Baby Winchester

By AleeyahRoses

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Dean rescues 5 year old Hayden from her abusive family and takes her under his wing. After recruiting his bro... More

Season 1
Season 1 - 1 (Pilot)
Season 1-2 (Wendigo)
Season 1-3 (Dead In The Water)
Season 1-4 (Phantom Traveler)
Season 1-5 (Bloody Mary)
Season 1-6 (Skin)
Season 1-7 (Hook Man)
Season 1-9 (Home)
Season 1-10 (Asylum)
Season 1-11 (Scarecrow)
Season 1-12 (Faith)
Season 1-13 (Route 666)
Season 1-14 (Nightmare)
Season 1-15 (The Benders)
Season 1-16 (Shadow)
I'm So Sorry (A/N)
Season 1-17 (Hell House)
Season 1-18 (Something Wicked This Way Comes)
Season 1-19 (Provenance)
Season 1-20 (Dead Man's Blood)

Season 1-8 (Bugs)

859 18 1
By AleeyahRoses

Hayden sat on the hood of the impala with Sam as the two waited for Dean to finish his pool hustle.

Sam was reading a newspaper searching for a hunter while Hayden was watching the stars.

"Uncle Sammy?" Hayden called. Sam turned away from the paper and looked at her.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"The stars are really pretty tonight. They look brighter." She said. Sam looked up at the stars before smiling softly at his niece.

"Are they?" He asked.

"Yeah. Look! I can make a picture." She said. Sam watched as she point her finger to the sky, drawing aimlessly.

"What'd you draw?" He asked.

"A bug." She said. Sam frowned in confusion.

"A bug? Why?" He asked.

"I don't know." She said with a shrug.

"So what type of bug is it?" Sam asked.

"A ladybug? Ladybugs have 6 legs right?" She replied.

"Yeah." Sam chuckled.

"Are they black?" She asked.

"No." Sam laughed.

"Oh. I didn't draw a ladybug." She said.

Before Sam could respond, Dean chuckled proudly as he walked down the stairs approaching the two.

"You know we could get day jobs once in a while." Sam said as Dean started counting the cash he'd won.

"Hunting's our day job and the pay is crap." Dean stated.

"We get paid?" Hayden asked, her face painted with disbelief.

"My point exactly." Dean remarked.

"Yeah but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world Dean." Sam said.

"Well let's see. Honest. Fun and ease." Dean said using his hands as a scale. He used the money for Fun and Easy and nothing for Honest. "It's no contest." He said weighing his hands so Fun and Easy would win.

"Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do." He added before he went back to counting his money.

"Yeah, we'll how we were raised was jacked." Sam said.

"Yeah, says you." Dean grumbled.

"But daddy, that's against the law. What if we get caught?" Hayden said worried.

"We won't. Wait how do you even know what's against the law?" He asked. Sam turned to his niece also curious.

"I found Uncle Sammy's Book of Law. It's more interesting than math." She said. Dean froze and gaped at his daughter.

"Dear god." He said.

"What?" Sam asked. Dean turned his eyes to his brother.

"What have you done to my baby?" He questioned.

"I didn't do anything. Hayden why were you going through my stuff? You know you're not supposed to do that." Sam asked.

"I didn't go through your stuff." Hayden lied.

"Hayden that book was at the bottom of my bag, wrapped up in loose cloth. Tell the truth." Sam said.

"Well I didn't mean to but your girlfriend wanted to see it to make sure you still had the note she left in there. She wouldn't leave me alone, even after I told her I wasn't allowed. But after I found it, I wanted to read the book because I wanted to know why you loved it enough to go to school to learn it. So I read it." She explained before her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. Sam's face hardened.

"What?" He asked in utter disbelief.

"I'm sorry Uncle Sammy. I wasn't supposed to tell you. She made me swear because she didn't want you to be sad again." Hayden said. She didn't have to be supernatural to know his entire demeanor changed. She saw it.

"So we got a new gig or what?" Dean asked quickly changing the subject. Sam cleared his throat and recomposed himself.

"Maybe." He started as he got off the hood.

"Oasis Plains, Oklahoma. Not far from here. A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creuzfeldt-Jakob." Sam explained.

"Huh?" Dean asked.

"Human mad cow disease." Hayden answered.

"Exactly." Sam said.

"Mad cow? Wasn't that on Oprah?" Dean asked. Hayden and Sam turned to him in disbelief.

"You watch Oprah?" They asked. Dean looked between the two not wanting to answer their question.

"S-so this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?" He asks going back to the original topic.

"Mad Cow Disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years for the damage to appear but this guy Dustin, sound like his brain disintegrated in about an hour... maybe less." Sam explained.

"That's unlikely." Hayden remarked.

"Yep that's weird." Dean said.

"Yeah. Now it could be a disease..." Sam started.

"Or it could be something worse." Hayden finished.

"Alright Oklahoma!" Dean said as Sam helped Hayden off the car.

"Man. Work, work, work. No time to spend my money." Dean commented as the three got into the impala.

"Our money." Hayden said.

"How so?" Dean asked.

"Because you're my daddy. Your stuff is my stuff." She said.

"Keep dreaming kid." Dean joked.


Dean parked outside of the Oklahoma Gas & Power building so they could question the witness. Hayden got out with them.

"Stay-" Hayden cut him off.

"I know. I'm staying with Uncle Sammy." She said and grabbed Sam's hand. Dean frowned a little. He could tell that lately Hayden had been a little distant from him. She would try to play it off and act how she normally would but he could see clean through the act.

He knew it had something to do with her newfound training he'd started for her but he didn't understand why she had a problem. He shook away his thoughts as the three walked to the building.

"Travis Weaver?" Sam asked as they approached a man next to a truck.

"Yeah that's right." The man said.

"Did you work with Uncle Dusty?" Hayden asked. Sam and Dean looked down at her in shock at the quickness of her lie but didn't show it on their faces.

"Dustin never mentioned nephews or a niece?" Travis said.

"Really? Well he sure mentioned you." Dean said.

"He said you were the bestest, Mr. Travis." Hayden added.

"Oh he did? Huh." Travis said with a sad smile.

"Listen, we wanted to ask you uh, what exactly happened out there?" Dean asked.

"I'm not sure. He fell in a sinkhole. I went to the truck to get some rope and by the time I got back..." Travis trailed off.

"What exactly did you see?" Dean asked. Travis glanced down wearily at Hayden.

"Nothing. Just Dustin." Travis replied. At the comment, Hayden got dizzy and leaned her head into Sam's side. She knew she was starting to have a vision.

Since their last hunt, the family had been marking the signs of Hayden's visions. That way no one would catch her eyes turning purple. She shut her eyes and squeezed Sam's hand to alert him of what was happening.




Hayden looked down at the man the had fallen in the sinkhole. There was a strange noise and she felt the ground shake a little. She saw Travis at a truck looking for something to help Dustin.

Then Dustin screamed. Hayden looked back to Dustin and saw a lot of bugs crawling on him and into him.

Then she felt something on her leg. Looking down, she saw the same bugs crawling up her legs and arms. She shakily rose her hand to look at it. It was the same bug that she drew in the stars. She shut her eyes tightly as the bugs crawled up her neck. She didn't know what to do. Then Dustin stopped screaming and the bugs were gone.

She hesitated but loooked down anyway, seeing Dustin dead with blood covering his face.

"Die! All of you!" She heard a sudden voice. She looked around trying to find where it was coming from.

"You will all pay!" It screamed. Her eyes locked with the ground beneath her before she gasped out of the vision.




When she came to, Dean was driving and Sam was messing with something in his hand.

"So you found some beetles in a hole in the ground. It shocking Sam." Dean said sarcastically.

"There were no tunnels, no tracks, no evidence of any other kind of creature down there. You know some beetles do eat meat. Now it's usually dead meat, but-" Dean cut his brother off.

"How many did you find down there?"

"Ten." Sam answered.

"It's gonna take a whole lot more than that to eat out some dude's brain." Dean stated.

"Well maybe there were more." Sam said.

"There were." Hayden joined the conversation. The brothers turned to her.

"What did you see?" Dean asked.

"He was in a hole and there were at lot of bugs. It was the same bug I drew in the stars Uncle Sammy." She started.

"This is what you drew." Sam asked showing her the bug. She nodded.

"There was something else." She said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"The ground was talking." She said.

"I'm sorry?" He asked in confusion.

"I heard a voice coming from the ground." She said.

"What did it say?" Sam asked.

"Die. All of you." She said.

"I don't know. This all sounds like a stretch to me." Dean said.

"Well we need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before." Sam said. Dean turned his waitress from his brother back to the road, spitting a sign.

"I know a good place to start. I'm kinda hungry for a little barbecue. How about you?" He said.

"I'm hungry." Hayden said. Sam gave his brother a look.

"What? We can't talk to the locals?" Dean asked.

"And the free food has nothing to do with it?" Sam asked knowingly.

"Of course not. I'm a professional." Dean said.

"I'm not. I want the food." Hayden said. Sam and Dean chuckled as Dean parked.

The three got out and Hayden grabbed Dean's hand as the walked to the house where the barbecue was being held.

"Man, growing up in a place like this would freak me out." Dean said.

"Why?" Sam and Hayden asked in unison.

"The manicured lawns, 'how was your day, honey?'. I'd blow my brains out." He responded.

"There's nothing wrong with normal." Sam said.

"I'd take our family over normal any day." Dean replied.

Hayden looked down as they knocked on a door. Sometimes she wished she could be normal. Granted, her abilities benefited the family a great deal, but sometimes she wished that they could be a normal family. That way, they won't always be faced with constant life threatening situations, be it supernatural or the law.

"Welcome." A man greeted as he opened the door to the family.

"Is this the barbecue?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Not the best weather but... I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. You are?" He said reaching his hand out to shake Dean's.

"Dean. This is Sam and Hayden." Dean introduced.

"Sam, Dean, Hayden. Good to meet you. So you're a family interested in Oasis Plains?" Larry asked.

"Yes sir." Dean said enthusiastically.

"Let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, color, religion or... sexual orientation." Larry said. Sam and Dean paused before Sam chuckled.

"What?" Hayden asked confused.

"We're brothers. Hayden is my daughter, not his." Dean said.

"Our father is getting on in years and we're just looking for a place for him." Sam said deflating the awkwardness.

"Great, great. Seniors are welcome here too. Come on in." Larry said leading the three inside.

"Uncle Sammy? What did he mean sexual orientation?" Hayden asked.

"Well, uh... there are people in the world who like their same gender. Boys like boys or girls like girls. He thought me and Dean were dating." Sam tried to explain in a way she would understand.

"You mean like when grown ups kiss?" She asked.

"Something like that." He replied.

"Gross." She said showing disgust on her face. Sam only laughed.

"So you said you were the developer?" Dean asked as Larry led them into the backyard.

"18 months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels. And you know what, we built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in Oasis Plains. This is my wife, Joanie." Larry explained.

Someone off to the side caught Hayden's attention. There was a boy playing with a giant spider. Hayden was intrigued. She's never seen a big spider like that, only tiny ones. She also wondered why the boy was alone. So she walked away from Sam and Dean who were focused on investigating and approached him.

"Hi." She said catching his attention.

"Hey." He turned to her and gave her a soft smile.

"I'm Hayden. What's your name?" She asked.

"Matt." He replied.

"Why are you all alone?" She asked.

"I just like to be, I guess." He stated.

"That's a cool spider." She complimented.

"You're not scared?" He asked.

"No. Can I play with you?" She asked. She could feel his energy. He felt lonely.

"Sure." Matt said. Hayden smiled at him.

"Do you want to hold him?" He asked causing to child to nod excitedly.

"Hold your hands out." He instructed. Hayden did as told and Matt let the spider crawl onto her hands.

"It tickles." She giggled as the spider crawled in her hands.

"My daddy would never let me have one of these. One time, I found a tree spider and I put it in a cup. He freaked out when he saw it. It was funny." She said.

"Want to see something even funnier?" He asked as he grabbed the spider back.

"Yeah." She said.

"You see that lady over there?" He said pointing to a lady wearing a suit that was talking to Sam and Dean.

"The lady talking to my daddy?" She asked.

"Yeah. She's- wait that's your dad?" He asked.

"Yep." She replied.

"That lady is terrified of spiders. Wanna play a little prank on her?" He said.

"Isn't that mean?" She asked.

"Well she won't get hurt, only a little freaked. It'll kinda be like when your dad found the spider you had." He explained.

"Won't you get in trouble?" She asked.

"I'll be fine." He brushed it off.

"Oh ok." She said. She watched as Matt placed the spider on the table behind the lady. Dean had gone somewhere and the woman was now leaning on the table talking to Sam. She was completely unaware of the spider approaching her hand.

"This is going to be hilarious. I promise." Matt said as the two hid behind a group of people. She looked away from Matt and saw Sam excuse the woman before the spider reached her.

"Uh oh." She said.

"What?" Matt asked as he watched Sam pick up the spider.

"That's my uncle." She said. Then Sam approached them.

"Is this yours?" He asked.

"You gonna tell my dad?" Matt sassed as Sam handed him the spider.

"I don't know. Who's your dad?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Larry usually skips me in the family introductions." Matt scoffed.

"Ouch. First name bases with the old man sounds pretty grim." Sam commented.

"Well I'm not exactly brochure material." He said.

"Well, hang in there. It's gets better alright? I promise." Sam said.

"When?" Matt asked sarcastically.

"Now! You're my friend, right? I'll help you." Hayden said smiling at the teenager.

"Yeah, Hayden, we can be friends." Matt smiled back. Hayden beamed at Sam.

"Uncle Sammy, I have my first friend." She smiled hugging Matt's side.

"I'm honored." He replied.

"Can I call you Matty?" She said.

"No way." Matt laughed.

"Please?" She begged.

"Not happening." He refused. Sam smiled a little at the two. Matt was her first friend. That seemed like such a milestone for them.

"Well can I name your spider?" She suggested.

"Sure." Matt started to hand her the spider when he was stopped by a voice.

"Matthew!" The three turned to see Dean and Larry looking at them. Larry was glaring at his son as they walked over to them.

"I am so sorry about my son and his pet." Larry apologized.

"What are you thinking? Giving that thing to a little girl?" He scolded his son before turning back to Sam and Hayden.

"Again, I'm really sorry." He said.

"But he didn't do anything wrong." Hayden pouted. Sam simply pulled her behind him.

"It's no bother." He said. Larry excused the two and walked off to chastise Matt.

"But Uncle Sammy, he didn't do anything. Why is he in trouble?" Hayden asked not taking her eyes off her new friend.

"I don't know Hayden." He replied before looking at his brother.

"Remind you of someone?" Sam said as Dean stood in front of them.

Dean looked over at Matt and Larry then back at Sam a little confused.

"Dad?" Sam suggested.

"Dad never treated us like that." Dean disagreed.

"Well dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case." Sam stated. Dean just shook his head in disbelief.

"You don't remember?" Sam asked.

"Well, maybe he had to raise his voice but sometimes you were out of line." Dean defended.

"Right. Right. Like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bow hunting." Sam stated.

"Bow hunting's an important skill." Dean said.

"But what if I don't want to know bow hunting? What if I wanted to be normal?" Hayden asked looking at the two.

"Again, bow hunting is an important skill. You're going to learn it." Dean replied completely brushing past the second question. Something about the way he said it made her want nothing to do with the important skill.

"Whatever. How was your tour?" Sam asked changing the subject.

"Oh it was excellent. I'm ready to buy." Dean joked. Hayden looked back over to her friend, sad that he was in trouble for nothing. She slipped away from the brothers and walked over to Matt and Larry.

"Mr. Larry?" She called halting their conversation. The two turned and looked at her.

"Is Matty in trouble?" She asked. They could see she was clearly concerned for the boy.

"No. I'm not in trouble, Hayden. It's alright." Matt said but she knew it was a lie.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get him in trouble. I just wanted to play with his pet." She explained. Matt frowned.

"What? Hayden this isn't your fault." Matt said.

"But-" Matt cut her off.

"Dad? Am I excused?" He asked. Larry hesitated still wanting to chastise him but nodded for him to leave. Matt grabbed Hayden's hand and walked away. The two sat on a secluded area of the lawn. She could feel Matt was upset.

"Is your daddy always mean?" She asked.

"Not always. He just doesn't understand me." He said.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"It's alright. It's not your fault. He's just like that." Matt said. Hayden stayed silent.

"Anyways, have you really never had a friend before?" He asked changing the subject.

"No. We never stay in places for long and people are scary. You're my first friend." She explained.

"Well I'm truly honored. How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 6." She replied.

"I'm 16. We're ten years a part. When's your birthday?" Matt said.

"July 23. What's your favorite color?" She asked.

"Hayden!" Dean's voice called before Matt could answer her question. They turned around at see Sam and Dean approaching them.

"What did we say about running off without saying anything?" Dean scolded.

"Not to." She answered.

"Then why did you?" Dean questioned.

"Matty was in trouble because I wanted to play with his spider. I just wanted to help my friend." She explained.

"You friend-" Sam cut his brother off.

"That's alright Hayden. Just don't run off without letting us know." He said.

"It's time to go." Dean said.

"Okay. Bye Matty." Hayden said as she got up.

"Bye Hayden." Matty replied as the three walked away.




It's was night out as the family drove around.

"You know, I've heard of killer bees bug killer beetles? What is it that can make different bugs attack?" Dean asked.

"Well hauntings sometimes include bug manifestations." Sam suggested.

"Yeah but I didn't see any evidence of ghost activity." Dean stated.

"Yeah. Me neither." Sam sighed.

"What if it was because of the voice in the ground?" Hayden asked.

"Have you heard the voice again?" Dean asked.

"No." Hayden sighed.

"Then it's probably not that either." Dean said confirming they were as another dead end.

"Maybe they're being controlled somehow, by something or someone." Dean suggested.

"You mean like 'Willard'?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, bugs instead of rats." Dean replied.

"There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals. Elementals, telepaths." Sam explained.

"Yeah, the whole Timmy-Lassie thing." Dean said before someone came to mind.

"Larry's kid. Got bugs for pets." He said.

"Matty?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah." Dean replied.

"He did try to scare the realtor with a tarantula." Sam stated.

"Think he's our Willard?" Dean asked.

"No!" Hayden said as Sam said, "I don't know. Anything's possible I guess".

"Yeah anything except that." Hayden argued.

"What makes you so sure?" Sam asked.

"The spider thing was a prank. It was a joke and she wasn't gonna get hurt. Plus Matt doesn't have any bad energy around him." She stated.

"Hayden just because he's your friend-" she cut Dean off.

"Daddy it's not just because he's my friend. I'm supernatural. I can feel it. Matty is innocent." She said.

"We're still gonna check the kid tomorrow. So no more arguing." Dean said.

Hayden sat back silently. She understood why Dean would've thought Matt was behind it but still he was her friend and she knew that Matt was innocent. When he was trying to scare the realtor, he had no bad intentions. He didn't feel like he would kill someone. He just wanted to show Hayden something funny.

"Ooh! Hey, pull over here." Dean said suddenly, pulling Hayden from her thoughts. Sam turned the headlights off and pulled in to the driveway of a random empty house.

"What are we doing here?" Sam asked.

Dean then got out and opened the garage door.

"It's too late to talk to anybody else." Dean said.

"We're gonna squat in an empty house?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"How do you know it's empty?" Hayden asked.

"Because only Larry and the realtor live here and I wanna try the steam shower. Come on." Dean replied. Sam gave him a look.

"Come on!" Dean urged. Sam sighed and pulled into the garage, smacking his brother in the stomach as he passed him. Dean the closed the door and opened the car door for Hayden to get out. She unbuckled herself and silently got out.

The brothers got their bags out and the three went into the empty house. Hayden silently walked into a random room with her bag. The brothers could tell something was off. So they followed her, seeing she was already seating in a corner with her face in a book.

"Hayden? Something wrong?" Dean asked.

"No." She lied not taking her eyes from the book.

"You're lying." He stated.

"No I'm not." She continued.

"Hayden." Dean said sternly not liking the fact that she insisted on lying.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She said.

"Well, we're here whenever you're ready to talk. You know that right?" Sam said before Dean could say anything else.

"Yeah. I know. Can I go to bed now?" She mumbled.

"Of course. Good night Hayden." Sam said.

"Good night." She said quietly. Sam closed the door as Dean looked at him annoyed.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asked.

"You were going to make things worse. We should give her her space. She's clearly not ready to talk about what's bothering her." Sam said.

"Yeah but she needs to so she can get over it." Dean said. Sam gaped at his brother.

"What?" Dean asked annoyed.

"Dean if you haven't noticed, Hayden's mind is more developed that she herself is. Not to mention she's got more in common with me than anything."

"So what? You're saying she's going to just up and leaving the family like you did?" Dean accused. Sam sighed at his brother.

"No. Dean look, she's going through a lot, not to mention your continuous training. Leave her be until she's ready to talk Dean. Or you're going to drive a wedge between you and her. She'll put up a wall again like what happened with the shifter and it'll be up a whole lot longer this time." Sam instructed before walking away.

Dean sighed annoyed. He could admit that he had been a bit harder on Hayden lately but that was because he wanted her to be prepared. Since the fight with Hookman, Dean had been doing everything he could to train her powers and her fighting skills. No matter how much Dean wanted to keep her out of the fights, she always ended up in them. So Dean wanted her to be ready for anything.

Hayden laid on the floor, staring at the wall. Although she hated sleeping alone, she didn't want to talk to anyone. She couldn't fight her sleep any longer and closed her eyes.




Hayden stood in someone's bathroom. They were taking a shower. Everything in the bathroom was foggy from the shower.

Suddenly, over the sound of the shower came the same sound she heard when the Dustin guy was killed. She looked around seeing something behind the mirror over the sink. As she walked closer to it, an enormous amount of small spiders emerged for behind it as it began shaking.

Then the person fell through the glass shower door behind her. Hayden turned around shocked to see a naked woman cut from the glass with spiders crawling all over her.




Hayden jolted awake seeing Sam kneeling in front of her. He sighed in relief. She looked away from him seeing Dean in the doorway dressed but his hair was wet.

"We've been trying to wake you up from 20 minutes. What happened?" Sam said.

"A lady fell through a shower door. There were spiders eating her." Hayden explained. Sam sighed.

"Get dressed. We have to leave." He said as he patted her head. Dean turned and left and Sam went to follow behind him.

"Uncle Sammy?" Hayden called as she grabbed her wrist stopping him.

"I have a bad feeling about this one. I'm not sure if this is something we can stop." She said.

"What makes you say that?" Sam asked.

"I don't know but I have a strange feeling. I don't know what it means but I feel like this is different." Hayden tried to explain.

"Alright. Well let's try to figure what we can do to stop more people from dying." Sam said. Hayden nodded and got up to get dressed and Sam left the room.




The family drove to the crime scene seeing the corners load a body into the corner van. The brother got out the car and Dean opened the door for Hayden, only to see that she had gotten out on the driver side with Sam. The brothers shared a look and Dean begrudgingly closed the door back. The three walked over to Larry who was ending a phone call.

"Hello! You're, uh back early." He greeted them.

"Yeah, we just drove in, wanted to take another look at the neighborhood hood." Dean said.

"What happened? Did someone get die?" Hayden asked faking confusion.

Larry sighed and turned to glance at the body being taken away by the corners before turning back to the family.

"You guys met Lynda Bloome at the barbecue?" He asked.

"The realtor." Sam said.

"Well, she uh, she passed away last night." Larry informed them.

"What happened?" Dean asked.

"I'm still trying to figure out. I identified the body for the police." He said as he turned to her house seeing the cop wave him over.

"I'm sorry. This isn't a good time." He said before excusing himself.

"You know what we have to do right?" Dean said to his brother.

"Yeah, get in the house." Sam replied.

"See if we got a bug problem." Dean said.

"We do. I saw them. They were spiders." Hayden said.

"We still have to check the scene Haddie. Why don't you go wait in the car for us?" Sam said before his brother could open his mouth. Hayden nodded and went to get back into the impala.

Considering the training from Dean, Hayden had been getting better at controlling her abilities. Her teleportation was easy to figure out. So when Sam and Dean went into the house to investigate, she was already in the bathroom.

"This looks like the place." Dean said after Sam closed the window.

"It is. This is the bathroom I saw." Hayden said coming out of the bathroom. Sam and Dean jumped in shock.

"What happened to you staying in the impala?" Sam asked.

"It's boring in there. Plus I'm being trained for a reason right?" She said causing Sam to chuckle and shake his head at her. She walked over to Dean and held out her hand, showing him the dead spiders that were under the bath towel on the floor.

"See? Spiders." She said.

"God put those down please." He shuddered. Hayden giggled a bit before tossing them back in the bathroom.

"This only makes me think more of Spider Boy." Dean said.

"Matt." Hayden corrected.

"Maybe." Sam replied to his brother.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Dean said.




The three drove outside of the development where Matt gets off his school bus. They watched his get off and head into the forest that was in the opposite direction of his home.

"Isn't his house the other way?" Dean asked.

"Yep." Sam said.

"Where's he going?" Dean asked before the three decided to follow him.

"Matty!" Hayden called to the boy that was examining a stick bug on his hand. He turned seeing her, Sam and Dean approaching him. Hayden went to give him a hug but Dean grabbed her arm keeping her next to him as he was still suspicious of the boy.

"Remember us?" Sam asked.

"Of course I remember Hayden. What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Well-" Dean cut her off.

"We wanna talk to you."

"You're not here to buy a house are you?" He asked.

"No." Hayden said with a pout.

"W-wait, you're not serial killers are you?" He asked afraid.

"No! You're my friend. We're not gonna hurt you." Hayden said as Sam and Dean chuckled.

"I think you're safe." Sam said.

"So Matt, you sure know a lot about insects." Dean said accusingly.

"Daddy." Hayden scolded.

"So?" Matt asked.

"Did you hear about what happened to Lynda, the realtor?" He asked.

"I heard she died this morning." Matt replied.

"That's right. Spider bites." Dean said.

"Daddy stop it." Hayden said.

"Matt, you tried to scare her with a spider." Sam said. Matt froze.

"Wait you guys think I had something to do with that?" He asked.

"I don't." Hayden said as Dean said "You tell us."

"The tarantula was a joke. I was just trying to make Hayden laugh. Anyway l, that wouldn't explain the bee attack or the gas company guy." Matt defended himself.

"You know about that?" Hayden asked. Matt frowned.

"I should be asking you that." He replied.

"How do you know about those?" Dean asked.

"There is something going on here. I don't know what but something's happening with the insects. Let me show you something." He said putting the bug down. The family followed the teenager into another part of the forest.

"Matty, what's school like?" Hayden asked as she walked next to him ahead of Sam and Dean.

"You've never been to school?" He asked.

"No. Daddy teaches me." She said.

"Well when I was your age, school was fun. I had lots of friends. I had some really cool teachers too." He said. He turned to her seeing her eyes light up at the idea of school.

"Do you think that I could have lots of friends like you did?" She asked.

"Yeah. You're a really cool kid to be around. Why do you think they wouldn't like you?" He asked.

"Because I'm different." She said putting her head down. Matt paused and turned Hayden to face him. Sam and Dean watched the kids silently.

"Well I think you're awesome. I mean I don't know that much about you and we've only known each other for 2 days, but from what I can see, you're the sweetest kid ever." He said. 

"My daddy and Uncle Sammy are the only ones who's told me that." She said.

"That means it's the truth." He responded. Hayden looked at Matt trying to see if he was lying to make her feel better but he was being truthful and it made her smile. Matt didn't know what was happening but the moment Hayden approached the previous day, he felt like they knew each other for years when they had only just met. Hayden had a charm to her that made Matt want to be close with her.

"You're like the little sister I never had." He stated and ruffled her hair playfully.

"Hey!" She complained and the two laughed.

"Hayden." Dean called before she could responded. Sam went to talk with Matt while Dean stole Hayden away.

"Why are you asking about school?" He asked.

"I'm just curious." She said quietly.

"Look I don't want you to be curious about that stuff." He said. She stopped at looked at him.

"Why not? Because I'm a kid with superpowers and I'll never fit in? I'll never be normal?" She sassed.

"Hayden, that's not-"

"He's too disappointed in his freak son." Matt said to Sam. Hayden and Dean cut their talk short upon hearing the statement and continued walking.

"I hear ya." Sam replied.

"You do?" Dean asked. Sam only glanced at his brother.

"Matt how old are you?" Sam asked.

"16." Matt replied.

"Well, don't sweat it. In two years something great's gonna happen." Sam said. Hayden suddenly didn't like where this conversation was going.

"Yeah? Like what?" Matt asked.

"College. You'll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad." Sam said.

"Uncle Sammy!" Hayden scolded her uncle appalled to his statement.

"What kid of advice is that? The kid should stick with his family." Dean said. Sam sighed and turned to his brother. The two were having a stare down.

"Uncle Sammy, Daddy, stop it. Please." Hayden said before she walked over to Matt.

"How much further?" She asked him.

"We're close." He said.

"Let's go then." She smiled, grabbing the boy's hand. Then the two proceeded walking.

Dean frowned at the action. He went to separate them but Sam stopped him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I don't like that." Dean said glaring at Hayden and Matt's connected hand. Even though the two were just having a silent argument just moments before this, Sam laughed at his brother.

"Dean, she's 6 and he's her first friend. She doesn't even know what it means to like someone like that and Matt literally just said she's like a sister to him." Sam explained.

"Still don't like it." Dean grumbled.

"Daddy? Uncle Sammy?" Hayden called. The brothers looked up seeing the kids had stopped and were waiting for them.

"Don't worry Dean. We've got quite a few years before we need to worry about those things." Sam said before he patted his brother's shoulder and approached the kids.

The group stopped at a clearing and looked around.

"I've been keeping track of insect populations. It's part of an AP Science class." Matt explained.

"You two are like peas in a pod." Dean commented.

"What's been happening?" Sam asked ignoring his brother's comment.

"Well, a lot. I mean from bees, to earworms, beetles..." Hayden stopped listening to the conversation as she started to hear voices whispering. She started walking towards where they were coming from and stood in front of a large lump in the ground that was a few feet from the ground.

"Hayden? What is it?" Sam called as they walked up to her.

"I don't know but there's voices in there." She stated. She was so focused on trying to hear what they were saying that she didn't remember that she wasn't supposed to say that in front of Matt. Matt was confused by her statement but decided to ask later.

Dean walked up to the middle of the lump and tapped the top of it with his foot. The ungodly amount of worms that were resting there fell right down inside. Dean turned to his family.

"They're getting louder. Something's in there." Hayden said.

Dean squatted down and poked around the hole with a stick before sticking his hand in to pull out the item he hit with the stick. To everyone's shock, Dean pulled out a human skull. Shaking off the bugs and clumps of dirt, he examined before turning to Sam giving him a knowing look.

Suddenly, Hayden covered her ears and dropped to her knees, yelling in pain.

"Hayden!" Matt panicked. He started to go to the child's aid but Sam held him back.

"Daddy!" She yelled squeezing her eyes shut. Dean quickly set the skull down and wiped as much dirt as he could off his hand and onto his pants. He got in front of her and covered her small hands with his large one. She looked up at him as her eyes flashed purple.

"What's wrong with her?" Matt asked Sam. Sam simply shook his head at the boy.

"Hayden, listen to me. You have to control this. You can't let it control you." Dean said calmly.

"Daddy I can't. It hurts." She cried and winced in pain again.

"You can. Remember? You're stronger than your powers. You just have to focus." He said.

"I can't focus. They're too loud. The voices. They're screaming." She said.

"Then try to think about something. Distract yourself." He said.

"I-" she was cut off by another rush of pain in her head.

"Hayden, fight it babygirl." Dean said as blood started to drip from her nose.

"I'm scared. They're saying that we're all gonna die." She cried.

"Hayden, what's your favorite thing in the world?" Sam intervened. He knew how to get her to think of something other than the voices she heard.

"My daddy." Hayden said.

"Why?" Sam pressed.

"He always protects me. He's a little mean sometimes when we're training but he loves me more than anyone has. He's not the type of person to show it but he doesn't have to. I know he does. He loves me even though I have these stupid powers." She whispered before looking up at her dad.

Dean sighed in relief as the purple hue faded from Hayden's eyes.

"Something really bad happened here. They were so angry, Daddy. They kept saying that we're all gonna die." She said. Dean pulled her into a hug.

"It's alright. You know we'd never let that happen." He said.

"Daddy, I don't think this is something we can stop." She said as she pulled away. Dean didn't say anything. He just shared a look with Sam.

As the group walked back to the road, Dean carried Hayden who was suffering from a headache and Sam carried a box with the bones they'd found.

"What just happened to Hayden?" Matt asked as they reached their destination. Sam and Dean shared a look, hesitant to tell him but they couldn't lie their way out of this one.

"We can't tell you that right now, Matt. Just go home for now. Alright?" Sam said. Matt wanted to question them more as he was concerned about his friend.

"I know you're worried about her but we can't discuss this right now. Just please go home and we'll figure out what's going on with the bugs." Sam said. Hayden slowly lifted her head off Dean's shoulder and looked at Matt who was already looking at her with worried eyes.

"I'll explain later Matty. Go home for now." She said quietly. Matt sighed and complied, giving one last glance before walking home.

The family piled into the impala and drove off.




Sam pulled onto a college campus. The three then got out. Hayden, who was now headache free, walked with Dean as Sam covered the box of bones with his jacket.

"So a bunch of skeletons in an unmarked grave." Sam said.

"Maybe it is a haunting. Pissed off spirits, some unfinished business." Dean agreed.

"Definitely really mad. They're yelling about someone hurting them." Hayden said.

"What?" The brothers asked.

"They keep saying 'They hurt us. They killed us.', but won't say who or how or what happened." Hayden said.

"Well, that's a step... I think." Dean said to his brother.

"Now the main question is, why bugs? And why now?" Sam asked.

"That's two questions." Dean and Hayden said in unison.

"Not to mention who hurt and killed them and why." Hayden added.

"Hey so with that kid back there. How could you just tell him to ditch his family like that?" Dean asked.

"Just, uh, I know what the kid's going through." Sam said.

"How about telling him to respect his old man? How's that for advice?" Dean said. Sam laughed in disbelief and stopped making Dean and Hayden stop and turn to him.

"Dean, come on, This isn't about his old man. You think I didn't respect dad. That's what this is about." Sam stated.

"Just forget it alright. Sorry I brought it up." Dean said and tried walking away with Hayden but Sam stopped him.

"I respected him. But no matter what I did, it was never good enough." He said.

"So what are you saying? That dad was disappointed in you?" Dean asked.

"Was? Is. Always has been." Sam said.

"Why would you think that?" Dean asked in confusion.

"Because I didn't want to bow hunt or hustle pool. Because I wanted to go to school and live my life, which to our whacked-our family made me the freak." Sam explained.

Hayden looked down at her feet. She wanted to do those things too. She wanted to know what it was like to go to school, to be a normal girl, to live a normal life... a life without the supernatural. Would Dean be disappointed in her if he knew that?

"Yeah, you were kinda like the blond chick in "The Monsters"." Dean joked. Sam rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Dean, you know what most dads are when their kids score a full ride? Proud. Most dads don't toss their kids out of the house." Sam said.

"I remember that fight. In fact, I recall a few choice phrases coming out of your mouth." Dean said. Hayden looked back up at her family. She could see and feel Sam's pain as well as Dean's sadness and disappointment.

"You know, truth is, when we do finally find dad... I don't know if he's even gonna wanna see me." Sam admitted.

"Sam, dad was never disappointed in you. Never. He was scared." Dean explained.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"He was afraid of what could have happened to you if he wasn't around. But even when you two weren't talking, he used to swing by Stanford whenever he could. Keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe." Dean explained.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Dean confirmed.

"Why didn't he tell me any of that?" Sam asked.

"That's a two-way street man. You could've picked up the phone." Dean said. Sam looked down sadly.

"Daddy? Uncle Sammy?" Hayden called the two as she grabbed their hands. The brothers looked at her seeing her worried expression. They sighed knowing that she hated it when the argued.

"It's alright Hayden. We're not arguing." Sam stated as he gave the child's hand a little squeeze.

"Come on. We're gonna be late for our appointment." Dean said.




The family waited in a classroom inside of the Department of Anthropology.

"So you two are students?" Asked the professor as he walked over to the three with the box of bones Sam had given him.

"Yeah. We're in your class, Anthro 101." Sam lied.

"Oh, yeah." The professor said.

"So? What about the bones, professor!" Dean asked.

"This is quite an interesting find you've made. I'd say they're 170 years old, give or take. The time frame and the geography heavily suggests Native American." The professor started.

"Daddy, what's a Native American?" Hayden asked.

"People who were here before English men discovered America." Dean answered. Hayden frowned confused.

"But how did they discover a place that was already discovered?" Hayden asked. The three men looked at her; Sam and Dean with amusement and The professor in shock.

"Simple, young lady. They didn't." The professor answered.

"Were there any tribes or reservations on that land?" Sam asked.

"Not according to the historical record... but the relocation of native peoples was quite common at the time." The professor said.

"Right. Well are there any local legends, oral histories about the area?" Sam asked.

"Well, you know.. there's a, uh, a Euchee Tribe in Sapulpa. It's about 60 miles from here. Someone out there might know the truth." The professor suggested.




Dean pulled into the parking lot of a diner where they were to meet with an elder Native American man. As the family walked in, Hayden eyed a man that was playing a card game alone.

"Joe Whitetree?" Dean asked. The man looked up at them and nodded.

"We'd like to ask you a few questions if that's alright?" Sam asked.

"We're students from the university." Dean lied.

"No, you're not. You're lying." Joe said. The brothers shared a look.

"You know, truth is-" Joe cut Dean off.

"You know who starts sentence with truth is? Liars." He said before going back to his cards.

"Do you know Oasis Plains?" Hayden asked.

"It's a housing development near the Atoka Valley." Sam said.

"I like them. Their not liars." Joe said to Dean.

"I know the area." He answered.

"What can you tell us about the history there?" Sam asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" Joe asked.

"Something bad is happening in Oasis Plains. We think it has something to do with some old bones we found down there. Native American Bones." Sam said.

"I'll tell you what my grandfather told me, what his grandfather told him. 200 years ago, a band of my ancestors lived in that valley. One day, the American Cavalry came to relocate them. They were resistant. Cavalry, impatient. As my grandfather put it, on a night the moon and the sun share the sky as equals, the cavalry first raided our village. They murdered, raped. The next day, the cavalry came again and the next and the next. And on the sixth night, the cavalry came one last time and by the time the sun rose, every man, woman and child still in the village was dead. They say on the sixth night as the chief of the village lay dying, he whispered to the heavens that no white man would ever tarnish this land again. Nature would rise up and protect the valley and it would bring as many days of misery and death to the white man as the cavalry had brought upon his people." Joe explained.

"Insects. Sounds like nature to me." Dean commented.

"That's why the ground was talking." Hayden said to herself.

"Six days." Dean said.

"And on the night of the sixth day, none would survive." Joe finished.

"They're all gonna die." Hayden whispered.

The family thanked Joe for his time and headed out.

"When did the gas company die?" Sam asked.

"Let's see. We got here Tuesday, so Friday the 20th." Dean answered.

"March 20th? That's the Spring Equinox." Sam stated.

"The night the sun and the moon share the sky as equals." Dean repeated Joe's words.

"So every year about this time, anybody in Oasis Plains is in danger. Larry built this neighborhood on cursed land." Sam said.

"And on the sixth night, thats tonight." Dean said.

"If we don't do something, Larry's family will be dead by sunrise." Sam said as the three started to get into the impala.

"We can't do anything. We can't stop a curse Uncle Sammy. They're gonna die." Hayden said with a shaky voice.

"No they're not. We're gonna get them out and we gotta do it now." Dean said. The family hurried into the impala and sped back to Oasis Plains, hoping to make it before the bugs do.




"Yes Mr. Pike. There's a main line gas leak in your neighborhood." Dean lied on the phone.

"God, really? And how big?" Larry asked not believing him.

"Well it's fairly extensive. I don't wanna alarm you but we need your family out of the vicinity for at least 12 hours or so, just to be safe." Dean said.

"And who is this again?" Larry asked.

"Travis Weaver. I work for Oklahoma Gas and Power." Dean lied.

"Uh-huh. Well the problem is I know Travis. He's worked with us for a year. So who is this?" Larry stated.

"Uh.." Dean said before simply hanging up.

"Daddy we really have to work on your lying skills." Hayden commented. Dean gave his daughter a sarcastic laugh.

"What now?" Sam asked.

"Call Matty." She replied.

"We don't have his number." Dean said.

"I do." Hayden said as she handed Sam a piece of paper that had Matt's number on it.

"When did you get that?" Dean asked.

"At the barbecue, when we decided to become friends. He said I could call whenever I wanted." Hayden said with a shrug. Dean gaped at her. He still didn't like how close she and Matt had gotten in the couple of days they'd known one another.

"Give me the phone." Sam said grabbing the phone from Dean and the paper from Hayden. He quickly dialed Matt's number.

"Hello?" Matt answered.

"Matt. It's Sam." Sam replied.

"Sam, my backyard's crawling with cockroaches." He panicked.

"Matt, just listen, you have to get your family out of that house right now, okay?" Sam said.

"What? Why?" Sam asked.

"Because something's coming." Sam answered.

"More bugs." Matt concluded.

"Yeah, a lot more." Sam replied.

"My dad doesn't listen in the best of circumstances. What am I supposed to tell him?" Matt asked.

"You gotta make him listen, okay?" Sam urged. Dean and Hayden turned to him appalled.

"What? That'll never work." Hayden argued.

"Give me the phone. Give me the phone!" Dean said and quickly snatched the phone from Sam.

"Matt, under no circumstances are you to tell him the truth. He'll just think your nuts." Dean stated.

"But- but he's my-" Dean cut him off.

"Tell him you have a sharp pain in your right side and you gotta go to the hospital, okay?" Dean suggested.

"Yeah. Yeah okay." Matt agreed before hanging up the phone.

"Make him listen. What are you thinking?" Dean said glancing at his brother.




The family finally pulled up in front of Matt's house. They paused seeing the lights in the house were still on.

"They're still here." Hayden said in disbelief.

"Come on." Dean said and the three got out.

"Get off my property before I call the cops!" Larry yelled at them as he came outside. Matt followed behind him.

"Mr. Pike, listen." Sam said.

"Dad they're just trying to help." Matt said.

"Get in the house!" Larry yelled at his son. Hayden frowned at Larry's reactions. She noticed that he came out as if he was waiting for her family to show up. So she turned to Matt.

"Matty? You told him the truth didn't you?" She asked.

"Sorry." He said.

"We had a plan, Matt. What happened to the plan?" Dean asked.

"Listen! I don't need you wackos brainwashing my son like you did to that little girl! Now get the hell off my property!" Larry yelled.

"Look, it's 12am. They are coming any minute now. You need to get your family and go before it's too late." Sam said.

"Oh yeah, you mean before the biblical swarm." Larry said skeptically.

Hayden stopped paying attention when she suddenly got an idea. She dropped to her hands and knees, firmly pressing her hands into the dirt. She thought that maybe she could find the voice she heard and talk them into stopping the bugs.

"Hayden what are you doing?" Matt asked drawing the adults' attention to her.

"I'm trying to find the voice. Maybe I can help stop this." She said keeping her eyes shut as she searched.

"Hayden, I don't think that's-" Sam was cut off when she gasped and opened her now purple eyes.

"I found it." She said.

"Hayden don't over do it." Dean warned her.

"Please don't do this. These people are innocent." She begged.

"They will pay the price." The voice said.

"But they haven't hurt anyone! They didn't hurt your people!" She argued.

"The ones who hurt my people got to live." The voice said.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that happened to you and you're people. They were innocent and didn't deserve that. But these people are innocent too. They don't deserve to be killed for a crime they didn't commit." Hayden argued, which pissed off the voice.

"NO WHITE MAN WILL LEAVE THIS LAND ALIVE!" The voice screamed. Hayden covered her ears with her hands as she fell back into Dean's legs. He quickly got down and helped the child stand.

"You alright?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay." She replied.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"He said... he said they'll pay the price and that no white man will leave this land alive." She answered. The family then turned back to Larry and Matt.

"Oh my god. Dad we have to leave!" Matt urged his father.

"Okay, that's it! All of you are crazy!" Larry yelled. Then he and Sam started yelling at one another.

Hayden looked towards the horizon, staring intently. Then she saw them. The bugs.

"Stop it." She called. No one heard her because Sam and Larry were still arguing.

"STOP IT!" She screamed catching everyone's attention. Dean stopped and listened.

"You hear that?" He asked Larry.

"What the hell?" Larry commented as the noise reached his ears.

"They're coming." She said never taking her eyes off the sky. Matt was the only on to look where she was looking and stared in shock of what was coming.

"Alright it's time to go. Larry get your wife." Dean ordered.

"Guys." Matt said and the men finally looked to the sky.

"We're not gonna make it, daddy." Hayden said turning to Dean.

"Alright, everybody in the house. Go!" Dean said as he picked up Hayden. Everyone followed Dean's instruction and piled inside. Dean closed the door and liked it before setting Hayden down. He kneeled down to her eyes level and pushed some of her hair from her face.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm scared." She admitted.

"It's alright. I'd never let anything happen to you." He promised.

"No daddy. It's not that. I'm scared that we won't be able to save these people. They're innocent. They didn't hurt anybody... not how those bad men did." She said. Dean sighed at his daughter.

"Everyone is going to be fine. Help me and Sam stop the bugs from getting in." He said. She nodded and the family sprung in action.

"I need towels." Dean said to Larry and the two went to gather towels.

"Alright we gotta lock this place up. Doors, windows, fireplace, everything okay?" Sam said to Matt.

"Uncle Sammy, what do I do?" Hayden asked before Sam ran up the stairs with Matt.

"Stay with me." Dean said as he and Larry came back with the towels. Sam nodded and followed Matt up the stairs.

"Phones are dead." Larry's wife said.

"They must've chewed through the phone lines." Dean said as he blocked the crack of the door with a bath towel. The the lights went out.

"And the power lines." He added.

"Maybe my cell." Larry suggested only to get no signal.

"You won't get one. They're blanketing the house." Dean informed them. Then Hayden covered her ears and screamed. The brothers and Matt were quick to her side.

Sam noticed red liquid sliding down from under her hands to her chin. It wasn't a lot but it was still concerning.

"Dean, she's bleeding." He said.

"Hayden what are you hearing? What is it?" Dean asked urgently.

"They're screaming louder! They're too loud!" She cried.

"What is she talking about? I don't hear any screaming." Larry asked confused.

"Does anyone have any headphones or something? Anything we can cover her ears with?" Sam asked urgently. Matt quickly ran upstairs. A few seconds later he came back opening a brand new box of headphones.

"They're noise-canceling. I never used them." He said and the headphones to Dean.

"Okay Hayden. I'm going to put these over your ears. You won't hear them anymore." Dean said. She nodded and hesitantly moved her hands and Dean quickly put the headphones over her ears.

"Better?" He asked his child who was holding his hands tightly.

"A little bit." She said.

"So what do we do now?" Larry asked.

"We try to outlast it." Sam said.

"Stay with Sam. I'll be back." Dean said to Hayden. She nodded and held Sam's hand tightly as Dean ran to the kitchen.

"Hopefully the curse will end at sunrise." Sam said.

"Hopefully?" Larry asked. Hayden frowned at Larry. She couldn't hear them that well but she could read their lips and facial expressions.

"We tried to tell you to leave and you didn't listen. You didn't listen to us and you didn't listen to Matty. You called my family crazy and you said the brainwashed me. We don't even know if it'll stop until you're dead or if it'll stop at sunrise. So, yes, hopefully." Hayden scolded the man. She groaned in pain and leaned into Sam as Dean came back into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Bug spray?" Larry's wife asked in disbelief.

"Trust me." Dean said.

"Daddy." Hayden said as calmly as she could. The brothers heard the urgency and pain in her voice.

"What is it? You still hear them?" Sam asked.

"The headphones aren't working." She groaned. She looked up at them and her eyes flashed bright purple.
Dean looked at her concerned. He never like when her abilities caused her pain.

"Daddy, my head feels like it gonna pop like a balloon." She said quietly. Dean didn't get a chance to respond because the child went limp in his arms.

"Hayden!" Matt panicked. Before anyone could respond, a creaking noise was heard. Everyone looked around but Sam's eyes landed on the fireplace. Dean handed Hayden to Matt.

"Keep her safe." He said knowing that he and Sam would be fighting off the bugs. Everyone's eyes turned back to the fireplace as the clinging got louder

"The flue." Sam said.

"Alright. I think everybody needs to get upstairs." Dean said. Before anyone moved, the bugs came in through the fireplace. Everyone ran upstairs with Dean behind them using the bug spray and a lighter to make a flame thrower.

Larry pulled down the ladder to the attic and helped Matt, who was still holding Hayden, climb up. Everyone got in behind them and Sam closed the door back just before the bugs got in.

Before anyone could sigh in relief, they noticed a lot of dust falling from the roof.

"Oh god, what's that?" Larry's wife asked.

"Something's eating through the wood." Dean stated.

"Termites." Matt said.

"Alright, everybody get back." Dean said. Matt and his family ran back to a far corner and he shielded Hayden with his body. He felt something wet drip on his arm. Before he could think more on the matter, more bugs flew in.

Dean sprayed his Bug Spray Flame Thrower but it wasn't doing much. The brothers grabbed a loose board and a piece of cardboard to cover up the hole. That only worked for a second before the termites chewed more holes through the roof, letting more killer bugs in.

Considering nothing was working, Sam and Dean shielded the family and Hayden with their bodies.

"Look!" Matt yelled over the noise. Everyone turned to the hole to see that the sun was rising. The bugs flew off into the horizon. Sam and Dean walked over to on of the holes and watch the bugs disappear into the air.

Matt looked down at Hayden, who now had a nose bleed.

"Hayden?" He started trying to shake her awake. She wouldn't budge.

"Guys! Her nose is bleeding and she's not waking up!" He yelled to the brothers as he laid her on the floor. Sam and Dean were quick to her side. Dean immediately started trying to wake her up. Sam froze in thought.

"Dean, that looks like-" Dean cut him off.

"I know. The gas company guy. But she's not bleeding from her eyes and her ears are healing. Matt you held her the whole time right." Dean asked as sam got down checking for a pulse.

"Yeah. I never put her down. I shielded her from the bugs as much as I could." Matt answered.

"Her pulse is strong." Sam told his brother and he checked her forehead.

"She's got a high fever." He said. Dean checked her body for bug bites and found two red bumps on her wrists. The way Matt was holding her, her arm would've been behind him. Dean went behind Matt and found two dead mosquitoes on the floor.

"Mosquito bites." He said to Sam.

"What? Mosquito bites did that to her?" Matt asked.

"Some mosquitoes carry illness. They can cause fevers and nose bleeds." Sam informed the teenager as Dean picked up his daughter.

"But she told me stuff like that didn't affect her and she can't get sick." Matt argued.

"It does when she's in a vulnerable state. The bugs bit her while she was passed out and healing from the screaming she heard. In fact, she's still healing from that." Dean explained.

"Come on Dean. We have to get her treated quickly before it gets worse." Sam said. He was already waiting to the bottom of the ladder. Dean started towards him when Matt stopped him.

"Please let me know if she'll be okay." He said.

"She'll be fine, kid. My daughter is way stronger than that." Dean said before leaving with Sam.

The brothers left quickly not knowing how far the nearest urgent care was.




The family of three drove back to the development and stoped in front of Larry's house. There was a big moving truck out front and Larry was loading boxes into the truck.

"What? No goodbye?" Dean asked as the three approached him.

"Good timing. Another hour and we'd have been gone." Larry replied.

"For good?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. The development's been put on hold while the government investigates those bones you found. But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again." Larry said.

"Daddy, I'm gonna find Matty." Hayden said. Dean nodded at her and she ran off. However she didn't get very far because Matty was already coming out with some boxes.

"Matty!" She called. Matty looked up from the box he was setting down and saw the child running to him.

"Hayden. Hey. How you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Already healed. I woke up in a hospital bed and a couple hours later I was healed. So we had to leave. Daddy said the doctor gave me some medicine and let me sleep in the bed. Also hospitals smell funny." She explained.

"Well I'm glad you're alright. You freaked me out not waking up." He said honestly.

"Matty, it's gonna take more than some bugs to get rid of me." She said.

"Clearly." Matt laughed.

"Come on. Help me get rid of this bug stuff." He said opening the garbage can. Hayden happily began to help him trash the bug stuff.

"What's this?" Sam asked as he approached the kids.

"I don't know. They kinda weird me out now." Matt replied.

"They should." Hayden replied and the three chuckled.

"It's time to go Hayden." Sam said and looked over to Dean who was leaning on the impala waiting for the two. Hayden looked at him sadly. She didn't want to leave her new friend but she knew they couldn't stay. So she turned to Matt.

"So this is why you guys move around so much?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. If we don't stop the monsters, a lot of people will die." She paused for a second.

"Hey-" she cut him off.

"Will we still be friends Matty?" She asked.

Sam looked at her. He knew where she was coming from. She was just a kid and Matt was her first ever friend and now she had to just leave him behind. He walked over to his brother, leaving Hayden and Matt alone.

"We'll talk everyday. I promise." Matt replied giving her a small smile.

She smiled back before hugging him tightly. Matt hugged her back.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo." He whispered.

"Me too Matty. You swear we'll keep in touch?" She asked looked up at him.

"I swear." Matt said holding out his pinky to her. Hayden smiled brightly and locked pinkies with Matt sealing their promise.

"You pinkied Matty. You can't break it." She said.

"I won't." He chuckled.

"Hayden!" Dean called his daughter after his talk with his brother. Hayden turned to her family as Larry walked over to his son.

"Bye Matty." She said before they unlocked pinkies and ran to her family. She stood in front of the two teary eyed.

"Come here princess." Dean said as he kneeled down, holding out his arms. Hayden stumbled into his arms. Dean picked her up and handed Sam the keys. He then got into the passenger seat and Sam got into the driver seat.




The next day, Hayden was sitting in between Sam and Dean. She was on her phone texting Matt. Dean glanced away from the road to his daughter.

"I'm starting to think I shouldn't have taught you how to text." He commented. Sam and Hayden chuckled at Dean.

"He's my friend daddy. I can't see him and we promised to talk everyday." Hayden replied not taking her eyes off her phone. Dean groaned dramatically.

"Don't be so jealous Dean. Hayden's attention won't always be yours." Sam joked. Dean rolled his eyes at his brother.

"How far to the next motel so we can rest for a week?" He asked.

"About 12 miles." Sam replied folding the map back up to put it away. Hayden put her phone down, finally and grabbed her workbook.

"You free now?" Dean joked.

"Matty's going to school." She replied as she opened her workbook to the math section.

About 20 minutes later, Hayden was stuck on the 4th problem. She went to ask the brothers for help when she suddenly got a vision. The vision happened so suddenly that she didn't have time warn the brothers of the vision. The only warning she could give was a loud gasp.

There was a woman and a blue house. Something was on fire. The woman was wearing a white nightgown.

Hayden gasped loudly out of the vision.

"Hayden! What happened? What did you see?" Dean asked. Her vision cleared and she saw the car was pulled over and Dean was holding her shoulders,

"I don't know. I can't- I can't remember." She said. The three shared a worried look.

"I can't remember." She mumbled once more.

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