Little Sanchez // USWNT

By uswnts_fav2021

85.7K 2K 196

{COMPLETE} Ainsley Sanchez is the 18 year old younger sister of USWNT and NWSL star Ashley Sanchez. The two h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 31

1.5K 31 3
By uswnts_fav2021

Ainsley's POV

2 days later, my life was practically falling apart like an old shack in a tornado. The only positive thing was that Ashley was out of the ICU and was able to go home tomorrow, which means I can get back to practice. 

Every NWSL and national team fan was questioning things about us and our childhood. The clips of me trying to leave the stupid building through the crowd were circling, as well as my evil mother swinging at me. I haven't posted on social media once, nobody except the people at the hospital have seen me since I got in Trinity's car and she drove off. 

I've only talked to a few people outside of the hospital, those being Tara, Mallory, Kelley, Aubrey, and me and Ashley's agent. 

Trinity's spent every day with us after practice, which she really didn't need to do. But she did it, and my respect for her grew more and more every day. I think you can safely say we're friends and I wouldn't absolutely tear you apart.. 

I was happy that tomorrow I'd get to be done with the emotions, the sadness, the anger, the guilt, all of it. I could get back on the pitch, and my sister could finish recovering.

And I can just hope things go away, though I know they won't. 

And I am still desperately trying to figure out who let my mom out of jail, and where she is now. I'm scared to leave. Frankly, I'm just scared. 

All Trinity, Ashley and I have done today was discuss how we're gonna do come damage control and finally deal with sponsors and business with our agent. Then eventually the doctors came in and made sure one more time that Ash could actually walk, which she could. 

"Hey, at least you don't have busted lungs." I laughed when she sat down shakily. "That's not ideal for a midfielder." 

She laughed a little bit, and then stood up again. I saw her wince when the doctor accidentally brushed by a burn on her leg, which they were getting ready to cover up again. It was so ugly looking, but I'd never tell her that. She's lucky it's not too big. 

The doctor said it was gonna take about 2 weeks for her to get back to full strength, and I figured as much. They said she could probably play a little bit of soccer in a week if she feels ready, which made her face light up. That made me so happy. 

I told Trinity to go home, but she insisted on staying with us for the last night, so we were both cramming on the uncomfortable little couch along the window. 

"Y'know, Trina, you're making this really difficult for me." I said as I tried to get comfortable. 

"Sorry I'm trying to be nice." 

"You've already been nicer than you needed. You need your rest." 

"But I want to rest here." 

"Sleep on the floor." I said, trying to shove her off the couch. 

"Shut up. I'm trying to sleep." Ashley mumbled. 

"Your sister's an ass." Trinity said. 

"Ainsley be nice." 

"Don't tell me what to do." I said. 

"You sound 5 years old. Now shut up and go to sleep before I slap you." 

"It probably won't even hurt." 

"Ainsley I swear-" 

"Sorry. Sorry." I said, sitting up and resting my head on my hand. 

"Comfortable, Ace?" Smirked Trinity. 

"I would be if you didn't take up the whole couch, Trina." 

"Ya snooze ya lose." 

"Shut up." 

After another minute of being uncomfortable, I made her pay. I adjusted myself so that I was laying on her, making her unable to move. 

"I'm comfortable now." I smirked. 

"You are such a child." 


The next day, I was on high alert as we headed out of the hospital. I was constantly looking around, making sure SOMEBODY wasn't about to jump out at me and kill me. 

Trinity drove us home because she was the only one with a car. She drove to the front to pick us up so poor Ash didn't have to walk all that way. 

I was silent on the drive home, not a word spoken after I helped Ash into the passenger seat. I just sat in the back, staring out the window, planning how to protect my sister and myself of course, from my mom, if she was still in the city. 

I must have zoned out, because next thing I knew we were at the stupid mall. The last place I ever want to be, especially right now. 

We went into the Apple store to get Ash a new phone, which took wayyyy too long, and I saw wayyyy too many people look our way for a but too long. It wasn't many, but just one person is one too many for me.

I got bored so I just milled around the store, trying to avoid the stares of the few random people that looked. I went onto some phones and left stupid messages in the notes app, like "Go Washington Spirit!" or "Ainsley was here" and things like that. I also took some selfies on there, so someone will recognize me someday. 

When I was writing a reminder for a Spirit game on one random phone, a worker came over to me. 

"What are you doing?" She asked. That's a kind way to approach a customer. 

"I could ask the same of you." I replied. "So I will. What are YOU doing?" 

"I asked first." 

"You know, you're great with your customers. That's some way to approach me." 

"I've never had a customer back talk like this." 

"I've never had an employee talk back like this." 

"Ashley, your sister's fighting with a worker." I heard Trinity sigh from the desk. 

"Damn it! I apologize for my sister's anger issues." Ashley walked slowly over to me, put her arm around my shoulder, lead me away and whispered "I can't fucking take you anywhere." 

"Well she was being a nasty bitch." 

"Please don't call people bitches in the city." 


"And plus, we need to keep a low profile. We don't know who's around." 

"Shit. Yeah. Sorry." 

I sighed, scanning carefully for anyone with cameras, or anyone who's after us. 

I didn't realize I wandered so much, because it felt like every 2 minutes my arm was being grabbed by Trinity or Ashley and I'm pulled back closer to them. 

Eventually Trinity got so sick of trying to keep me close that she just pulled me in front of her and put her arms over my shoulders, her arms like the restraint on a roller coaster. I tried to fight it, but she kicked me in the back of the heel, which made me stop. 

"That hurt like hell, bitch." I whispered. 

"That was my goal." 

"You're on my bad side again." 

"After we cuddled last night?" She smirked. 

"You better shut your fucking mouth." 

"I'm not wrong." 

"You're a good pillow, nothing more." 

"Sounds good. I'll be in your bed every night then!" 

I stomped down on her foot, and she let go of me immediately to grab it and whisper "ow" followed by a bunch of curse words. 

"Shut up, Trina. You're making a scene." I smirked. 

"You made the first scene." 

"Both of you are insufferable!" Ashley said. "Let's go. I'm finished finally." 

She thanked the worker for his patience and basically dragged both of us by the ear out of the stupid store. 

"I was going to ask if you both if you wanted to go out to eat, but I'm not doing that now." Ash grumbled. "You both need to calm down. You were so nice in the hospital. What happened?" 


"And Ainsley, you can't go fighting random people in public. It's a bad look.. Once that girl figures out who you are, that's no good for you." 

"Um, Ash-" Trinity tried to say something, but Ash kept going. 

"And you two need to learn how to get along, damn it! You're about to be teammates. Not making an effort to connect with your teammates is the number one thing that gets in the way from a team's success. And plus Ainsley, you know you'll get benched if you've got issues with her. So just be smart, please. I beg of you. Good decisions aren't your strong suit, you like to get caught up in heat of the moment, but you need to stop, take a deep breath, and think!" 

Trinity was to busy looking over her shoulder, back at the Apple store, to hear anything Ash said. 

I almost yelled back at her, but I listened. I thought about if that was a good idea, and I decided against it. Then suddenly, Trinity was dragging us both away from the Apple store, and I was just extremely confused. 

"What's your DEAL?" I asked. 

"Shut up. Shh." She said, pulling us behind a wall. 

"What the-" 

"SHE just walked out of the store." 

Ash and I made eye contact, an obvious fear taking over her face. We stayed quiet as Trinity poked her head out from behind the wall to see. 

"How  the actual fuck does she know where we are?" I asked. 

"Maybe it's a coincidence?" Ash whispered. 

"Nah. She's sketchy. Real sketchy." 

"Shit!" Trinity whipped around to us. "I thinks eh saw me." 

"God damn it Trina!" 

"She's coming." 

"Oh my god." 

"Walk out where there's more people. She'll do less." Suggested Ashley. We gladly took the suggestion and stepped out, pretending like we weren't hiding. 

"Dude that was hilarious! Sam cracks me up." I fake laughed. 

"She's too funny." Laughed Trinity. 

"And when she said-" Ash was cut off when we came face to face with someone I would rather never come face to face with. 

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