Scarlett (discontinued)

By teletubbies_0

416K 8.2K 822

Hey, this book is not finished, but I have been asked to keep it up! I am rewriting it right away, because th... More

Info and aesthetics
Extended family and their personality traits


15.1K 257 97
By teletubbies_0

Scarlett pov


I jolt awake sweating from the nightmare, I look around my surroundings to remind myself that I'm not in that in that awful place anymore. I look over at the clock to see that its four am. "fuck's sake, I can't even get a goodnights sleep." I talk to myself annoyed.

There is no way I'm falling asleep again so I might just get some work done. I sit down on my bed and start doing paperwork.

I flinch at the sudden noise of my phone which signals that I have gotten a message. I look down at my phone and see that its seven am. I see that the group chat me and my best friends Elijah, Nico and Mattia has begun to wake up. I quickly look over the group chat only consist of joking and trying to rile up Mattia, who is the hothead of the group.

I leave my phone on the bed and start to get ready for school. I quickly look over the bruises I got from my lovely foster father Todd yesterday.

Flash back

I have just gotten home a little bit later than usual; I had something important to do at the warehouse that took more time than expected.
I walk in the door quietly to try not to wake up Todd, to my surprise he was awake waiting for me.

"Where the fuck have you been? You been whoring around haven't you." He says, I just stay quiet knowing If I speak it's going to be a lot worse.

"Answer me" he demands.

While I look down, he takes the opportunity to basically rip my hair from my skull. I let out a surprised yelp while he smashes my head against the wall. He then shoves me to the ground as he begins to kick my ribs and stomach rapidity. Once he thinks he's done he walks away leaving me to my thoughts.

I slowly starts my way upstairs to my room; I was lucky this time with that Stella is asleep

I got to my room and locked the door and immediately fell asleep.

Flashback over

I go to the shower and begin to wash my hair and body. When I am done, I dry myself with a towel and I blow-dry my hair. I go to my room and find myself a comfy/chill outfit.

I hear a honk outside which probably my sister's friends are waiting for her. I hear the front door open and slam which means she's out of the house.

I quickly put on some concealer, mascara and lip-gloss and head out the door where Elijah is waiting for me in his car, I enter his car and immediately begin to sing our hearts out to the moana soundtracks.

Now where are my manners I totally forgot to introduce myself, hi my name is Scarlett Bianchi. I am a sixteen-year-old girl with a younger twin sister named Stella, I have three best friends named Elijah, Nico and Mattia. I have and IED (Intermittent explosive disorder) which I thankfully have under control, I have a foster father named Todd. I'm the donna of the Spanish mafia and one of the most feared assassins in the world called Diable (she devil) 

Now you might wonder why I don't fight back when Todd abuses me, I'm the donna of the most powerful mafia in the world after all. I'm doing it all for Stella and her safety. She is my main priority I will always protect Stella. Todd was alright at first, but for the last year he has been shit.

I made a deal with him, the deal was based on that I pay for the house and everything, and he lays of my sister. I don't care what he does to me if Stella's fine I'm fine. Then you might wonder again why not just call child protective services? Well, that's because it's not very likely for twins our age to be adopted at all and we risk not coming in the same orphanage. That's not a risk I'm willing to take.

I am very distant from her for her safety, I have a lot of dangerous people after me. They can't know how much she means to me. That still doesn't mean I won't take a bullet for her. If someone does something to hurt her, I do it ten times harder back. I don't care if it's the president of the United States, she is and will always be my first priority.

The door comes to a stop, Elijah as always runs over to my side and opens my door. He claims that he is a gentleman that takes care of his favourite girls, which is me and Nico apparently. We walk over to the others.

"Heyyy girl pops how ya doing there Matti boy" Elijah says to rile him up.

He hates being called Matti boy, because Brittany a girl that's obsessed with him keeps calling him that.

I just look over at Nico and we both burst out laughing. We can practically see steam come out of Mattias ears as he lunges for Elijah and puts his head in a lock hold.

"What did you say there Eli? Not so big and brave right now ey" he teases as he lets go of him.

Eli looks over at me and points to Mattia like a child "he tried to kill me" he says out of breath.

We heard the first bell which means that class is about to begin. Me and my crew began our power walk into the school. We open the door with a loud bang, and everyone begin to part ways for us. We always get a lot of looks some are with jealousy, some are with lust, but most of them are fear.

You probably now understand that I have a little of a reputation as the badgirl. Yuh, I know it's very cliché, but I love it.

We all have the same classes thanks to Nico. I already graduated but I still go for my friends. Once we get to the right class, I kick the door open for effects and made my way to my seat in the back.

"Nico what are we doing today?" I ask, "nothing planed, we should probably just chill for a bit. Maybe we could go to a party tonight?" 

"I can't take free time like that, and you know it Nico." I say.

"you're a fucking child, let someone else do the work." She huffs and cross her arms like a child.

she knows better than to argue over this bullshit, she knows I can't take much time of work.

The teacher just ignored us and went on with the teaching. About 30 minutes later I hear from the microphone.

"Can Stella and Scarlett Bianchi come to the principal's office, I repeat myself can Stella and Scarlett Bianchi please come to the principal's office."

I look at my friends only to find them looking at me confused." See ya later." I take my backpack and walk out of the classroom.

On my walk there I think of what I could've done. guess what I haven't done anything at all. 

Once I get there, I look over at Ella the receptionist that I'm quite good friends with. "Hey Ella, how ya doing?" I ask her. "I'm doing very well, thank you for asking. What have done today scar?" she asks I just shrug my shoulders while going backwards, I salute her and turn to walk away.

Once I'm right outside the principal's office, I put my emotionless face on and go right in. Once I'm in I see Harry our principle, two huge men in suits and my sister in one chair.

"Hey old man, how's the husband?" I ask.

"Hi Scar" he chuckles "Mikes good, he keeps telling me to invite you to dinner again." He says as we go a bit back and forth.

Once we were done, he sighed and looked at us with pity. ugh I just hate pity. "I'm sorry to say this but Todd died in a car accident this morning. It was a hit and run and he died on the spot." He said looking sad. Internally I was doing my little happy dance. But I stayed quiet and my face not giving any emotion. I heard my sister give out a sob while holding a hand in front of her mouth. 

I as fast as I could went over to her lifted her so she could sit in my lap, and I just held her while she cried in my arms. I was saying sweet things in her ear and stroking her back.

I know this is wrong and I shouldn't do this for her safety, but I can't just fucking listen to her cry without doing anything.

She wasn't very close with Todd, but he was her only father figure.

"What happens to us now" I asked Harry with no emotion.

"We found your family and they are so excited to take you in. Your father and oldest brother are here to take you home" he says still a bit shocked from my reaction.

"WHAT" me and Stella scream at the same time jumping to a standing position. Looking at the two men who just walked out of the dark.

1576 words

Have a great day, morning, night or whatever the time is

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