muscular while wearing boxing gear)

Ella and Etta: NORA!!

Justin: Wow their other sister is a boxer and a very muscular one at that.(Justin saids in thought while watching the twins hug their sister Nora)

Nora: You two all right?

Ella: We're fine Nora, Justin looked after us until you arrived.

Etta: He's amazing Nora and he got us ice cream and took us around the garden.

Nora: Really well I have to thank him for doing that for you two and as for Alya she is going to be in so much trouble when she gets home.

Justin: Before that may I speak with you Nora because its very important and it involves your sister Alya.

Nora: Um sure of course. Girls wait by the bench I wont be long.

Justin and Nora walked near the fountain to speak with each other while the girls waited patiently for their sister.

Nora: Listen thanks for looking after the twins really appreciated.

Justin: No problem and I felt bad for what your sister did to them especially whats she's been doing to Marinette and her friends.

Nora: Marientte? Thats the name of Alya's best friend.

Justin: Best friend more like punching bag who nearly caused Marinette life to end.

Nora: What?

Justin: Nora tell me something have you ever notice anything going on with your sister that you don't know about or do know.

Nora: Hmm..well she's spends most of her time in her room putting stuff on that blog of hers and has been hanging around some weird girl with sausage like hair that gave the twins the creeps why do you ask.

Justin: Your sister Alya became a bully and almost drove Marinette Dupain Cheng to her death with the help of that Lila Rossi girl and her former classmates.

Nora: WHAT?!!!

Justin: It's true, Marinette and her real friends told me everything about what Lila Rossi has been doing as well as your sister and the junk she is posting on that blog of hers.

Nora opened up the blog that her sister made and check out the post and thought the stuff was about Ladybug and heroes but it's not because it is now only talking about the Lila girls and her adventures that made absolutely no sense and everything on the blog are all lies like Jagged Stone never owned a cat and how is the Lila girl Ladybug's best friend I mean really.

Nora: What the heck is all of this gibberish?!

Justin: Like I said your sister posting lies all because of her so called friend Lila Rossi who did such amazing things but didn't because she is a liar and a threat.

Nora: And what did you mean about the bullying part.

Justin: Your sister along with the former classmates that were once Marinette Dupain Cheng's friends that she knew for years turned against her and ended up bullying her for the past couple years because they think that she is targeting Lila Rossi and bullying her while it is the other way around because Marinette isn't the bully she is the victim while Lila Rossi and those idiot classmates and your sister are the bullies. I even have a video recording of your sister attacking Marinette in an alleyway and was almost in a pool of her own blood if I didn't step in and took them down.

Nora: Show me the video.

Justin showed Nora the video of what happened to Marinette and when Nora saw it, she looked ready to skin someone alive and that she means both her sister and that Rossi girl along with the classmates who were hurting the nicest girl in the world who also babysit the twins. Nora couldn't believe what kind of person her own flesh and blood have become all because of this girl named Lila Rossi in which she will be getting a huge punishment from both her and her parents.

Nora: Send me this video because I think mom and dad would want to have a little talk with my sister if I can even call her that now.

Justin: Sure thing though it would be best that you keep her away from that Rossi girl as well as have the ridiculous blog shut down because it means nothing now and I can tell she will not get the job as a reporter with all those lies she posted on that blog of hers.

Nora: I couldn't agree more. Thanks for telling me about this, you have my thanks.

Justin: I do what I can to help. Word of advice don't let your sister look after the twins if she is not going to do the job right and don't let her friend Rossi do it either because the twins told me that they don't like her one bit.

Nora: Good point. Tell me hows Marinette and her friends that are actually her friends doing.

Justin: She's doing just fine now, she is taking online classes like the others are and not going into that awful school filled with toxic people who are fed with lies.

Nora: Thats good to know, and I don't think that school is good for Alya anymore and it would be best that she gets transferred to another school.

Justin: I couldn't agree more to that, maybe a boarding school so she can learn some discipline.

Nora: I will our parents sort that out. But for now I should get the twins home.

Justin: Thats a good idea at least they have a sister who actually cares for them and their safety.

Nora: I like you, and have to say you are quite muscular yourself you work out.

Justin: Yes I do, I go to the gym once a week.

Nora: Save my number, who knows maybe we can have a boxing match together because I would like to see how tough you are.

Justin: I will keep that in mind. It was pleasure meeting you Nora.

Nora: You too, come on girls we're going home.

Ella and Etta: BYE JUSTIN!

Justin: Bye girls get home safe!

Justin waved bye to the girls and headed back to meet with his uncle and Natalie who were waiting for at the table then soon after spending more time at the gardens together they all left and headed back to the car to drive back to the mansion while Justin asked to be dropped off near the park because he was planning on going for a nice walk in which Gabriel and Natalie gave their approval and dropped off Justin and he thanked them for their time together with him and looks forward to another get together.

Justin: Ok Plagg you can come out now.

Plagg: Yawn!...Finally I was getting cramped inside your pocket long enough so what happened?

Justin: I will tell you some other time for now hows about we just take a breather and relax for a while.

Plagg: Fair enough, I needed to stretch out my arms and legs anyway.

Justin and Plagg relaxed in the park for a half and hour until Justin decided to go to the bakery and get some pastries and maybe meet Marinette.


Tom: Hello and welcome!

Justin: Hey there Tom how you been.

Tom: Justin welcome back.

Justin: Glad to be back sir, hows the bakery doing.

Tom: Fantastic and I just ripped up a fresh batch of delicious macaroons.

Justin: Ooh that does sounds delicious.

Sabine: Hello Justin and my don't you look charming. Did you got to a fancy party of something?

Justin: Hehehe no Sabine, I went to the gardens with my uncle and godmother in which I wanted to look nice for today so I wore this to show my honesty.

Sabine: Well I think you look very handsome Justin.

Justin: Thank you.

Tom: So what would it be Justin.

Justin: I will take some of those fresh baked macaroons as well as some muffins to go please.

Tom: Coming right up.

Sabine: So how the folks doing.

Justin: Well unfortunately they canceled their cruise trip due to a storm over the seas and decided to have their anniversary at home in San Diego.

Sabine: Oh I heard about that on the news, but I know that your parents will be all right and have a great time back home.

Justin: They told me that they will.

Sabine: Say are you here to see Marinette because something tells me that you are.(Sabine saids with a smile)

Justin: I was thinking about it but she told me that she will be busy due to commissions so I don't want to bother her until Sunday night.

Sabine: She said about going to a concert that day and I see that she invited you to join her.

Justin: Yea.

Tom: Well since you came here to see her you mind bringing up these for her because I can tell should would be getting hungry any time soon.(Tom saids and hands Justin some food to bring up to Mairnette)

Justin: Uh sure.

Justin took off upstairs and headed towards where Marinette is staying and once he was in the living room area and went up the steps to the trap down that leads to Marinette's room, and when he opened to the trap door he looked to see Marinette wearing some king of outfit that looked likes a maid uniform but with her own design.

Justin: BlueBerry Angel I didn't know you worked as a maid as well.

Marinette: DAH?!! JJ..JUSTIN!

Justin: Uh...hehe sorry I guess I should have knocked first.

Marinette: Ww..what are you doing here? Not that I don't mind you being with me...I mean here in my room at my house.

Justin: Well I finished my time with my uncle and I came to the bakery for some pastries until your dad asked me to bring you up some food in case you got hungry.

Marinette: Oh that is so sweet of you thanks.

Justin: You're welcome, so whats with the maid look?

Marinette: Oh this was one of my designs I wore for the Miraculous movie opening party, though it had a tare on the back so I had fix it and see if it still fits right.

Justin: Well by looking at you on each angle, I can see no tares but on the other hand you do look quite lovely in the outfit.

Marinette: RR..really.(Marinatte saids while blushing)

Justin: Absolutely though maybe next you could do a Mary Poppins look now that would be something to see in person.

Marinette: Ooh I love that movie when I was little.

Justin: Who doesn't especially the theme songs to the movie.

Mairnette: Yea that one song that I loved super...something, sorry its a little hard to pronounce it but you know what I saying right Justin.

Justin: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Marinette: Yes thats it!

Justin: Mine is Step in Time with Dick Van Dyke, that song was classic.

Marinette: Don't forget about the penguin dance, those penguins were so cute!

Justin: Oh that movie was the best of my childhood as well as the other Disney movies of course.

Marinette: Hehehe yea.

Justin: So what kind of commissions have you worked on so far?

Marinette: Oh I did some commissions for Jagged Stone who wanted an outfit for Fang.

Justin: Thats a shocker, Fang wearing clothes now I seen it all.

Marinette: I made him a little jacket that fits his size and its waterproof.

Justin: Wow that sounds great, is it finished.

Marinette: Almost I just need to add Jagged Stones logo to it and it will be finished.

Justin: Cool.

Marinette: I got the pictures you sent me and the others they look amazing Justin.

Justin: Glad you like them.

Marinette: So what happened after your time with your uncle?

Justin: Well before we left the garden I bumped into two little girls who were your former best friend sisters who were left behind because their idiot reporter sister left them alone because they told me that Lila texted her and she just ran out on her own siblings.


Justin: Don't worry the girls were fine when I found them and looked after them until their sister Nora came to pick them up but I can tell that their other sister Alya is going to get a really harsh punishment.

Marinette: Oh thank goodness, that was really nice of you to do that Justin.

Justin: They told that you were their babysitter before the tabloid reporter forbad them from seeing you and had the lying vixen babysit them instead and they too hate the girl very much.

Marinette: Why can't Alya see what Lila is doing to everyone is hurting and not for the better.

Justin: She's too far gone to be helped Marinette besides after I told Nora everything that her sister and Lila as well as the Akuma Class did well Alya is in for a rude awaken.

Marinette: It would actually be good to see her get what she deserves.

Justin: As well as that vixen and Mr.Highroad included and those idiots at that god awful school.

Marinette: Agreed.

Justin: When Nora found out about the truth she had the look that she wanted to skin somebody alive.

Marinette: Basically Lila and Alya.

Justin: I was going to mention them and all of the Akuma class. I will pay big bucks to watch her break my idiot cousin's spine or I will just do it myself.

Marinette: Hehehe...

Justin: Well I should get going, and should let you get back to working on your commissions.

Marinette: Ww..wait.

Justin: Yea?

Marinette: Um....I...I mean you can stay a little bit longer I could use some company.

Justin: Are you sure?

Marinette: Mhm...

Justin: Well all right then, I'll stay.

Marinette: My commission doesn't have to due till the following week so would you like to play video games with me...

Justin: What kind of game you have?

Marinette: Ultimate Mecha Strike III.

Justin: Shut up, I always wanted to play that game!

Marinette: Really! I mean....let's play then Justin.

Justin: I played 1 and 2 already but now I get to play 3.

Marinette: Well shall we play to see who will win.

Justin: I plan not to loose.

Marinette: Really because I am not either.

Justin: We will see little BlueBerry Angel.

Marinette: Bring it on SkaterBoy.

Justin: Then let the battle begin!

Marinette: Hows about we place bets.

Justin: I am listening.

Marinette: Ok if I win, you will have to be my model and will have try on the outfits I designed.

Justin: Seems fare.

Marinette: And what would like if you win?

Justin: Oh I will tell you when I win this match and beat you.

Marinette: Not if I beat you first, I never lost a game.

Justin: Then let the match start.

Three hours later Justin was able to beat Marinette in the game that left the girl stunned that somebody like Justin was able to defeat her for the first time in her life since she was undefeated but not anymore.

Justin: Well looks like I win Marinette.

Marinette: Sigh..looks that way. So what do you want since your the winner.

Justin: Well...um....it might sound silly...because I have been thinking about for a while now and I don't know if you want to do it or not.

Marinette: What is it Justin?

Justin: Sigh...Marinette Dupain Cheng, I...I would like to take you out on a date.

All of sudden Marinette's brain malfunction of what she just heard from Justin than left her speechless until her brain started to reboot again and looked towards Justin.

Marinette: What....what did you just say?...

Justin: I said...I want to take you out on a date if thats ok with you.

Marinette: DD...date...as..in...like....like...you...mm..me...tt..together.

Justin: Sigh...I knew this was a stupid idea sorry.

Marinette: NO!....I mean...where did you get this idea from?

Justin: I felt bad for how you been treated by others as well as getting your heart broken by the idiot cousin of mine and after spending time with you and getting to know you Marinette, all of sudden I couldn't stop thinking about you because when I first met you, you were this amazing and talented girl with such amazing spirit as well as filled with love and compassion who would stick up for others when no one else would and you have a wonderful family that loves you for who you are kind of reminds me of myself. You have those beautiful eyes that sparkle like a crystal blue ocean as well as this lovely voice that sounds pleasing to my ears when ever I see you and I am not saying this out of the ordinary Marinette because I am saying it from my heart. My actual heart, I have never met anyone more brilliant than you Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Marinette felt thousands of tiny butterflies flying around her tummy as well as blushing of what Justin just said to her that made her feel special and the way he spoke to her like that meant that he meant every word to her from the bottom of his heart. At first she gave up on love after what Adrien did to her but for Justin it was totally different because he stood by her side as well as defended her against Lila and her sheep for what they did to her and after spending time with Justin she felt warm inside as well as protected meaning that Marinette somehow has found someone who truly understands her and will always be there for her.

Marinette: Oh Justin...(Marinette saids and hugs Justin in which he hugged back)

Justin: I made you a promise that I will always have your back and I kept it.

Marinette: You did and I am very happy.......and....I...I...I would love to go out with you Justin.

Justin: Would you like to have the date on Saturday before the concert starts on Sunday.

Marinette: That would be great...though where are we...

Justin: Don't worry I will take care of it, you just need to be ready and it doesn't matter what you wear because I will like it any other way.

Marinette: Then I will see you on Saturday.

Justin: Count on it BlueBerry Angel.

Marinette: Am I falling for Justin.....if I am I don't want to wake up from this dream if it is a dream.(Marinette saids in thought)

Justin: I will see you soon.

Marinette: Ok...

Justin: Bye.

Marinette: Goodbye..

As soon as Justin left all of sudden Marinettes' eyes widen like dinner plates of what she just excepted and was planning on doing with Justin that caused her kwami Tiki to come out and saw the look of her holders face.

Tiki: Wow congrats Marinette you just got yourself a date with a nice boy. A boy who stood by your side and protected you from Lila and her goons as well as treated you and your friends with such kindness.


Tiki: I am sure she will be fine I hope.(Tiki saids in thought while looking at her holder getting over excited)

Justin was home and he too couldn't believe the words he just said to Marinette but he knew that he couldn't hold in the feelings that he and was going to show Marinette the best time of her life as well as show her what love is far more what his dumb cousin Adrien had due to the fact that he knows nothing at all now that he is a mindless sheep like the other Akuma class. Justin made Marinette a promise that he will keep her safe from harm and will always be there whenever she needs him. Plagg heard everything that his holder said and wished him good luck because his former holder wasn't that much of a lovable person more like a stalker and big idiot.

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