A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The...

By Dragomaster312

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Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family. A sailor moon fanfic with a special twist in it. I do not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160

Chapter 148

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By Dragomaster312

One morning in Juuban, Usagi, Chibusa, and Harusuke were at the Yamagishi Ballet Company building, admiring a poster. It was of a male holding a woman in his arms as she posed with bold words at the bottom that read: Yamagishi Ballet Company Presents: Giselle.

"Wow! They look wonderful!" Chibiusa spoke in awe.

"Yup! Ballet is all the rage these days," said Usagi.

Harusuke then looked at a flyer next to the poster. "It says here that Yamagishi Ballet Company is looking for new dancers for Giselle," he said. "And they're giving free lessons for beginners."

Usagi and Chibiusa got even more excited as both began imagining themselves as the lead in the ballet. "Then that means the two of us actually have a chance of being in the show!" they squealed.

The three then went inside to get Usagi and Chibiusa signed up.


At Fruits Parlor Crown, the Tsukinos told the others about the play.

"So, you joined a ballet company?" Minako asked with surprise. "You, Usagi?"

The ordango blonde smiled as she bragged. "Yup. I'm going to be in "Giselle."

"Isn't that the story about a girl who dies with a broken heart after being betrayed by her love?" wondered Ami. "And then later becomes a fairy and convinces the other fairies to spare his life?"

"The very same," said Harusuke. "And since then, she's never let us hear the end of it."

"So what role did you end up getting?" asked Makoto. "The role of Giselle?"

"Of course not," Usagi replied humbly. Her eyes then sparkled with glee. "Although, they did say that the role I got was the perfect shining role for me!"

Ami then turned to the pink ordango girl, who had a disappointed frown. "And what about you, Chibiusa?" she asked.

Chibiusa shook her head. "They said that I was too young," she replied sadly.

"Well, congratulations, Usagi," said Rei. "But don't you think it's a bit odd? Why would someone like you appear in a romantic story like that?"

"It's because of talent," replied Usagi. "A good judge of talent can tell that someone like me has hidden potential."

Everyone looked at Usagi skeptically.

"Hate to break it to you, Sis," said Harusuke. "But I'm not sure if talent is the word I would use."

Usagi responded by glaring at her brother with a pout.


At the Yamagishi Ballet Company building, the Tsukinos were in the locker rooms getting ready to take the beginner's class.

"Come on, Usagi. Hurry up!" urged Chibiusa.

"All right, all right. Give me a second," Usagi replied. "I just need to get my slippers on."

She had just slipped on her right slipper and was about to put on the left one when she felt something inside of it. Upon closer inspection, she was shocked to find the object was a small sharp tack.

"N-No way...! How cruel..." Usagi gasped. "How could someone do such a thing? Is it because they're jealous of me being chosen for a major role?" She then steeled herself with determination. "But... I won't give up! By overcoming these obstacles, I'll become Japan's, no, the world's top prima donna!"

Harusuke and Chibusa stared blankly at their sister.

"Sis, did you put that tack in there, so you could copy that one scene from yesterday's episode of "Star of Ballet?" Harusuke asked flatly.

Usagi sheepishly laughed, confirming his suspicions.

As this was going on, Fish's Eye was finishing getting dressed on the other side of a row of lockers. He wore a pure white leotard, lavender tights, and white slippers while his hair was styled in a ponytail. As he finished the final touches, he admired himself in the mirror.

"Well, I've always wanted to wear a leotard," he hummed to himself. "The lead role is sure to be mine."

The three were soon dressed and made their way into the studio, where a few other girls were practicing. Among them was a young male teaching the advanced class, rehearsing for the play, the male being Yamagishi himself.

While waiting their turn, Usagi and her group practiced barre exercises, which the three found difficult. Then, Chibiusa happened to notice something. At the hem of Usagi's skirt, she could see a bit of pudge as she bent to the side close to her hip.

"Usagi, it looks like you've put on some weight recently," Chibiusa pointed out.

Usagi was quick to snap at this. "Huh?! No way! You must be seeing things!" she huffed. "These clothes are just tight on me, that's all."

Harusuke pretended not to notice. "I have nothing to say in that regard," he said. "I'm only asking for trouble."

Then, they suddenly heard Yamagishi clap his hands while speaking.

"No, no! What are you doing?!"

Usagi, Harusuke, and Chibiusa jumped, believing that he was talking to them. But they soon discovered that Yamagishi was speaking to a young girl with red hair tied in a bun with a blue ribbon.

"Kiriko. How many times do I have to tell you this?" Yamagishi scolded the girl. "Giselle is a fairy, so if you can't suppress your humanity, this performance is a failure. I would like you to do that part again, please."

"Yes, sir," said Kiriko as she started practicing, twirling around elegantly on her tiptoe.

As she did, the Tsukinos couldn't help but watch in amazement.

"I don't understand," said Chibiusa. "I think she dances very well."

"I guess even the pros like her have trouble," said Usagi.

"Well, as the sayings go, practice makes perfect," said Harusuke. "And considering that Giselle is a highly profiled play, you can't afford to make any mistakes. So even the tiniest will be costly."

After a while, Yamashiki started the beginner's class.

"All right, you three. Please step forward," addressed Yamashiki.

"Yes, sir!" the three Tsukinos said.

"Now, I want you all to welcome the newest members of our class," said Yamashiki. "Come on in, everyone."

Usagi, Harusuke, and Chibiusa looked and were surprised to see that the new class members were Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, and Fish's Eye under the guise of a woman.

"Everyone!" Usagi gasped.

"What are all of you doing here?" asked Harusuke.

"Well, we figured it'd be fairer if Usagi had some competition," smiled Minako. "Along with other reasons."

"So, we decided to take the class, too," added Makoto.

"Moderate exercise is good for the body and the mind," concurred Ami.

"Hope you don't mind," Rei chimed in with a wink. "It'll be fun."

"Yay! It will be now!" Chibiusa gushed excitedly. "I can't wait!"

Harusuke then noticed Fish's Eye. "By the way, I see there's one more taking the class," he said as he went over. "Hi there. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you," the girls also greeted.

"Likewise," Fish's Eye greeted back, but inside, he was rather annoyed. "Oh, brother. They all seem to be the wild annoying types. This'll be tiring."

Yamagishi then clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "All right, everyone. Get to the barre, and we'll start the first position, the plie."

For those who don't know, and to give you an idea, the plie is a simple ballet step taught to beginners when covering the basics. First, you put your heels together while having your toes pointed out to the sides. Then, while keeping your back straightened without leaning forward, you bend down as deep as possible without your heels leaving the floor or losing your posture.

Yamagishi had everyone repeat this exercise a few times while having them straighten up, standing on their tiptoes, and raising their arms above their head before returning them to the normal position. But despite this being basic, Usagi and the gang had a bit of trouble.

Makoto tried her best to stay upright while bending her knees, but like a wobbly tower of blocks, she was having trouble staying still.

Yamagishi then came over. "Make sure to straighten your back," he said to her. "You don't want poor posture."

He then gently touched Makoto's back to help straighten her, but when doing so, she finally collapsed right on top of Minako, much to the red-bowed blonde's annoyance.

"S-Sorry about that," Makoto spoke meekly.

Then, they worked on leg stretches on the barre. Most of the girls could get their legs up, but due to being too short, Chibiusa couldn't reach it while losing her balance, resulting in her stumbling.

Next was a la seconde, basically sticking your leg out while keeping it straight. As Yamagishi supervised, everyone was managing fine in this exercise, but then he noticed Rei, whose leg was slightly bent.

"Miss Hino," he began to say. "Make sure you straighten your-."

But Rei was so startled that she couldn't help but kick him square in the gut knocking the wind out of him.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Rei apologized while profusely bowing. "Are you OK?!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine," coughed Yamagishi in reassurance.

Then, Yamagishi looked at Fish's Eye, the only one having minor trouble with the exercises. As he danced gracefully around the room, he couldn't help but stare at him in awe, picturing him as Giselle for the play. Usagi and the others couldn't help but look in amazement too.

"Amazing!" remarked Usagi.

"So pretty!" agreed Chibiusa.

"She's pretty good," concurred Makoto.

"Not too shabby at all," said Harusuke. "But something seems... different about her."

"I agree," said Rei thoughtfully. "She seems cold somehow like she's not of this world."

Yamagishi then walked over to him. "Excuse me," he said. "Would you mind staying after class today?"

Fish's Eye was surprised. "Who? Me?" he wondered.

"Yes, indeed," Yamagishi spoke with a smile. "I think watching you will expand my image of Giselle."

"Well, I'd be more than happy to stay if I can help you, sir," Fish's Eye spoke happily.

However, this did not go unnoticed by Kiriko, who quickly walked over to them.

"Now, just a minute, Yamagishi!" she interjected. "You're planning on giving her the role of Giselle, aren't you?!"

"Just hear me out, Kiriko," Yamagishi spoke calmly. "Listen to what I have to say first."

But the damage had been done as Kiriko interrupted. "I don't want to hear it! I've heard enough!" she snapped, her eyes filling with tears. "It's clear that my life is very similar to Giselle's because it's my fate to be betrayed by the person I trust, just like her!"

And before Yamagishi could say anything more, Kiriko bolted out of the room.

Everyone now felt sorry for Kiriko except for Fish's Eye was delighted.

"Sucks to be her, but this works out perfectly," he thought. "Now, the lead role is mine for sure. Along with Mr. Yamagishi's heart."


Soon after, classes were over, and everyone was getting ready to head home. Most of the group was already dressed, but Usagi remained in her tutu, trying to catch her breath.

"Geez, I'm beat," groaned Usagi tiredly.

"How about we all go to Crown for drinks?" suggested Minako.

"Sounds good to me," said Rei. "Usagi, we're going on ahead, so make sure you hurry and catch up."

"Hey! Give me a second!" Usagi cried. "I'm still trying to get undressed here!"

But the girls had already left, leaving her, Chibiusa, and Harusuke behind.

"We'll wait for you, but you need to hurry," sighed Chibiusa. "I don't want to get left behind. Besides, I'm hungry."

Usagi sighed and started to get undressed when she and Chibiusa heard a pair of voices coming from the other side of the lockers. They belonged to two of the girls that were in the advanced class with Kiriko.

"So, is that new girl Giselle now?" wondered the first.

"Yeah, that's what I heard, said the second. "But I can't help but wonder what'll happen to Kiriko."

"Who knows?" said the first. "Then again, those two are always arguing, so it could be some drama."

Usagi and Chibiusa couldn't help but overhear this, now feeling worried.


On their way to the Crown, both ordango girls caught up with Harusuke and told him what they had heard.

"So, there's already some gossip floating around," he sighed. "Well, nothing much we can do about that, but I can't help but feel sorry for Kiriko."

"I'm just hoping that she's OK," said Usagi. "She looked pretty upset."

Then, as they walked past the bridge near the riverbed close to Juuban Park, they saw someone standing by the railing while staring at the water below. It turned out to be Kiriko.

Feeling a bit worried about her, the three Tsukinos went over to her and went on to sit by a bench to talk to her.

Kiriko then explained her feelings. "Looking back, I may have overreacted and said something stupid," she spoke in self-contempt.

"I'm sure that most people would be upset in your position," Usagi spoke kindly. "Especially when a teacher would take away someone's lead role on a whim."

"Well, to be fair, he didn't seem to be the kind of guy that would do something like that," said Harusuke. "And it didn't seem like he said anything about giving the role of Giselle to that girl."

"Harusuke's right. I know we argue a lot, but Yamagishi wouldn't do such a thing. At least not without a good reason," Kiriko said. "I only lost the lead role because I wasn't good enough to be a lead dancer." She squeezed her hands into fists on her lap. "I'm so ashamed."

"That's not true at all. I think you're amazing," Chibiusa spoke gently. "I'm not sure how to describe it, but when you dance ballet, your style is warm and gentle to me."

"Same with me," agreed Harusuke. "It may seem strange, but watching you dance makes me happy and inspired."

Kiriko was surprised but gave a heartfelt smile. "Thank you both so much," she said gratefully. "When it comes to ballet, Yamagishi gets tunnel vision and can't see anything else. However, his passion for ballet is just incredible."

Chibiusa smiled brightly. "Oh, I get it," she teased. "So, you have a crush on him, right, Kiriko?"

Harusuke was quick to interject. "Hey! Easy up on the assumptions, kid!"

But Kiriko smiled and nodded while her cheeks glowed pink. "Giselle was betrayed by her lover and later became a fairy," she went on. "But she still tries to help him despite everything because she genuinely loves him. So I just thought I could be like Giselle if I could help Yamagishi, even if he doesn't feel the same about me."

"Then you should try to do your best for him, starting now," said Chibiusa. "If you keep doing your best, I'm sure something will come out of it."

Kiriko felt much more cheerful. "Well, when you put it like that, Chibiusa, it makes me believe I can do it."

"She's right," Usagi also encouraged. "Just keep doing your best and go for it."

"That's some sound advice," said Harusuke. "Now, if only a certain someone can practice what they preach and get themselves a good grade when we get back to school."

Usagi glared. "Hey! Was that necessary, Bro?!" she snapped huffily.

"Someone's got to make sure to give you some realism," shrugged Harusuke. "Can't be all sunshine and rainbows, you know."

Kiriko then started giggling. She felt better now. "You're all right," she said with a smile. "I'll just do my best and keep on moving forward."

"We all believe you can!" said Usagi. "You can do it!"

Kiriko nodded as she stood up. "Thank you all," she said gratefully.

She then stood up and went on her way. As they watched her leave, Chibiusa sighed.

"I can tell that Kiriko loves Yamagishi and ballet a lot. But why can't he see that?"

"Well, he may not understand her feelings right now, but I'm sure he will someday," said Harusuke.

"I agree," said Usagi. "Sometimes, when people follow similar paths in life, they face hard times, but those challenges can help them eventually understand one another. I'm sure Yamagishi is thinking about Kiriko, too. "

"You must have gotten that from a show, Sis," said Harusuke. "I don't remember you sounding so wise."

"Hey! I know some stuff!" huffed Usagi crossly. "I just... look at some references and stuff."

As the two continued to banter, Chibiusa looked up at the sky, still thinking to herself.

"Hopefully, things will work out between those two, and they will find their happiness."


Back in the studio, Yamigishi and Fish's Eye stayed a little longer, practicing their dancing for a particular scene in the play. Before long, Yamigishi noticed the time, realizing it had gotten late.

"I think that's enough for today," he said as he grabbed a towel. "Good work today."

"Thank you very much for the lesson," Fish's Eye said politely.

"I think we're making great progress," added Yamagishi. "So, I'd like to start stage rehearsals a bit earlier than planned."

Fish's Eye was excited, but despite this good news, Yamagishi frowned. He was still thinking about Kiriko's outburst and how heartbroken she looked, which made him feel terrible.

Knowing this was distracting him, Fish's Eye knew he had to refocus his attention on him, so he decided to work his charm.

"Say, Yamigishi, are you thinking about Kiriko?" he wondered.

Yamagishi snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, no, nothing like that. I was going to apologize for making you uncomfortable earlier," he said. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

"Don't worry. It didn't bother me. Although, I feel more sorry for Kiriko," Fish's Eye said innocently as she sauntered up to him, taking his hand and pressing it against her cheek. "You know, you need to understand women better, Yamagishi," she went on. "Women genuinely love it when a man only has eyes for her, you know what I mean?"

Yamigishi was taken aback. "Wh-What?" was all he could mumble.

Fish Eye's cyan-blue eyes twinkled bewitchingly as she moved closer, trapping the male against the wall. "I want you to see only me," he said. "and show me your beautiful dreams. Will you do that for me?"

Then, suddenly, a loud clatter made both of them jump and turn around, only to find Usagi, Chibiusa, and Harusuke standing in the doorway.

"Um, uh, good evening!" Usagi spoke, trying not to sound flustered. "You see, I forgot my ballet shoes here. So it wasn't like we were trying to spy or anything."

"That's right," nodded Chibiusa. "We were watching you two from the shadows."

Usagi quickly covered the little girl's mouth while Harusuke facepalmed himself, groaning.

Fish's Eye scowled angrily. "Really! You couldn't have come at a worse time!" she snarled as she stormed away in a huff.

But Yamigishi was more puzzled and a bit relieved. "It's getting late, so why don't you all head home?" he said. "Make sure you kids are safe on your way."

"Right! Good night, sir!" the three Tsukinos said respectfully.

"Oh, and by the way, Miss Usagi Tsukino," Yamigishi added. "Could you also come to the theater tomorrow? I want to rehearse that role I mentioned to you."

"Oh, yes! Of course!" acknowledged Usagi eagerly.

"All right! My first step towards a prima!" Usagi cheered in her thoughts. "I can't wait until tomorrow!"


The next day at the Minato Cultural Center, Kiriko stood in front of the entrance, steeling her heart in what she was about to do while remembering Usagi and the others' words.

"I came here after all, even though I'm not Giselle," the woman said to herself. "But even so, I want to help Yamagishi's vision of her in any way I can."

Then, while plucking up courage, she walked inside.


In the main theater, Fish's Eye, while dressed in the traditional costume of Giselle, and Yamigishi were deep in rehearsal again. They gracefully leaped and pranced about while beautiful music played. After a while, they finished the scene without any mistakes as the curtain closed.

"That was wonderful," congratulated Yamagishi. "And I'm so grateful you came and all your support for this play."

"Of course," smiled Fish's Eye. "I'm only happy that I can help you."

"And you've certainly done that," smiled Yamagishi. "Thanks to you, I'll be able to perfect Kiriko's Giselle."

Fish's Eye was surprised. "Kiriko's Giselle?!" she gasped. "What do you mean by that?! You mean to say I'm not the one you chose for the role?"

Yamagishi was puzzled but was quick to apologize. "I don't know if I made myself clear before," he said. "But I've hadn't considered anyone else for the role of Giselle other than Kiriko."

"So then you tricked and used me for your benefit?!" Fish's Eye burst out. "How could you?! All this time, I thought I was your Giselle!"

"I'm very sorry," apologized Yamagishi. "I did have another major role for you-."

"If I'm not the main lead, then it's meaningless! So what's even the point of me being here?!" interrupted Fish's Eye, his sorrow replaced with anger. "Besides, I'm far better than that other woman will ever be!"

"While I admit that you have better technique than she does," Yamigishi said, now being stern. "However, I want Kiriko to grow as a ballerina by doing this role. I firmly believe that only she can do this." His eyes then widened in realization. "Yes! Rather than becoming a perfect fairy, an imperfect Giselle with room to grow is sure to capture people's hearts! She doesn't have to be disconnected and cold-hearted!"

"What the hell are you even talking about?!" yelled Fish's Eye. "As long as Giselle's pretty, what does it even matter?!"

"Giselle's looks aren't nearly as important as her ability to heal people's emotions," Yamigishi spoke calmly. "That matters because I want to touch people's hearts through ballet. That's my biggest dream."

"Do you truly mean that Yamigishi?" said a voice.

It was then that Kiriko appeared from the wings, wearing a moved smile and joy and having to have heard everything.

"I'm so sorry," Kiriko continued as her cheek glowed. "I didn't understand how you felt, but now I understand that this is what you were feeling this whole time."

Yamigishi smiled. "I've been struggling to put it into words for a while now," he said heartfeltly. "But now, I know how to bring out a performance that suits you perfectly."

Kiriko then rushed to Yamigishi and into his arms, crying with joy while he tenderly embraced her.

At this point, Fish's Eye was livid. "Now you're ignoring me as if I'm not even here?! Now, I've had enough!" he snarled. "I do the deceiving around here, but here you go making me look like a fool!"

With a snap of his finger, he shed his disguise, revealing himself. Then, while using his powers conjured a ball of water and shot out a torrent, blasting Kiriko out of Yamigishi's arms and knocking her unconscious. Before Yamigishi could try and help her, Fish's Eye started the countdown.


A slab sprang up from the floor, pressing against Yamigishi's back.


Metal clamps closed around his ankles and wrists.

"And three!"

Yamigishi screamed in pain as his dream mirror sprang forth from his chest while he fell unconscious. Fish's Eye took his chance and started rummaging through his dream mirror for Pegasus.

At that time, Usagi, Chibiusa, and Harusuke arrived, having heard the commotion, and with one single nod between them, they transformed.




Transformation Sequence: Usagi and Chibiusa.

Both Usagi's Crisis Moon Compact and Chibiusa's Chibi Moon Compact open and their crystals inside of them. They both begin to flash until they erupt with pink light. While enveloped in light with their compacts affixed to the middle of their chests, Usagi and Chibiusa stand side by side as pink ribbons made of light burst from their brooches, trailing and flapping in the wind-like capes. First, as she turns around, they wrap around Usagi, forming her leotard, and the same happens to Chibiusa. Next, the two stood back-to-back, bending backward elegantly as their skirt, boots, and ribbons materialized. Then, as they move around face-to-face, Chibiusa kisses Usagi's cheek, and as she pulls away, her tiara and other accessories appear along with Usagi's. The two then open their eyes, their transformations completed, they both turn one and strike their signature poses while a yellow moon with pink roses on the side appears in the background.

Transformation Sequence: Solaris (Post Super S)

Harusuke's crystal begins to shine, each of the ten points glowing in different colors of the rainbow until the center explodes in golden light. Harusuke, enveloped in silver light, holds his hands to his chest. His crystal lets out a burst of light as he throws his hands out, the symbol of the Sun appearing on his chest. Multiple streams of rainbow-colored light shine forth from it and spread throughout his body, enveloping him. Then, chrome golden and silver armor forms on his body, starting from his chest, arms, and legs. The symbol of the Sun appears in the middle of his forehead, and as it shines, enveloping his head forming his helmet. His transformation completed, his eyes snap open, brightly flashing silver once and while spinning once, strikes his signature pose as the symbol of the Sun, now having ten different colored points, shines behind him in a starry blue background.


Fish's Eye soon finished searching, and while still feeling annoyed, he was disappointed to find that there was no sign of Pegasus.

"Oh, well," he shrugged as he caressed his cheek. "Since you don't have Pegasus, you'll have to die."

"Not so fast, Fish's Eye!" three voices shouted.

Fish's Eye jumped as Super Sailor Moon, Chibi Moon, and Solaris rushed onto the stage.

"You dare douse the flames of a passionate man...!" began Super Sailor Moon.

"... who has devoted his whole life to the art of ballet!" continued Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

"That's so unforgivable, even its introducer, Catherine de Medici, would be ashamed of your crime!" scolded Solaris.

"We are the Guardians who fight for love and justice!"

"And I'm the Guardian with the brilliance of the Sun and courage of a warrior who also fights for love and justice!"

"I'm Sailor Moon!"

"And I am Sailor Chibi Moon!"

"And I'm Solaris!"

"And in the name of the Moon, we'll punish you!"

"And in the name of the Sun, with my blinding rays, I'll scorch you!"

"Ugh, I'm so not in the mood for this!" huffed Fish's Eye. "Come forth, my Lemures, Kurumiwario, the Nutcracker doll!"

Out of his shadow, a strange wooden puppet emerged. He had tightly curled green hair at the base, wore a puffy-shouldered red shirt with a large white collar, blue trousers, and red boots with yellow trims.

"Oh, great. We have another weirdo," groaned Super Sailor Moon.

"He looks like Pincochio's descent cousin thrice removed," agreed Solaris.

"Why do we always have to deal with these things?" sighed Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

"Hey! I can hear you three, you know!" Kurumiwario barked crossly.

"I'm leaving the rest to you, Kurumiwario," called out Fish's Eye. "Make sure you crush them!"

"No need for that!" Kurumiwario called back while turning his head. "When I'm done with them, they all become prima ballerinas without fail!"

"Well... just do what you can," sighed Fish's Eye with exasperation. "Bye!"

And with a hop and skip into his portal, Fish's Eye was gone.

Kurumiwario then looked back at the three guardians. "Now then, shall we get started?" the lemures spoke. "Being a top prima ballerina means hard work over talent! Do you understand? Together we will aim to become The Stars of Ballet!"

The three couldn't help but look at each other in befuddlement.

"So what should we do now?" wondered Super Sailor Moon.

"Let's just beat him and be done with it," said Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

"I agree," said Solaris. "He's getting into this ballerina theme way too much."

Kurumiwario glared as a large nut popped from his head while he pulled up his shirt, revealing a set of steel jaws on his stomach. "Now it's time for your exercise!" he growled as he put the nut into the jaws. "Grand Battement!"

The jaws snapped shut, obliterating the nut and firing several shrapnels of shells at the Guardian's feet, forcing them to dodge by hopping around as if they were practicing ballet.

"That's it! Keep your chin up!" barked Kurumiwari. "And get those legs high!"

"Would you cut it out?!" yelled Super Sailor Moon.

Solaris then leaped high into the air while conjuring a sphere of sunlight in his hands.

"You like showers, huh?! Then, how's about a shower of this!" he yelled. "SOLARIS METEOR BARRAGE!"

He launched the sphere as it split into several. Kurumiwari's eyes popped out of his sockets upon seeing the incoming attacks, and similar to the Guardians, he hopped around to avoid them all as well.

"Hey! That's dangerous, you know!" the lemures barked crossly. "You could hurt someone!"

"You just did the same thing to us!" Solaris shot back accusingly. "Tit for tat, you Pinocchio rip-off!"

Kurumiwari growled as he took out more walnuts. "Fine then! Then, I'll have to make you all dance until I send you to hell!"

But before the lemures could resume his assault, he felt his head grow unnaturally. Then, he noticed smoke coming from the top of his head, as did the guardians. It had seemed that one of Solaris's meteors of sunlight had nicked Kurumiwari and had caught fire.

"Help! Help!" cried Kurumiwari as he frantically tried dousing the fire. "Someone call the fire department! The National Guard! Hiraldo!"

At first, the Guardians blinked while looking across at each other as the wooden creature panicked. Then, Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon summoned their Cutie Moon Rod and landed the finishing blow.


Both wands released a storm of rainbow shards, and while hitting their target, Kurumiwari was destroyed, his body reverting into a shadow before fading away.


Later that day, the play was well underway, and everyone watched as Yamigishi and Kirika danced about on stage, enjoying the show. While they watched, Harusuke and the others couldn't help but admire them in the audience.

"Wow. The two of them dance so well together," whispered Ami.

Then, Rei realized something. "Say, does anyone know where Usagi is?" she wondered.

"Now that I think about it, I don't see her either," said Minako. "I wonder where she is?"

"And I wonder what role she'd end up getting?" Makoto also questioned.

Harusuke and Chibisua gulped as they looked at each other before sighing in resignation.

"Well, actually, about that," Harusuke spoke hesitantly. "It's a pretty funny story."

"Usagi told us not to tell you guys," added Chibiusa. "But as it turned out..."

The two then told everyone about Usagi's role, and needless to say, everyone was surprised as they looked on stage. Sure enough, amongst the scenery on stage, they saw Usagi, who was what anyone didn't expect she'd be in the play.

The moon with only her face showing from it.

Usagi couldn't help but look unhappy as she hung miserably from above. "This is what Yamigishi meant by "the perfect role for me?!" she wailed. "It's not fair!"

Harusuke sighed while shrugging. "Well, I guess you can say that Usagi wanted to shine like a star," he said. "but instead of being over the moon about her role, she became the moon. And a blue one at that."

Everyone groaned exasperatedly while Harusuke looked around at his friends, feeling puzzled.

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