Forbidden Love [Completed]

By callmeCRAZY8

59K 2.8K 784

Love comes in forms of different perspectives, rather it's designed to fulfill happiest or shatter someone in... More

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Author's Note


2K 92 6
By callmeCRAZY8

Work was kicking my ass today and I was already sweating by eight in the morning.

It was busy as hell and I was about tired of everyone around me. I wanted to slash tires and say 'fuck it', but kept my cool as I walked around the shop.

Being a mechanic wasn't as easy as it seems.

There were hot ass days that made me want to murder someone. Rude ass customers that made me want to quit my job and waking up early to be here and deal with all of it.

But it's money and I have my good days.

Plus, I've been working here since I was thirteen. I had a lot of people respect me and I enjoyed it.

"Remi." One of my coworkers called my name as I was taking a tire off. I look over as he was walking towards me before crossing his arms. "You going to lunch today?"


"You never go to lunch." He said. "Why?"

"I'm not hungry." I said as I focused back on the tire. I glance over at him as he was watching me before nodding and walking away.

I may be the weird one here cause I'm the only girl and I don't eat like everyone else or do things that they do, which I'm fine with that.

Some of the guys give me weird looks but ignore it.

They all became good friends and I appreciate the respect I get from them.

I walked around this vehicle after changing the tires and made sure everything was good before allowing one of the coworkers to drive it out of the shop.

After that was done, I walked inside to the bathroom and wash my hands before returning to work. I was already tired and it was only eleven in the morning.

The amount of sweat coming from my body was insane.

It was hot as hell this summer and I didn't like it.

But, I was complaining last winter when it was too cold and now it's too hot.

As I walk back outside, I saw a car pull up and a woman got out. I decided to walk to her and help her with whatever she needed before any of the guys did.

They all knew I was gay, which they respected and I'm usually the first one to help out the women that come here.

She smiles at me and I smile back before stopping in front of her. "How can I help you?" I said as I glanced over at her car.

"My oil light is on and I need it checked."

"I can do that." I smile at her before telling her that she can wait inside the building or wait out here.

After she walks inside, I pull her car up inside the shop and start doing what I do best. I opened the hood and inspect the oil level before finding out the oil type for this specific car.

I never really thought I would get into mechanic work cause it didn't really interest me when I was little. I remember I wanted to be a doctor when I was seven years old, but that surely changed once I turned nine.

Then my dad brought me into the world of cars, dirt and grime.

I fell in love with everything about it and I want to continue pursuing it as a career.

Working since I was thirteen made me into someone that I wasn't when I was ten. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I graduated high school or go into the adult life.

Once I graduated, I studied everything I could about being a mechanic but never had the opportunity to go to college and learn more about it.

A lot of tragic things happened in my life and it kept me from doing a lot of what I wanted to do.

Being a doctor changed after having an experience with hospitals.

Then going to college changed not long after I turned sixteen.

It's insane to me how something tragic can change your course of direction in life. You think you have something for a long time but then it's taken away from you without any explanation.

But after struggling for a few years with everything, I came back to the mechanic world and continued down the road.

After I was done changing the oil and everything in this car, I smiled before putting the hood down and backing the car out of the shop.

I made sure everything was good before walking inside where the customer was and told her that her car was ready.

"That didn't take long." She says.

"She's the best out here." My boss smiles as he walks out of the office. "She's quick."

The woman smiles before paying and thanking him. She turns her attention towards me and smiles at me before walking out with me towards her car.

She stops next to it before turning towards me. "Thank you again. What's your name?"


"Thank you, Remi." She held out of her hand and I shook it. "I'll be sure to ask for you when I come back."

That made me smile as she got into her car and left a few moments later.

The day went on and I continued to work my ass off while everyone else around me was walking around. I loved what I did and my main focus was on the work and nothing else.

"Did you eat?" One of my coworkers asks as we were clocking out for today. I look over at him before shaking my head. "I never see you eat."

"I don't."

"That's not healthy." He said as we walk out of the shop. I shrug as I walk to my Jeep as he was following me before stopping as I was unlocking the door. "Sorry for asking. I'm just curious."

"I understand." I said before sitting in the driver seat. I watch as he walks around before crossing his arms.

Out of all the guys that work here, this one was the main one that talks to me and became my friend. He asks questions about things that he's curious about or tries to get me to go out to eat with him.

He knows I'm gay and respects that, which I like. He doesn't flirt with me in that way and we're pretty good friends.

"Well, have a good afternoon. I'll see you tomorrow." He waves before walking off, allowing me to close my door and start the engine.

After I left, I was ready to go home and take a shower. I needed sleep and to get all of this sweat, dirt and grease off of me from working so hard.

Once I drove down our road, I saw the house come into view and sighed as I pulled up in the driveway and parked.

Kate's car was in the driveway and Mason's was gone since he had work. I look at the time on the stereo, seeing five on it and knowing Mason wouldn't be getting home until ten.

He works at an office, which I'm sure has something to do with the department of motor vehicles but I can't remember.

All I know is that it sounds boring.

I couldn't imagine working in an office and behind a desk with no freedom. It didn't work for me so I didn't want a job in any of that.

As I walk to the door, I unlocked it with my key before walking in and instantly hearing Asher. I heard him running around, screaming and that made me chuckle as I walk further in.

Asher saw me and instantly screamed before running towards me. I swooped him up before holding in tightly in my arms as he wraps his arms around my neck.

"Where's mama?" I ask.

"In the living room." He jumps from my arms and runs towards the living room with me following him.

Kate was sitting on the couch, holding Sophia and when she saw me, she sighs before shaking her head. "I am going crazy. Asher won't calm down and I'm trying to get Sophia to sleep."

"I'll take him to my room." I said.

"Will you?" I saw her eyes light up as I nod. "Thank you."

"Asher." I hummed before grabbing him from the floor and holding him. "Time to play pillow dive."

"Pillow dive!" He yells, but I shush him before carrying him to my room.

As I walk downstairs, I saw Asher jump out of my arms before running into my room. I turn on the light and toss my phone on the bed as Asher ran to my chest box that was on the floor.

He tosses out some things before pulling out the helmet. I saw him place it on his head before smiling at me and jumping on the bed.

Our games that we play are a little weird but he loves them.

Pillow dive is something I made up and he really enjoys it. It keeps him calm and happy, which is good for Kate cause she needs rest since she was dealing with him all day.

Asher goes to daycare but they were closed today. Since Kate doesn't work right now, she had to watch him all day as Mason and I went to work.

It made me feel bad but Kate said it was fine.

But when I saw my sister sitting on the couch, I could tell she was tired and drained. I instantly knew I had to get Asher out of the room and occupy him for a while.

I didn't mind cause I loved Asher to death.

"Ready?" I ask as I grabbed my pillows and placed them on the floor at the end of the bed. I saw Asher jump up and down with a smile on his face before looking at me.

I jumped on the bed before grabbing him from behind and holding him up on the air over the pillows. I saw him kick his feet before I smiled then tossed him on the floor.

When he landed on the pillows, he laughs and jumps back on the back before demanding me to toss him again.

That went on for a few minutes before I started getting tired from tossing him. My arms felt like they were giving out and I had to rest.

Asher played on the floor as I sat down and texted Lucas. I kept my eyes on Asher for a moment before looking back at my phone when Lucas texted.

He asks if I wanted to go to the swimming pool this weekend with his family. I thought about it before texting him back and saying that I would love to.

I don't usually like going out anywhere but it's fun with Lucas' family. I liked them a lot and it distracts me from all the people that are around in public.

As Asher was playing, I smiled at him before leaning back and staring at the wall across the room. I heard him make noises as he was playing then the door opens.

Kate walks in before smiling and stopping once she looks over at Asher. "I just put Sophia to sleep. Thank you again, Remi."

"You're welcome." I smile.

"Asher. It's time for a bath." Kate said as she walks over to her son and picks him up.

Asher groans before tossing his head back as he was being carried out of the room.

Once they were gone, I look over at the wall before sighing and texting Lucas back.

I ended up taking a shower afterwards and getting ready for bed. I was getting settled in before seeing the door open and Kate walks in.

"Did you eat?" She crosses her arms.


"Have you ate anything today?"

Again, I shook my head.

"Remi." Kate was now pissed as she looks at me. "I can't keep worrying about you. You need to eat."

I nodded as I look at her. "I know. It's hard and you know that."

She sighs before looking at me. She walks over to me before sitting on the edge of my bed and looking at me. "You know how mom and dad was worried about you when you didn't eat?" I nod. "I feel their presence here all the time and it's like.. they're telling me to tell you these things."

When I heard that, I tried not rolling my eyes. I nodded as I settled in more and saw Kate watch me before sighing.

"I love you." She leans over and kisses my head before standing up. "Goodnight."

After she left, I sigh before laying there and feeling an undeniable feeling in my chest that felt like it was tightening.

I knew that she was worried about me but I couldn't help how my body is. I was always this way and it seems like nothing helps, no matter what I do.

My life wasn't exactly perfect and problems always seem to rise up from the horizon. I never could get a break from anything that life throws my way so I was use to it.

I'm sure all my problems would follow me to the grave.

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