Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

2.3K 38 7

Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
Pharaoh Bob
The challenge
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

Happy Valentine's day

103 1 0
By Yui-umbreon


It's almost Valentine's Day and all kinds in Miss Grotkes class are currently making valentines bags to place on their desks for people to put cards in.

"Excellent use of glitter, Gretchen." Miss Grotke said as she was walking around the room, looking at everyone's bag. "Nice frills, Gordie. Wonderful pink and hue's combination Ashley." Miss Grotke looked back to start down the next aisle of the class before she gasped. "TJ, you're Valentine's Day bag.... It's absolutely grotesque."

"Why, thank you, Miss Grotke." Replies TJ.

"Are you sure you don't want to make a more romantic bag? I mean, Valentine's Day is tomorrow. And others may not want to drop their cards Into such a scary sack."

"It's okay miss Grotke, I don't really want any valentines." TJ says, making most kids gasp in shock. "And I'm not giving any either."

"Center, class. Center." Miss Grotke said to stop the class from mumbling. "TJ, are you sure?"

"I'm positive, miss Grotke. I'm not giving Valentine's on the account of how I think this whole day is, well, goofy."

"But TJ, won't you feel bad if everyone gives you a valentine and you don't give any to anyone else?"

"Umm... nope." At TJs final denial most of the kids were still muttering about it for the rest of the class.

Once school let out the group walked out of the building and started down the street. "Man, That took guts Teej, real guts." Spinelli said impressed with TJs display.

"It was nothing guys." TJ replied. "I have the courage of my convictions, is all."

"Well, I think you're positively mad." Said Mikey being the big lover of love that he is. "Valentine's Day is the most beautiful day of the year. Touching the souls of young and old alike."

"It's the tradition that appeals to me." Gretchen said.

"I love that it's a chance to let those I care about, know that I care for them." Dede smiles as she agrees with both Mikey and Gretchen.

"And once in a while, there's candy." Said Gus.

"He's got a point Teej." Vince agrees with Gus.

"Yeah, yeah. They got candy at Kelso's too, and you don't have to give Mr Kelso a valentine to get some." Said TJ.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Spinelli said as they all walked to Kelso, and upon entering the store something caught Mikey's attention straight away.

"Hey, valentines." He walked over to a stand which held a bunch of different varieties cards on, all his friends except for TJ and Spinelli joining him to look at them.

"Woah, they got sports valentines." Said Vince.

"And space valentines." Dede said, holding a card to read it.

"And look at this... Peewee McChimp says, 'Be mine, you big banana.'" Gus reads.

"What a selection." Said Mikey.

"Can you believe these guys?" TJ asked Spinelli.

"Pathetic, getting all excited over a bunch of dumb valentine's day cards." Spinelli agrees before Dede pokes her head around to look at them.

"Hey, Spinelli, they got wrestling cards." She held one up for Spinelli to see.

"What? Let me see those." Spinelli went and grabbed the card from Dede before reading it out loud. "'You've got a headlock on my heart.' These are sweet."

TJ sighs before going to sit down on one of the bar stools near the cash register. "Say, hey, T.J., what will you have?" Mr Kelso asked as he walked up to TJ.

"Strawberry frap, Mr. K., extra syrup." TJ replied.

"Extra syrup? Something eating you, boy?"

"Nah, it's just everybody's going ga-ga over those cheesy little valentines you're selling. No offence."

"You know, Back in my day, we didn't buy valentines."

"You didn't?"

"No, we made them ourselves by hand. When you gave one of those puppies, you made your point, that's for sure."

"Made them by hand, eh? You know, Mr. K., You just gave me a great idea. I'm going to make my point loud and clear." TJ said getting an idea on what to do for Valentine's Day.

The next day Hank opened up the classroom for TJ to go in before most students showed up at school. "Normally I don't open up a classroom early, T.J., but since it's for a good cause... Besides, I already did it once for Dede a bit earlier, though a bit odd as she asked for access to other grades classes as well, so it wouldn't be fair not to allow you access either."

"Thanks Hank and don't worry, It's for a good cause, all right, A real good cause." TJ said as he went around the classroom dropping cards into all the girls' bags.

When the bell rang for recess to start all kids were excited to get out onto the playground to be able to read any and all valentines that they were given. "Hey, Dee, you ready to go outside." Dede looked over to see Spinelli standing there.

"Yeah, I'm good to go." Dede stood up and grabbed her valentines bag before following Spinelli out the classroom, both holding their bags. "So how many valentines did you get?"

"Don't Know, don't care. I know I'll have the one from you anyway." Spinelli smirked.

"Huh? What'd you mean?" Dede smiled innocently.

"Oh come on Dee, at this point everyone knows you leave anonymous valentines cards and chocolates to everyone you get along with. We've known for two years it's you leaving them."

"Oh man, it was meant to be a secret so people will feel good about themselves." Dede hung her head down. "Is that why a lot of people give me valentines?"

"Yeah." Spinelli laughed at Dedes' slightly dejected look at being found out. "What's so bad about us knowing it's you anyway."

"Cause people will then only give valentines back out of obligation, not cause they really want to."

"Who cares, it's just another excuse for people to get all mushy and gushy, nothing too important." Before Dede could respond to Spinelli's statement a beeping Ahmad cut her off.

"You're right, can you hold this for me and I'll meet you outside, just remembered I gotta do something real quick." Dede handed Spinelli her bag before running back the way she came and ducked into the first empty classroom she saw before answering the call.

"Atomic Candy, I need you to meet me at Fourtious Noxis right away. We've got a situation on our hands." Admiral DeGill said as Dede saluted him.

"What kind of situation?"

"It's hard to explain. You'd better come see for yourself." With that the call ended and Betty was zapped up to her ship and changed into her galactic uniform. Once she reached fourtious noxis she got out of the ship only for Candy to be surprised at seeing fireworks in the sky showing her face in the middle of a heart.

"Wow, I've got a secret admirer." Dede said coming to stand next to DeGill, Sparky and X-5.

"A criminal secret admirer. Let's not forget that whoever it is stole 15 megatons of gold."

"Yeah! The guards are blaming you!" Sparky said as the robot police held up some gold.

"Me? Are you sure about that?" Dede asked before ducking out the way as a piece of gold was thrown at her.

"Pretty sure." Replied sparky and he and X-5 also started dodging gold.

"Don't worry, Atomic Candy." DeGill said as a piece of gold hits his hat, knocking it off his head. "Find this mystery and recover the gold." Dede and her friends run off back to their spaceship. "I'm sure everything will be forgiven." DeGill finishes as a piece of fruit is thrown at his face.

"I know I wanted a genuine valentine, but not like this." Dede sighs sadly as she sits on her chair on her ship.

"What's a valentine?" Asked sparky.

"Valentine's Day is an obscure Earth holiday where you give people a heart as a token of your affection." X-5 explained before Sparky uses chopsticks and takes a great out of a white take out box for Dede.

"Here you go, Chief. I like you." He shows it to Dede, but she refuses.

"Not a real heart. A representative heart. It's about cupids sweet arrow." X-5 makes sure to elaborate more before Admiral DeGill calls on the ship's call screen.

"Atomic Candy, Go to the Holorian Nebula. Your valentine has just attacked a cargo ship carrying Criditian diamonds." Admiral DeGill said.

"He's not my valentine!" Dede snapped, making Admiral DeGill clear his throat. "Oh, sorry, sir."

"Carry on." Admiral DeGill said before cutting the call.


"Are you sure it's the same guy?" Dede asked as she saw the firework picture of herself again.

"Looks like the same guy to me." Said X-5.

"I don't think they're that angry. The guards hate you more."  Sparky said Looking at the security guards on the call screen.

"That makes me feel a lot better." Dede said sarcastically as The ship flew closer to the damaged prison. "Let's check out the damage."

"Aye aye, Chief!" As soon as they are about to check the damage, guns appear.

"Do you really think they're that angry?" Dede asked before The guns began shooting at them and the ship sped away. "Let's get out of here!" The ship dodges the bullets, causing them to destroy a planet. The spaceship then flies back to the prison.

"Look! There goes our evil criminal!" X-5 says Seeing the gold thief flying away from the prison.

"I'm activating the claw." She presses the claw button in her seat's arm. A remote falls on her lap. "I've got a few questions for my valentine."

"Ah ha! You said he wasn't your valentine!" Said sparky before The ship begins chasing after the gold thief. "Now you like him, don't ya?" As they chase the thief, Dede is using the claw. "You're gonna lose him, Chief!"

"Oh yeah?!" After several attempts to catch the thief, the claw finally grabs him. "Got him!" The gold thief manages to free himself from the claw. "Oh no!" The thief was then unmasked and he looked a lot like Atomic Rodger. He smiles at Dede and her crew.

"Atomic Roger?" The three ask as 'Rodger' laughs and uses pink graffiti to draw a heart on the call screen and flies away.

"Candy and Roger, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Sparky sings.

Back on Fourtious Noxis, the residents are protesting to send Dede to prison. A spotlight turns on Dede and her crew.

"How does it feel to be the most disliked person in the universe?" Said captain Chuck.

"Excuse me!" Sparky clears his throat "If I may, that's not true, Chuck! People like the Chief. Am I right?" The crowd boos at him.

"Well, that's what you get for dating a criminal." Said Chuck.

"I am not dating a criminal! He likes me, that's all. It's not my fault." Dede denies before her bracelet beeps and she answers her call.

"Atomic Candy, hurry! A Zuastian Gougala Beast is trashing Galactic Headquarters!" Admiral DeGill said before he screams because he is being attacked. The camera shows the beast attacking HQ. As Dede and her crew run off, one of the residents breaks a bar.

"Wait! You can't leave me with this crowd! I'm a celebrity! I need protection!" Chuck screams as the crowd attacks him. The camera then shifts to Galactic Guardian Headquarters where the beast is attacking. 'Rodger' watches with a smile. Just then, Dede and her crew arrive. Then they get off the ship.

"This time, you've gone too far, Roger!" Dede said as she stood in front of him.

"Atomic Candy! Finally! I was beginning to think you would never show." 'Roger' said as the beast appeared behind Dede and her friends.

"Run!" Dede called but before they could run away, the beast grabbed them with its tentacles. It lets go of Dede, sending her flying into a flag. It splits in half and falls to the ground. The beast's shadow appears. She screams in terror. Just as she is about to be attacked by the beast again, Roger saves her.

"Don't worry, Atomic Betty! It's me, ATOMIC ROGER, here to save you!" The real Roger said.

"But... if you're Rodger, who's that?" Dede asked confusedly as she looked back at the other guy.

"Oh, that's Dodger, my twin brother"


"Twins?" Sparky also asks as Rodger sets Dede down to the ground safely.

"What? Has no-one in this galaxy seen twins before?!" Roger asked, annoyed. "I won't let you do this, Dodger! You're mean! And not just you're a criminal; you've always been mean! I'm going to tell Mom about you."

"You're such a tattle-tale!" Dodger said, walking over before the two brothers began to fight. Dodger begins pulling on Roger's hair.

"Aah! My hair!" Roger yells as Dodger yanks his brother's hair off his head. "Give it back!"

"Make me! I'm not scared of you!" Said Dodger as Dede and her crew watch the twins fight. "I'm not scared of anything!" Dede and her friends gasp because they see the beast climb back up behind the twin brothers. Dodger gives Roger his wig back and the beast grabs them. Both of them scream in terror. Dede runs to the flag, grabs the rope and ties it into a knot. She then lassos the twin brothers, causing the beast to let go of them. She runs around it with the rope to pin it down.

"Not even a Zuastian Gougala Beast can break Didactian Medal Strands!" Dede said as Admiral DeGill came up.

"Excellent work, Atomic Candy. You've saved the day." Admiral DeGill praises.

"I couldn't have done it without Roger."

"Quite right." Admiral DeGill turned To Roger "From this moment on, Atomic Roger, you are reappointed as our first-class Galactic Guardian,  just stationed in a different quadrant." Rodger smiles. "And as for you, Dodger..." Dodger smiles at first, but clenches his teeth when he is put in a jail cage.

"I'll get even with you, Galactic Guardians! And as for you, Rodger, tell Mom I'll be late for dinner." Dodger said before the jail cage flies off with him in it.

"Thanks for helping me." Dede turned to look at Roger.

"No problem. You should know it wasn't me who sent those valentines." Roger replied as Dede became shocked. "It was Dodger." He watches as Dodger gets taken to prison.

"Oh. So you don't like me?" Dede said before Roger sweats a little.

"Well... yes, but they'll always be something that's more important in my life." He takes out a mirror and looks at his reflection. "My fantastic hair."

"OK, so much for secret admirers." Dede sighs before Sparky and X-5 take her back home. When she arrives she exits the classroom only to be stopped by a crowd of girls surrounding the boy's bathroom.

"TJ Detweiler, come out here, like, right now." Dede saw Ashley A bang on the boy's bathroom door, but when he didn't come out the girls started to chant 'flush the boys'.

"What'd TJ do now?" Dede asked as she walked up to Spinelli and Gretchen who were leaning on the wall next to the girls.

"There you are, you really have to start explaining where you go all the time." Spinelli said as she handed Dede back her bag. "Anyway, TJ gave every girl a valentine card, making us all think we were special, I didn't check your bag but i'm pretty sure he gave you one too."

Dede looked confusedly between her girl friends and the other girl's before she dug around in her bag, finding the card that was signed by TJ, before she could read it though the boy's bathroom door opened and a white flag slid through it.

"I come in peace." Vince said slowly sliding out her door.

"Where's Detweiler? He's the one we're after." Demanded Ashley A.

"TJ will be out in a moment. He just asks that you hear him out before grabbing him, holding him down, and putting just all over his face."

"All right, girls, put away the lip gloss."

"You're up, Teej." Vince looked back as TJ slowly walked out.

"Girls of third street." TJ reads from a pre prepared script. "I, TJ Detweiler, do hereby apologise for any hard feelings I may have caused, however accidental it might have been. For you see, even though I delivered the cards with disdain for the tradition, the fact is during that one little moment you opened your cards, I made you feel special, and for that, I am not sorry. Today you have helped me learn, as every boy must, that it is not right to toy with the feelings of others, be they girls, little kids, or animals... in this case, girls... And I promise never to do that again cause the thing is, girls, you're all my friends, and you each deserve a real special valentine."

During TJs speech the girls went from angry at him to listening to him in sincerity.

"Well, they are, like, beautiful cards." Ashley A said.

"And it is pretty nice he gave one to every girl." Ashley Q agrees.

"Aw, heck, Teej, we forgive you." Spinelli walked to the front of the girls.

"Very good speech TJ." Dede smiled as she mock clapped before opening her card from TJ and reading it.

"Oh, thank goodness you guys understand. I mean, I worked hard on those things... Cutting all the frilly stuff, putting on the glitter." TJ was relieved, but couldn't say anymore as they all heard Dede laughing.

"Oh man, TJ, this is a Valentine's joke card. 'You're no CONSTELLATION prize, valentine.'" Dede laughed some more as she showed the front of her card to the others for them to see planets and stars there.

"Glad ya like it, took me forever to come up with all those jokes." TJ laughs lightly as well.

"You mean, these are all, like, funny valentines?" Ashley A asked as she and every other girl reread theirs, making TJ nervously laugh.

"Moisturise him!" Spinelli yelled as the girls all chased TJ again.

"Maybe next year T.J. will just buy his cards like a normal kid." Said Vince as he watched TJ run.

"T.J. will never be a normal kid." Gus replied.

"Uh.... Should I not have said anything about the joke?" Dede asked, standing next to the remaining boy of her friend group.

"He needs to learn sooner or later." Mikey said as the others all walked back to class as the bell just finished ringing.

On the way there dede read the rest of her cards but one caught her eye more than others, it was the only card in the bag that while signed, it was scratched out multiple times.

'This is a card
that I'm happy to send,
to say on this day
You're my good friend.
You are funny and kind.
Will you say 'yes,'
And be my Valentine?'

Your secret admirer

Dede smiles as she reads the card that was decorated in blue hearts instead of the classic red and pink. "Wonder who wrote this? Hopefully this secret admirer is like the last one."


Happy Valentine's Day everyone, hopefully your all having a great day.

I'm not yet finished with the three part chapter I'm working on, but as promised he's the valentine's chapter.

I suck at writing poems so hopefully there ok
: )

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