The truth inside the curse (S...

By lizbliz123

338 10 27

***complete*** Lmfao I really need to stop writing more Sanderssides Fan fictions but I can't help it Janus... More



11 0 1
By lizbliz123


Janus let his eyes widen when he felt a massive surge of magic. He ran back to where he had left Patton only to freeze. Someone very powerful was behind that door. Suddenly guards came running out and through the castle. Janus watched as they disappeared. He jumped down and opened the door to the throne room seeing Patton chained to the throne by his neck.

"Patton!?" Janus ran to him and Patton shook his head.

"Bartholomew." Patton quickly shook his head as he tried warning Janus. "Please get them out."

"He will do nothing of the sort." Janus looked up seeing Bartholomew walking over. "Hello witch."

"I thought I killed your ass." Janus stood.

"You did, and then I came back. Then I was killed again by prince Remus, and now I'm alive and better than ever." He chuckled. "Maybe next time you kill someone, make sure they aren't cursed to keep coming back to life." He kicked Janus down and snapped his fingers chaining him down.

"What the hell are you doing!" Janus hissed.

"Taking my revenge." He laughed out. "These boys don't deserve to fucking live so free not after everything."

"Remus doesn't remember you." Janus looked at him in anger. "You were there when-when king Reen raped him weren't you?"

"I helped." He laughed as the door was opened by the guards dragging some very sleepy teenagers into the room.

"Fuck.." Janus looked at Bartholomew. "Don't touch them!"

"Oh, who's this?" Bartholomew walked over to Virgil inspecting him. "I've never seen him around."

"Touch him, and I will fucking kill you again you bastard!" He looked over at saw Roman and Remus staring in horror.

"How is he alive!?" Logan screamed.

"I want every single one of them separated." Bartholomew walked over to Janus. "But give me a moment." Something materialized because Janus felt the rooms energy shift. He saw Virgil scream out as he suddenly felt pain. He looked down and saw a sword in his stomach. "Goodbye, witch." Janus coughed up blood as he collapsed.

"DAD!?" Virgil got away from the guards and booked it towards Janus. He was grabbed by Bartholomew and held back as Janus tried to keep himself awake. "No!" He laughed a bit.

"He called me dad..." he felt himself get weaker as he suddenly closed his eyes.


Janus died and Bartholomew suddenly glowed with power.

"You should have left me alone Remus." He walked over to them. "Because now? Now I won't stop until you suffer the most." He grabbed Roman and Remus screamed. Roman was being choked. Tears flowed down remuss face.

"Stop! You monster!" Everyone was dragged from the room and separated. Remus was thrown into a cell and he hit the ground hard. Tears flowed down his face as he thought of the fact that Bartholomew was back. And now both kingdoms were fucked.


Logan sat in the corner of his cell. He let tears flow down his cheeks. He put his entire kingdom in danger by not going home right away like Janus suggested! What the hell was he thinking?? The door opened and he looked up panicked.

"Hello there king Reen." Bartholomew chuckled. Logan wiped the tears from his face and stood up, the chain around his ankle clanking.

"Let us go," Logan commanded. "Please I have a kingdom to run." Bartholomew got closer to Logan.

"Correction, you had." Logan panicked.

"What the hell do you mean!?" Logan asked.

"Well, with you away I sent some of my men to your kingdom. Everyone is dead." He tilted Logan's head up. "Everyone. Well but you."

"Bastard!" Logan grabbed Bartholomews hand and shoved it away.

"To hell with it." Bartholomew chuckled. "That boy, the one with the long black hair, he was the dragon yes?" Logan shook his head.

"No! No! Please no!" Bartholomew walked to the door.

"You, or him. You decide." He walked out of the room and Logan screamed. Tears flowed down his face. Fuck.


Virgil sat on the chair in the bedroom. He bounced his leg looking over at the guard who was standing by the door.

"So am I up here for a reason?" Virgil asked. "You can't just drag me from my cell and expect me not to have questions."

"It's alright, you can leave Jack." The guard left the room after someone from another part of the room told him to. Virgil looked over and immediately stood up.

"No, oh fuck no." He walked away and shook his head. "You stay away from me!"

"So you were the dragon?" The man laughed. "You look like a pathetic teenager."

"Why am I here?" Virgil asked.

"You, are useful to me. See, I want something from Logan and I can't get it because he's so attached to you." Virgil stepped back some more.

"Stay, over there. Don't come closer to me. I know what you did to prince Roman and to prince Remus. I won't hesitate to attack you."

"I'm leaving to go visit prince Remus actually, but first I need you to do me a favor." He got closer to Virgil and whispered into his ear. "I want you to kill prince Roman" Bartholomew left the room and Virgil collapsed horrified.


Roman struggled against the chains glaring at the guards in front of him. "You seriously won't unchain me!?"

"I'm sorry Roman we can't." One of the looked at him sadly. "He threatened our family's..." Roman looked away.

"He killed mine." Roman looked back at them. "I am your acting king. I demand you release me right now!"

"Roman we can't!" The guard shook, "please know we want to but we can't okay? Even if you demand if he'll have us all killed."

"I just need to know i-is my brother alive?" Roman asked.

"Yes, he's alive." One of the guards replied. "He wanted your brother alive"

"And the others?" Roman asked.

"That we know of, King Reen has been killed. The two deer you were with are now enslaved by Bartholomew and the dragon witch has been tasked with.." the guards all looked at eachother. He took a deep breathe. "Tasked with killing you."

"Killing me? Why?"

"Bartholomew wants your brother, he won't listen and to get him to listen he wants to have power over him. And to do that he needs you dead so that he won't care about anyone anymore."

"That's not..." Roman rolled his eyes. "The idiot thinks that will work? Remus doesn't only care about me, He's a moron."

"Oh? And do tell us king Roman." Bartholomew entered the room. "Who else does Remus love that killing them will make him lose himself?"

"Killing me will turn my brother into a villain? Is that what you think you sick fuck? You think playing games with my brothers mind will make any of this better for you? No! You kill me, and my brother will make damn sure you fucking go down permanently."

"Who else does he care about!" Bartholomew angrily stepped closer to roman. "Fucking answer me!"

"Definitely not you." Roman laughed out.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"Why do you have to be so ugly?" Roman was smacked and he spit out blood rolling his eyes. "Yeah I deserved that..."

"You have no self preservation do you?" Roman laughed.

"By now, don't you think that's a given?" Bartholomew left the room in a huff and Roman laughed. "Fucking dick."


Remus watched as Remy paced back and forth. He finally sat down after about twenty minutes.

"Why'd he leave us together?" Remy asked. "You don't care about me." Remus laughed.

"Wow, you are an idiot." Remus covered his smile with his hand.

"What exactly does that mean?" Remy asked.

"Moron." Remus rolled his eyes. "I like you."

"Oh...why?" Remy asked. "I'm not exactly pleasing to look at. I'm a fucking deer. A magic creature."

"And I find that fascinating." Remus leaned on his hand and smiled at the deer. "I think they figured that out which is why I have to say, they are smarter than I thought they'd be."

"Do you think they've hurt my brother?" Remy asked. Remus shrugged.

"I don't know, they've probably killed everyone else I care about by now so I would not be surprised." Remus stood up and walked around.

"How are you so fucking calm?" Remy asked. Remus stopped walking and looked back at Remy.

"Because if I wasn't calm, then I'd be agreeing with everything you are saying which would mean he murdered my brother already." He sat back down. "And staying calm is stopping my intrusive thoughts from blowing things wayyy out of control."

"Why am I here?" Remy sat down. "I don't even like you!" Remus bit his lip and looked down.

"Yeah but I like you, and that's all he cares about." Remus heard the door open and he immediately looked towards it.

"Your stupid brother wouldn't give me the information I wanted." Bartholomew growled. Remus laughed.

"Oh how sad, going to go cry to your stupid minions?" Remus asked.

"Ugh you boys! All the same aren't you!?" Remus rolled his eyes and put himself between Remy and Bartholomew. "Now, you might answer this." Bartholomew got closer. "Who do you care about other than your brother?" Remus laughed.

"Wow you really are stupid." Remus lashed out and used magic, shocking everyone in the room even himself.

"When the hell..." Remus backed up a bit in shock. Bartholomew's eyes grew wide.

"You-You are the...fuck..." he went to run but Remus lashed out with magic again, slicing him into pieces. Remus stared in shock.

"What the Fuck..."

"The witch..." Remy pointed at the wall, Remus turned to look and saw Janus smiling.

"Janus!" Remus ran to his side. He laughed.

"I forgot when I locked you in my room with my magic I accidentally bonded my magic to you." Janus smiled. "I'm glad with me gone, my son has someone to protect him." Janus bowed. "Thank you, prince remus."

"But I..." remus reached out for Janus as he disappeared. Remus looked back at Remy.

"I don't know how you did that, but I'm glad you did. Now let's get out of here." Remy grabbed remuss hand and the two ran from the room to hopefully find the others.

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