
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

22.6K 896 1.6K

A new relationship blossoms between two young college students, but not in the way either of them ever expect... More

Tipsy (NSFW)
Big News
Support Needed
Parental Guidance pt.1
Parental Guidance pt.2
Party Crasher pt.1
Party Crasher pt.2
The Ugliest Trait
Back Off
Open Up
All In Your Head
Bonus- Self Love (NSFW)
From the Source
Best Friends Forever pt.1 (NSFW)
Best Friends Forever pt.2
More Than Friends (NSFW)
Talk (NSFW)
Announcements pt.1
Announcements pt.2 (NSFW)
Bonus- Girl Talk
Satiated (NSFW)
Fun (NSFW)
Bonus- Transparency (NSFW)
Have Fun
Aftermath (NSFW)
Poker Face


366 17 30
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

"Did you say 47?" Natsu and Lucy had matching looks of concern as the latter returned her mother's call as quickly as she could tap on her screen.

Anxiously awaiting for an answer, Lucy silently stared off into the distance with her phone up to her ear. The tension in the car was steadily rising as the line rang for longer than usual, and she was about ready to go into full panic mode. Just before the line could prompt for a voicemail, her worries were alleviated.

"Lucy, darling! I've been waiting all day to hear back from you!"

Lucy sighed in relief and took a few seconds to collect herself. The fact that whatever was going on didn't hinder her mother's ability to answer was reassuring, at least. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is okay. But I was worried, it's not like you to not answer your phone."

"I'm sorry, I must've had it muted while I was doing some work. I'm glad you're okay, though," Hearing her say that made Natsu relax enough to start pulling out of the parking lot.

And although the lack of urgency from Layla was appreciated, it made Lucy scrunch up her brows, "Wait... so, why did you call me so many times?"

"Because I had something important to tell you! I decided to meet up with the Dragneels! Isn't that exciting?"

"You decided to meet with... Natsu's family?"

The car jolted as Natsu instinctively pushed down on the brake.

"Yes! I've been meaning to do this for a while now. I think it's important for all of us to get along. It'd be nice for them to have some involvement with the baby shower preparations, too."

"Oh, yeah, of course..." Lucy turned to Natsu and motioned for him to keep driving. They needed to get going, and fast, "So, where are you guys? I'm assuming you wanted us to join you?" She didn't add how little faith she had in all of them being able to get along with one another without any mediation, that would only make her mother sad.

"We're at your place, dear."


"The condo! That's why I called you so many times, I didn't want to intrude. But you took too long, so I just let us in myself. It is very nice here, I must add, you guys have really done a good job making this into your own space!"

Lucy muted the call for a moment, breathing heavily. She didn't want to freak her boyfriend out any more than he likely already was, but this was urgent, "They're at the condo..."

"...They're where!?"

"Exactly! God, I hope no one's gone into my room..." She unmuted and put on the fakest calm tone she could muster, "Well, mom, we're on our way home right now. We should be there in a few minutes."

"That's great! We're all excited to catch up with you."

"Yes, and... Can you fill me in on who 'we' refers to exactly? Who all is there?"

"Well, there's Natsu's parents of course, as well as his siblings."

"...His siblings? More than just his sister?"

"Yes, his brother joined us. Isn't that just wonderful?"

Lucy tried to remember the last time she'd heard about Natsu's brother, and tilted her head as something didn't add up, "Wait, so he's been in town?"

"Is he usually not?"

"Uh, don't worry about it," She briefly muted once more, "Apparently, your brother is over there, too."

Natsu looked like he was experiencing several emotions, though he didn't say anything. The way he pressed harder on the gas pedal was a big enough hint at his inner turmoil.

"We've been making small talk over some refreshments, which has been going quite well. Though there are some things regarding the baby I'd like to talk about with the two of you."

"Right... Like I said, we'll be there soon."

"Yes, yes. Your father seems to want to talk to you about something as well, he's been very impatient to see you."

"...So let me get this straight. You, dad, and Natsu's entire family have been making 'small talk' in our living room this whole time? Just... amongst yourselves?"

"Yep! And don't forget Aquarius, although she requested some space from everyone."

Lucy sighed. Her mother sounded as cheerful as ever, so perhaps there was nothing to be worried about. However, the thought of both her and Natsu's immediate family all being in a room together without any interventions... It was certainly nerve-wracking to say the least.


The couple held their breaths on the way to their residence, unable to decide whether to get there as fast as possible or stall as long as they could. Lucy wanted to convince herself that she was just overthinking, and that something good could come from their families meeting together like this, though Natsu's prolonged silence wasn't really helping.

It looked like the poor guy was thinking about a million things at once, numbly unlocking and opening their door to face whatever mess could possibly be in their living room.

However, at first glance, things looked to be going well enough.

It seemed as though their guests had decided to move the party to sit along the kitchen island, with Natsu's family on one side and Lucy's parents on the other. Aquarius was yet to be seen, but they'd worry about that later.

Igneel was the first to notice them walking in, and he sighed a little too loudly, "Thank God..."

Grandine elbowed his side to get him to quiet up, "Hello, kids! How was work?"

Natsu looked back and forth between his parents, and then behind them at his little sister, who seemed pretty happy to see him. Zeref had worked himself against the kitchen wall, and didn't look up to acknowledge anyone. "It was fine. Sorry we kept you guys waiting."

"It's not a problem. I admit I'd initially forgotten to consider your work schedule when I proposed this meetup," Layla beamed as she approached them, and pulled Lucy into a hug, stopping her from shrinking in her spot. "Look at you, child..." With Lucy's face in her hands, Layla examined her up and down, "You look well. How are you feeling?"

"Um, I'm fine..." It took all the willpower in the world for Lucy to get control of her emotions enough so that she sounded believable, "We're just a little surprised is all."

"Naturally. But I can assure you things have been just fine over here. I've already known how much of a delight your mother is, Natsu, and I must say the rest of your family is so charming! I definitely see where you get it from."

Whatever silent turmoil Natsu had been going through seemed to cease after that, and he smiled, "Thanks. But honestly, my folks are pretty crazy, I'm surprised you lasted longer than a minute with them."

"We can hear you," Grandine muttered, though he already knew that.

"I couldn't wait to see you again..." Wendy seemed like she'd been struggling to contain herself as she hopped off of her seat and approached them, "I missed you..."

"Wendy..." Natsu clutched at his heart before pulling his sister into a tight hug, "You're so cute!"

She giggled in his embrace for a moment and stood up on the tips of her toes to whisper in his ear, "So... Did you end up picking out a name for the baby?"

Natsu laughed, having nearly forgotten how invested she was in this, "Yep. We came up with something ourselves instead of going with one of your suggestions, though."

"Oh, okay... And... Are you going to tell me?"

He narrowed his eyes and sized her up, "Do you promise not to tell anyone else until she's here? We want to keep it a secret until then."

"Yes, I promise!"

"Pinky promise?"

After she eagerly linked her smallest finger with his, Natsu pulled Wendy a bit further out of hearing distance to safely whisper the name of her niece.

It was an adorable sight, one that had Lucy wearing the dopiest smile. Layla, ever the keen observer, grinned knowingly, "How have the two of you been getting along, by the way? Sharing a space with someone is the quickest way to see all of their flaws, in my opinion. Being roommates may serve as a great test for your relationship."

"Well..." Lucy's eyes lingered on her boyfriend as she thought about it, "In all honesty, Natsu is a great roommate. I enjoy being here with him, and I'd like to say we don't get on each other's nerves often."

"That's good to hear. I suppose the two of you had already been used to each other by the time you moved here, anyway."

The confusion on Lucy's face was quickly replaced by fear as she realized what her mother meant. For all she knows, Natsu and Lucy had been dating for years before this whole baby situation happened.

And to top it off, Natsu's family actually knows the truth, and if they aren't careful, there's no stopping them from accidentally revealing that truth to Lucy's, which definitely wouldn't end well for anyone here.

Lucy knew she should probably change the subject, and luckily, Layla had already found something else to talk about, "How have you been physically, my dear? You're already nearing your third trimester soon, I know that can be when it all gets to be so much."

"Oh, I'm fine, a little sore here and there, but," Lucy rested her hand on her belly and smiled as she was met with movement, "Yeah, I'm fine. If anything, it's my anxieties that are starting to get to me. I try not to think about it, but I'll have to deliver this baby in just a few months..."

Layla's face fell, "Oh, right..."

"I don't even know what to expect, or what I want to do. I've considered going unmedicated, and maybe even a home-birth, but it all just sounds so scary."

"Ah, well, I wouldn't be much help if that's what you're planning. You were born through C-section."

"...I was?"

"Yep. And I wasn't awake for it, so all I could really advise you on would be what that experience was like afterwards."

"Oh... I don't think anyone ever told me about that..." It was a bit concerning how her mother's entire demeanor suddenly changed, but Lucy wasn't given long to dwell on it as her father broke his silence from where he was lounging against the counter,

"Regardless, no birth experience is the same, and no amount of advice will predict the future. Just do whatever you feel is best, you'll be fine."

That was oddly comforting, especially for something coming from Jude. It definitely worked to put Layla at ease, and she gently pushed Lucy forward, "Why don't you sit, dear? You don't need to be standing for so long."

Lucy didn't mind sitting at the counter with everyone, but she also didn't want any unnecessary concern, "Alright, but I really do feel fine, mom. I haven't been in any extreme pain or anything."

"Yeah..." Layla nodded, her body language definitely exposing that she wasn't convinced, "That reminds me, there are some things I'd like you to have. There's this harness I found that should really help you when the weight of the baby starts to be too much on your back. The material looks like it'd be very comfortable, I think you'll enjoy it."

"Oh, okay. I'll admit I've been trying to hold strong, and I'm a little worried about how much bigger I could get... You don't think I'm already a bit... too big now, do you?"

"No!" Layla was quick to answer, and when Lucy turned to everyone else amongst the island, they all knew better to shake their heads and deny it as well.

Except Zeref, who still seemed uninterested in whatever was going on, but he felt the need to speak anyway, "You're not showing any more than what's usual. You're just short."

Choosing not to dwell on his ominous demeanor, Lucy tried to understand what he meant by that. This was the 2nd time she'd be told this, and it looked like everyone else was nodding in agreement.

"When you're shorter, the fetus grows more outward than upward. Don't worry about it too much," Grandine supplied, having caught the confusion on her face, "It doesn't necessarily mean the baby will be larger than average."

"That's right. I was about as big as you during my 2nd trimester. And you ended up being 6 pounds and 8 ounces when you were born at about 38 weeks, which I believe is pretty average. So, you really shouldn't worry yourself too much," Layla smiled and began rubbing circles into her daughter's back.

"But that's if you're lucky. My son was 10 pounds and 10 ounces. Mavis lost most of her mobility by the 3rd trimester and had no choice but to deliver through C-section, though her petite build also played a role in that," Zeref slouched back, and grew confused as he saw nothing but horrified expressions looking at him.

"Bro," Natsu grumbled, and rushed to Lucy's side to comfort her, "Out of all the times you choose to speak..."

"What? What'd I say?"

"Don't listen to him, sweetheart," Grandine smiled apologetically, "There's no guaranteeing how big the baby will turn out to be. And don't be afraid of the possibility of you having a C-section. You will have all of our support during the recovery process, regardless."

Lucy nodded quietly, though that didn't completely help. She felt Natsu place his hand on her shoulder, and she leaned towards him.

"You know, we needed a lot of help once you were born," Layla smiled, "I don't know how we would've done it without Aquarius, she was my doula, actually. If you spoke to her about it, I know she'd be happy to be yours."

"Oh, yeah, of course..." Lucy took a deep breath and focused on the positives. She knew Aquarius had played a big role in her childhood, and it is nice to know she has a great support system like this. Still doesn't make the impending labor experience any less terrifying, though.

"She decided to look around the condo for a bit. I'm sure you'll be able to find her in your bedroom-"

"What?" And just like that, she was standing, her sudden movement startling everyone around her.

It was clear that Lucy wasn't planning on letting that go unattended for long, but her presence was still needed here in the kitchen. "Nevermind Aquarius, you can find her later," Jude motioned towards Lucy's stool to encourage her to sit back down, "There are more important matters that need discussing."

Lucy bit her cheek to stop herself from catching an attitude. Right now, she couldn't think of anything that could possibly require more urgency than making sure Aquarius wasn't uncovering anything she shouldn't be while occupying her bedroom. "...Right, what else did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I've been wondering some things about the two of you... About your relationship," Jude cleared his throat and looked at both Natsu and Lucy, albeit rather awkwardly, "When do you plan on getting married?"

He was met with wide eyes and silence, as well as the quiet sound of Layla face-palming.

"Dad..." Lucy tried to keep a level head, though the fact that her father looked very serious was not helping, "We're not... marriage is not something we're worried about right now."

"It's not?" Now Jude's eyes were wide, as if that was surprising news at all.

"No, we're not in any rush."

"Why not?"

"Because..." Her first thought was to tell him that it was way too soon in their relationship for that, but he isn't supposed to know that detail. She turned to Natsu, who looked as though he was lost for words as well.

"They are a bit young, don't you think?" Igneel spoke up, his voice kind and patient, "Maybe they need more time to think about that."

"There is already a child on the way. I don't see the point in waiting."

"Well, Natsu is working a lot more now, and Lucy's been trying to focus on school. Wedding planning would just get in the way," Grandine added, and Lucy couldn't be more grateful for the Dragneels' input.

"They wouldn't have to worry about any of that. I'd be more than happy to handle all expenses and arrangements. They'd only need to show up."

"What does it matter if they get married?" Zeref's comment came out less politely, and the unamused look on his face left none of his feelings about the suggestion up for interpretation, "They'll do it when they feel like it."

Jude remained composed and steady, "I simply think it is what is best for my granddaughter. You'd be setting a good example."

It was silent again as Natsu and Lucy locked eyes, sharing the same uneasy look. The former's jumbled thoughts began to crumble when Wendy tapped his shoulder and whispered to him, the most hopeful look in her eyes, "Will you two have a wedding, Natsu..?"

"Uh..." He reddened, unsure of what to say or how to feel. This wasn't a topic he imagined he'd have to give any thought, at least not for a while. It's just way too soon, and it's not like he doesn't hope to get there eventually, but they haven't even gone on a proper date yet! However, he didn't want to offend Lucy if this is something she's been considering, so he was too unsure of himself to speak.

Lucy sighed when their eyes met once more, and she knew better than to entertain this any further, "I know you mean well, dad, but..."

"But?" Jude narrowed his eyes, "The two of you do plan to stay together, right?"

"Yes, but we just want more time before we think about that. If we could've waited, I definitely wouldn't have gotten pregnant any time soon. But just because this happened doesn't mean we should rush everything else in our lives. It's not like we need to be legally bound together in order to be a committed family, anyways."

Jude wasn't looking too convinced, but luckily Layla got over her current embarrassment enough to force out a smile and address her husband, "Honey, maybe we should revisit this conversation some other time..?" She glanced at Natsu's family for a split second, warning him not to say anything else that might cause any more discomfort for them.

However, Jude couldn't understand why this wouldn't be an appropriate conversation for the families to have together. He thought he was being pretty reasonable here, and just before he could mention anything else, the front door handle rattled, and bursted open.

Everyone's attention snapped to the door, for they certainly weren't expecting anyone to be barging into the condo right now.

None of the confusion cleared up when the intruder turned out to be an exceptionally angry-looking brunette, who gave a less-than polite greeting,

"Lucy! Where are you-" Cana paused as she registered everyone sitting at the kitchen island, and blinked a few times, "Uh... am I interrupting a family reunion or something?"

"Cana!" Wendy chirped up and scurried over to hug her, "How are you? I've missed you!"

"I'm, uh, good..." She gave her a few head pats before looking around the room in hopes of getting some sort of explanation, but everyone was just as perplexed as she was.

"Oh my, it's been so long since I've seen you!" Layla also got up and offered the brunette a warm hug, "What brings you here? And since when could you pick locks?"

"Ah, hi, Layla. And didn't you hear? Lucy gave away about 50 billion spare keys for this place-"

"What are you doing here, Cana?" Lucy joined the little group formed near the door, having noted the way her friend had initially come in exclaiming her name, "Is something up?"

"Oh, right," Cana smiled and placed both her hands on Lucy's shoulders, breathed in for a few seconds, and then shook the blonde back and forth, "I need to talk to you about something you said to a certain someone."

"W-what?" She grabbed her wrists to stop the shaking before she could get too dizzy, "What are you talking about?"

Cana didn't plan to have an audience right now, awkwardly shifting her weight between her feet, "Um... you all wouldn't mind if I steal her away for a bit, would you?"

"Go on ahead," Layla giggled, and Cana didn't hesitate to grab Lucy's wrist and drag her further within the condo. They almost missed the horrified expression on Natsu's face as he realized he was going to be left to deal with this unwarranted get-together by himself.

"You're kind of freaking me out," Lucy gulped, taking in the brunette's urgency, "Oh, and if it's privacy you want, it'd be best not to take me to my room. I'm pretty sure Aquarius is in there."

With an exaggerated huff, Cana stopped in the middle of the hallway and glared at her, "Do you wanna tell me what the hell you said to Mirajane after I left?"

It only took a second for Lucy to realize what this was about, and she gasped, "Oh my gosh! I was supposed to tell you!"

"Yeah, well, Mira's been acting weird since I left. I mean, I know she's at work, but she's been texting me completely different from how she usually does, as in, shes being pretty short and dry with me. Something tells me this has to do with the way you were waiting in the back of the restaurant..."

"Cana, I am so sorry," Lucy's voice began to waver, and she inwardly wished her hormones would give her a break for once, "I probably overstepped a boundary. I didn't mean to get so confrontational, but it was like I just couldn't shut myself up. It's a silly excuse, I know..."

"I'm not mad at you, so calm down. I just want to know what happened."

"...You're not mad?"

Cana sighed as she thought it all over, and shook her head, "No, I'm not, at least not really. I was pretty dismissive with you back there, and I'm not going to blame you for worrying and trying to help. As long as that was your intention..."

"Of course! I just... well, I tried not to be obvious about why I was worried, but... as it turns out, Mira already knows."

"...Mira already knows what, exactly?"

Lucy fidgeted with her hands, unsure of why she was suddenly feeling so nervous, "She knows about your feelings for her."

It looked like a part of Cana died inside, and Lucy held her breath. She stayed silent, allowing her the space to process that information.

Cana bit at one of her nails and lowered her gaze, her tone hesitant as if she didn't actually want to know the answer to her question, "What else did she say when you confronted her..?"

"Well, she said she didn't intend to ever tell you that she knows, and other than that, I really didn't get much out of her. She had to get back to work and said we'd talk about it later," Lucy bit her lip when she saw how the uncertainty weighed down on her friend, "I'm sorry. If you don't want me to talk to Mira about it again, I won't. But if there are answers you want me to get out of her, I will do my absolute best."

"This shouldn't be your problem," Cana grumbled, still looking down, "But I don't know if this is something I'm ready to bring up with her myself. I don't care if you meet with her again, but... if she tells you something bad, I do not want to know about it."

"What? Why not? Wouldn't that be the whole point- to know whether this is just going to be a waste of time or not?"

"Nope, because I've never expected anything to come from this. I just want to keep having good times with her, if neither of us involve our feelings or whatever, we can keep doing that."

Despite her best efforts, Lucy released an exasperated groan, "Cana."

"C'mon, this is just how I do things, it's really not a big deal."

"You're not taking this as seriously as you should. What good is some quick fun now if it'll just evolve into a complicated mess in the future?"

Cana searched her eyes before a frown developed on her face, and she let the silence linger just long enough for them to be interrupted by one of the doors in the hall opening.

The interruption was honestly expected at this point, so Lucy was only half surprised to see Aquarius grumpily poke her head past the doorway as she grouched,"Would you mind being quieter? I'm trying to enjoy not being amongst a bunch of people."

"...It's good to see you too, Aquarius," Lucy sighed as her godmother didn't spare them much more than a once-over before she retreated back into the room. It reminded her that she really should get started on making sure nothing was being uncovered in there, but she still needed to speak with Cana.

However, the brunette was promptly on her phone, no doubt looking through her messages with the woman who's been occupying most of her attention lately.

Oh yeah, she definitely had it bad. A bit too bad, and Lucy hated how Cana was just so sure that she wanted to continue to bottle this all up.

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