
By itsliafr

11.7K 143 202

They're both fragile, but in a different way, he's fragile physical wise, she's fragile emotional wise. Excep... More

Cast and Backgrounds
I. Eden Hall Academy
II. What An Entrance
III. Rick is Such a...
IV. So They're Not Warriors?
V. A Bit Judgy, Are We?
VI. Judging A Book By Its Cover
VII. Hockey Seems, Wow
VIII. Rivalry is Real
IX. So The Cheerleaders Suck
X. You Don't Even Know Me
XI. Making Eye Contact
XII. Picking Partners
XIII. You're Awfully Quiet
XIV. Hockey Players Are Goons
XV. Don't Be Their Friend!
XVI. You Let Down
XVII. I Didn't Mean It
XVIII. JV Vs Blake Bears
XIX. I Was Right
XX. Kill That Birdy
XXI. He's a Jock
XXII. We Should Hang Out, Alone
XXIII. I Don't Mind Your Presence
XXIV. Maybe I Was Wrong
XXV. This Was a Game Changer
XXVI. Prank War
XXVII. Operation Fix Adam and Charlie
XXVIII. The Ducks Are Dead
XXIX. I'm Sure He Means Well
XXX. They're Revoking Our Scholarship?
XXXI. Running You Ragged
XXXII. Almost Done With The Project
XXXIII. My Heart is Fragile
XXXIV. I Need Your Help
XXXV. Practice Makes Perfect
XXXVII. Don't Get Your Hopes Up
XXXVIII. My Feelings Changed
XXXIX. Ducks Vs Varsity
XXXX. Eight Letters

XXXVI. Ducks Fly Together

146 1 0
By itsliafr

  Chapter 36,
   Ducks Fly Together

  " Yeah well someone smart told me that when you care for someone, the fear of sounding dumb and making mistakes go away naturally. "

   It's been almost two weeks, Amara wanted to work up the courage to go to Guy and tell him she made a mistake. Everything inside of her wanted her to go up to him and place her lips on him, but she couldn't. Love isn't something you should be afraid, but if you weren't shown the correct way to love and be loved, what was the point?
It was also an extreme sport, avoiding Guy whenever she went to hang out with her friends. He was always around them, which makes it awkward and difficult to not talk or look at him.

  It was a Sunday night, Amara was hanging out with Charlie, Fulton, Adam, Russ, and Ken. Freya, Harmony, Julie, and Connie were having a girls night but Amara wasn't ready to talk to them about Guy. She already explained to them she wasn't ready for a relationship, and left it at that, not answering a single question they threw at it her.
  The way her heart would tighten every once in a while when someone brought up Guy, Amara knew she messed up. There may not be a second chance for her to get, she blew the only chance she had. Now to live with that regret for the rest of her years of living.

"Amara, you seem to be stuck in your thoughts again. Is everything okay?" Adam whispered as he pulled her away from the rest of the boys.

  Out of everyone in the friend group, Adam was the persistent one, he was gentle with his questions and never pushed Amara to say or do anything. It felt like he was her breath of fresh air, him and Charlie.

  "I've ruined everything Adam, I had the guy that I have liked for a few months now and I pushed him away. Nothing is going to be okay." Amara's lip quivered as she looked back at the other boys, who play fighting one another.

  "What's your name, full name." Adam suddenly asked, confusing Amara.

  "Amara Delcour."

"From where?"

  As much as she was confused, Amara didn't stop and ask him what he was doing. She answered his question and told him where she was born and raised.

  "You're an official duck Amara, and what do ducks do when the wind starts to pick up while the weather drops down?" Adam asked once again as he placed his two hands on her shoulders, forcing eye contact.

  "Adam I don't know." Amara responded as she looked away from him, she knew if she stood looking she would eventually start crying.

  "Ducks fly together, meaning that we all fly together or we don't fly at all."

  That had to be the most inspirational thing anyone has ever said to Amara, other than what Luis told her yesterday. What Adam was trying to say was that it didn't matter if she fucked up a million times or didn't fuck up at all, the ducks and her friends were here for her.

  "Whatever fear you have in your mind, let it dissolve, and think with your heart,"

  "Because when you're with the person you love the most, nothing else matters." Amara finished for Adam, knowing what he was meaning.

  He smiled and nodded his head as he wrapped his arms around Amara, making her feel safe and secure. If there was one thing that helped Amara that day, it would be her friends.

  "How'd you know I was going to say that?" Adam questioned as they walked back to the group of boys, who were know arguing over ice cream flavors.

  " Yeah well someone smart told me that when you care for someone, the fear of sounding dumb and making mistakes go away naturally. "

  That person was Luis, but nobody knew that, sometimes that boy can be smart and say the right things. Even if his mind is always dirty, and thinking the wrong things. It felt good to have that advice, Amara knew what she wanted to do next, but at the same time she didn't.
  She was still afraid of getting hurt, but maybe that fear will dissolve. In due time.

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