My wayward brother (The Wante...


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Having enough with Nathan's attitude, tantrums and behavior, Nathan's Mum and Dad decide to send him to his e... Еще

My Wayward Brother (The Wanted Fic)
Chapter 1 - The troubled teen
Chapter 2 - Brotherly Bonding in The Winchester Style
Chapter 3 - The talk and the little plan
A/N - My new story
Chapter 4 - Choosing a family
Chapter 5 - A family in its whole
Chapter 6 - Trouble in paradise
Chapter 7 - Home Again
Chapter 8 - Indebted to you
Chapter 9 - Blame and guilt
Chapter 10 - My blood, Your life
Chapter 11 - Waking up
Chapter 12 - Like the old times
Chapter 13 - Darkest secrets
Chapter 14 - New start
Chapter 15 - New best friend
Chapter 17 - The reunion
Chapter 18 - Choice of his life
Chapter 19 - The relapse
Chapter 20 - A little too much
Chapter 21 - The drama
Chapter 22 - Back to being brothers
Chapter 23 - A cute proposal
Chapter 24 - Is she bad news?
Chapter 25 - All is lost?
Chapter 26 - Came looking for you
Chapter 27 - His firm decision
Chapter 28 - Parting ways
Chapter 29 - Paying the consequences
Chapter 30 - Lost and found
Chapter 31 - Glimmer of hope
Chapter 32 - Throwing yourself in the fire
Chapter 33 - The savior
Chapter 34 - To be a family again
Chapter 35 - You're my family
Chapter 36 - Life is hard
Chapter 37 - The heartbreaking scenes
Chapter 38 - You're my superwoman
Chapter 39 - A family for you
Chapter 40 - The greater bond
Chapter 41 - You got it all wrong
Chapter 42 - Thanksgiving apologies
Chapter 43 - The big day

Chapter 16 - Running away again

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Chapter 15 - Up in his room, Nathan locked the bathroom door and sat down, crying silently. He ignored the knocks on his door. He ignored his brother's voice. There was only one thing on his mind right now.

Tom was no different than their parents. Just like they forgot Nathan while being happy in their own world, Tom also would forget him. Soon, he'll get married to Kelsey and nothing else would matter to Tom anymore. His world would be only him and Kelsey. Nathan wouldn't matter anymore to his brother.


The persistent knock at his door stopped after some time. Nathan stayed curled up in the bathroom for a while before going to his room and unlocking his door before curling up on the bed and letting sleep claim him. For some time, Nathan gladly forgot his troubles as he fell asleep unaware of how worried his brother was and how worried he had gotten all the boys. He had no idea of how much Tom was worried right now.

Sitting on the couch downstairs, Tom had his head in his hands. "Tom, don't be like that. I'm sure Nathan would be fine. He's probably just surprised" Siva said as he squeezed Tom's shoulder. "I don't know Seev. I thought this was the right time. I and Kelsey had been thinking about settling down since a long time." Tom said. "It's a good idea, Tom. Just give him some time" Max said. "Yeah, Tom, Nathan just need some time. Just see by tomorrow, he'll be fine." Jay assured Nathan. "I'll just drop by and see if he is still awake" Tom said as he went upstairs. "These brothers can never catch a break" Max sighed.

Dropping by Nathan's room, Tom felt his heart break slightly at the sight of his baby brother curled up in bed with dried tears on his face. "Oh baby, if only you would tell me what's wrong?" Tom asked as he pressed his forehead to the back of Nathan's head and swallowed back his tears. Nathan cuddled his teddy bear tighter making Tom smile sadly. If only Nathan would say what's wrong then Tom would be able to know if Nathan has a problem with him getting engaged or does he not like Kelsey. "I should make you bond with Kelsey" Tom said, "Yeah, that would be a good idea." Tom thought as he left Nathan to sleep.

Nathan had hoped that this was just a bad dream but unfortunately for him, when he walked down the stairs the next morning; he found Kelsey and Tom cuddling on the couch, confirming that this was no dream. "Good morning Nath" Jay greeted Nathan as soon as he saw the boy. Tom turned his head and saw his brother standing there. "Hey Nath" Kelsey greeted Nathan. "Come sit here, baby" Tom said but Nathan just shook his head and walked away to the kitchen. It was better for him to start distancing himself from his brother from now itself. "I'll go get him some breakfast" Siva said, he had a feeling that Nathan wouldn't want to be near his brother right now.

Tom had tried his best, the whole day; to get Nathan to talk to him but the boy wouldn't even mumble a word to him. Tom wanted Kelsey to bond with Nathan and Kelsey had tried his best to engage in conversations with Nathan but the boy didn't even acknowledge her. "I'm trying my best, Tom but I think there is something wrong because Nathan doesn't even want to talk to us" Kelsey said. Tom shook his head, sighing sadly.

They tried again and again but Nathan just wouldn't open up to either Tom or Kelsey. And finally Tom had enough of it when Nathan snapped at Kelsey at dinner time. "Is there anything wrong, baby? Why are you angry with us?" Kelsey asked, running her hand through Nathan's hair. Nathan pushed her hand away, "Stop it. I'm not your baby. Don't touch me or call me that." Nathan shouted. "Nath, watch your tone" Tom warned. "Tell her to stop talking to me" Nathan yelled. "Nath, I'm warning you or else" Tom said. "Or else what?" Nathan asked. Tom walked forward and pulled Nathan sideways before giving him five swats.

SWAT SWAT Or else this would SWAT SWAT be just what I'm going to do SWAT

Nathan looked back in shock as his hands went back to protect his backside from further swats. "You spanked me?" Nathan asked. "I'll give you a full spanking if you don't drop your attitude" Tom warned. "You hit me for her? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'll go away. You be happy with Kelsey. I'll go away from here then you can be like mum and dad. You won't have to worry about me. You won't even have to forget me like mum and dad did." Nathan sobbed as he ran out of the house.

For a moment, Tom stood there in shock when suddenly Jay asked, "did he run away, again?" "Oh god, I completely messed up." Tom said, dropping down on the couch. "What's wrong, babe?" Kelsey asked. "Kels, I should have waited. I shouldn't have told him about us wanting to get engaged so soon. He must have thought I'll forget him just like mum and dad did. They were too happy in their world to care for Nathan. The kid must have thought that we will do the same thing to him." Tom said. Kelsey gasped as she realized what had just happen. "I'll go after him" Max said as he ran out quickly.

Nathan had run until his legs started aching. Looking for somewhere to go in this dark, Nathan saw that he had reached Alexis's house. Ringing on the doorbell, Nathan prayed that it was Alexis who would answer the door. Fortunately, Alexis was the one who opened the door. Without even thinking, Nathan launched himself in Alexis's arms crying himself out. "Hey, what's wrong, Nath? Nathan? You're scaring me buddy" Alexis asked. "Can I stay here?" Nathan asked. Alexis nodded, bringing Nathan up to his room. Alexis's parents weren't home today so he didn't have any problem to let Nathan stay. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Alexis asked as he sat next to Nathan, still rubbing Nathan's back as the boy sobbed. Slowly Nathan managed to tell him the whole story about his parents, his brother and now his brother's engagement. Alexis sighed. Right now whatever he would say to Nathan, the boy wouldn't listen so he let the boy curl up in bed and fall asleep while he sneaked downstairs quietly to give Tom a call and assure the boy that his brother was okay.

After talking to Tom, Alexis came back to see Nathan awake. "Can't sleep?" Alexis asked. "Whiskers isn't here" Nathan said. "Who is Whiskers?" Alexis asked. "My teddy" Nathan blushed. "Oh, I don't have a teddy but I can give cuddles too. And I promise that I don't bite" Alexis chuckled as he got in bed next to Nathan. "Go to sleep, Nath. I'll keep you safe just like Whiskers" Alexis assured Nathan. Tomorrow morning when Tom will come, Nathan will be very angry at Alexis for having told Tom where he was but until tomorrow comes, Alexis decided to forget about it and just be there for Nathan. After all, Nathan was his best friend, he would be there for him.

Trusting Alexis to keep him safe, Nathan closed his eyes and let sleep claim him.


Dedicated to @Nazzayah, @RoxaneLebolesch, @unfinished4now99, @guzman368, @kfeldra, @Bonnie12345678, @Ilovelouisandcarrots, @nathaholic_tw, @bookwormhjf and @Mel_Amelia!

Thank you to those reading!

P.S – Any suggestions for the next chapter? Should Nathan be angry at Alexis? How would Tom and Nathan's meeting the next day be?

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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