I will destroy this novel (wm...

By 2005noor_33

9K 373 40

This function is about a girl who reincarnated in her favorite novel, but this girl does not get the life any... More

Lucille de algair obelia
first step
An unexpected meeting
third life part one
My plan
This time I'll be honest with you
Forgiveness Can'T Be That Easy
Paternity test
A picnic on the boat
A secret is revealed
Violet hair boy
Diary And Letters
A rabbit stuck in the thorns of a flower
A boy who tried to reach the sky
The Duke
Alisius de algair obelia
Villains aren't born, they're made
The deal

Third life part2,forth life

466 19 1
By 2005noor_33

Third person pov.

"Now we are here let's begin." Juri said as she looked at Mia who was feeling down. " Mia, I knew that you're worried, but sometimes knowing something is better than knowing anything" Mia sighed as she said that.

Even though Mia knew that, she couldn't help but to feel sad, betrayed, angry and disappointed,she looked down and then said "you're right, miss Juri we should head on." Juri stared at Mia for moment then sighed and walked away, while Mia was following her.

They walked toward the kitchen as they saw a ginger hair woman with brown eyes and was wearing a glasses. "Juri, it has been a while since the last time I saw you" said the maid. "Who would want to spend time with someone talkative and sly like you,ginger."

Juri smirked as she said that. "ohohoho, that's so mean you know" Ginger laughed awkwardly. "anyway, I have a request for you" said juri as she looked seriously at ginger. "hmm, you know that I'm not that kind to accept a request for free" Ginger said, showing dark eyes and a sly smile.

"well, what if i told you that request is from her highness, what will you say?"
as Juri said that ginger stayed silent as she looked at Juri.' well, I know her very well, and I can say that she isn't stupid to not see what I see, someone like her who can control the rumors so easily,indeed is such an intelligent person, and I'm sure that she won't miss this chance.'

Juri thought as she looked at ginger who was in deep thought. "alright, I will help you this time" ginger said after long silent. "alright then let's keep moving,mia,ginger" Juri said as she started to walk.

"what are we going to do here?" muttered ginger, but none of mia and juri said anything. "don't be so harsh, darling" said catherine with sweet voice. "l will make this night great for you" Mia froze when she heard a familiar voice and her heart began to beat faster. ' w.. why?' Mia started to shiver and her tears started to fall.

Juri who was looking at her, couldn't help but to help pity for her, as for ginger she felt like there's a storm about to start. "Mia, stay calm for now they shouldn't know that we're here." said ginger as she stared at Mia who was crying.

"A.. alright" Mia wiped her tears. "let's get out of here" muttered juri. the two of them node then left with juri.

"You saw what we saw, so let's...." juri was cut by ginger "oh! miss Mia what happened why are you crying?" Ginger shouted as she puts the looks of concern in her face, Mia was confused about the sudden act of ginger so she looked up at her.

"pretend well mia if you want to get your revenge from them." ginger muttered as she patted mia's back. "ahh,*sob* I don't want to talk about it now*sob*" Even though Mia was in the worst situation so could handle it.

"b... but that's..." ginger pretend to hesitate, juri who was looking at them realized, ginger was making a scene to spread a rumor. "Mia, stay calm I know what you saw is unbelievable, but you should gather yourself."juri said.

"what's happening here your voices are so loud." said one of the maids who came to them."her boyfriend" said juri while looking at Mia with worried.face.
"m.. my boyfriend, cheated on me with unexpected person"  Mia said as she covered her face.

"that bastard, I knew that he isn't a good person" unknown person said. Juri looked up at the one who said to see a man with deep black hair and eyes. "Eric, what are you doing here?"
Juri said as she frowned. "The princess sent me to find Catherine, she said that she saw her last time walking to the attic"

When Mia, juri and ginger heard that they got stunned.' so you planned everything your highness' juri thought as she smirked. "a... are you sure?"  Mia said as she took her hands of her face to show her stunned face.

"y.. yes but why are you asking?" Mia ran away crying. that made all of them look at juri for an explanation. "w.. well, her boyfriend in the attic as well so it make sense...."  juri didn't say anything after it, as for ginger she looked up.

"This explains a lot, but what should we do now?" as ginger said someone walked towards the stairs. "where are going?"  juri said as everyone turned to that person. "Catherine is my girlfriend, I've to make sure about what you just said.

a man said then he continued his way, as he walked everyone looked at each other hesitated, they didn't know if they should follow them or not." there were a rumor I heard these last years " Juri said as she made everyone look at her.

"The lover of any maid in a palace gives her attention during the first dating period, but suddenly he starts ignoring her and then leaves her, I believe that Mia's boyfriend situation is also like this don't you think so?" juri said with serious face.

her words made everyone looks angry, especially the maids."y... you mean that my boyfriend left me because of her! "

she shouted angrily.  "we all suffered that because of her!" that bi**h " another one said.

"what's going on here?" they all turned around to see who was talking. "your highness? what are you doing here?" juri said as she looked at lucille.

"you are so loud, let's go to somewhere, and talk, maybe to the kitchen, it's the best place we can talk about what We had heard."  Lucille said with blank face

" what about them? "ginger asked with curious face."Don't worry he won't make a scene because Eric went after him." Everyone looked at her with stunned face, they all thought this.'How did she knows?'

Even though they were curious and suspicious of her they followed her to the kitchen. "good everyone is here, first thing first, Juri can you explain to them everything?" Lucille said as Juri nodded.

Juri started explaining what she had saw to everyone, they all got furious but didn't say anything, as for lucille sighed loudly as she gained everyone attention.

"That's terrible, She must get her punishment, don't you think so?" lucille asked as she looked at everyone. "what do you mean by punishment, your highness?" ginger asked as she titled her head.

"about this...."


"so that's what happened, that's explain a lot, but your highness are you sure about this,  your plan might failed"
Lucille smirked and said
"Don't worry, I have my plans" as she said that, everyone wondered what Lucille was thinking but they didn't asked.

"Ginger, is waiting for your word your highness" Juri said. "Great, tomorrow our plan should be done. For now everyone should rest, as for us now we should eat our dinner" Lucille said as Elia smiled excited.

"as your wish your highness" Juri said while closing her eyes.
Lucille was lying on her bed, she was thinking deeply about her plan for tomorrow.

Lucille pov

"you're his majesty, right?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. "please, help me!  the maids are bullying me!" I tried to hold his hand but he pulled it back.
"s.. sorry, I shouldn't touch you so  reckless." I said as I looked down in disappointed.

"You are her daughter,aren't you?" I nodded and said. "yes, I'm her daughter but father can you help me?" as I asked he looked down at mw with his  unemotional eyes, I was scared of them but I tried to be strong, so I can get his love, and attention after all I considered him as my father.

"what did they do to you?" I looked down with sad eyes and said "they never treated me like a human nor princess, they always give me Moldy food, cold clothes, and they beat me all the time, when I heard about you, father I thought I might get free from this hell so please help me father" 

My eyes started crying more and more while I wae saying this, I was sad that I died excruciatingly  in my first and second lives, no one helped me nor care about me, I wanted in this life to have a good life that's all I wanted.

"if that's your wish, then I shall grant it" after that claude punished all of them, he gave me new servants, he treated me like a princess, but he necer ever called me.

I lived all alone in this palace with Elia and other servants, Athanasia had visited me from time to time, but claude my own father never asked or visited me, actually I was sad but I thought that's alright, as long as I live a good life, that isn't a problem but the world is cruel, isn't it?.

"Athy, do you like this cake?" I asked as Athy nodded. " yes, I love cakes! sister you are t-" My sister spat blood from her mouth, which shocked me. "Athy!  are you alright!?" I called for help, and after moments felix came to help Athy, they took her to her room and after hours the knights came with my father.

"Lucille, You are under arrest, for trying to kill my daughter" he said as he looked at me with his cold eyes. "B- but I didn't do it, father! please give me some mercy"  I cried as I kneeled down on the floor.

"you tried to kill my daughter and you are asking for mercy." he said with cold eyes and voice, I felt sick and scared from him I was crying but he didn't show me any pity or anything only A look of anger and disgust from me.

"Felix, take her to the jail with her servants make sure to that she isn't eating anything, after all the next week she will get be executed." As he said I looked down, he abandoned me he didn't listen to me I though something.
' If only I spent time with, if only I became your beloved daughter then will you believe in me'

The knights dragged me to my jail, it was dark cold and lonely.

"Butterfly dance‌~

a childish dance~

we always see children performing it~

This dance is a form of freedom ~

will I ever dance this dance ~

will I ever be free from this cruel world~

will I ever find someone who will love me~

will I ever find peaceful in this kind of place ~"

I was singing in that dark place the knights were annoyed but they didn't say anything, They despised me and looked down on me, I didn't mind them because I will die soon after all.

After one week My day has came, I saw my servants all dying, Elia my royal maid died in front of me, I couldn't do anything I was helpless. I let them down.

I heard cursing from people toward me, but I didn't care, I've lost everything, and I will face my death. "any last word, lucille" claude asked me. "You're making  a huge mistake, your majesty, I'm innocent, but I think there's no way you will believe me"

I closed my eyes preparing for my time. "Let me ask you, do you remember mt mother n-" without saying my last words my head was cut, I died yes I died how unfortunate I'm.

Speaking of unfortunate, I opened my eyes again, to realize that I'm seven years old again. "again, huh. so this is my forth life. should I learn how to use magic? to protect my self" 

Yes I took this plan, I tried to learn magic but in the end I died, my mana go out of control, it was hurting, I couldn't breath properly, I felt my body was burning, I felt weak my. sightseeing  was becoming poor more and more.

"is that how I will die strange, I don't want to die even though I died three times before, but why? why my life is so miserable? why I'm the only one who should suffer?"

I mattered these words, these words was my last words because after that I died again.

Third person pov

Lucille sighed loudly as she remembered these memories. " Family they said, actually we are not family, and we won't be that what I had learned from these lives."

with blank face she slept, she knew that tomorrow will be a big day for her

Tomorrow is her revenge day

To be continue

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