Lost in memories || Harry Pot...

By ToTiredForShit

94.7K 2.7K 960

Diana Potter, though a year younger, had the best bond with her brother James. They where best friends. And I... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Inimicos amantes
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Small interception
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58

Part 17

1.8K 49 21
By ToTiredForShit

Outfit of the day:

The next day was a full one for Diana, though, at one free period, she had to do something. She walked to the potions classroom, the furry of yesterday building back up.

She opened the door and noticed Snape was coincidentally teaching Neville's class. "I was wondering if I can speak to you for a moment, alone." She said, looking at him and his eyes narrowed.

"Well, no. If you have eyes, you would see I am busy teaching." He said and Diana rolled her eyes. "If that's what you call teaching." She mumbled, though Snape heard.

"I think it is very well possible to leave these students alone for just a few minutes." She looked around the class who where not even brewing potions but learning from their books.

"Well, with Longbottom in the class, I don't think it is." He shot back, knowing very well it would get Diana even angrier. "Can we not do this now?" She gritted her teeth as she saw that the kids where now interested in the interaction.

Diana didn't notice, but she wasn't standing at the door anymore, she was now in the classroom. "Just- you know what, see me at lunch in the teachers room." She sighs.

When she turned around she saw Hermione waving her over. When she got there, Hermione asked a question about potions. Though Snape didn't take this well. "Why don't you leave and let me handle my own class," Diana was about to retort but he then finished his sentence. "Didi." He said Sarcastically and Diana froze, tears forming in her eyes.

She turned around and looked at him, he had a sneer on his face and Diana balled her fists, biting on the inside of her lower lip. But then she saw the worried looks the rest of the classroom was giving her and she noticed she was crying ever so slightly.

She just turned to the door and stormed out, god she felt humiliated and embarrassed. She just cried in front on a class after Snape called her a nickname.

But how dare he do that. No one could call her that. Only him, but he was dead, so that name wasn't spoken of. She hurried trough the castle when she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-" she looked up, her eyes red and puffy. Remus looked back at her with a worried expression. "Diana, what happened." He asked, taking hold of her trembling hands. "H-he- he called me- he called me-" she couldn't get it out trough her sobs.

"Who called you what?" He asks, immediately stern looking, ready to throw someone of a building. "Snape- he called me- Didi. He can't! He isn't allowed." She cried and Remus held her.

"It's alright, cry it all out." He laid his chin on her head as she buried her face in his shoulder. She cried, and it wasn't that bad that he called her a name, but that name was made when she was three by one of the people she loved most, her brother that she would never see again.

Then all that made her remember that not only he, but also Lily, Marlene, Peter, Regulus, Dorcas, Evan, Pandora and many more died. Alice and Frank where tortured to insanity, Barty died in prison, Sirius was in prison, but was now on the lose, which had her on edge and meant she was way more emotional than normal.

"Want to go somewhere else? We are in the middle of a hallway and class will end soon." Remus said and she nodded, letting go and he lead her trough the hallway, to his classroom. She looked down when students started to fill the halls and hoped no one saw how she looked.

When Remus opened the door to his classroom, curious first years stated at them and Diana turned away from them. "Are you alright, Professor?" One of them asked and she couldn't say anything. "You're all free to go, just read page 10 to 13 of your books and you'll be fine." Remus said and lead Diana trough the crowd.

He sat her down and gave her a tissue. She wiped away her tears and blew her nose. "I need to go to my class, t-their probably already there." She stood up and Remus sat her back down. "Stay here, drink some water and calm down. I'll take over your class." He said.

Normally Diana would have obligated but she just nodded and grabbed another tissue. Remus bid her goodbye and hurried out the classroom.

Outside a few of the first years lingered and looked at him curiously but he just ignored them and walked to Diana's classroom. When he got there, he found the fifth year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws.

"Where's Diana?" One of the Weasley twins asked and Remus raised his eyebrows. "I think you mean professor Sardothien. She's not well and I'm taking over the class." He explained. "Now get to your homework please." He said and sat down and Diana's desk.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Diana sat at Remus Desk, her knees hugged to her chest, trying to even her breathing to stop the crying.

Diana walked to the tree at the black lake, looking down, having one point where she was going.

Dorcas pointed as she was walking up and she was greeted with smiles and Evan cracking a joke. She didn't say anything and sat down, next to Regulus and just hugged him, her face hidden by her hair.

"Diana, is everything alright- are you crying?" Regulus hugged her back and realised she was shaking and sobbing. He pulled back a bit and tilted her head with his hand on her chin.

His stomach sunk when he noticed the bruise on her forehead and the cut on her cheek. "What happened? Who did that." He asked and she shook her head and burried her face in the crook of his neck.

He held her tightly and the others looked curious and worried. "What's wrong?" Pandora asked worried, laying a hand on Diana's shoulder in comfort.

"Show them, love." Regulus whispered in her ear and she shook her head. "Day." He stroked her back. She looked up at him and he nodded to the rest. She turned to face the others and they looked at her in horror.

Pandora immediately grabbed water from her bottle and looked around for a cloth she could use, she eventually used her thin scarf and put water on it, holding it to Diana's cut.

Barty balled his fists. "Who did that." He demanded and Diana's lips trembled. "It was Mulciber and- and Snape." She said and Barty stood up immediately.

"Now they've done it." He tried walking away but Evan stopped him. "Stop, what are you going to do, I understand but let's think for a second, is it practical to hit back?" He asked and Barty looked personally attacked.

"Yes! Yes it is practical to hit back, look what they did to her!" He pointed at Diana who was being aided by Pandora and calmed down by Regulus. "What are you going to do? Turn them into ferrets?" Evan asked.

"You know what? Good idea." Barty walked away and Evan hurried after him. "At least just hit them! If you use your wand you'll get more trouble!" He called.

"Does it hurt badly?" Dorcas asks Diana and she shook her head. "My head hurts, but I'm fine." She said and Pandora looked at her with a slight hint of horror. "You've got a huge bruise and a quite a deep cut, you are not fine! Not to forget you're crying!" She said.

"I'm not crying because it hurts! I'm crying because I was in shock and scared!" Diana says wiping away her tears, calming down a bit. "What did they do?" Regulus looked at the way Barty and Evan went as if debating going with them, though he wanted to stay with Diana.

"Well, I was alone and suddenly they appeared, maybe they where there longer maybe not? I don't know, I don't really remember. But I bumped into Mulciber." She shrugged before continuing.

"They backed me into a corner and threatened me. When I called Mulciber a fool and an Asshole, he hit me with one of his books and my head bumped against the wall behind me making me dazed. I think I cursed at them and maybe called Snape, Snivellus? That's probably why he cut me with- something. I don't even know, I didn't see, I was still recovering from the hit in the head." She shrugged.

"Where they caught? Or did you run." Dorcas asked, softness in her voice, for some reason Diana didn't like it. "They walked away, they just laughed and walked away. So after a few moments I just came here." She explains.

"Come, I'll bring you to Madam Pomfrey." Regulus helped her sit up and the tree of them headed to the hospital wing. They where surprised to see both Evan and Barty there, Madam Pomfrey was at two other beds where Snape and Mulciber where unconscious.

Barty was holding an ice pack agains his eye and Evan had a bruise on his jaw. No one had seen them yet. Professor McGonagall was there too, scolding both boys by yelling and pointing. "Unless you two have proof to back up your story, you will be in big trouble! Even if you have the proof, you still have trouble!" She said sternly.

"What did you two do!?" Pandora asks when everyone had processed what was happening. McGonagall looked at them and spotted Diana being supported by Regulus and Dorcas.

"Oh Merlin! Poppy- Poppy we need help here." She said and Madam Pomfrey came over and slightly gasped when she saw Diana. "Sit the poor girl down, what happened?" She asked and Dorcas and Regulus sat a bit out of it Diana down on a bed.

Seems like walking wasn't such a good idea for Diana, she looked worse then before. "We already told you! Snape and Mulciber did it!" Barty said angrily.

McGonagall looked at Diana for confirmation. The girl just nodded, blinking a bit confused at Regulus who was trying to get her to lay down. He said something among the lines of "you need to lay down, you'll pass out." She wasn't sure because in the middle of his sentence everything went black.

When she woke up, she was met with the sight of Gryffindors on the left and Slytherins on the right. "Didi! Are you alright?" James jumped up when he saw her open her eyes.

They all looked concerned. "Beside feeling like there an angry swarm of bees in my head, sure, I'm fine." She said gloomily and they all cracked a smile.

"Where are Mulciber and Snape, what did you do?" She looked at Evan and Barty, all the Gryffindors looked at them aswel, probably not having heard the story.

"Oh, funny story." Barty started and Evan elbowed him. "Don't be like that, it's tue Ev!" Barty said and Evan gave him a scolding look but Barty payed him no attention.

"So, I found Mulciber and Snape snickering in a corner and went right up to them to give them a peace of my mind." Barty starts "and your fists." Evens mumbles but Barty ignored him again.

"So I just curse them out and stuff, because they deserved it. They got mad for some reason, so I punched Mulciber in the nose, and he didn't like that so he punched back but Evan, being the dear that he is, stopped him and that's how he got involved." Barty went explaining.

"Your forgetting the part where Mulciber hit you a black eye." Evan grinned and Bart glared at him. "Though we really beat their asses because they where I it for about an hour! You where for three, you kind of have a concussion." Evan says, secretly very proud of himself and also Barty.

"Damn, thank you I guess?" Diana said, though she was grinning brightly. She then looked at the others.

"When did you get here?" She asks and Sirius shrugs.

"About an hour ago, we came immediately when McGonagall told us the news. It took a lot of pleading with Madam Pomfrey but we eventually all got to stay." Diana chuckles, making her hiss in pain as it hurt her head.

Remus came collect her after an hour, as it was the last period. He brought her to her room and told her to lay down and sleep.

She did that but when she found out her breakdown was no known all over the school, she refused to get out of her room.

Though the cause of her breakdown wasn't known, everyone supposed it came from the potions classroom as they heard the story from the third years.

After a lot of pleading, Remus got her out and when she walked in the hall, almost everyone asked her if she was alright and some even had some gifts for her.

Draco Malfoy didn't come over but looked at her till she looked at him, he seems to ask her with his eyes if she was alright and she smiled at him. He then looked away as if nothing happened.

Other days passed peacefully, though Diana became more and more worried as the full moon was drawing closer and closer.

Remus told her not to worry about it but she could see he was getting paler. She had sent Neville an owl to get her mind of things, she promised to give him some flying lessons that afternoon.

When she got too the pitch, it was pretty busy and she noticed a large group and heard things like: "where did you get that?" "Did you buy it yourself?" "Did you steal it from the Slytherins?" "Is it real?"

When Diana arrived, she saw Neville in the middle with his nimbus 2001. "Please give Neville a breather." She said and the students turned to her. "Go on, get to your own business." Slowly the students went their own way, some stayed on the pitch, some left.

"Good, ready for your lesson?" She asked him and he nodded. "Alright, I'm not going to give you instructions, I'm going to watch how you do it and give you some pointers after." She explained and Neville agreed and then shot into the air.

When he can down, she told him what he could do better and what he did great. "Alright, up again." Diana gestured and he shot it again. Pleased, Diana watched him land.

"Great job, Neville!" She said and he smiled brightly. "Thanks Di- professor." He corrected himself. Over the summer he had— of course- been calling her Diana, now at school he needed to learn calling her professor again.

When Neville became tired, Diana called it quits and they left together. When Neville and Diana parted, she heard something going on somewhere else.She walked towards the voices.

"Get that bloody cat away!"
"Crookshanks can't do anything about it, it's in her nature!"
"No! It's doing it on purpose, look at Scabbers, his sick!"
"Honestly Ron, how could she do it on purpose? She's just chasing him because it's a rat!"

Diana found Ron and Hermione arguing and Harry standing there a bit awkwardly. "Is everything alright?" She asked and they all looked at her, not having expected her to be there.

"Her demonic cat is trying to eat Scabbers!" Ron was holding a rat. "She can't do anything about it, it's in her nature!" Hermione glared at Ron.

"Then how did she know Scabbers was in my bag? She only realised when I said it!" Ron retorted back. "I think she realised because she could smell him, Hermione is right, its in her nature, Ron." Diana chuckled a bit.

"But he's sick- look!" He showed her the rat and Diana was shocked and took a step back. "Give him here for a second." She said and Ron handed her the rat.

"You said he was sick, should I take him to Hagrid!" Diana asked sweetly, having no intention at all to bring him to Hagrid. "No it's alright." Ron extended his arm and Diana hesitated but gave the 'rat' back.

"I'll be up in my classroom, have a great day you three." She said and walked away.

That was Wormtail, she knew it for sure, he was even missing a finger. It looked exactly like him... but Peter was dead, killed by Sirius. Right?

Maybe she just saw it wrong... no, no she didn't. It was him, she just knew it. She didn't know what this meant yet, but she'd try figuring it out.

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