Adrienette one Shots

By angelicgirl123456

67.3K 973 652

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1:Social codes
2:Marnette's protector
3:Adrien snaps
3.0:Adrien snaps part 2
5:When will you marry her?
6: Why Stay?
7: Kill them with your kindness
8: Resigning with grace
9: Just keep digging
10:It's come to this!
9.0: Just keep digging part 2
11: Teenage Rebellion
9.1: Just keep digging part 3
12: Lies don't last
13: How about....... no?!
14: Love and Hate
15: Babysitting
16: Other friend
17: The Santa Claus Reveal
17.0 The Santa Claus Reveal part 2
17.1 The Santa Claus Reveal part 3
18: A Gift fit for his princess
3.1: Adrien snaps part 3
19: Caspian nightley
20: Mantra
21:Lies we tell part 1
21.0 Lies we tell part 2
21.1 Lies we tell part 3
22: Snapped to shame
21.2 Lies that we tell part 4
21.3 Lies that we tell part 5
21.4 Lies that we tell part 6
21.5 Lies that we tell part 7
23: We are all confused
24: You're a f**king hypocrite
25: Phone call
26: A picture perfect revenge
27: Model
28: You still think she is just your friend?

4:The scars we wear

2.7K 33 33
By angelicgirl123456

Adrien is becoming very annoyed with Lila...

He can definitely see why Marinette is often angry enough to call her out. The other girl lies like she breathes, with so much confidence that it sounds plausible despite the ridiculous false claims. He can hear her chatting with pretty much everyone in the class besides the ones who won't fall for her lies. Basically, only him and Marinette and Chloe.

He's honestly surprised Chloe hasn't said anything about her yet. His oldest friend is never one to hold back how she sees others. And yes, it often comes out in a mean way. But she has good qualities too, like being honest and loyal when she believes in someone or a cause. But the blonde just sits there rolling her eyes in exasperation as Lila goes on.

Adrien grits his teeth, feeling the sharp points of his fangs. Ever since the Cat Miraculous started seeping into his civilian body, he's gained quite a few cattish traits like better hearing, smelling, and even purring. And his canine teeth are a bit pointy now. It's not really noticeable until they're touched.

Another obnoxious lie has him glaring at the wall.

High road. Gotta take the high road. Don't want Lila Akumatized again. And besides, they haven't believed Marinette. Why would they believe him? And he's not a hypocrite. He advised his friend to take the high road, so he must too. It's always worked before...

Until now...

He's beginning to think he really messed up on said advice. Then again, he's never had to interact with someone like Lila who keeps lying like this. The tabloids are vicious but quick to move to the next biggest scandal.

Lila...not so much...

He really needs to apologize to Marinette. He was so wrong about how to handle this correctly. So he does just that.

"Hey, Marinette?" He walks up to the pig-tailed girl who looks very bothered by the lies. Her blue eyes snap to him before she blushes, looking away for a moment. He doesn't understand why she does that but he moves on, "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Oh uh yeah!" She grins before jumping onto her feet. They move to the hall, standing in front of each other as Adrien quickly gathers his thoughts, "Wh-What's up?"

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry," Adrien sighs tiredly before frowning, feeling like an idiot, "I thought that taking the high road would work with Lila. It clearly isn't. I gave you really bad advice."

"What?" Marinette stares in shock before reassuring him, "No! I mean, yes! The advice was terrible! But didn't know that it wouldn't work. You've never dealt with bullies in school and I get that. I did kind of hurt after a bit but I'm not mad at you. You tried to help me with the best way you knew. Besides...I didn't have to listen to it..."

"I know but I still feel really bad," Adrien rubs his neck sheepishly, "So how about we make this right? How do we expose her without calling her out?"

"Well, we need proof that she's lying," Marinette speaks up, voice full of confidence. It kind of reminds him of his Lady, "But no one will actually listen when I point out stuff. Seriously, all it takes is a search to find out Jagged Stone has never had a kitten!"

"Yeah," Adrien winces before shaking his head, "I am so glad that Ladybug told me about not being Lila's friend that first day. She even had me believing her lies for a moment. But I think we need to show obvious evidence to plant doubt. Someone else is going to have to notice something sooner or later, even if they won't believe us."

"Hmmm..." Marinette hums in thought, nodding determinedly, "True. I don't get how they're so blinded by her. One word that seems way better and they're all with her. They're my friends. I've known them all longer than she's been here. And yet they're just! They just! I!"

He doesn't want to make his friend uncomfortable. He's been raised a gentleman, after all. But yet, all he can do is follow his heart like he does as Chat. He's been in similar situations with no one to help him. He doesn't want Marinette to ever have to go through that. Never.

He presses the other into a deep hug. She tenses for a moment before clinging to him with a sob, face pressing into his shirt. Luckily, Plagg is in his bag so she's not squishing him. He keeps standing there, rubbing her back softly. He could...he could stay this way for a lifetime. Just like how he's comforted his Lady before. He relaxes into the embrace, holding onto her as she cries it out. Keeping an eye out for purple butterflies, he waits patiently.


"It's okay," Adrien grins back, looking into wet eyes, "You need to get it out, right? I...well, you're amazing, Marinette. You're the strongest person I know. I...I don't know how I'd function if I were in your shoes. The first day I met you nearly killed me as it is...I feel like a terrible friend. You shouldn't have to do this alone like you have been."

"You're not a terrible friend!" Marinette protests with wide eyes, holding onto his hand, "You're a great friend! You're always checking up on me and you want to include everyone in activities and you organized that picnic for me. And besides, it's also partially my fault for not telling you the whole story..."

"The whole story?" Adrien blinks before raising a brow in confusion.

"Shoot, did I say whole story? What I meant was..." The younger trails off at his look. He might be naive but he's not stupid. He's dealt with a lot of lies and redirection in his life from his father. He can't handle it from his friends too. She seems to sense that as she sighs, "Lila's been threatening me a few times now..."

His blood goes cold as he stiffens.

"Wait, what?"

"The first time was shortly before your advice," the raven-haired girl admits while tugging on her pigtail and staring at her purse in thought, "I didn't tell you. She threatened to take all of my friends away from me and she's succeeding so far. Even Alya is hooked by her every word..."

"Isn't Alya your best friend?" He asks worriedly. Nino is his. He knows the guy is also under the liar's spell. He'd question if Lila was an Akumatized person this whole time if not for the fact that he constantly fights said people on a daily basis and knows she couldn't be one this long without being caught onto.

"I thought she was," Marinette's eyes water again, "But then she started posting Lila's interviews without checking her sources. And then she started taking her side on pretty much everything. I hurts. Up until this year, I've never had friends either. Not really. No one helped me deal with Chloe's bullying. But Alya helped me be braver. She wasn't going to take Chloe's crap, despite being brand new here. And now I have no one again."

"That's not true," Adrien's heart hurts so badly, "You have me. And I'm pretty sure Chloe is in your corner, as weird as that is to hear. I know she has good inside her...Don't...don't say you have no one here for you. Because I'm always here for you, okay? You're one of my best friends, Marinette. Having you here means everything to me, okay?"

She nods as he gently wipes away her tears. He watches her for a moment, looking at her features. She's beautiful, even when she's crying and her makeup is starting to smudge. He looks into her eyes before confessing a truth he's barely even told Plagg. Because he absolutely understands the pain she's going through.

"I know exactly how it feels to be alone, and it sucks," he says softly, forcing himself to keep his eyes level with hers as she watches with awe and slight pain, "My house...I don't really like it there. It's basically just me there, all the time. Father...well, I'm lucky if I see him once a week. Natalie is around but she's always busy and she keeps up a professional facade. The Gorilla isn't really a talker. And it's really hard to connect with fans. And maman isn't around anymore so I really don't have anyone either. Haven't for a while now..."

He says the last part bitterly. Because it's true. Ever since his mother disappeared, he's had no one. No one to receive affection from. No one to help him with his deep grief of losing not only his mom but practically his father too. Whenever a problem comes up, he's expected to solve it himself unless it would create a huge problem. It's one big reason he enjoys being Chat so much.

"Hey, you got me, right?" Marinette interrupts his thoughts, grinning, "Friendship is a two-way street. And Chloe too. She's got a soft spot for you, you know? I think she'd murder to keep you protected."

"Hah...probably..." He rubs his neck sheepishly before shaking his head, "I'm glad we have each other's backs. Thanks, Marinette."

"Any time," she smiles sweetly before blinking, "We should probably get back to the others though."

"Yeah, good idea," he nods before starting for the room. He opens the door for her, earning a small blush from the other girl. He just sends her a smile as they make their way back to their spots. As soon as he settles in, he hears his name said somewhere in the chattering group. He listens carefully.

"We don't want to make it official yet..." Lila whimpers before fluttering her eyelashes, the whole group on the edges of their seats, "Adrien and I are just getting comfortable with each other's bodies, you know? He's a good kisser."

Adrien tenses. What the hell? Now she's really lying. He would not do anything like that with Lila, ever. And he's only kissed one girl and he doesn't even remember those two kisses! But he knows it was his Lady. He exchanges looks with Marinette who is closer.

Time to interrupt.

He gets up silently, sneaking over to the group. He can claim he's been standing there for a while. The group doesn't even notice him as he tilts his head.

"What you guys talking about?"

"Nothing much," Lila answers with a grin, "Just talking."

"I overheard some of it," Adrien says honestly, "And I think I should clear up something."

The group starts muttering with each other excitedly. Lila herself puffs out her chest. Adrien resists rolling his eyes at her.

"I'm not doing anything with Lila except modeling," he says sternly, "And that's because she works in the same company as me. I've only kissed one girl and she isn't Lila."

The group gasps quietly, looking from him to Lila and back. They begin murmuring before glaring at him like he's the one who did wrong. Yikes. He definitely understands how Marinette's been feeling now. Meow-ch.

"Adrien! How could you say such a cruel thing like that!" Lila sobs before throwing her hand over her face dramatically, "You said you loved me!"

"I have never said that to you," he narrows his eyes before getting an impulsive idea, leaping at it, "And if we were ever together, you'd probably know the most significant mark I have on me, right? Especially if we've explored each other's'd have seen me without a shirt, right?"

Wrong. He knows no one but Plagg has seen him shirtless since he's become Chat Noir. He's been extra careful, especially in the locker room. He isn't shy about his body. He knows he's handsome, on a comfortable level. But the scars would raise questions.

His time as Chat hasn't been without consequences but he'd take a million scars if it meant having the freedom and his Lady's friendship and safety. She's his first love.

And he hasn't done any shirtless photoshoots and Lila would never have seen more skin than he normally shows. Not even his father or Natalie has seen any of the scars.

"Oh, yes!" Lila laughs confidently but he can see the nervous gleam in her eyes, "You have a tattoo."

"Where at?" He asks curiously, knowing she's digging herself deeper into a hole. She can't stop now without sounding suspicious, "What design?"

"A heart on your shoulder blade," she says it like it's the most obvious thing, "It's Ladybug-themed."

She says it with an annoyed expression before schooling her face back to smug. He has to give her some credit because it sounds legit. But everyone knows he really likes Ladybug. It's not really a secret. They're just not aware that he's in love with her...nor that he's her partner-in-fighting-crime...

"Oh, I'd definitely love to have a tattoo like that," Adrien grins back before sighing softly in disappointment, "However, I don't. My father would kill me if I did that, you know? He's not really a Ladybug fan."

"It's a piercing, whoops!" Lila fishes around for something else as he blinks, "I just thought you wanted it kept a secret..."

"My ears are my only piercings," Adrien tilts his head so they can all see his ear lobes. He doesn't wear earrings very often, but he can. He's worn his Lady's Miraculous before as Mr Bug, "I have been a model for years. Sometimes I do that with earrings in. It's rare but I do. Anything else? Or did your short-term memory problem come back?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine," Lila waves at him because smiling, "I wouldn't want to tell anyone what it really's embarrassing, remember?"

Diversion. He nearly does roll his eyes. The liar is really sly as a fox...

"Oh, no, I'm not embarrassed by my body," he responds truthfully before shrugging, "So you can tell them..."

He can see Marinette sending him a confused look in the corner of his eye. He ignores it as he faces Lila more.

"Oh, okay, if you're sure," she trails off for a moment before muttering, "You have a birthmark. It's pretty weird...not that I mind, of course..."

"Oh my gosh!" Rose yelps before looking at him with a smile, "That's nothing bad! Birthmarks are pretty amazing! Juleka has one on her side!"

"Yeah," Juleka blushes slightly, quietly as ever, "So does Luka..."

"Dude, why didn't you tell me you have a birthmark?" Nino asks curiously before walking closer.

"Because I don't," Adrien says with a flat tone, "And Lila doesn't know either because she's never seen me shirtless before. I've never done anything with her."

"Oh, come on!" Kim shouts before waving at the two of them, "Why would Lila make that up? She's so nice! You're being harsh, man."

"Yeah, Adrien!" Lila cries out before covering her eyes. Very fake, "How could you do this to me! You said two days ago that you were going to tell everyone we're dating!"

The group reacts to that. He waits for them to calm down before he sighs. The only way to fix this is by showing them he's not lying. He doesn't have any extra piercings, tattoos, or birthmarks.

"We've never dated, and I'm not interested in you," he says firmly before resting his hands on his hips, "Especially after Ladybug told me the truth that you're not her best friend. Especially after you snuck into my room and took a picture I didn't consent to and nearly got my bodyguard and Natalie fired. Especially after you nearly got Ladybug killed by Oni-chan."

"I didn't do any of these things!" Lila sobs before throwing her hands in the air, "I am Ladybug's bestie! She trusted me with her civilian identity! You're being mean to me!"

"Well, I know one way to prove you wrong," Adrien steps closer to her, mind flashing back to his deal with her the first time she worked as a model, "I was really hoping to avoid it but..."

Lila doesn't back down. She probably thinks he's bluffing. But she should know that he doesn't bluff. He's his father's son, after all. And Agrestes always have proof and a plan, even if it's completely reckless.

Someone is going to end up yelling at him later...

He stares at her in defiance before removing his thin white jacket. And then he slips his black shirt over his head, on full display. The others gasp in surprise and then horror as they stare with wide eyes.

He's got lots of scars. He's not ashamed of any of them. Every line on his body means a time he's saved his Lady. That he's protected his loved one.

He recalls most of them easily.

Timebreaker's hand print. Dark Cupid's arrow. Animan's claw marks. Random slashes from hitting debris and getting wacked around in battle. And the interesting burn marks littered across his ribs where he once got Cataclysmed. That was a horrible time. He's also really lithe with some just noticeable abs. Nothing all that impressive. He's a model, after all. And 16.

No piercings. No tattoos. No birthmarks.

It's extremely easy to see that Lila definitely hasn't actually seen his body as she claimed.

"If we were together, you'd know about these," he points out, "But you don't. Because you're lying about that. Just like you've lied about us. About knowing Ladybug. About Marinette. About everything."

"Why would I ever li-"

"Actually, I was debating how to bring it up but now is a great time," Max speaks up as Markov floats by his head, "But Jagged Stone hasn't ever had a kitten. In fact, he's had Fang the crocodile for about 20 years now."

"'re not Ladybug's friend?" Alya stares at Lila with horror lighting up her face, "What have I done!? I have to delete your interviews. I could have put you in danger...oh my gods why did I even agree to it!?"

The whole group blows up at her, suddenly understanding that her lies are all over the place. He watches as she fumbles to try to recover but she doesn't get there as they all quickly shun her. Lila stares in shock before running from the room with an angry scream.

Oh great...he'll probably be fighting an Akumatized Lila soon-

He senses something rushing at his back as he twists to the side, glad his flexes are very good from both lots of practice and his time as Chat. He sees that it's not Lila attacking him. No.


"What the hell, girl!?" Alya asks, just as surprised as he is. The whole group is, but it feels like they know something he doesn't, "Why are you trying to hit Adrien!?"

"You idiot!" The other girl ignores the upcoming-reporter as she glares at Adrien with balled fists and wet eyes, "You said you weren't hurt!"

"What?" Adrien exclaims before remembering the times he's said he's fine. All to his Bugaboo. She always asks. He never tells the actual truth. He can't stand to hurt her like that. She might not love him the way he does her but she's still amazing and would absolutely tear herself apart over this.

"You told me that you were healed!" Marinette yells before pounding on his chest angrily. He doesn't move though because he knows she needs this, "You lied to me this whole time!"

Adrien freezes. Marinette hates liars. She's going to hate him. He can't lose her. Not like this. But he can't get his mouth to say anything.

"You stupid! Idiot! Cat!" She slams her fists onto his sternum with more force than he thought she'd have. A small sob comes out, "You have to stop taking so many hits for me, Chaton!"

Chaton...he gazes at her. The same hairstyle. The same eyes. The same attitude. The same anger. The same kindness. The same crazy creative energy. Holy crap, how did he not see it sooner?

" Lady?" He asks in awe, voice softening in shock and disbelief before something settles in his chest. Marinette is Ladybug. And he's absolutely great with that. He can't think of a better Ladybug.

He's been going to school with Ladybug this whole time. He's been friends with her. He's...he's always had a crush on her. On the both of them, if he's being honest.

"Yeah, it's me," Marinette nods before staring at his ribs, "I can't lose you, stupid kitty. I can't do this without you."

"I'm sorry, Bugaboo," he says softly before hugging her close. He knows the others are watching in confusion and concern but he doesn't care, "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want you to worry."

"I know..." She nods before handing his shirt to him, "We should talk."

"Yeah," he agrees before slipping his clothes back on, gently taking her hand into his before heading for the door, "Let's go."

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