Goals Off Court | SatoSere

By amourology_

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When the top basketball player Ash Ketchum and his team damage the school property by mistake, he's the one w... More

Chapter 1 - Probation
Chapter 2 - Coincidental Meeting
Chapter 3 - First Lesson
Chapter 4 - Far From Done
Chapter 5 - Only Time Could Tell
Chapter 6 - Progress
Chapter 7 - Challenge
Chapter 8 - Denial
Chapter 9 - Proving Himself
Chapter 10 - Distant Thoughts
Chapter 11 - Heated Dance
Chapter 12 - Farther Than Closer
Chapter 13 - All It Takes
Chapter 14 - Paired Lesson
Chapter 15 - Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 16 - Game Of Denial
Chapter 17 - Mesmerizing Sight
Chapter 18 - Only You
Chapter 19 - Forbidden Desires
Chapter 20 - Temptation
Chapter 21 - Honesty
Chapter 22 - Final Lesson
Chapter 24 - Apologetic Mind
Chapter 25 - Lost Chance
Chapter 26 - Starting From Zero
Chapter 27 - Closer Than Strangers
Chapter 28 - Kept Promise
Chapter 29 - Into Uncertainty
Chapter 30 - Deeper Meaning
Chapter 31 - Back On The Floor
Chapter 32 - Inevitable Feeling
Chapter 33 - Light Up My World
Chapter 34 - Not So Friendly Fire
Chapter 35 - Connection At Home
Chapter 36 - Out Of Our Control
Chapter 37 - Struggling Feelings
Chapter 38 - Ballroom Tension
Chapter 39 - Drunken Intimacy
Chapter 40 - Departing Together
Chapter 41 - Advice Night
Chapter 42 - Kissable Tango
Chapter 43 - Complex Love
Chapter 44 - Extra Lessons
Chapter 45 - Unexpected Growth
Chapter 46 - Distraction Injury
Chapter 47 - Tasteful Gift
Chapter 48 - Dinner With Friends
Chapter 49 - The Invitational Practice
Chapter 50 - The Decision
Chapter 51 - Dancing In The Sheets (18+)
Chapter 52 - Healing & Improvement
Chapter 53 - Music On The Piano (18+)
Chapter 54 - Dreams To Reach
Chapter 55 - Conflicting Goals
Chapter 56 - Secrets Unfold
Chapter 57 - Two Opportunities
Chapter 58 - Deeper Feelings
Chapter 59 - Win & Arrive
Chapter 60 - Goals Off Court

Chapter 23 - One Text Away

173 7 4
By amourology_

Serena's phone went off, lighting up the dark room and she sighed, moving her hair from her face. Had she cried the most she ever had in a while? It felt like it was what she had done the most for the past few hours and she hated that.

[Text from: May]
are you coming to the dance studio tonight? drew and i are working on something new. we would love to show you!

Serena found it a little hard to believe. Drew and May didn't have time to start anything new. They just wanted to get her out of her room due to her locking herself in there since the night prior.

She felt like such an idiot, and no matter how hard she tried to shake the feeling, it wouldn't go away. She hated that she missed Ash too. She missed his damn kisses, the way his touch made her body feel. She hated that she missed the stupid way he danced and the way he tried hard even when he was terrible at it, or when focused and turns out, he actually wasn't that horrible.

She sighed and ran her hand down the side of her phone.

[Text to: May]
maybe not tonight? i think i just need a little break.

She hated that she felt she actually needed a break from the thing she loved most, what normally used to take her mind off of her problems. Instead, the studio kept reminding her of how she felt and her time with him.

[Text from: May]
me and dawn both don't want to see you sitting in your room all day because of one guy ok? someone way more suited for you will come.

[Text to: May]
lol thank you but i think i'll cut ties with relationships again for the time being. i believe i'm better suited solo with that and dancing.

At this point, she was certain she couldn't find a dance partner she'd connect to for the rest of the time at her college. They were second years and as much as she wanted to give it a try, it didn't seem possible currently. She loved her solo dances; she loved any kind of dance. She wasn't sure why this was so disappointing.

It was probably because she thought he liked her too. Not just as friends, but as something more. Why else would they have engaged in such intimate activities. Probably because he was a boy, a stupid, horny boy.

Serena sighed and flopped her face down into her pillow. It genuinely sucked. She usually helped friends with this kind of problem, but now that she was in it herself, she felt just as lost. She huffed out a long breath, rolling onto her back as she stared up at the ceiling. She wasn't usually into wallowing. In fact, she normally didn't like this, but it was embarrassing how she read Ash's emotions wrong.

She bit her lip and grabbed her phone, pulling up her screen. She only just remembered how Professor Oak had given her his number at the beginning of the lessons for times if he tried to skip. Technically, she had his number and could text him if she wanted. She wasn't sure what she would say. If she would call him an asshole, or ask if he was lying.

She couldn't get the image of his hesitation out of her eyes. If he wanted to, then why would he do this?

No, enough is enough. He said no. She wasn't going to push the issue toward or try to convince the guy otherwise. Ash was simply someone she didn't want to bother her further, especially after yesterday.

She knew laying around wasn't going to do her any good. She was better than this, nor did she need a guy like him. She sat up in her bed and swung her legs around. He made his choice and she was going to make hers.

[Text to: May]
hey you know what? i think i'll come down. is that offer of yours still up?

Serena loved dancing and it always made her feel better. This short chapter of four weeks was over, just as they had deemed it so. She could focus on new things now, new choreography.

[Text from: May]
ofc! dawn and i were just about to come check up on you and steal you away tbh. come down so we can dance for a bit and then meet everyone for dinner!

Serena smiled. She really had the most wonderful friends. They were always so concerned about her, always wanting to help her. She couldn't believe she laid around about this at all when she could've talked to them all about it. She knew she was allowed to be a little sad, but she knew this would be way better.

Her phone buzzed again.

[Text from: Dawn]
girl we're on a time frame here! hurry up and get your fine ass to the studio. we're having a party!

Serena laughed again.

[Text to: Dawn]
omg the studio isn't going anywhere! i'm otw now.

Serena grabbed her bag. She could do this. She would spend her time with her friends and her life would go back to normal. She needed to be back in her relationship problems free mindset and fast.

With the boys at their dorm, Ash swung the door open and tossed his bag onto his bed.

"Tomorrow, Gary," he said, taking a seat across from the brown haired boy who was relaxing on his bed. He wasn't going to think about his time with Clemont and what was said. All he had to do was focus on the excitement of returning to practice tomorrow.

Brown eyes bounced over to Ash's face. "What's tomorrow? Friday?" Gary asked, staring up at his roommate.

A laughing breath puffed from him and his tongue poked the corner of his lip, meaning back against the wall. "Yeah, I'm coming back to practice. Got my freedom back."

"Damn, time flies. Today was your last study session. See, I told you how fast it would've gone by." Brown eyes looked into Ash's that were accompanied by matching excitement. "Congrats, Ashy-boy! We'll have to go out tomorrow and party."

"Nah, I don't care about that. I just want to get on the court and dribble, and shoot til my hands and arms go numb." He grinned, rubbing his palms together.

Gary's large grin on his face grew into complete exuberance. He chucked at his friend's eager ways back in action. "How you are on court scares people, you know? It's unreal."

"Good," Ash scoffed without hesitation. "They know who they're dealing with and who to watch out for."

"Some things never change," Gary huffed a laughed, lifting his chin in thought, but decided not to contemplate too much on that. He moved onto more important subjects. "So are you going to keep dancing with Serena? Misty said her friend Dawn was thinking about asking because you two had... good chemistry."

"I already told you. I said it was going to be over." Ash rose from his chest, having a hard time meeting his questioning green eyes. Ash's fingers ran through his own hair. "I'm not a dancer, man."

"What? You told her it was over?" Gary tilted his head with a short, confused laugh and when he detected he wasn't going to get a laugh or smile in return, he frowned with a raised eyebrow." Like—Even between you two?"

"I told you I had to end it," Ash stated bluntly. He scanned the timidity in his friend's appearance, continuing. "I don't know why we're even talking about this again. The lessons are done. That's all they were between us."

"I didn't think you were serious. I figured you two might talk it out or something." Gary chin lifted and a twisted, yet curious brow stayed on his face. "That's messed up. Don't you think you're being too harsh—a harsh damn idiot?"

"Getting close to a girl in that way and relationships are a distraction. Dance is a distraction." A tone of great indignation grumbled from Ash's lips. "A distraction is the last thing I need in my life."

"Look, man. You're one of my closest friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're coming back tomorrow, but you're being—too much—all at once." A sigh of annoyance emanated from Gary's lips, certain fire emerging. His voice was rough and at the same time soothing, calming. "This girl fancies you. You enjoy her and you enjoy dancing with her. Hell, you've kissed her. Not saying that requires you to stick with her, but I don't know why you're holding yourself back if you like her. You need to apologize, if anything."

Eyeing his perfect roll between his thumb and forefinger, he side-eyed Gary. "First Clemont and now you? Why can't none of you leave it alone?"

"Sometimes you don't think. Someone has to call you out if you're acting like an ass for no reason." Gary's comment was met with a silent eye roll. "I know I was that way when we were younger and I still am a bit, but this is different."

Ash gave a sharp nod and glanced away from Gary's strict stare. "Doesn't matter what I do. Everything's passed."

"But it does matter." Gary shrugged, smiling moderately. Ash glimpsed the confident look behind that smile. "And I'm here to call you out every time."

Ash doesn't argue with that. "Be my guest."

When Gary hisses a quick laugh, it disappears as quickly as it began. His air changes, heavy, somber, "I'm tired of pestering you about this. How many times have we had this same conversation?"

Her eyes, her voice, how heartbroken she sounded. It reels in Ash's mind.

"It's too late." His shoulders drop. His head hangs. His head shakes to the side, and he mutters, "I guarantee you she hates me."

Gary chuckles, unconcerned. "Are we talking about the same person? I saw it when you two were dancing. The way she is with you. How she talks about you to her friends in our class. That girl could never hate you." But she would, she could. Gary was looking Ash dead in the eye, but what follows isn't a demand—it's a request, "Give Serena the truth, man. You owe her that," he owed her so much more, "It's all you can do. Let her decide what she will do with it."

He knows. He knows, Ash knows it all. It's what she deserves, what she needs, and he can give it to her. Something no one else has, and time and again Ash has made up his mind. That day at the party, the night of her performance, every damn day of their lessons. There was never any shortage of opportunities. He can excuse it out as fateful interruptions or higher power interferences all he wants: truth is, if Ash wanted to tell her, he would have by now.

Ash hated Gary for being right. He hated himself for being a coward. His chest stings. His throat is tight. His heart squirms. "And if she decides to leave. Just like I did?"

The thought burns more than anything ever could. But Ash already knows the answer. Then she would take everything with her. Then he would lose the one thing in this world that ever made him whole.

"You already thought letting her go was the way to go and here we are." Ash watched as Gary slowly smiled. "I say fight for her. Fight for another chance. Ash Ketchum's motto is to never give up."

Ash was silenced as he turned towards the wall, looking away from Gary in shame. A horrible, unpleasant and hollow rasp wafted through the deserted hall. He already felt guilty enough, the world didn't have to turn on him in the process. He let out a long huff and pulled out his phone, pressing his fingers against the screen as he put in the number Clemont gave him.

[Text to: Serena]
Listen I know I messed up

He quickly deleted it and stared at the blank screen.

He didn't want Serena to cry. He didn't want to leave her. He didn't even know what he wanted and with everyone pressuring him, it just made things worse. He wasn't proficient at any of this.

[Text to: Serena]
We should talk. I know lessons are done but will you give me some more of your time for a second?

No. It was stupid and Serena probably had no desire to talk to him anyway. He was such a fuck up sometimes—most of the time. He just wanted to bang his head against the wall, hard.

[Text to: Serena]
I do want to be your partner.

His finger hovered over the send button, but eventually, he deleted that too.

[Text to: Serena]
I can't dance. Why do you want me to be your partner?

If that wasn't the truth. Ash was fine at what Serena taught him and if he wanted to, he could probably be the best partner she ever had. But right now, she was looking to compete and actually be serious about her career. How could he help her with that?

Even if there was a part of him that wanted to. A small part of him thought he could be just as good at it as anyone else. He could do it with her if he worked hard enough, but the whole point was he was going to return to his normal life. This girl was still a distraction whether he wanted her to be in his life or not. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He deleted the text again and sighed, running his hand down his face.

[Text to: Serena]
I'm sorry

That would probably just piss Serena off. He groaned and slammed the phone down on the bed. This was all so irritating. She probably wanted nothing to do with him after he left her like that.

Ash hated that Gary and Clemont were right. He was an ass. He honestly didn't deserve her. He wanted to admire the way she smiled as her body moved so perfectly no matter what kind of dance she was doing.

He always thought he could be the best at practically everything he did, except handling his relationship with her. No, he pretty much sucked royally at that.

Really, his choice was for the best.

Tomorrow, he would go back to basketball practice. She would go back to dancing. Everything would be back to normal. He could slowly forget about her and she would just forget about him. It was most definitely over.

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