From one night to life

By Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 50

260 19 5
By Andyerobertbr

When Andy saw the blood and Ryan lying on the ground, she felt her world collapse and immediately she passed out, falling into Travis's arms.

After the shot was fired, the killer jumped out the window, taking advantage of everyone's dispersion to help Ryan. However, what he didn't imagine was that the police who surrounded the outside of the building were exactly close to where they heard the shot and after running after him down the street, the police managed to catch and arrest him.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Ryan was unconscious and losing a lot of blood, since the bullet had hit him in the thigh where an important artery had been perforated. Robert was very concerned about Andy, but in addition to the fact that at that moment the priority was to save Ryan's life, he could not leave signs that would make the others realize that his concern for Andy went beyond a captain-lieutenant relationship. Then he and Ben began rescue procedures. However, while tending to Ryan, he still asked Travis:

Robert: Montgomery, was she hurt?

Travis quickly checked on Andy, who was lying on the floor.

Travis: No Captain. She's just passed out, but there's no injury.

Robert: Take care of her. Don't leave her side for a minute and keep me informed of everything that's going on with Herrera.

Travis: Yes Captain. I will do this. I would never leave her alone in that circumstance and, even when she wakes up, I won't abandon her at any time.

Travis began to perform procedures that could make Andy wake up and at that moment the rest of the 19 team was also arriving at the apartment where they were.

Robert: Bishop and Miller tend to the first patient. Gibson and Hughes are in charge of the other patient. Warren and I will take Tanner to the hospital.

Robert saw that Andy was waking up and was a little calmer. But he couldn't waste time.

Robert: Montgomery, take care of Herrera. Get a cab and take her to Grey Sloan.

Travis: Okay captain.

Robert thought it best that Andy wasn't with them in the ambulance, because if Ryan didn't resist, it would be a huge trauma for her to see her best friend dying.

Ben was having a hard time keeping Ryan's blood contained. Robert drove as fast as he could and they made it to the hospital with Ryan alive.

Doctors at Grey Sloan immediately took him to the operating room.

Close behind, Travis arrived with Andy.

Travis: Captain, she's fine, but she doesn't want to say anything. She's staring like her soul and body aren't connected. I think she's in shock.

Robert: I take care of her. Please let Captain Herrera know what happened.

Travis: I'll do it.

Robert: Thank you. You and Warren can return to the station. I'll be here waiting for news and following Herrera.

As soon as Travis and Ben left, Robert approached Andy, but he noticed that there were too many police officers in the area. He wanted to hold her, but he couldn't. So he sat down opposite her and looking into her eyes he said:

Robert: Let's not lose hope. I'm here for you and I'll stay by your side as long as it takes.

As he said these words to Andy, he felt like he was talking to himself, as Andy was not showing any reaction. It was like she wasn't there. She was in a state of shock to see her best friend get shot in front of her. Even worse was thinking that he only got that shot because he stepped in front of her. Ryan was putting his life on the line to save Andy's life. She felt guilty and afraid of everything that was happening. Seeing her like that was breaking Robert's heart.

A few minutes later, the cops left and Robert was left alone with Andy. Then he took her hand so that she could only feel his presence, in the way that was possible.

When Pruit arrived at the hospital, he soon saw Robert holding Andy's hand. Robert thought it prudent to release her, but she held his hand even tighter. She needed him and that was the only sign she'd given him since Ryan was shot. All this was seen by Pruit, but Robert didn't care, because at that moment Andy needed him and she was the only person that mattered.

Pruit: How is Ryan doing?

Robert: He's in surgery right now, but he arrived in pretty serious condition.

Pruit: And Andy?

Robert: She's in shock. She hasn't said a word yet. She doesn't cry. She shows no reaction.

Pruit: Thanks for taking care of her. If you want, you can go now. I take care of her.

Robert: If you don't mind, I'd like to stay a little longer. At least until we hear from Ryan.

Pruit watched the way Andy held Robert's hand tight and, as much as he thought it wasn't right, he could measure the pain his daughter felt and didn't want to do or say anything that would make the situation worse.

Pruit: All right. There's no problem with you staying.

The three sat in a corner waiting to hear news about Ryan. Time was passing and no doctor came to give them information.

Pruit: They're taking a long time to deliver news. We all need to eat something.

Robert: I can get you something from the cafeteria.

Pruit saw the way Andy was and then said:

Pruit: I'll buy it myself. You stay here with her.

Robert: As you prefer.

Pruit moved away, but he intended to observe from afar how Robert and Andy would interact in his absence. Robert again looked into Andy's eyes trying to give him confidence.

Robert: I don't like seeing you like this. If there's anything I can do to help you, let me know.

Andy remained silent, but increasingly holding Robert's hand.

Robert: I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay here, with you.

Though he couldn't hear, Pruit saw the interaction between them.

Pruit bought the snacks, and despite Pruit and Robert's efforts to convince Andy to eat, she still had no reaction and refused the snack.

Pruit was very worried about Ryan, but also about Andy. He remembered that the trip Andy had given him for Christmas was in a few days, but he couldn't be away from his daughter right now and he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself in Puerto Rico if something worse happened to Ryan. So, he decided that the best thing to do was to postpone the date of the trip.

Pruit: Captain Sullivan, can you stay with Andy a few moments longer? I need to make some important calls.

Robert: Of course. You can rest assured that I won't leave you alone for a moment.

Pruit: Thank you.

Pruit went outside the hospital. First he called the travel agency and asked to postpone the trip. Then, he called one of his relatives telling them everything that had happened and informing that it was still not possible to say when he would visit them. After making the calls, he returned to Robert and Andy.

Pruit: Any news?

Robert: None yet. No doctor came out of the OR to give us information.

Pruit: They're taking too long.

It was already very late when the doctors reported that the surgery was over, but that the clinical picture was still very serious. Therefore, no visitors would be allowed that day and everyone would have to leave. As they left, Pruit asked Robert:

Pruit: Are you driving?

Robert: No. I came in the ambulance bringing Ryan. But that won't be a problem, I'll take a taxi.

Pruit: I'll drive you home.

Robert: It won't be necessary. Soon a taxi should come by and I'll be home soon.

Pruit: I insist on taking it.

Robert: So, in that case I thank you, Captain Herrera.

The three headed towards the parking lot. Robert thought it wise not to take Andy's hand, but walked beside him. Everyone remained silent throughout the journey.

When Robert got out of the car, at the door of his house, he said goodbye and was walking towards the entrance, but then he heard his name being called.

Pruit: Captain Sullivan...

Pruit had gotten out of the car because he needed to have a serious talk with Robert and he didn't think he could put it off, as the department was going to ask Robert his decision about Andy's promotion at any moment.

Robert replied:

Robert: You can call me Robert.

Pruit: All right. Robert, I know that you and Andy have become very close since the accident and today it has become even clearer for me, and that's why I have to ask you something.

Robert was finding it very suspicious the way Pruit had been looking at him all day and listening to him, he was wondering: "did he discover our secret?". He didn't want to have a conversation about it without Andy being present. But even so, he needed to give Pruit an answer.

Robert: Yes. Andy and I grew closer after the accident. How can I help you?

Pruit: I understand that there will be promotions in the department and that Andy has been nominated to be the new captain of the 19.

Robert: Yes. That is true. She is ready to take charge.

Pruit: Don't do that. Don't promote it.

Robert: You don't want her to be captain?

Pruit: I do. Someday. I want her to have your job someday. I want her to be Fire Chief someday. And none of that will happen if you promote her now. The way I'm seeing Andy today I've never seen him, not even after her mother's funeral. We don't know if Ryan will survive, and if he doesn't, she could get even worse.

Robert: She deserves to be captain.

Pruit: She has one shot at this , and I'm telling you if you give it to her now, she'll blow it.

Robert: She will never forgive me.

Pruit: Probably not. But you will be helping her carrer in the long run.

Pruit then looked into Robert's eyes and said strongly.

Pruit: If you like my daughter, don't promote her now. Andy is young and a hell of a firefighter. She will get there. Please Robert, not now.

Upon hearing all this, Robert was startled by the words and once again began to think that Pruit somehow knew the truth. His head was racing with everything that was going on in those days: the shot Ryan got; promotions; the secret being discovered by Lucas and possibly Pruit; Lucas's request that he distance himself from Andy; now Pruit's request not to promote her; and especially Andy's depression. He couldn't process it all and felt insecure about making any decision that might jeopardize Andy's future. All he wanted was to be able to talk to her, but even that wasn't possible right now. He then decided that he needed to end that conversation so that he could buy time to reflect on what would be best for her.

Robert: I'll think about what you said to me.

Robert said good-bye again to Pruit and went into the house. His head then started to hurt with so many things he was thinking. He was tense with the amount of important things going on at once. But mostly he was worried about Andy and he felt awful that he couldn't be with her when she needed him most.

He was desperate. He felt so much anguish that he needed to vent everything he felt. Then, he picked up a glass pitcher that was in front of her and hurled it at the wall.

Authors Note: Will Robert take Lucas' advice and walk away from Andy so she can get a promotion? Or will he follow Pruit's advice and not promote her, so he can be closer to her in this moment she needs so much?

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