8-Teez Makes Chaos (spanking...

By yonghoonsvocals

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A fictional story about the chaotic life of the kpop group Ateez. When Ateez's beloved Manager-nim takes a va... More

Hongjoong's Worry
The New Manager
San's Secret
Yunho's Torment
Yeosang's Hunger - Part 1
Yeosang's Hunger - Part 2
Jongho's Injustice -Part 1
Jongho's Injustice - Part 2
Jongho's Injustice - Part 3
A Fight
Maknae's Loneliness
Forgiveness at Last
Cruel Words - Part 1
Cruel Words - Part 2
Cruel Words - Part 3
2022 Christmas Special - A Little Too Much - Part 1
A Christmas Special - A Little Too Much - Part 2
Cruel Words - Sequel (part 1)
Cruel Words - Sequel (part 2)
The Runaway
The Pranksters (part 1)
The Pranksters (part 2)
Revenge is Best Served...in the Dead of Night
Heart of a Leader
Heart of a Leader - Part 2
Silent Suffering
A Moody Maknae
A Really Bad Day
Don't Test Me
Knight in Shining Armour
It's hard being a hyung
8 Makes 1 Team
2023 Christmas Special - A Christmas Monster
Christmas Special - Tis the Season to be Jolly
Christmas Special - Holiday Blues

When the Hyungs Are Away...

1.5K 24 71
By yonghoonsvocals

San was in pain. He was in so much pain that the last several days had all blurred together, and he did not know how long it had even been since he had first injured his wrist. It had all started when the 99' line held a silly competition with each other in the practice room. It had ranged from the highest jump, to the best cartwheel, to the best back flip, and more. San had decided to run, then do a flip. But the landing had gone terribly wrong and he had tried to catch himself as he fell, resulting in a sprained wrist. He had laughed it off at the time, but due to some of the intense dancing practices of late, it had gotten considerably worse.

 Deep down, San knew he should go inform the managers or his hyungs, but he didn't want to bother anyone. The manager had been pretty stressed out with the hectic schedule and was looking less approachable than ever. As for the matz hyungs, they had both recently been signed up to be fashion brand ambassadors. Both of them were very excited and were about to go on a week's business trip. They were going to have several promotional photo shoots and do a series of promotional videos.

San of course knew this was a terrible time to go whinging about a minor injury. Seonghwa would stress over it and either not want to go, or not enjoy the trip. And Hongjoong would immediately feel uneasy about leaving them, and feel the same way. So San kept his silence despite the growing pain. This silent enduring however, had begun to get to him. Because his team members did not know his current condition, they still attempted to roughhouse with him, or show their physical affection. And this made San very cross. He wished they could see he was not in the mood for it and would just leave him alone.

And so it was, that he now sat on the lounge glaring at the others as they hurried about ensuring their matz hyungs were all prepared and ready to go.

"Did you pack your socks, hyung?" Yeosang asked as he scanned the contents of the large suitcase that lay open on the floor.

"Yes, I think so," Seonghwa replied. But he still came over to double check just in case he actually hadn't.

"You can borrow anything of mine if you like, hyung?" Mingi kindly told Hongjoong, who only glared at him in response to his generous offer.

"Yunho, you are in charge while we are away, okay?" Hongjoong said as he carelessly tossed a shirt into his bag. Grimacing, Seonghwa carefully folded it, before tucking it neatly back in.

Yunho nodded. He was sitting on the couch beside San, quietly watching the chaos about him.

"Why can't I be the leader?" Mingi protested. "It doesn't have to be the oldest."

"You can be the maknae for the week instead," Jongho kindly offered this time.

Hongjoong sighed. "Be serious for a minute, guys. I am leaving Yunho in charge and I want you all to listen to him while we are away. I know you are all the same age, but I want you to respect him as the temporary leader. And Yunho, should anything happen, don't be afraid to call me. And as much as I hate to say it, I will have to report to the manager if I hear things getting out of hand. So please, just listen to Yunho. Okay?"

The 99' line and Jongho all nodded. "Yes, hyung."

"Okay, I think that is it. Don't get into mischief, and we will see you soon."

"Don't miss us too much, hyung," Wooyoung told them before giving them a hug and a peck on the cheek to the disgust of both hyungs.

They all followed the hyungs outside and waved them off, before going back to the lounge room.

"Okay," piped up Mingi. "What are we doing first?"

Yunho sighed. This would be a long stressful week.

*          *          *          *          *

One day in, and the dorm was already a huge mess. With no Seonghwa to nag them about cleanliness and no Hongjoong to scold them about their behaviour, everything was utter chaos. It had gotten so bad, that even Manager Ho had lined them all up and given them a thorough scolding of how irresponsible and immature they were. He had made it very clear he was very disgusted at their behaviour and it had to change quickly.

This had awakened a blame game. Jongho said it was Wooyoung's fault there were ramyeon dishes all about the room, but Wooyoung blamed Yunho for staying up late playing video games so Wooyoung had been too tired to wash the dishes, but Yunho blamed San's crappy attitude was annoying him, so Yunho had played the games to calm down, but San said it was everyone else's fault he was cranky, but Yeosang blamed the others because they weren't doing anything fun he had suggested, but Mingi didn't remember him suggesting anything and blamed Jongho for blaming Wooyoung who had then blamed Yunho. So it went around and around.

But after a few hours of giving each other the silent treatment, Jongho apologised to Wooyoung, who in turn apologised to Yunho, and so on. They then decided to watch a movie together as part of making up after the fight. But San disagreed with everything they chose. Everything was either too scary, too gory, too cringey or he had seen it before. It was during this argument, that Yunho received a video call from Hongjoong.

"How is everything going?" Hongjoong asked.

Yunho glanced at the arguing members behind the phone. "Er, as well as it could be expected, I guess."

"I'm not deaf, Yunho. Why are they fighting?"

Yunho winced. "They are not really fighting, hyung. Just having a minor disagreement."

"I can hear San swearing at someone, Yunho," Hongjoong sounded exasperated and annoyed. "Give him the phone please." He waited as the phone was passed over with a muttered apology from Yunho. As soon as San's face came on the screen, Hongjoong knew something was up. San wasn't even trying to hide the fierce scowl on his face. "San, are you allowed to talk like that to the members?"

San's scowl deepened. "No, hyung," he muttered.

"Do you think it is okay just because I am absent?" Hongjoong wanted to know.

"No, hyung."

"Are you guys making it difficult for Yunho?"

"No, hyu-." Seeing Hongjoong's frown, San hesitated. "Maybe a little."

Hongjoong sighed. "Put me on loudspeaker."

San did as told and the members begrudgingly gathered around. Hongjoong waited until he could see all 6 faces, then spoke again.

"Do I need to talk to you all about this when I get home?" When he counted six solemn head shakes, he continued. "I don't want to hear anymore trouble from you okay. I am serious when I say I want you listening to Yunho. And Yunho, I am serious when I mean I want you to be in charge. Step up, and be responsible."

The call ended and the members were left standing in silence.

"Well, what is happening about the movie?" Wooyoung wanted to know.

Yunho took a deep breath and turned to face them. "San can either watch it with us, or go watch something in his room alone. We are not stopping our fun, just because he wants to be disagreeable."

This answer didn't please San at all. Especially when he saw that everyone was happy with that and went to seat themselves comfortably on the couch. Mingi even brought out popcorn from the kitchen. The lights were switched off and San was left standing in the dark alone.

His wrist was throbbing, and it caught his attention. His bitter thoughts mingled with this pain and he felt angrier than ever. Marching over to the TV, he switched it off at the wall, leaving everyone in complete darkness and filled with confusion. There was the sound of scuffling, and a few seconds later, the light switched back on, revealing the culprit quite clearly before their eyes.

"What were you thinking, you jerk?" Yunho asked crossly, getting up to go turn the power switch back on.

Wooyoung got off the couch to and approached San. "Look if it makes you feel better, I will go watch something with you." Reaching out, he grabbed San's wrist to lead him away.

The pain shot up San's arm and he shoved Wooyoung in the chest with his free hand. "Get away from me," he snapped.

"Oh, that does it." Yunho spun around and grabbed San roughly by the collar. He dragged him up the stairs, ignoring the younger man's protests. Once they reached San's bedroom, Yunho picked him up and threw him roughly onto his bed. San landed on his arm and let out a cry of pain.

"Oh, grow up, you wuss," Yunho snapped at him. "Now you are going to stay here for the rest of the night. If you so much as dare peek out that door, I am telling both the hyungs and the manager on you. If Manager Ho decided to punish you, you deserve it." He went to walk out the door and then as if rethinking, he turned back and approached San's bed. He held out his hand and waiting with an expectant look.

San eyed him warily. "What?"

"Your phone," Yunho demanded. "I gave you the option of watching a movie up here by yourself, but you didn't take to it well, so I guess you won't need it." When San just glared at him defiantly, Yunho took out his own phone. "Hurry up, or I call the manager."

San's eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare."

Yunho didn't answer. Instead he turned his phone on and went straight to the contacts. With a panicked shriek, San whipped out his phone and all but threw it at Yunho.

"You are a mean a-hole" San yelled at him, blinking back tears.

"Yeah and the same to you." Yunho strode back to the door, only stopping to switch the light off in spite.

Weeping bitter tears, San hugged his arm and cried. Yunho would pay for this. San would make sure of it.

*          *          *          *          *

It was 5 days into the week, and Yunho thought the day of the hyungs' return would never come. San's attitude was worsening with every day. It had gotten so bad that he had even dared speak back to Mr Cheol, their latest choreographer. Mr Cheol had sent the rest of the team out and spoke with San alone. As far as Yunho knew, Mr Cheol hadn't physically disciplined San, just gave him a very stern lecture on respect. And while San had been extra respectful to staff after that, his behaviour at the dorm intensified.

Yunho was at his wits end on knowing how to deal with it. All the threats of complaining to the manager or the hyungs were no longer working, and Yunho didn't actually want to go through with it. He wasn't the type who liked to get other people in trouble, but he also knew he couldn't let this behaviour continue on like this. He turned on his phone and went to Hongjoong's contact.

- Hyung, I need your help.

A frustrated yell and the sound of someone shouting in frustrated anger came from upstairs. The noise startled Yunho causing him to accidentally send the message without meaning to. He went to continue with anther text, but was interrupted as an upset Yeosang entered the room. He marched up to Yunho and waved his phone in front of his phone.

"He broke it," Yeosang wailed.

Yunho gave an exasperated sigh and took the phone from the other man, before holding it up to inspect it closely. Sure enough, a large crack ran from one side of the screen to the other. "Who broke it?" he asked, handing the phone back to Yeosang.

Yeosang's lip trembled, and Yunho realised he was close to bursting into tears.

"It's okay, Yeosang. Just tell me what happened."

Yeosang brushed at his eyes with the back of his hand and took a deep breath. "Well, I was sitting on my bed watching a video when Wooyoung and San came into the room. They wanted to watch something on their laptop and they asked me to wear earphones but I couldn't find them, so I asked them to go to San's room instead. They didn't want to and started watching the movie anyway, but then they complained my volume was up to loud. But I couldn't hear over their movie, so I turned it up even louder. I wasn't trying to be annoying, but I was there first." When Yunho nodded understandingly, he continued. " Then San got angry and tried to take my phone off me. We fought over it, then suddenly San got super mad and he threw it. And...and...it broke."

He looked down at his phone miserably, his fingers running over the crack as though he could just rub the crack away. Yunho sighed again. This was really starting to do his head in. He was exhausted and just wanted the hyungs to be back again.

"San!" he shouted out loud, causing Yeosang to jump. "San, get your ass down here."

For a moment, Yunho thought San was going to make it difficult, but a disheveled and sullen looking San appeared in the doorway, glowering at him.

"What?" he grumbled, approaching them cautiously.

"Did you break Yeosang's phone?" Yunho wanted to know. 

There was a long guilty silence, then San shrugged. "He should have just turned the volume down when I asked nicely."

"And why couldn't you just go elsewhere to watch your movie?"

"Because I didn't want to be agreeable, that's why," San suddenly snapped. "Now can you all just get off my case and leave me alone. Just because Hongjoong left you in charge, doesn't mean you are suddenly our hyung. We are all the same age so don't let it get to your big head."

He turned to leave, but Yunho leapt to his feet and grabbed hold of his wrist. Quick as a flash, San spun around and socked him in the jaw.

"Don't you f-ing touch me," he screamed at Yunho as Yunho staggered back, falling against the couch.

Yunho saw red, he grabbed an object that was lying on the coffee table, without even fully recognizing what it even was. Then grabbing San by the collar, he dragged him upstairs and into their shared bedroom. Once inside, he threw San onto his bed, and turned to slam the door shut and lock it. Yeosang must have followed him up, because Yunho could hear him banging on the other side of the door.

"Yunho, Yunho, don't hurt him. I am not mad about the phone. Honest, I forgive him."

But Yunho was deaf to his pleas, as he turned back to face San. San was pressed up against the wall, breathing hard, and eyeing Yunho looking a frightened animal.

"I am sorry, Yunho," he whispered.

"Oh, you will be," Yunho threatened him. "I have had it up to here with your nonsense. You have no idea how stressed and under pressure I have been. I didn't need all this and your horrid attitude on top of it all."

"I'm sorry, Yunho," San repeated softly.

Yunho shook his head. "Not as much as you will be." He marched over to the bed and pulled San back onto his feet. San immediately turned feral. He kicked and struck at Yunho, but as he hit Yunho in the chest, his face went deathly white and he yelped, drawing his arms back to himself. Using this to his advantage, Yunho knocked his legs out from under him, and pushed him over the bed. Then with the object he had found downstairs, he began hitting San angrily.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

"Yunho, please stop," San howled, struggling to escape. He had all but ripped the sheets clean off the bed. "Yunho, please."

"I don't care what your problem has been this last week," Yunho lectured him. "But it stops now. None of us should have to put up with this crappy attitude. We all have problems to deal with, but we don't go and make it everyone else's problem too.

San sobbed, his body falling limp under Yunho's tight hold. The sudden submission, caused Yunho to jolt back to reality. He reached out to hold San, but the younger member scrambled away from him.

"Stay away from me" he sobbed. "Don't touch me."

Yunho stumbled back and away from San. Then he turned and quickly opened the door.

Mingi, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho were all standing there, their eyes wide with fear. As Yunho faced them, their expressions turned to ones of disappointed.

"You bully," Wooyoung hissed, tears sparkling in his eyes. He shoved past Yunho, who numbly leaned back against the wall. Yeosang gave him a hurt look and followed Wooyoung into the room. Jongo paused, before reaching out and squeezing Yunho's arm. In Yunho's confused mind, he wasn't even sure if it was a comforting squeeze or a threatening gesture. He wasn't sure he even deserved comfort. But still, he raised his eyes and met Mingi's concerned gaze.

"I messed up, Mingi."

Mingi only nodded helplessly, unsure of what to say. But then reaching out, he pulled Yunho into a comforting hug. Yunho pushed him away however.

"Go to San, Mingi. I..I gotta tell."

Mingi nodded understandingly, before disappearing into the bedroom as well. Yunho stayed for a moment longer, just outside the door. He could hear San's heartbroken sobs, and the others trying to comfort him. Looking down, Yunho realised he was still holding the object he had used to hit San with. It was a bamboo backscratcher. Yunho didn't even know where it had come from or who owned it. A staff member maybe. Wincing, Yunho flung the object away from him, before going down to the hyungs' room. He sat on their bed and pulled out his phone. To his utter horror, there were over 30 missed calls from Hongjoong.

Gulping, he rang the leader. As he listened to it ring out, he squeezed his eyes shut and rocked back in forth with anxiety. Then suddenly, the call connected.

"Hyung," he sobbed into the phone. "Hyung, I messed up. I messed up bad."

"Yunho, calm down. Just take a deep breath. Okay?"

Yunho gasped for air, but it didn't seem to help. He started sobbing harder, as he slid to the floor, and rested his head against his knees. "Hyung, I hurt him. I hurt our Sannie."

"I know," came Hongjoong's quiet reply. But even over the phone, Yunho could hear the strain in his voice. "Jongho has called me. I will be home soon okay. Stay in my room and don't come out until I get there."

Yunho nodded, although he knew Hongjoong couldn't see him. But he was crying too hard to answer, and as if sensing Yunho had understood, Hongjoong hung up. Left alone, the silence seemed louder than ever before. Yunho felt incredibly small and alone. Curling up against the bed, Yunho cried himself to sleep.

A vibration at his side, awoke him. 2 hours had passed since he was had fallen asleep, and checking his phone, Yunho saw it was a message from Hongjoong.

- We'll be there in 5.

Yunho rubbed his eyes and slowly rose to his feet. He felt nauseous at the thought of seeing his hyungs after all this, but he knew he had to face them sooner or later. And although his mind was begging him to flee and hide, Yunho was logical enough to know that was an extremely foolish idea and would not end well. He knew he had done wrong and wanted to face the consequence as he deserved.

Thinking of that, Yunho wasn't sure what to do with himself. It didn't feel right to just sit on the bed and wait, but he wasn't sure what to do.
In school, he had sometimes been sent to stand or kneel in the hall with both arms in the air. But at home as a child in trouble, he would often be told to stand in the corner. And as a trainee, they were often made to go down in a push up position.

 Yunho wasn't sure which he was meant to do here and didn't want to upset Hongjoong any further. After a moment's thought, he decided to just stand in the corner with both hands above his head. It was more that he didn't want to see Hongjoong's disappointed face than anything else. He hadn't been standing there long when he heard the door open and someone enter. A long silence followed, then finally he heard the leader speak.

"You can turn around, Yunho."

Yunho dropped his tired arms, and slowly turned around. Once facing his hyung, he stiffened to attention, his hands behind his back and his head bowed in shame.

"I am sorry, hyung," Yunho whispered in a strained voice, still struggling to hold back his tears. "I didn't know where you wanted me."

Hongjoong looked away and sighed, before shaking his head. "No, you did well, Yunho."

Yunho shook his head, the tears beginning to run freely once more. "I hit him, hyung. I hit San. I got really angry and I hit him. I should have rang you and told you exactly what was happening. But instead, I got angry and took it into my own hands. And it wasn't to discipline San for his behaviour, I did it because I was mad at him and wanted to get back at him. It was wrong, hyung. So dreadfully wrong."

"You are right. It was wrong," Hongjoong told him quietly. "But you rang me afterwards and you confessed straight away. That takes courage, Yunho. I am not happy you took this into your own hands without talking to us first, but I want to say I am proud of you for admitting your mistake."

"But hyung," Yunho choked on his words, and Hongjoong reached out to pull him closer.

"Sit down, Yunho. You need to pull yourself together. This is going to make you sick."

But Yunho shook his head, refusing any touch of comfort. "Hyung, this was San. It shouldn't have been anyone, but least of all San. What if...what if-" He broke off, unable to finish the thought that had come to his mind.

But Hongjoong already knew what his dongsaeng was thinking. He had thought of it already. What if San withdrew again? What if it brought back the traumatic memories of what had happened with the manager? Hongjoong had went straight to San as soon as he had returned to the dorm, and his fears had been strengthened when San had only allowed Wooyoung to touch him. He had cried himself to sleep in Wooyoung's arms and lifting his clothing, Hongjoong had seen Yunho had left some bruising although not severe.

He sighed, sinking back onto the bed and gazing thoughtfully up at the weeping giant.

"I have told you I am proud of you for owning up to it, but I still need to punish you for this, to ensure it will never happen again. You understand that, Yunho."

Yunho nodded miserably. "I'll take the cane, hyung. I know I deserve it."

Hongjoong was taken aback by this, and to his disgust, even contemplated it for a fleeting moment. He shook his head.

"No, I don't want anyone subjected to that, no matter the gravity of their crime. You don't know what the cane is like, Yunho."

"I don't think I could do worse than this, hyung," Yunho sobbed bitterly.

Hongjoong almost wanted to cry himself. He was so exhausted, and Yunho didn't know what had gone on behind the scenes. Having come back earlier than scheduled, Hongjoong had been forced to report the situation to their manager. Although Manager Ho thought San deserved "a good thrashing", he was not impressed at learning this went against Hongjoong's rules, and was very adamant on punishing Yunho himself. Hongjoong had to practically beg to be allowed to do this himself, and had had to promise to punish Yunho thoroughly so that he wouldn't even think of doing it again.

He let out a deep breath. "What did you hit him with, Yunho?"

Yunho flushed at this question. "A...a backscratcher."

"A what? Who even...Never mind, just go and get it."

Yunho bowed his head, and disappeared out the door. Several moments later, he returned again. He handed the flat bamboo stick to Hongjoong, before standing at attention again.

Hongjoong studied the object carefully. He tapped it against his hand, before giving it a sharp snap across his palm. Yunho flinched at the noise, and Hongjoong winced. It certainly gave a mean sting. He glanced up at Yunho, and eyed him thoughtfully. He wasn't really sure how to position the taller member without making it too uncomfortable. He rose to his feet.

"This is how we are going to do this. You are going to lie flat across the bed. I won't be able to hold you down, but that is part of your punishment. I don't want any kicking or struggling. Now how many times did you hit San?"

"I don't know," Yunho whispered, his face flushing even redder. Seeing Hongjoong's expression darken, he bowed his head. "Maybe 40 or so. I am sorry, hyung."

"I am going to give you 50, Yunho. Now remember, you need to take it while lying as still as possible. I don't want to hit you anywhere other than where I mean to. But this is going to be painful, so it's going to take a lot of effort on your part to stay still. If you try to get up or try to kick out at me, I will add more. If you swear, you get more. If it makes it easier for you to lay still, you can hold my pillow or pull at the blankets. I won't get angry at you for messing the bed up."

Yunho nodded, before walking over to the bed and laying his long form over the mattress. Shutting his eyes and counting to five, Hongjoong stepped closer to the bed beside him.


Yunho flinched, his hands clutching into a fist.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Yunho let out a small whimper, his body giving small jolts under each blow.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Hongjoong could tell Yunho was trying with all his might to restrain himself from trying to escape.

"You do not take another member's punishment into your own hands, Yunho."

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

"You do not ever punish someone while in anger."

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

"And you should always make sure the punishment fits the crime. You should be able to remember exactly how you punished them and what you punished them for."

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

"You also never leave them alone after you punish them. Did you comfort San afterwards? Did you reassure him you still love and care about him? Did you tell him the punishment was over and the misbehavior paid for and forgotten?"

"No, hyung," Yunho sobbed. "I didn't."

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

"What will you do from now on, Yunho?" Hongjoong asked, pausing the punishment to let Yunho get his breath back.

"I will always talk to you first. And I will never punish anyone in anger ever again."

"After this, you will go apologise to San. You will give me all your electronics and you are grounded for a week. Do you understand?"

"Yes, hyung."

Hongjoong raised the stick again. "Last couple, Yunho. They will be the hardest though, so brace yourself."

Yunho buried his face into the blanket, his shoulders shaking with the effort of lying still through the pain.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

With the last strike, Hongjoong tossed the cursed stick away, and sat on the bed next to Yunho. He rubbed the younger man's shoulders comfortingly.

"It is okay, Yunho. It is all over now. I am honestly proud of you. You did well and acted responsibly. We all make mistakes, and I confess I have made those mistakes in the past. We just have to learn from them and be a better person for it."

Yunho rolled onto his side, wincing slightly, and curled up to rest his head against Hongjoong's thigh. "I don't know how you do it, hyung," he murmured in an exhausted voice.

"Do what, Yunho?" Hongjoong asked with a small smile, reach out to ruffle with his hair.

Yunho closed his eyes and snuggled closer. "How do you keep us all in check? It must be so tiring and burdensome. I don't think we appreciate you enough, our dear captain."

Tears stung at Hongjoong's eyes. It was tiring. It was a lot of pressure, but... He leaned forward.

"You guys are not a burden. I am proud to be your captain."

Seeing Yunho had drifted into a light sleep, Hongjoong left him and went back upstairs to see how San was doing. He was awake now, although still cuddled up tightly between Wooyoung and Yeosang. His face was pale and streaked with tears, and Seonghwa was sitting on the edge of the bed looking concerned. They all turned to the doorway, as Hongjoong entered.

"Did you punish him?" San asked timidly.

Hongjoong nodded. "Yes, he should never have hit you while angry, San. But I have heard about your behaviour. If he had asked beforehand and handled it in calm manner, I would absolutely have let him."

San bowed his head in shame. "I didn't mean to get him in trouble. I was really rotten to him. And...And I did punch him."

Hongjoong frowned. He hadn't heard that part. "Why San?" He paused and collected himself. He could feel his anger rising, and knew it wouldn't help in this situation. He reminded himself of everything that had happened, and started again. "What has happened, San? This isn't like you."

To everyone's surprise, San burst into tears.

"San," was all Hongjoong could say, as he reach out to pull the younger member closer. This time San sought the comfort. He moved forward into Hongjoong's open arms, and cried into his shoulder.

"I am in so much pain, hyung. And I should have told you, but I didn't want you to worry. But then it made me so cranky, because it hurt so much. And I didn't really mean to. But then I hurt everyone."

"San, San, calm down. You are talking to fast."

San gave a hiccuping sob and pulled away. "I hurt my arm during dance practice, and it only keeps getting worse. And it made me so grumpy at everyone. I know I should have just told someone, but I couldn't. I didn't mean to punch Yunho, but he grabbed it, and I did it without thinking. He didn't mean to hurt me, and he didn't know why I punched him, so I don't think he deserved to get punished." He let out a loud wail. "It is all my fault. Oh poor Yunho."

Poor Yunho alright, Hongjoong thought in bewilderment. Hongjoong was now beginning to wonder how he himself would have reacted in this situation. But pushing those thoughts aside, Hongjoong reached out to take San's arm gently. Seonghwa helped him carefully push the sleeve up. They both gasped as it revealed an ugly-purple bruised and swollen wrist.

"San!" Seonghwa exclaimed in utter horror. "Wooyoung, go and grab an ice pack. Yeosang, you go and call the manager to take us to the hospital."

Hongjoong stared at San in disbelief. "You hid that because you didn't want to bother us." Seeing San's timid nod in response, he let out a frustrated sigh. "I have every mind to give you a good whooping for hiding an injury. I won't this time, but you are grounded for 2 weeks, with no electronics for one of them. But San, if this happens again...no, this is never happening again, and you make sure of it."

San nodded obediently and Hongjoong gave him a small hug.

"You are making me worry twice as much as I would have right from the start. And Yunho wouldn't have made this mess either, if you had spoken up. He was definitely in the wrong, but it could have been avoided. But speaking of that, are you really alright, San? In that matter, I mean."

San hesitated. Even if Yunho had been angry, San knew he hadn't truly meant it. And he felt that he blamed himself much more than he blamed Yunho. But thinking of the manager still made San shudder.

"I will apologise to Yunho."

Hongjoong nodded, though San noted how his shoulders sank with relief. "Well, lets just say you will have plenty of time to make up to each other, as I have a feeling you are both going to be very bored before the week is out."

San smiled at that. "When it is over, I will buy him a video game to make up for it."

Hongjoong laughed. "Buy him two, you punk."

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