Saving the Sons of Durin

By hawkins_2000

9.6K 294 19

What happens when Ellia of Rivendell all but invites herself into the company of Thorin Oakenshield after ove... More

Thand Er
Thand Tád
Thand Neled
Thand Canad
Thand Leben
Thand Eneg
Thand Odo
Thand Toloth
Thand Neder
Thand Caen
Thand Minque
Thand Rasto
Thand Nelequë
Thand Canaquë
Thand Lepenquë
Thand Enenquë
Thand Otoquë
Thand Toloquë
Thand Neterquë
Thand Yuquain
Thand Yuquain-Er
Thand Yuquain-Tád
Thand Yuquain-Neled
Thand Yuquain-Canad
Thand Yuquain-Leben
Thand Yuquain-Eneg
Thand Yuquain-Odo
Thand Yuquain-Toloth
Thand Yuquain-Neder
Thand Thirtui
Thand Thirtui-Er
Thand Thirtui-Tád
Thand Thirtui-Neled
Thand Thirtui-Canad

Thand Thirtui-Leben

218 7 5
By hawkins_2000

Thorin sent Baman to alert the Mountain that the elves had arrived, while Dis ordered the four dwarrow to line up on the steps. "You will be polite and remain silent.", Dis told them firmly, but directed her gaze at Àshild. Balin, Dori, Ori, Bofur, and Bomber came hurrying out of the front entrance. "So, they're here?", Balin called to Thorin. The king only grunted a yes as the elves started up the last hill. "Where's Ellía? I went to fetch 'er, but she wasn't in 'er room." Bofur asked as he stepped up next to the princes.

"There were orcs spotted at Raven Hill. She ran into them on a patrol. Dwalin, Bifur, and Nori went out with Dain and his men to help.", Thorin explained lowly, so the other dwarves coming outside didn't hear his words. The company members' eyes bulged. "Why the hell aren't we all out there with them!", Bofur exclaimed, but was hushed by Balin. "Because we all have different responsibilities, Bofur.", Balin said with a warning look and nodded towards the princes. The others looked over to see Fili glowering at the distance and Kili trying to comfort him. This made the company halt any other questions. It was no secret to them how much the heir of Erebor cared for the elf.

"Thorin! come on!". Dis called as the elves reached the plateau in front of the gates. The King went to stand with his sister as her sons followed. The company took their places behind the family, but in front of the other lords and ladies. "We need to tell them about Ellía.", Dis whispered to him as the first Rivendell guards halted in front of the steps. "Yes, we do.", he replied, watching other guards line up on both sides of the path.

One guard rode up the middle and  announced, "The Lord Elrond and the Lords Elrohir and Elladan, and the Lady Arwen.", before moving aside. Lord Elrond dismounted his chestnut mare, and strode forward with a relaxed smile. Two black-haired elves followed suit, before one of them helped an elleth of her white stallion. As the four elves approached the dwarves waiting on the steps, Kili whispered to Fili, "Those can't be her siblings. They look nothing like her...".

But once the elves were right in front of them, Kili was proven wrong. The two elven males' eyes held a striking resemblance to Ellía's own stormy gaze. Then elleth smiled at them, an almost exact replica of their friend's. "Greetings, King Under the Mountain.", Lord Elrond said as his smile grew and he bowed, lowly. His three children did the same, before straightening. "It is good to see you again, Lord Elrond." Thorin replied with a respectful bow. "May I introduce my sister, Lady Dis.", He said motioning towards her.

Elrond turned his gaze to Dis and brought his hand to his heart. "It is an honor, my Lady.", he told her. "My Lord.", Dis returned his gesture. Elrond motioned to his left and said, "These are my sons, Elrohir and Elladan. And this is my oldest daughter, Arwen." Elrond added, motioning to the elleth on his right. Thorin could see Arwen scanning the crowds, no doubt looking for her sister. "And I have a Ward, but he caught track of an orc pack. I sent him to investigate. I hope I did not overstep." Elrond said quietly, directly to Thorin and Dis.

Thorin nodded and said, "I actually need to speak with you. Ellía went on a patrol
and ran into the rogue pack. She saved four dwarves. Some of my men went to assist." A wave of worry washed over Elrond's face. "I swear to you, I would not have allowed her to go if I knew." Thorin said lowly, acutely aware of the eyes on them. Elrond forced his concern to disappear from his face as he put a hand on Thorin's shoulder. "My friend, do not worry. Surely you have learned by now that no one can control her." He said reassuringly. Thorin gave him a nod in return before turning to Balin.

"Have our people assist the people of Rivendell setting up their camp. We want to be able to have a feast tonight." The older dwarf nodded and started to bark orders. "Elohim, work with Lord Balin.", Elrond called and a slender elf male hurried forward in flowing robes. "Father, where is she?", Arwen asked softly. "She will be returning soon, lóth. Take your brothers and help with the horses. They need rest.", Elrond told her gently. Arwen hesitated before pulling her silent brothers along with her. "If they do not return soon, we will send more people." Thorin told Elrond. The elf lord nodded gratefully as he tried to push away the tightness in his chest.


"Ellia! If you tear your wound open more, we will have to stop!", Aragorn shouted as he and the dwarves urged their horses to keep up with the Maeras. "Just let me heal it a bit then!",she huffed, pulling Radag into a trot. "You know not to heal yourself unless necessary.", the man told her with a stern look. "We are close anyways, lassie.", Dain reassured her.

They had met up with Dain and more of his men half-way back. The Dwarf Lord sent the men he had brought to further inspect Raven Hill and the other possible orc holdouts. "I know, but I just want to see them so badly!", she said with a dramatic sigh. "Have we been that bad of company, Ellía?", Bifur called with a laugh. "No! No, of course not!", she exclaimed, thinking she had actually offended her friends. Dwalin chuckled, "He's messin' with ya, Ellía." The elf huffed with annoyance as Aragorn laughed along with the dwarves.

"Later tonight, I wish to hear all the stories of this one from the road!", Aragorn said with a grin towards Ellía. Her eyes narrowed at him and said, "There's nothing worth your while". "Oh, I doubt that. I've known you almost your entire life. Something story worthy always happens." He teased. "We'd never embarrass the lass anyways. " , Bifer called over his shoulder. "Even for a few kegs?", Aragorn asked with a sly look. "Sold", Nori said and shook hands with the man. "Nori!" Ellía exclaimed.

Dwalin hid his amused smile, not wanting to drop his tough act in front of the stranger. A small groan from the girl beside him, brought Dwalin back to the present. "That's worse then you're lettin' on.", He grumbled to her as he looked at her hand against the wound. A steady stream of blood oozing between her fingers. "I'll be fine when we get to my family. They will heal me up in a second. ", she reassured him with a soft smile. "And why can't you heal yourself? I mean... you did a lot more for Fili...", Dwalin questioned.

"Technically speaking, healing like that is only supposed to be done with the help of experienced healers or elves much older than me.", she said sheepishly. The dwarf cut his eyes at her. "Yet, you've been doin' it for us?". The elf looked down at her wound and hesitantly said, "Life and death situations are exceptions. My- my blood may have aided me." Dwalin furrowed his brows as he asked, "How so?".

"This amulet from my grandmother helped enhance and control my abilities. I accessed power I should not be able to touch for another 500 years. I suppose being her descendent helped me channel it... My mother was just as powerful as my haruni." She explained as she pulled the amulet's chain from beneath her tunic. Dwalin studied her as she kept her eyes on the last rise. "I am sure no one has an explanation or understands how this is possible. A- Strider will always treat me as a child... He does not want me to risk healing when others who can, are so near.", she continued.

Dwalin sighed as the corners of his mouth quirked upwards. "People are going to remember your name for years to come, wee one...", he chucked and urged his horse into a gallop to the top of the hill. "What do you-", she began to ask as Radag reached his side once more, going slower due to her injury, but stopped as she saw the scene in front of the mountain.

The Rivendell elves had set up a large encampment. The horses were grazing freely on the plateau as fires were being made. Radag followed Dwalin's horse as they skirted the border, the others close behind. The young elf stared at her people in awe, as Aragorn smiled at her reaction. "I can't believe they're here.", she breathed. "They came to celebrate the Dwarves return, and of course, their lady. I hope you're ready to retell your adventures at least a hundred times tonight.",Aragorn laughed.

Ellía smiled softly as she looked over her people. "I'll get Dori to help me.", she grinned towards Nori. The brother of Dori rolled his eyes, knowing that his brother had a penchant for over-exaggerating. As they approached the front gates, Ellía could see Thorin and Dis talking to a familiar person. Her father was smiling at something Dis was saying while Thorin chuckled. Next to them were the princes, but they didn't look nearly as cheery.

Just as they were about to pass by the grazing horses, someone shouted at them. "Ellía!", a voice cried. The elf looked back and saw her sister. "Arwen", She whispered in disbelief. She didn't even notice Aragorn slip off his horse to help her to the ground. Arwen began running towards them, yelling something over her shoulder. The younger elf stood frozen in place as she watched her sister hurry towards the group.

Before Aragorn could warn Arwen about Ellía's wound, the dark-haired elleth collided with her sister. "Nin meld Muinthel. I have missed you more than you will ever know." Arwen whispered as tears welled in her eyes. "I'm so sorry I ran off.", Ellía said sadly as Arwen tightened her grip. "Shh, dilthen er. I understand.", Arwen said as she pulled back slightly. The sisters smiled at one another, both having tears in their eyes. "I dare say you've grown even more beautiful.", Arwen said as she brushed a lock of hair behind Ellía's spelled ears.

The younger blushed and averted her eyes, but was met with a concerned blue gaze. Fili had come forward a bit, but seemed like he didn't want to interrupt the sisters. Before anything could be said or done, two solid masses crashed into her, and she tumbled to the ground. Pain ripped through her torso, but she quickly forgot about as she saw two grinning faces hovering over her. "Muindors!", she cried out and wrapped an arm around each of their necks. Elladan and Elrohir were pulled into the grass as Ellía laughed.

Suddenly, Elrohir pulled out of her embrace and pushed Elladan off of her. "You're hurt.", he stated and searched for the wound. Ellía furrowed her brows, but noticed the dark red stain on his grey tunic. "She's hurt?", Elladan and Arwen both exclaimed crouching beside the oldest sibling. "Did you not see me trying to stop you from tackling her?", Aragorn drawled as he crossed his arms. Elrohir gently pushed Ellía back on the grass as she tried to sit up. "Arwen, tell father." He said.

Before Ellía could protest, her sister was already beside Elrond, interrupting his conversation. "We're back together for less than a minute and you're already telling on me." Ellía quipped kicking Elrohir's leg, but regretting it as her torso burned. "When you stop doing reckless things, I'll stop telling." He teased back, which was a rare occurrence since he had always been the more serious of the siblings. "So, you went and got stabbed, did you?", A gruff voice sighed. Ellía tilted her head up as she saw Thorin standing over her. The elleth grinned sheepishly and said, "Well, it was getting a little boring around here."

The king huffed and rolled his eyes as Dis appeared next to her. "If they haven't said thank you yet, thank you." She said as she sat down next to Ellía. The dwarrow took one of Ellía's hands and squeezed it. "You had those two quite worked up. One more so than the other, though.", Dis whispered and nodded to where Thorin stood with the princes. Ellía's cheeks flushed a bit, but her father's arrival made her words die away. "What happened, nin galad?", Elrond asked gently
as her siblings moved out of his way.

The young elleth's eyes stung with tears as she looked at her father, unable to speak. "Ceri-ú- worrui hén.", He said gently as he placed a single handover her wound. The rest of the company had joined the group and watched as Elrond whispered a few words in ancient elvish. A soft golden glow flickered underneath his hand. Ellia let out a sigh of relief as she felt the wound close up and the pain fade away into nothing. "Ada-" , Ellía began to say sadly, wanting to profusely apologize, but Elrond stopped her by pulling her into his arms.

"I could not be more proud of you, nin galad.", he told her, brushing his hand over her hair. They pulled apart and he saw the tear that escaped and was now rolling down her cheek. "Ceri- ú- nall. Sír na- i anand na n- happui.", he said warmly and swiped it away with his thumb. Ellía laughed and nodded as her father helped her to her feet. "Your grandparents will arrive tomorrow.", he told her.

"Why did they not travel with you all?", Dis asked as she began picking the grass from Ellía's hair. "They live in Lothlorien. It is a longer journey. But, they seem to have been traveling day and night if they will arrive tomorrow.", Arwen replied as she came over to help. "Well, now that you're healed...", Elladan said with a mischievous grin and cut his eyes at Elrohir and Aragorn.

Before she knew what was happening, Ellía was once again tackled to the ground by her brothers, but this time Aragorn joined. Arwen had known exactly what was going to happen, so she pulled Dis out of the way just in time. Dis smiled as she watched the young elf do her best to hold her own against the other three, as her laugh rang out. "They remind me of my own.", Dis said to Arwen. The elleth smiled at the dwarrow, before looking over at the princes, who were also watching. Arwen couldn't help the knowing smile that grew as she noticed the longing look the golden-haired prince wore as he watched her younger sister laugh with her brothers..

~ Elvish Translations ~

lóth - flower

Haruni - Grandmother

Nin meld Muinthel - My dear sister

dilthen er - little one

Muindors! - Brothers!

nin galad - my light

Ceri-ú- worrui hén - do not worry child

Ada - father

Ceri- ú- nall. Sír na- i anand na n- happui. - Do not cry. Today is the time to be happy.


Woah! Sorry guys! I think this chapter is a bit choppy, but I've been having writer's block for this story... I'm struggling trying figure out exactly how I want to wrap Ellía's story up... Any ideas? Also, I'll be doing so editing the next few days so sorry in advance for the notification spam!

- hawkins_2000

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requests closed! there can sometimes be preferences, random rants and memes in this book too, no smut tho most of the x readers here are fem!reader :)