
By Darling28__

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"Oi, what happened to treat people with kindness?" Louis yells loud enough for Harry to hear from across the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 23

872 37 12
By Darling28__

The sun shines brightly from the sky and burns down on them as they walk hand in hand through the streets of the small village. Their hands are already sweaty even after the short walk, but nothing could stop Louis from letting go of Harry. They're masked in hats and big sunglasses, and nothing feels better than finally being able to roam freely. What he's always wanted to do in LA and envied in other couples is finally a reality for him. Even if it only lasts for two weeks, he will savor every minute of it. With his chest puffed out proudly about the handsomest man in the world he can call his own, they stroll along the small shops and curiously look at the most interesting objects here and there. However, he needs clothes and when they finally pass a shop that sells such, they stop. Harry immediately begins to rummage through the stalls outside with curiosity, to feel the different fabrics between his fingers or holds shirts out to Louis or himself. Harry is in his element and while Louis watches fondly at first, he'd prefer to head into the shop to get out of the sun for a moment.

"I'm going in, okay?" Louis asks quietly, running his hand down Harry's back.

"Do that," Harry murmurs absently, continuing to browse without looking up. Louis chuckles softly and goes inside, breathing a sigh of relief because even though the shop isn't air conditioned, at least it's shaded and that's definitely a plus.

Immediately a woman comes up to him and kindly offers her help, which Louis gladly accepts. He tells her what he needs, including swim trunks, tank tops, and shorts, and she eagerly brings him everything, a few items each to choose from. Louis is about to go to the dressing room when suddenly someone outside shouts Harry's name loudly. Immediately his heart sinks into his pants and he sneaks a little closer to the entrance to see what's going on there. It's a young couple and while the boy is holding back, the girl is all over Harry. Including tears, phone in hand and pointing at Harry and babbles at him. Louis immediately retreats further back into the store. On the one hand he wants to hide and on the other hand he worries about Harry because they are traveling without a bodyguard. So they now can forget about being on the streets incognito again, the information about Harry's whereabouts will spread like wildfire on social media. The saleswoman looks dismayed between Louis, who is standing in her shop with the small mountain of clothes in his arms, frozen, and Harry, whom she cannot place according to the questioning look on her face.

"Are you famous or something?" she asks Louis quietly and his eyes deviate from Harry who meanwhile, as always nice, has a picture taken of himself and the girl.

"My boyfriend, yes. Not me. Please don't tell anyone that we were here together. Too much depends on it," Louis pleads. Her eyes instantly serious, she quickly comes up to him and pats his upper arm.

"I won't say anything, I promise. Whoever you are, your secret is safe here."

Louis smiles gratefully and then decides to go into the dressing room to be on the safe side so as not to run the risk of being discovered. The whole time he just stands behind the curtain, throwing his clothes randomly on the floor, trying to hear if he hears something from Harry and when he finally calls his name he immediately storms out.

"There you are," Harry exclaims, glancing sideways at the clerk watching them from behind the register.

"I'm assuming this will be our last outing," Louis murmurs, sadly burrowing into Harry's outstretched arms, which immediately enclose him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't expect to be recognized here. It's such a small place," Harry says quietly.

"I have a celebrity boyfriend after all," Louis just shrugs, because it's the way it is and neither of them can do anything about it. "Do you think she saw me? Or will your location be popular on the internet?"

"I asked her not to post the photo for another two weeks, but I don't think she'll be able to keep it up that long. And I think we're safe, thank goodness you were in the store."

"I honestly don't feel like shopping anymore," Louis says, looking up with an apologetic smile.

Harry nods and just sighs. "Did you find anything we can take with us?"

"The nice lady brought me a few things to choose from, but I didn't try on anything."

"We take everything. Get those things and then we'll go back," Harry says, cupping Louis' face and kissing him gently on the forehead.

"It's okay, I'll get it for you. You are a beautiful couple, I hope it's okay when I say that," the nice saleswoman smiles and immediately rushes into the dressing room.

"Thank you," they both say together and grin broadly at it.

Harry leaves a generous tip when paying, and Louis thanks her again for her discretion and help.

With a big bag in hand and the heart a bit wistful about the part of the lost freedom, the two stroll back side by side. Neither of them dares to take the hand of the other anymore, the fear that they will be seen together and that the rumors will be fueled again is too high.

Arriving at the villa, Harry puts all the clothes in the washing machine and then leads Louis by the hand to the pool which is outside in the garden and offers a wonderful view of the sea. Neither of them talks anymore about the fact that they will mainly stay here now. Louis calms himself, as he swims a few laps, saying at least they have each other and that's the most precious thing of all. He knows what he got himself into, even if he was looking forward to it for several days without limits and could show how much he loves the man by his side. Maybe the two of them had been a bit naïve about it - believing that nobody would really recognize Harry. Longing for lots of kisses, he swims to Harry, who has been silently leaning on the edge of the pool for quite some time, looking out to the sea. As he leans in beside him and takes in his side profile, he can't help but reach out and run his finger from his forehead, across his nose and down his chin, making Harry chuckle.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks with a grin and turns his gaze to Louis.

"If I were a poet I would write poems about how beautiful you are. How mesmerized it always leaves me that I'm so happy that you love me," Louis whispers, leaning his head towards Harry so that their mouths meet in a kiss.

"I will definitely write songs about you. About your blue eyes, your brown skin and that you are a wonder to me."

"Oh god, we're so damn cheesy. How good that no one can hear us," Louis giggles softly and Harry kisses him again, grinning.

"I have good news for you, love." Louis waggles his eyebrows and Harry turns directly to him, wide-eyed.

"I spoke to Luke last night when you were sleeping and I will accompany you on your tour. I'll work as a freelancer and I'll be looking for celebs all over the world."

Harry drops his jaw and immediately throws himself at Louis, causing him to lose his footing and he almost dives with Harry in his arms. Louis doesn't get a chance to say another word, instead Harry kisses him long and hard. Of course, as always, things quickly get heated between the two and Harry is downright begging for Louis to love him right then and there.

⊷ ❤︎︎ ⊶

Of course everything will go to shit again. Harry and Louis never seem to rest for long. And so it's not really surprising for either of them when it starts with Bree sending Louis a link to Twitter that evening.

'You've caused gayos again...'

Louis shows Harry the message and they both settle down on the sand with a wry smile, because they were supposed to watch the sunset together and had brought a blanket and a basket full of goodies with them.

"Shall we wait until later? Or face it directly?" Louis asks softly while Harry lets sand trickle through his hands, head bowed.

"Better get it over with," he replies.

Louis nods in confirmation, taking deep breaths in and out until he feels able to open the link.

It's from Harry's update account and the girl didn't keep her word but posted the photo of herself and Harry.

The comments are wild and Louis just skims a few. Most thirsts about Harry in the tank top, the others immediately found out about his whereabouts and many, many Larries took over the comments. And of course they spotted Louis in the background. Louis didn't look at the photo very closely and scrolls now back up. He can actually be seen there, even if it's blurry and quite dark, but he can be recognized by his tattoos. Without a word, he hands Harry his phone and watches as he just scrolls with a rigid expression on his face, then hands the phone back to Louis and buries his face in his hands.

Louis knows that they screwed up, even if it was never their intention. But the uncanny calm that Harry is radiating scares him a little and he can't tell whether he needs comfort or prefers to be left alone.

"Darling, are you okay?" Louis asks carefully, watching as Harry slowly takes his hands away from his face and looks at him.

"Nothing is okay. Absolutely nothing is fucking okay," he finally yells and jumps up. His hands dig into his hair, pull at the curls that are only curlier due to the sun and the salt water, and he looks more than desperate.

Louis also gets up and approaches him, wanting to take his hand and calm him down, but Harry doesn't seem to want comfort. Harry wants to scream his displeasure from his soul and Louis has never seen him so upset. He's a bit overwhelmed with the situation because up until now it was mainly Harry who kept his nerve and calmed Louis down again.

But Harry, sweet Harry, has now reached his breaking point and even years of numbness can no longer counteract his panic. Louis just silently watches Harry kick the sand with his feet and starts pacing wildly.

"What do you think Jess will make of it when he finds out? You know his threat Louis! Why couldn't she hold back that fucking photo? Or no...why am I always so nice and allow photos? Other stars also reject their fans! But no, I'm a fucking people pleaser and I love it when everyone is happy. And what's in it for me now? I'll probably be engaged by next week but not to the man I love!"

And then he starts to cry. The tall, slender body sags and Harry sits miserably on the sand. On his knees and his face buried in his hands again, he sobs uncontrollably so that tears well up in Louis' eyes as well.

"I can't take this, Louis. If he really pulls through this, I'm going to die," he stammers between his sobs and when his body starts to tremble, Louis immediately falls down next to him and pulls him into his arms.

"Oh darling," Louis whispers, really not knowing what to say. All of Harry's fears are justified and Louis is just furious that there is nothing he can do to change that.

"Maybe you should call Jess and give him a shot before he finds out from social media," Louis suggests but Harry doesn't respond. He is in the midst of his crying fit and far from calming down, instead it feels like his panic only increases at Louis's suggestion. Louis keeps talking to him soothingly, rubbing his back up and down or hugging him tightly but nothing seems to help. Fear has Harry in its grip right now.

"Would it be okay if I call Jess and work it out? I promise I'll behave myself this time," Louis suggests. Harry nods wildly against his chest and immediately rummages in his pocket for his phone. But before Louis makes the call, he quickly spreads the blanket, pulls Harry up to sit him there again and pours him a large glass of champagne, which they actually wanted to drink at sunset. But instead of a romantic evening, Louis now has a crisis to avert.

Louis knows the code of Harry's cell phone and unlocks it while his boyfriend is now at least crying quietly but fighting the hiccups instead.

He looks for Jess' contact, presses the dial button and prays this doesn't end in disaster.

"Harry, what's up?" Jess calls.

"This is Louis Tomlinson. Harry is currently unable to speak to you but we wanted to let you know that a fan spotted Harry shopping today and a photo was taken. Unfortunately I can be seen in the background. Is there anything we can do about it that isn't engagement related?" he asks, taking a hell of a lot of effort to keep his voice steady.

"We have already seen the photo. Just like your fans. Larries they call themselves," replies Jess dismissively. "We have already found a solution. Ella is already on her way to you. From tomorrow I expect every day walks with Harry and her or kisses on the beach while sunbathing. The full program. Also you three. You will continue to be sold as a good friend who is on vacation with them as a couple."

"Are you serious? Even on vacation we're not free of her?" Louis growls and Harry freezes, looking up at him. He only hears Louis responds, but that must have been enough to alarm him.

"Of course I'm serious. You will probably be seen at Harry's side from time to time since he has no intention of breaking up with you like I recommended. So we have to sell it like this. But if you prefer the other option, go on Tomlinson."

"No. We do the pap walks with her. But no more than an hour a day," Louis replies through gritted teeth and looks worried at Harry, who has moved closer to him and looks like he is about to vomit.

"I don't care how long. I just want photos from the love vacation with Ella and his best friend. Bye."

Louis glares at the phone because Jess just hung up. Although it's better that way before Louis finally lost his composure.

"Ella is coming. You and I both need to be seen with her. You lovebirds along with the best friend on vacation. That's the narrative that's being sold. It's better than carrying out his threat," Louis reports quietly, unable to look at Harry. Because he's really trying to be strong for him here, but it weighs on him immensely that this little get away won't leave any good memories for either of them. Both had been so looking forward to being free and they were able to cope well with the first setback this morning, but this is now taking on new dimensions. They have to spend every day with Ella, even if only for a short time. And otherwise spend their time in the villa and on the private beach. Although no, they no longer have to. Suddenly in a better mood, his head snaps up and, smiling, he kisses Harry's hair and every spot of his face. Harry may have stopped crying but looks so sad that he urgently needs to break the good news of all this to him.

"Darling! But we have the opportunity to do things. Even without Ella. If someone sees us then everyone already knows that we are on vacation together! As long as we're not spotted snogging wildly in the middle of the street, that's our regained freedom!"

And then Harry's face finally lights up, joy suddenly flashes out of the sad eyes again and they both hug each other.

"Are you feeling a little better?" Louis asks close to his ear and doesn't intend to let go of his boyfriend any time soon.

"Yes. Thanks for taking care. Thank you for being there and thank you for still being by my side."

"I'll gladly repeat it a thousand more times so that you really understand that I'll never, ever leave your side."

"Somehow I know it and yet sometimes I'm still afraid that you'll wake up one morning and think that I'm not worth it. Just like the others."

"Okay love, stop. If there's one thing I hate it's being compared and especially to your ex boyfriends who don't even know what they had in you. Stop it now. I never want to hear from you again that you have such thoughts. Strike them out of your pretty curly head. And now let's toast that starting tomorrow, as soon as we get rid of Ella, we'll rent an old car and like two normal boyfriends will drive around. And I want to buy souvenirs."

Harry laughs out loud, covers his mouth with his hand and nods happily.

"Thats a good plan."

Louis immediately sets about refilling Harry's champagne glass and pouring one for himself. The sun may have long since set, but the starry sky and the sound of the sea are at least as romantic. They fall asleep on the beach that night, Harry tight in Louis's arms and both with a slight buzz from all the champagne they drank.

⊷ ❤︎︎ ⊶

"Hey you two, sorry to bother you," Ella says, who has just pulled up in a taxi and rang the bell at the villa. All three shake hands and while Louis hates the idea of the stunt, he can't help but think Ella is nice as she stands there and smiles apologetically.

"Management, huh?" Harry just says with a wry smile, inviting her in.

The three go together into the living room and over a cup of coffee they discuss how to proceed. Louis holds back at first and wants to form an image of Ella, now that he's seeing her in private and not just as a fake girlfriend holding his boy's hand.

"Jess flew you straight here? He works fast, you have to give him that," Harry says, taking a sip from his cup.

"You could say that, yes. However, I was allowed to take my boyfriend with me. He stays at the hotel. We mustn't get caught, just like the two of you," Ella replies, lowering her gaze. "I should never have taken that deal. I want to apologize to you both, I didn't realize before that I'm helping to hide your love. Neither my boyfriend nor I thought that this would also affect our relationship and I now realize how shit it all is. Money is not everything."

Harry, the most compassionate creature under the sun, immediately reaches for her hand and squeezes it briefly. "You never said you had a boyfriend."

"You actually ignored me the whole time when we were doing our job. I didn't mean to bother you with conversations. But it's important to me that you know that I'll never do something like that again and I'll be happy when it's over."

"Then I guess we're all in the same boat," Louis says, finally speaking up. "We're making the best of it now and still enjoying our time here. Just please don't kiss. Even though I know it's fake, I can hardly stand it."

Ella smiles at him and she nods at him. "Would it be ok on the cheek? We have to look in love, Louis, or we'll be in trouble again."

"Yes, on the cheek is okay. Holding hands, too," Louis replies, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder, briefly closing his eyes and enjoying the physical contact.

And with those basics, they spend the next few days happier than either of them thought possible. Ella and Harry can be photographed as a couple on the beach, either walking hand in hand along the sea or smearing each other with sunscreen while sunbathing. Also how the three of them swim in the sea or go shopping together.

When Ella is back in the hotel, Louis and Harry always do something afterwards. In fact, they rent a car, Louis buys more souvenirs than necessary, they go dancing together at a club and generally enjoy life.

On the last day before they have to leave, Louis checks Twitter again and reads the tweets of the Larries with a big grin. Of course they immediately checked that the management had something to do with the fact that Ella is suddenly there too. But in general they are happy about every photo with Harry and Louis and on pictures where there are three of them, they always cut out Ella. Louis finds it hilarious how loyal and smart Harry's fans are, and presumably in some way now his as well.

The articles that came out say something different, of course. How in love Harry and his fiancée Ella are and what a wonderful friendship he and Louis have, that he wants his best friend to be there. Louis can only shake his head with a grin and finally puts the phone aside.

Maybe their circumstances aren't perfect, but the man wearing only his underpants, an apron and cooking for him in the mansion's large kitchen at this moment is definitely perfect.

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