She's Mine) Romanogers

By read4fun15

8.4K 278 83

Steve and Natasha have been dating for a year and are falling in love with each other. The world has finally... More

Part 1) The Begining of the End
Part 2) Lab Rat
Part 3) Emotions, Gross
Part 4) Midnight
Part 5) Date Night with the Wrong Guy
Part 6) Morning After
Part 7) Caribbean Passion
Part 9) This Seems a Bit Fast
Part 10) Get Some ZZZs
Part 11) Bad Dream
Part 12) In the Shadows
Part 13) In Shock
Part 14) Seeing Red
Part 15) For Me?
Part 16) Two Weeks, Part 1
Part 17) Two Weeks, Part 2
Part 18) Two Weeks, Part 3
Part 19) No, You Don't Understand
Part 20) Back On Track
Part 21) Preparations
Part 22) Caught In the Act
Part 23) He's Back
Part 24) What Happened?
Part 25) Breaking Point
Part 26) Jealous, Party of One
Part 27) Our Hands are Tied
Part 28) Mission Saftey
Part 29) Breaking Point
Part 30) Locked In
Part 31) Fight Night
Part 32) We're Okay Now
Part 33) Healing

Part 8) Stitches, Then Sex

507 8 0
By read4fun15

If you can't tell by the title, we're going to get a little adult here

He reached the shallows before I did and sat to take his fins off, and I stopped short and faced him. I spat my respirator out, "you okay?"

I could see his tension slowly leaving, he always kept his stress in his shoulders and they were slowly relaxing. "Ya," his answer was clipped, I felt bad.

"I'm sorry about all the sharks, I honestly didn't think there would be so many," I shrugged, my body was laying out behind me and all my weight was on my arms while letting the water flow move me around a bit.

"Nat, you aren't in control of shark populations, you have no reason to apologize," he smiled. He twisted behind him and threw the fins to the shore, and then shrugged off the respirator and did the same with that. I slipped my fins off and handed them to him, then my respirator, and he threw all of my gear to the shore as well.

By this point the sky was fully dark and the moon was the only thing casting light onto the water. Steve stood up and offered me a hand, but I didn't move. "Are you okay if I just stay here for a bit?"

"Of course," he smiled, "but I'm going to watch from the shore, I've had enough water for one day."

"Sounds good," I smiled and watched as he trudged up to the shore, stopping when he was clear of the water and sitting back down to keep an eye on me. I shook my hair out of its braid and rolled onto my back, closing my eyes and letting the water sway me whichever way it pleased. It felt so damned good to not control anything for a moment, I felt my chest rise and fall as I inhaled and exhaled. I eventually opened my eyes to watch the stars, being so far from any light and the city made them so beautifully visible, it just felt so peaceful, I could stay here forever.

"Nat," I heard Steve through the coms, and I honestly forgot that I had the stupid piece in my ear. Of course it was working now when the mission was over.

"Hmm," I hummed back into it, not lifting my head or moving more than I needed to.

"You're drifting too far, come back," he sounded worried. While I hated parting with my peaceful moment, I knew it was causing him distress, so I flipped over and noticed I had indeed drifted far. I was honestly surprised he had let me get so far out. I swam freestyle back to the shore, and when it was about two feet deep, I started to walk.

"Sorry about that," I smiled softly as I got close to him, taking a seat where the small waves would still hit me. The air was so much colder than the water.

"Sorry I ended your moment, you looked relaxed. It was just a bit too far for my comfort," he rubbed the back of his neck.

I was tempted to summon the quinjet to our location, but paused. "Hey Steve," I asked more than I stated.

"Ya?" He looked up with curiosity at the change in my tone.

"Do you remember what you promised me before the mission?"

It took him a moment, but I saw the exact second he realized. "Nat, you're cold, we can do it later," he corrected, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it.

I closed the small distance between us and straddled him, "I thought Captain America never lied?" I challenged with a smirk.

I saw the devious answer form on his face and seconds later felt the answer underneath me. "You sure?"

I didn't verbally answer as I grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss. It was hot and passionate, enough that being cold was only a second thought for me. I couldn't help it as one of my hands snaked down his back, clawing and pulling him desperately to me.

He was no better, his hands roving around to my ass and squeezing, I gave a little squeal in delight. I felt his fingers fumble around for the zipper that was not there, "damn you suit," he cursed as he pulled back, his hands now going right for the zipper. I laughed and leaned myself back so he could get me out of the suit, the movement rubbing our two very sensitive areas together.

He suddenly stopped his movements enough that I looked down at him, "shit, your arm." Steve immediately forgot about the zipper and was solely focused on my wound.

"Steve, we can deal with that later. I am begging you, fuck me," I leaned in and tried to kiss him again, but he ducked his head away.

"Stitches, then sex," he insisted.

"Nooo," I whined. This was the second time this week he had teased me, and I honestly didn't think I could handle waiting again.

"Nat, you're actively bleeding," he argued.

"Not a lot," I counted, "I am begging you," I was almost whimpering as I started to work on the zipper myself, "it's not that bad."

"I will be the judge of that," he grabbed my hands in his own, "we'll call the jet and get you fixed up, then we can have all the sex you want."

"I don't want to call the jet, it has cameras!"

He paused as he realized I was right, "Nat, we need to take care of you first."

"Just one round?" I pushed, this time I moved my hips on purpose and let them rub against him. He jumped and tensed at the pleasure it caused, his resolve struggling.

"My priority is to keep you safe, and I don't want to risk you losing too much blood for a quickie," he gave me a sympathetic look, "call the jet."

I couldn't stop the eye roll as I started to punch our coordinates into the pad on my wrist. "I hate you," I whispered under my breath.

"I know, and I love you too," he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

I knew his intention was not to tease me, but every part of me was so damned sensitive right now, "you can't do that," I pushed back and stood up.

"What?" Come on Nat," he twisted where he was sitting but didn't stand up.

"The next time you touch me better end in sex, or I'm going to kill you and tell Fury you died on the mission due to your own stupidity," which wouldn't be untrue.

"Okay, how about you let me touch you to check out that wound, and after that the 'no touch unless fuck' rule can take place?" He stood up this time and stood behind me, but at a healthy distance.

"You're killing me," I complained.

"Quite the opposite, trying to keep you alive," he took a step closer, "now, can I look at the 'light graze?'"

"If you don't mock me," I turned to face him. I was genuinely a bit upset that he wouldn't just fuck me and that he had to care so much about a stupid cut.

Steve P.O.V.

I took another step forward when she faced me. I felt terrible that I was the one cock blocking us, and I knew she was getting desperately frustrated, but her safety would forever be my priority. The wound was bleeding through her makeshift band aid enough that I knew it was bad. I didn't like that she was so cold either, I was starting to worry about how much blood she had already lost.

I let her shirk her shoulder out of the suit and tried my best not to think about taking the rest of that suit off. Just because I was the one being rational didn't mean I didn't want sex as badly as her right now. The blue balls were bad right now and had been for a while.

I quickly realized that 'light graze' was the understatement of the year. It was a deep gash, the fact that the bullet wasn't lodged in there was a miracle, I was surprised it hadn't just tunneled through and had taken the chunk of flesh that it did. "Shit Nat," I cursed, the unwrapping of it had made it start to bleed again, so I quickly reached forward and clamped pressure on it.

I was about to ask her how she was still walking around, much less wanting to have sex, but the jet came and stopped that train of thought. "Come on," I held the pressure while we walked up the ramp into the vehicle, and I sat her down on the chair closest to the med kit.

"Here, you hold pressure for a bit," I instructed and her hand covered mine. We quickly switched and I realized how pale she was, I had simply thought it was the moonlight before, "'light graze' my ass, Natasha Romanoff."

"Shut up," she growled right back. I was happy she was still so alert and sassy, a good sign that she still had blood in her. I laughed it off and grabbed a tourniquet and walked back over to get it on her. "Oh come on, that's dramatic."

"It's still bleeding," I didn't stop putting it on even as she objected.

"I hate this, I just wanted to have sex," she pouted, and I worked hard to stifle my laugh.

"I know, I'm sorry," I did feel bad. "It's kinda my fault you got hurt, if I had grabbed the right blueprints we-"

She interrupted me quickly, "don't you start apologizing for things you shouldn't be sorry for. You did your best, the fact that they renovated that building made no sense, I didn't catch it either."

"I just feel bad, I feel like you got hurt because I messed up," I insisted. The bleeding had slowed enough that I cued her to move her hand away, and she did. The wound was pretty nasty, so I had her elevate it on the back of the chair as well while I grabbed antibiotics and a suture kit.

"Steve, I didn't catch it either, you have nothing to be sorry for. I got hurt because of my own shortcomings, nothing you did or didn't do could have prevented this," she pushed.

I came back over and set about cleaning the gash, "I know you're right, but I still feel the guilt."

"That's okay, you'll realize I'm right soon enough," she jested, and I laughed back.

"You always are," I kissed her then, just a quick one, but enough to let her know that she was perfect and I loved her.

"Hey, no no," she scolded, "you don't get to kiss me unless you're actually going to commit."

"Sorry," I chuckled.

Once I was happy that the bleeding had stopped, I gave her a few injections of the numbing agent, checked to make sure she was fully numbed in the area, and then started to suture. I also took one moment to wrap her in a blanket I had found on the jet, she had started to shiver just a bit and I didn't like it when she was cold.

"Should have been an army nurse," she snickered to herself.

"I know, my suture skills are impeccable. I'm dating this woman who always gets injured, gives me ample opportunity to practice."

Her eyes flashed with a rage as she lightly slapped the back of my head, "you're not going to be dating her anymore if you keep being such an ass."

"Really? Last I heard she was pretty desperate for sex with me," I kept pushing, I loved getting her riled up like this, it always made me laugh when she got flustered.

"I'm seriously going to kill you Rogers," she went to smack me again, but she pulled her arm too far.

"Nat, stop moving," I murmured in my concentration.

"Hurry up," she urged.

"Ya, ya," I brushed off. I kept at my work and made sure I kept the stitches tight and even, only the best care for her. When I was finally done with that (it took a while given the depth of the not at all light nature of the 'graze'), I wrapped in and bandaged it.

"Are you finally done?" She inquired, and I knew exactly why she was so damned rushed.

"Yes, now, shall we take care of what we started earlier?"

"I honestly thought you'd never ask."

Nat P.O.V.

I grabbed his hand and marched us both out to the beach, I hit a button to shut the quinjet off. Cameras be damned. Steve was laughing the whole way.

Once we were at the water's edge, I jumped onto him, taking him a bit by surprise. He laughed and recovered as I put my lips at the base of his neck and sucked hard enough to give him a matching tattoo kiss to the one I was sure he had given me. I let my blanket fall to the ground, a clear message that I wanted to be on that.

He gently lowered us to the blanket on the sandy beach and I started to grab at the buckles on his suit... I had almost forgotten the fact we were both in our tactical suits which were a bitch to take off. I was frustrated as I pulled myself back from him enough to get the damned thing off, and he helped me. He was still laughing lightly to himself about how frustrated I was.

I started to work on his pants when he grabbed me under the chin, "my turn." Steve started to unzip the front of my suit with one hand, letting the other push my breast out of the way, which wasn't necessary, but he was enjoying it.

I however was faster than him, and was freeing his member from the confines of his pants by the time my zipper reached my navel. I sunk down and had my lips around his tip before he could figure out what I had planned.

"Fuck," he groaned as his back arched, it was funny how much Steve swore when having sex. I let my tongue flit across the top and around, finding that sensitive spot underneath. His hips bucked as my tongue started to tease at it, I had to tighten my legs around him to stay on.

I let him sink further into my mouth and I felt his hips strain from not thrusting up into me. I let my hands grab his balls and start to work those as well, "FUCK," he shouted, fully laying back now. I kept sucking and teasing at him, feeling him get close and then changing my tempo just to mess with him.

He was close to the edge again, and I felt all his muscles go taught beneath me. I felt bad about teasing him so many times, bringing him close only to not let him have it, so I decided he could come. I kept my pace and with a hard thrust, he did. I took him fully and swallowed.

After a few moments he was done, breathing hard on the beach when I finally let him out of my mouth. "How was that?" I asked, a small bit of him dripping down my chin.

He was so out of breath he barely tilted his head up to look at me, "I always think the last time was the best, and then you prove me wrong," he panted.

"I aim to impress," I smiled as I laid down on top of him.

Something about what I had just done lit something behind his eye. His exhaustion was suddenly forgotten as he sat up under me and started to knead my breast in one and and the other found my ass. I moaned as my back arched, "I think I promised you something about not being able to walk when I was done with you," before I could think he had flipped me over so he was now on top of me, stradling and looking down, "I intend to keep my word."

My breasts were now fully exposed as he lowered himself down to suck on one, pulling the peak between his teeth and biting down gently. Fuck, I writhed underneath him, it was too good. One hand was supporting his weight when the other started to pull the suit down further, and I started to help him with one hand, my other finding the breast he wasn't attending to and dealing with it myself.

"Uh, no," he stopped that and grabbed my wrist, "let me," he ordered. He sat up and used both his hands to fully free me from the tactical suit. His beautiful, blue eyes roved up and down, "you're absolutely gorgeous, you know that?"

I just laughed, "then fuck me already."

Steve didn't wait a second, his hand was working on the breast he had just been sucking, his mouth now attending to the one that he hadn't yet. I couldn't help it as my own hips bucked up into his, desperate for any friction now. "Hold on," he spoke with my nipple between his teeth. He shook his head and sucked hard, I lost my breath in the pleasure of it, his hand working in perfect time with his mouth.

Once he was satisfied with that, he started a trail of kisses down my abdomen and to my stomach, getting lower and lower while my desire only built. He grabbed my left leg and started to kiss my inner thigh, starting high and moving closer to my core. When his mouth was just a few inches of where it desperately needed to be, he hooked the leg over his shoulder and moved his attention to the right leg. I threw my head back in frustration, which only made him laugh.

"You teased me," he spoke between kisses and sucks, "my turn." He stared down at me and I wasn't in full control as my hips bucked again, "I'm getting there."

"Steve," I pleaded, I'm sure he was getting there, but it wasn't fast enough.

He put a flat palm against my center, "right here?"

"Yes, please," I moaned, I was so on edge right now any sensations in that region were tantalizing.

He started to move the palm up and down a bit, painfully slow and small movements. I bit my lip as a yelp escaped me. Then he started to press in harder, the movements becoming tighter and faster circles now, my hips trying to ride his hand. He laughed, the sound was music.

The hand was suddenly gone, but before I could complain it was replaced with his mouth. His lips found my clit faster than I thought possible, and he started to suck and tease, I couldn't control as my legs tightened around his head.

Then a finger slipped in, and I fisted at the blanket beneath us. "Shit, fuck, Steve," I couldn't make out any logical words or sentences right now. He pumped his finger in and out in time with his tongue on my clit, and suddenly it was two fingers. He started to stroke my inner walls, circling to find the sensitive spot.

When he found it, he knew and started to rub maddeningly tight circles while sucking my clit in time, I came hard and fast. "FUCK, STEVE!" I fell over the edge and was in pure bliss, but he didn't stop, he kept working until I was limp on the beach.

After a minute he sat up from between my legs, "you want to try walking now?"

I shook my head, that was I had the energy to do as I tried to recover from the absolute bliss I was in. He crawled forward and laid himself on top of me, "this okay?"

"Mhh," I just hummed an affirmative, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder.

Another few moments went by and I noticed a hardening sensation above me, "ready for round two?"

"I figured I'd give you a minute to recover," Steve laughed.

I wrapped my legs around him quickly and rolled us over, I was now pinning him to the ground between my legs. I didn't waste time on a snark response as I grabbed his member and started to slowly guide myself down on it, carefully taking every inch of him in me.

"Oh gosh, yes," he moaned. I seated myself to the hilt, only to pull back off of it quickly, nearly letting him fall out completely.

I repeated the process, slower this time, watching his face contort at the delayed pleasure, "fuck, you're vile," he tried to sit up, but I stopped him with a hand on the chest.

I did it again, somehow letting him sink deeper in me. I started to pull off when two hands grabbed at my hips. Steve squeezed my ass and I could help as my hips rolled forward, he did that again and again, the tempo slowly building, he was now thrusting up with his hips and moving my own waist with his hands, I grabbed onto his knees for support.

I came, the waves rolling off of me only seeming to drive him faster. I wasn't sure how I suddenly was underneath him, but his dick was still very much inside of me, and with a few more thrust, he came too. He collapsed back on top of me, the two of us sweaty and fully satisfied.

"I can't walk," I hummed after catching my breath again.

"Damn straight," he laughed, "you need me to move?"

I shook my head no, it was somehow comforting to have his weight on top of me. I was vaguely aware of problems back at home, but my mind was so focused on Steve and my love for him that I couldn't remember what the problems even were.

"I love you," I nuzzled myself to him.

"I love you more," he gave a quick kiss to my cheek.

"Somehow, I doubt that is possible."

"Agree to disagree," he pushed himself up and moved his lips onto mine. The kiss was slow and meaningful, none of the desperation of earlier but all the love still there. He removed himself from inside me and rolled to my side, I gave a shiver as I realized how cold I was without his head.

"Let's get you warmed up," he stood up, scooping me in his arms. He also grabbed our blanket and half wrapped me up in it.

"Fine," I was too tired to object. He got me on the plane and set me down, then went over to our bags and grabbed a pair of cozy sweats for us each.

"I'll grab our gear if you make us something warm to drink?" He suggested. I knew it was a ploy just for me to get warm, but I was really starting to feel the cold so I didn't object. Steve walked off to grab our stuff while I fired up the small kettle we had on board, somehow Tony thought it would be necessary to have a coffee maker on the quinjet (to be honest, I used it enough on mission that it made sense, but I would never admit that to anyone).

Steve came back and dropped the sandy, wet gear in the corner and came over where I gave him a piping hot cup of hot cocoa. He grabbed a bag of sweets cookies from the snack cabinet (Tony had also supplied the jet with sweets, for some 'necessary' reason), and the two of us cuddled with our warm drinks, cookies, and I turned on a TV show we had been watching.

It was the absolute perfect night. 

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