Digimon United: Rise of the C...

De JamesOrosco

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Sequel of (United as One) though ChaoseDiaboromon had been defeated, chaos remained. Now two Digimon, believi... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: the message
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: First Fight of Chaos
Chapter 5:training being part 1
Chapter 6: Training beings part 2
Chapter 7:Darkness, Knights and Dragons
Chapter 8: rise of hope and reliabilit
Chapter 9: Love and Honour
Chapter 10:Double the Chaos
Chapter 11:showdown with the teacher
Chapter 13: Return of NightLeopardmon
Chapter 14:The Darkside of Omnimon
Chapter 15:The Force of UlforceVeedramon
Chapter 16: Alpha, Beta, Gamma Get Ya
Chapter 17:Confronting the Chaos Kings
Chapter 18: Clashing with True Chaos
Chapter 19: The End of an Adventure

Chapter 12:Ballard of Chaos and Miracles

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De JamesOrosco

While the rest of the Digidestined and the Tamers remained venturing forward, heading up the floors of the castle to confront the seven Chaos Knights and their Kings, most felt concern for their allies, while Tai, worried for them too, was the first to speak about it.

"Don't worry guys. I know how you all feel, and I feel the same, but we know our friends who will not give up against the Chaos Knights. They will survive, I'm sure of it." The Digidestined of Courage stated with honesty, his words encouraging the others.

"'Tai is right. We've all fought against strong enemies and we never gave up. We kept going until the very end." UlforceVeedramon said, causing Gatomon to smile and add. "And with our training, plus your Biomerges, we will win this fight too."

"Guys, look." Takato called after running up another flight of stairs, where he, the Digidestined and Tamers found themselves back outside, taking in the scenery to see they were atop the castle's roof, while a massive tower hovered above them.

"I can sense a great source of chaos emitting from within that tower." Renamon said, guessing that was where the Chaos Kings dwelled, only to inform Rika and their friends. "However, it is protected by a powerful barrier of darkness. I don't think even Gallantmon could break through it."

"I sense it too." Guilmon spoke up, before adding. "And I think it's coming from them."

With Guilmon's words, the heroes and heroines saw four towers around them, telling that if they were to disable whatever was inside the barrier would weaken.

However, with such a power to keep the Chaos Kings protected, all were certain each tower had a Chaos Knight inside, just waiting to fight them.

But already so far and remaining determined, Tai looked at the team, confident in himself, Agumon and the others as the brunette said. "We'll have to be careful if they put up a barrier that strong, then whoever we face inside will be just as dangerous."

"But we've made it this far. And we're not going to give up anytime soon." Agumon added, further encouraging the others.

"All that's needed now is to make a choice, take on each tower as one or split as teams?" Silvermon asked, knowing there was strength in numbers, but also knew that with their interference, the Chaos Kings could step up their plans any minute and cause untold destruction to both Digital Worlds.

However, before a choice could be made, two blasts of dark energy shot down from the skies, narrowly missing the Digidestined and Tamers, causing the heroes and heroines to look up, most sneered to see the dark forms of DarkestMagnamon and ChaosGallantmon.

"Well, well, well. Look's like we get to have some fun with the Digidestined and Tamers." DarkestMagnamon said with crossed arms and a sly tone, causing ChaosGallantmon to nod.

"I must admit, I am surprised you made it this far." He admitted, only to aim his lance downward and say. "However, this is where you will fall. You might've gotten lucky against the lesser Chaos Knights, but you haven't faced faced anything like us."

"We'll just see about that." Gatomon said back, awaiting Kari to Digivolve , only to stop when UlforceVeedramon stood in front of her.

"Hold up, I'll take him on. He is the corrupt side of Magnamon, which means I have the best chance of defeating him." UlforceVeedramon said, extending his energy blade as he prepared to fight.

"The same goes with me and ChaosGallantmon." Takato added, drawing out his D-Power, while Guilmon braced himself against his dark version.

"Biomerge activate!" The brunette called in a mighty tone, combining his form and energy with Guilmon's, forming the all-powerful Gallantmon, who, after brushing his cape aside, readied his lance and shield.

With the variants of Veemon and Gallantmon doubles about to engage in combat, UlforceVeedramon and Gallantmon stopped when Jun, Silvermon, Rika and Renamon walked up, standing proudly by their sides.

"Jun? Silvermon? What are you guys doing?" Ulforceveedramon asked, making Jun say in reply. "What does it look like, I'm sticking around to fight with you."

"We are a team, and a team looks out for each other." Silvermon said, seeing Davis and Veemon like family and didn't want to see them fall against DarkestMagnamon.

And though Jun felt the same, the way she expressed it was different.

"Plus I'll never hear the end of it from mum and dad if you two wind up losing." The maroon haired girl added , which made UlforceVeedramon sigh a little, but within his being, Davis and Veemon smiled from Jun's way of showing she loved them.

"Alright then. Ready sis?" UlforceVeedramon asked, making Jun withdraw her Digivice and smirk.

"You better believe it, Squirt." She replied, teasing Davis a little, before focusing as she announced. "Silvermon, it's time to Digivolve!"

Releasing the energy from her Digivice, it filled her partner, surpassing Rookie, Champion and Ultimate, causing the fox Digimon to call as she reached her Mega form. "Silvermon, Warp Digivolve to... Kuzuhamon!"

And with one foxy shaman Digimon fighting, another was soon to join when Rika looked at Gallantmon with a confident expression and told him. "Sorry Gogglehead, but no way are you facing ChaosGallantmon solo. You and Guimon taught us to be a team, that means sticking with your friends through thick and thin."

"So you best believe we are staying to fight by your side." Renamon added, which caused Gallantmon to nod in understanding and acceptance.

"Very well." He replied, before asking. "Ready?"

"Always." Rika said with confidence, drawing her D-Power, where she held the device up and unleashed its power, like Takato and Guilmon, combining with Renamon and her to announce. "Renamon Biomerge to... Sakuyamon!"

With the four now in their Mega forms, ready to fight the Chaos Knights, taking lead, UlforceVeedramon and Gallantmon leapt forward, with UlforceVeedramon clashing his blade against DarkestMagnamon's Black Digizoit covered arms, while Gallantmon struck at ChaosGallantmon, who fended off his light side with his shield.

"Guys, we've got these fakes handled. See what you can do about those towers." UlforceVeedramon told his friends.

And though the remaining Digidestined wanted to assist in fighting alongside their friends, they respected the command and headed off, with Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon heading for the north tower, while Kari, Yolei, Gatomon and Hawkmon went to the west.

With the Digidestined going their own ways, UlforceVeedramon turned his attention back on DarkestMagnamon.

"Well this is going to be fun. I get to finally destroy you." The darkened Magnamon said, pushing UlforceVeedramon back and allowed his hands to fill with dark energy.

"Shadow Punch!" He then called, releasing the darkness from his fists in the form of several shots of dark energy, which UlforceVeedramon countered.

"Tense-great Shield!" He called, producing a barrier from his V-Bracelet, which took the attacks for him.

"Oh you think that will protect you?" DarkestMagnamon asked, sounding amused.

"Guess again." He then said, before using his great speed to disappear, causing UlforceVeedramon to dispell his barrier, but remained alert.

"Shadow Kick!" He heard DarkestMagnamon call behind him, bracing for the strike, only to turn and saw the corrupt Magnamon's attack was being held back, his foot locked in place by Kuzuhamon's Shakujou spear.

"Are you two alright?" Kuzuhamon asked, continuing to hold back DarkestMagnamon, showing concern for her friends, while Jun, though glad to see her brother unharmed, smirked and crossed her arms.

"What would you do without us, little brother? You're lucky you have Kuzuhamon and myself to count on." She said, continuing to watch the fight above her, where in Kuzuhamon pushed DarkestMagnamon back, leaving him open to a counter attack.

"Taizoukai Mandara!" Kuzuhamon announced, releasing mystical energies stored within her spear, directly at DarkestMagnamon.

"The Ray of Victory!" UlforceVeedramon followed up, unleashing a beam of energy from the V shaped crest on his chest.

With the two attacks, both combined into one powerful force, they struck at DarkestMagnamon, causing the area around him to erupt in a powerful blast.

"That was too eas..." UlforceVeedramon began to say, only to stop when he heard chuckling, causing him and Kuzuhamon to go back on the defensive, watching as the smoke cleared, where both saw a black sphere floating in DarkestMagnamon's place.

"Is that all you've got?" UlforceVeedramon and Kuzuhamon heard the Chaos Knight mock, his voice coming from the darkened orb, which made them realize DarkestMagnamon was inside and had used the darkness to protect himself, angering the heroes and heroines, just before UlforceVeedramon spoke.

"I should've known he'd do that." He said, knowing DarkestMagnamon had all of his techniques as Magnamon, including his Aura Barrier.

But knowing that DarkestMagnamon had similar attacks and techniques compared to Magnamon that meant UlforceVeedramon also knew all DarkestMagnamon's weaknesses, including his barrier.

Though powerful enough to fend off most attacks, such a defence had limitations, including a duration as to how long it could remain active, how much damage it could absorb before dispelling, as well as leaving the user trapped inside, unable to move, giving those attacking time to come up with a counter attack.

And with that, UlforceVeedramon charged alongside Kuzuhamon, drawing out his Ulforce Saber, while the mystic Digimon readied her spear, both planning to pierce through DarkestMagnamon's Shadow Sphere and finish him as one.


"Darkness Force!" DarkestMagnamon suddenly called, releasing not only a great surge of negative energy from his being, but as it collided with his shield, the darkness intensified, growing in power as it burst through the area and stuck UlforceVeedramon and Kuzuhamon.

"Guys!" Jun called in great concern upon seeing her partner, brother and his partner blasted by the wave of darkness, throwing the pair back a great distance.

"This guy is really strong." Kuzuhamon commented after recovering from the attack, getting a confirmed nod from UlforceVeedramon, before staring at the dark counterpart of Magnamon and saying. "Don't let your guard down. He is stronger than the real Magnamon."

"But we are stronger." Kuzuhamon replied, confident in herself and her friends, knowing they were closing in on the Chaos Kings and determined to defeat those who remained under their rule.

For now, all they needed to do was take down DarkestMagnamon.


A serious expression appeared on the faces of Sakuyamon and the two Gallantmon as they prepared to fight ChaosGallantmon.

"Finally, I have the chance to destroy you and show which of us is superior." ChaosGallantmon said to the real Gallantmon as he readied his lance, which began to spark with bolts of black lightning.

"You won't have the chance. We will beat..." Sakuyamon began to say, only to stop when Gallantmon started to charge at ChaosGallantmon, his lance drawn forward and sparking with bolts of energy.

"Lightning Joust!" Gallantmon yelled, dispatching the lightning from his lance.

However, ChaosGallantmon didn't move an inch, instead he held up his shield, blocking Gallantmon's attack.

With Gallantmon's attack a failure, ChaosGallantmon scoffed, before saying with arrogance in his tone. "If that's all you can do, defeating you will be no sweat."

"Let me show you what true power of a Gallantmon looks like. Damaging Pierce!" He exclaimed, releasing the black lightning from his lance, which gathered in size and power as it struck Gallantmon.

And though Gallantmon tried to block the attack with his shield, the attack was too strong, pushing him down and sending the armour clad Tamer crashing into the darkness below.

"Gallantmon!" Sakuyamon called in concern upon seeing her ally harmed, breaking her focus from the Gallantmon that remained.

"Cruel Balmung!" ChaosGallantmon suddenly announced, getting Sakuyamon's attention, just before she was struck by the corrupt Digimon's lance, knocking her back and significantly damaging her being.

Groaning as she clutched her stomach, within Sakuyamon, Renamon spoke.

"Forgive me Rika. I let my guard down." She apologized, blaming herself and her emotions for the pain that they both felt.

"It's not your fault." Rika replied, she too in pain, but continued to converse with her partner.

"I let my concern for Takato and Guilmon get to me, but if we are to stand any chance against ChaosGallantmon, we have to focus." The Nonaka then said, causing Renamon to nod in reply, knowing Rika was right and had to face off against ChaosGallantmon with all their power, or hold him off until Gallantmon returned.

"Cruel Balmung!" ChaosGallantmon called once again, expecting a repeat, and to see Sakuyamon fall, however, the Chaos Knight was caught off guard when Sakuyamon sprung into action and countered, using the inner section of her spear to not only hold back Chaosgallantmon's attack, but with a shove, Sakuyamon pushed ChaosGallantmon's weapon aside, leaving him in the open, a shot Sakuyamon wasn't going to let pass her

"Fox Drive!" The shaman Digimon announced, unleashing several balls of blue flame from her spear, each shot fast and struck ChaosGallantmon's chest send him back, leaving a scorch mark on his being.

Yet despite it, ChaosGallantmon remained in place, looking at Sakuyamon with arrogant eyes, only to surprise her as to what his next move was.

"Haha, you are strong, and have a sense of balance to you. However, I can change that. Why not join me? Relinquish all the light in your heart and leave that weak copy of me." ChaosGallantmon offered, digitizing his lance and holding out his hand for Sakuyamon to take, to become like him.

"I'd never join sides with somebody like you." Sakuyamon said back.

"I fight to keep my world and my friends protected." She then added, before placing her hand on her chest and added with complete honesty. "And I would never turn my back on the ones we love. Takato Matsuki and Guilmon might have their flaws, but time and time they have shown how much they care for us."

"So take your offer to some other Digimon, because we're not interested." Sakuyamon finished, getting back into a defensive stance, wondering how ChaosGallantmon would react.

"That's too bad. I could have given you great power. We could've destroyed the Real World and Digital World as one." ChaosGallantmon began to say, his hand encased back in the Balmung Lance, which began to fill with dark energy. "But now I have to destroy you. Say goodbye. Judecca..."

But before he could finish his attack, he and Sakuyamon heard Gallantmon's voice.

"Leave her alone! Shield of the Just!" He called in a mighty tone, blasting ChaosGallantmon with a great surge of energy.

From the attack, Sakuyamon turned around and smiled to see Gallantmon, despite his damaged armour, had returned.

"I love you, too." Gallantmon then said, which made Sakuyamon blush a little to know Gallantmon had heard her words, but couldn't help but smile.

However, her smile faded when she sensed ChaosGallantmon was still around, where in she and Gallantmon saw ChaosGallantmon's armour further damaged to the point darkness seeped from the cracks on his body.

"If you love each other so much, you both can all perish! Judecca Prison!" He yelled, unleashing a massive surge of negative energy from his shield.

With such power heading straight for them, Sakuyamon, despite knowing her strength wouldn't be enough, braced herself.

"Crystal Sphere!" Sakuyamon quickly announced, creating a barrier of energy around herself, knowing it would absorb some damage before giving out and would lead to her being bombarded by the blast.

But Sakuyamon also knew her sacrifice would keep the damage to Gallantmon to a minimal.

Or so she thought, for Sakuyamon was caught off guard, stunned when Gallantmon got before her, shield drawn as he braced for the attack, which not only struck him, with such power, it broke through his shield and destroyed it, the attack of ChaosGallantmon devastated Gallantmon, throwing him back from the sheer power, alongside Sakuyamon, where the pair were thrown down, back to the castle's roof and crashed into the ground, damaging them further.

"Gallantmon, Sakuyamon." The pair heard Jun call, looking over to see her rushing over to them.

"Are you two alright, can you still fight?" She asked, almost reaching the pair, only to stop when a blast of ChaosGallantmon's dark lightning stuck between the Digidestined and Tamers, blasting the maroon haired girl back.

"Jun!" Gallantmon called in concern, trying to pull himself up to check and see if Davis' sister was alright, but found he could barely move, to which Gallantmon said to Sakuyamon without looking at her. "Sakuyamon, I need you to go check on Jun and see if she is ok."

"I'm going to take on ChaosGallantmon." The armour clad Tamer then said, managing to rise to his feet, despite the damage his body was enduring.

"Gallantmon, no! I will not let you fight him by yourself!" Sakuyamon protested, knowing she could help in taking down the Chaos Knight, but stopped speaking as she gazed at him, staring into his eyes and saw the seriousness within them.

"I need to fight him alone, it's the only way. I don't want you to get hurt." Gallantmon stated, about to resume his fight with ChaosGallantmon, but stopped when he felt Sakuyamon grab his arm.

Turning to face her, expecting Sakuyamon to object, Gallantmon was caught off guard upon seeing Sakuyamon smile at him.

And his surprise heightened when Sakuyamon, after removing the bottom part of Gallantmon's helmet, revealing he had Takato's skin, Guilmon's familiar black markings on his cheeks and Takato's lips, Sakuyamon pressed hers' against his, engaging Gallantmon in a loving kiss, filling Gallantmon with warmth and a newfound energy, causing him to kiss Sakuyamon back.

"Now go get that cheap copy and show him what makes you the real Gallantmon." Sakuyamon said, parting lips from Gallantmon and smiling, causing Gallantmon to smile back, before setting the bottom part of his helmet back in place and turning back to confront ChaosGallantmon.

Watching as Gallantmon leapt back into battle, ChaosGallantmon scoffed.

"Touching, but nothing can stop me from defeating you." He stated, his shield filling with dark energy as he prepared to finish his enemy off.

"Cruel Balmung!"

With his call, ChaosGallantmon unleashed another blast of dark energy, striking Gallantmon and enveloping him a great and devastating blast.

"So long Gallantmon." ChaosGallantmon said, lowering his lance and shield, thinking Gallantmon was no more.

However, before ChaosGallantmon could react, a surge of red light shot from the blast and hit the Chaos Knight, damaging him, as well as leaving him shocked when the smoke faded to reveal Gallantmon, only he was glowing with a powerful red aura and his armour had changed to a familiar shade of red.

Gallantmon was in his Crimson Mode.

"Impossible!" ChaosGallantmon said, stunned to see gallantmon was still alive.

"Moments ago, you could barely stand. Where did you get that power?" The Chaos Knight then questioned.

"You have Rika and Renamon to thank for that." Gallantmon replied, looking down at Sakuyamon, to see her armour had digitized, leaving her in the black ensemble she wore underneath, while Jun had her arms around her, keeping the shaman Digimon from falling.

"They gave us the strength to continue fighting. And we won't let it go to waste." He then told ChaosGallantmon, drawing out his new blade and holding it forward, ready to finish what he had started.

"Crimson Light!"

With his call, a powerful light radiated around Gallantmon's form, before expanding, illuminating the darkness around him and the surrounding area, as well as consuming ChaosGallantmon, who brought up his shield, desperate to defend himself.

But even with his shield and the power of chaos, Gallantmon's power was too much for the Chaos Knight, making him cry out in shock and disbelief as his shield digitized, followed closely by the rest of his being, breaking into particles of darkness as he was finally destroyed.

And with ChaosGallantmon gone, back at the castle, Sakuyamon smiled.

"That's my Gogglehead."

-Back with UlforceVeedramon and Kuzuhamon-

Despite a rough start with DarkestMagnamon, determined to defeat the Chaos Knight, the pair resumed their fight, not only sure to give it their all against the corrupt form of Magnamon, but to also watch each other's backs.

However, the three ceased fighting when a red light shone in the distance, making the Digidestined and the corrupt Digimon look over, just in time to see Gallantmon: Crimson Mode wipe out ChaosGallantmon.

"It looks like that arrogant tincan couldn't even beat those kids. I guess I'll have to finish this on my own." DarkestMagnamon commented, about to rush off and strike Gallantmon while his back was turned, only to stop when UlforceVeedramon and Kuzuhamon got in the way.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you still have us to deal with." UlforceVeedramon said in a serious tone, extending his Ulforce Sabre, while Kuzuhamon got into a fighting stance, readying her magical prowess.

"Think you two can stop me? I'm one of the top six when it comes to the Chaos Knights." DarkestMagnamon stated as darkness encircled his being.

"I'm going to finish you off and then I will go after your friends. Shadow Kick!" He then called, shooting at the duo with a great burst of speed and appearing behind UlforceVeedramon, drawing his left leg up and bringing it down, hard.

However, UlforceVeedramon, despite lacking the speed of the corrupt Magnamon, anticipated his movements, turning around and stopped the kick, managing to actually grab DarkestMagnamon's leg.

"Now!" He called to Kuzuhamon, making her nod and aim her spear at the variant Veemon species.

"Kitsune Flare!" Kuzuhamon announced, releasing several black flames from her spear, each taking to form the shape of a fox, which circled around UlforceVeedramon and struck DarkestMagnamon, damaging his being, which was set ablaze in black flame.

"And have some of this!" UlforceVeedramon followed up, throwing DarkestMagnamon into the air, unable to counter or defend himself with the fox flames burning away his armour.

"The Ray of Victory!" The Digimon of Miracles yelled, releasing a great surge of energy from the V shaped crest on his chest.

"I will not go down without a fight..." He groaned, anger and hatred clouding his judgement.

"Darkness Force!" DarkestMagnamon yelled back, releasing a tremendous and devastating surge of darkness from his armour, which clashed with UlforceVeedramon's attack, locking the Digimon of good and evil in a stalemate, both pushing themselves to the limit in order to overpower and defeat the other.

But even with his power and determination, UlforceVeedramon could sense DarkestMagamon's power increasing, his rage consuming the Chaos Knight completely, to the point it seemed he was willing to destroy everything just to eliminate the heroes and heroines.

'He's too strong...' UlforceVeedramon admitted to himself.

"But I will not give up for my friends!" He then yelled, adding more power to his attack and kept holding on.

"Give up already. There's no point of continuing. So long as I have darkness, I cannot be defeated!" DarkestMagnamon stated, only to feel something was wrong with his power, it was getting weaker.

"What's going on?" He questioned, feeling whatever was disrupting his strength was behind him, causing him to turn his head, where he saw Kuzuhamon, her hand planted on his back.

"You! What did you do to me!?" DarkestMagnamon demanded.

"I used my Dark Magic Seal technique." Kuzuhamon replied, taking a look at the seal now posted on DarkestMagnamon's back, before telling him. "So long as this sacred seal remains on your body, your power will be drained away."

"Now UlforceVeedramon, finish this fight!" The purple armoured mystic called, leaping aside, to which UlforceVeedramon let out a loud battle cry, releasing a final burst of energy, which tore through DarkestMagnamon's power, consuming the corrupt Digimon and destroying every last trace of him.

And with DarkestMagnamon vanquished, UlforceVeedramon and Kuzuhamon headed back, meeting up with Jun, Gallantmon and Sakuyamon, where the maroon haired girl smiled.

"Not bad work, Squirt." She said, teasing her brother, but also proud of how great a force he and Veemon had become.

"Thanks." UlforceVeedramon replied, confusing Jun a little as to why he wasn't showing any annoyance to her teasing.

But looking at the serious expression on his face, she figured it out.

"Don't worry Davis. I'm sure Kari and the others will be alright." Jun said, sounding more caring, which just caused UlforceVeedramon to sigh and think. 'I hope so.'

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