Treebros (Connor murphy x Eva...

By ConBonJovi

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look I'm bored, and I have severe writer's block for Destiel atm, so enjoy, same as my Destiel one-shots the... More

third day of highschool
sick au
venom au
kicked out
what if connor lived
the cult
Drummer Connor
another sick AU
i'm Done
sleep walking
the bridge
out of state
therapy blues
sleep talking
Avatar AU


19 0 0
By ConBonJovi

Connor spent most of time driving, he loves it, the feeling of being free his hair whipping around in the wind with the windows down, his own music playing. He pulled into his boyfriends drive way putting on the park break and turning off his car,  and walked up to the door knocking, Evans mother opened the door
"Hi, Connor, Evan will be down soon," she smiled "come in,"
Connor walked in licking his car "
may I go to his room?" Connor asked
"Yeah, don't need to ask me," she laughed
Connor smiled and walked towards evans room, gently opening the door
Evan stood in front of his cupboard  only in boxers Connor quietly shut the door and jangled his keys

"Date time Hansen," Connor smiled
Making Evan jump and turn grabbing his towel
"Please Hansen, I've seen you in less," Connor smirked reminding him of last week.
Connor walked up to him and wrapped his arms around his waist " we could spend the date right here on your bed,"
"My mums home," Evan responded laughing
Connor smiled
"Maybe, later," Evan replied

Evan wiggled out of Connors hug, Connor sat down on Evans plush bed and watched as he grabbed a pair of jeans and one of Connors shirts  they walked out Evan pulling on some Vessi sneakers and said goodbye to Heidi.
Connor turned down the music before putting his keys back into the ignition. He drove with evans hand on connors thigh, slowly creeping up and in closer and closer, which caused
Connors knuckles to whiten on the steering wheel, Evans  hand rested over Connors crotch for the rest of the drive, Evan knew what he was doing.

Connor pulled into the yellow field 
"Back seat," he said "now,"
Evan giggled and opened his door while Connor pulled the chairs forward and got into the back seat he instantly pinning Evan to the seat and crashing there lips together,  there teeth clanked together connors hands cradling evans face while Evan hands slipping under connors waist band.
A few hours later Connor pull on his pants and helped Evan back into his, they slipped out of his car and pulled a blanket out of his boot and   Set it up and grabbed a picnic basket Evan sat down Connor flopped next to him pulling some water and some chips
" I love you," Connor smiled
"Love you too," Evan responded
They cuddles and looked at the clouds, they didn't know when but they fell asleep, Connor jumped away to his phone ringing  he grabbed it and answered "hello," he asked sleepily
"Oh your not dead, thank god," it was Heidi
" oh my god, we fell asleep, I'm so sorry,"  Connor sat up and gently waking up Evan
"Get in the car, sweetie I'll be right there," he said gently to Evan
He nodded and took connors keys
"We'll be right there, I am so sorry,"  Connor quickly said
"It's fine dear, I'll see you soon," and she hung up
Connor slipped into the drivers seat plugging himself in and checking Evan was plugged in, he was already back asleep  he slowly pulled out of there car park making his way off the dirt road and onto the road.
He made it back pulling in next to Heidi's car
He gently shook Evan and smiled went his eyes opened
"Come one, let's get inside and then we can cuddle and sleep,"
Evan nodded and tried getting out of the seat
"Seatbelt dear," Connor smiled
"Can't," Evan whined
Connor chuckled and climbed over Evans to unbuckle his seat belt but he was pulled into a hug by Evan "fuck Ev,"
"Sleep here,"
Connor smiled as Evan kissed connors exposed skin from where he lent over 
"Ev your mother,"
"Don't care,"
"Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend," Connor chuckled
Heidi was watching from the front door Connor waved
"How about we move this to your bedroom Ev,"
Evan nodded and clambered out from the car
He got Evan to his room and flopped him onto his bed
" I'll be right back," Connor smiled and switched on Evan's white noise
Connor shut the door and saw Heidi
" I'm so sorry about arrived late,"
"It's fine dear, I trust you kid, besides me and Evan have life 360, he wanted to get when we was working at the orchard," Heidi smiled
"Oh thank god," Connor chuckled
"We'll go to sleep kid,"
"Thank you,"
Connor entered Evan's room and saw him sleeping, he pulled off his jeans and shirt and climbed in next to Evan, pulling him close and resting his eyes, slowing going to sleep, he felt Evan wiggle into him as he fell asleep.

Sure he loved driving but driving and being with Evan is his first love.

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