hold me tight | yoonmin

De jinnism

313K 16.2K 7.8K

yoongi likes everything that jimin is and jimin doesn't seem to notice. copyright © 4sokjin Mais

let go
i like you
i love you
A/N - 10K


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De jinnism

"jiminiee..." yoongi whispered, caressing jimin's soft face. he didn't feel like getting out of bed just yet, and he wanted to stay next to jimin in his warmth instead. the younger boy giggled, hugging yoongi closer and pressing their bodies together.

yoongi smiled a big gummy smile before it turned into a frown from a sudden vibration that came from his phone. the elder grumbled and decided to ignore it, holding jimin's face closer to go in for a kiss before his phone vibrated again.

"hyung, you should check who it is." jimin smiled at yoongi.

"...okay." yoongi replied, instantly giving into jimin's soft smile.

his arm palmed around their bed for a few minutes before yoongi felt his phone under his pillow. he opened it and he had received texts from hoseok.

from: hoseok


from: hoseok


from: hoseok


yoongi sighed, his breath was taken away by how annoying hoseok could be, which he just realized. jimin laughed at hoseok's texts to yoongi, he didn't even call him hyung.

to: hoseok

ugh. shut up. sleeping. bye

from: hoseok

aw, playing hard-to-get. youre so cute

yoongi scowled angrily at his phone screen, glaring back at jimin who was starting to laugh.

to: hoseok

oh shut up you fucking asshole

from: hoseok

language, hyung. anyways meet us at the coffee shop today at noon :))

to: hoseok

what the fuck? why???

after staring at the screen waiting for a reply, yoongi didn't get one. "fucker's ignoring me, huh..." yoongi mumbled to himself.

yoongi slowly rolled out of bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. jimin grabbed his arm, urging yoongi to go back into bed with him.

yoongi smirked at jimin, he kissed jimin on the lips deeply, sucking his softly until it got jimin panting before pulling away.

"hyu-" jimin mumbled, before yoongi interrupted him and said "gonna run." at a flustered jimin, whose eyes were in the shape of hearts.

jimin cursed at yoongi under his breath, grumbling back into bed and covering himself under their blankets.

it still smelled like yoongi, and jimin was desperate to actually continue after kissing. jimin sighed and smelled yoongi's soft fragrance.

he closed his eyes and stuck his hand in his pants.


silence. all yoongi could hear while he was running was his breath, the cars that silently passed by, and his shoes scraping the sidewalk as he jogged. running in the morning really took his mind off of things and let him relax for half an hour.

yoongi always kissed jimin. ever since they started dating, he loved the feeling of his lips brushing against jimin's cheek everyday. it was like poison to him, but he saw that jimin wanted more. maybe yoongi just wasn't ready for that.

his jogged passed by quickly, and he was already unlocking their apartment door to freshen himself up after sweating.

"jimin..." he whispered, opening the bedroom door before being greeted with a jimin who was panting hard, hand in pants, that is. before jimin could even breathe, yoongi quickly shuffled out of the room, his neck all the way to his ears were red as tomatoes.

"s-sorry." yoongi stuttered from the other side of the door. jimin was fucking hot, but maybe yoongi was still uncomfortable with his body to actually join in.

"no, it's okay." jimin replied calmly, you could hear the shuffling of him putting his pants back on and cleaning his, well, mess.

"yoongi, get away from the door please?" jimin asked, yoongi could practically feel the smile in his voice. yoongi hurriedly scattered clumsily away from the door. jimin crept out slowly, letting yoongi have time to soak in what had happened.

he glanced at yoongi, who was blushing furiously, and jimin couldn't help but think that he was so cute.

"sorry." jimin said again, rubbing the back of his neck apologetically. yoongi nodded, looking at jimin from head to toe to make sure he was wearing pants.

jimin awkwardly shuffled closer to yoongi and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, smiling brightly at yoongi's horribly distressed face.

this was the first time yoongi caught jimin masturbating, but he always was doing it. just not when yoongi was around.

he'd think about his fingers digging into yoongi's back, him leaving bright hickeys on yoongi's skin that bruises so, so easily. jimin would know when he'd cut, when he would punch something so hard that his knuckles would be bleeding, and all that because of him.

jimin was a little in shock before, he couldn't believe yoongi hurt himself so much and ripped his insides so often just because of him. he felt like he had betrayed yoongi, but all that time he was oblivious to yoongi's situation.

but he managed to put yoongi back on his feet, which made him and yoongi more happier. he was glad he could help yoongi and he was glad he could hold yoongi in his arms now.

though, on the topic of sex, both jimin and yoongi are quite shy about it. they don't even know who'd top and who'd bottom. but jimin specifically thought of himself as more of a dominant kind of guy, but he's obviously still a virgin.

the two sat awkwardly together eating breakfast, yoongi didn't know how to start up a conversation after experiencing that. jimin didn't know what to say either.

morning was quiet in their apartment.

thank you for reading againn~ this chapter was a little slow but I love painfully slow developing stories!
I'm still trying to figure out some kind of problem they could face but idkkkk idkkkkkk
(also I'm not writing a smexy scene yet bc idk how to write those kind of things and I need to research LOL)
thank you again for voting and viewing and commenting and ahhh I just love you all tysmmm~~!!

i'm looking back on all the comments from when y'all were getting heated about yoongi not topping but. i hate to break it to you folks but i don't care if you don't like yoongi bottoming, like..... even after a year of this book being released i still get comments on this chapter regarding topping/bottoming etc and it's getting really irritating. if you don't like it then just stop reading and comment later on about how much you dont like it. this is why i've been on break for so long. bye.

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