The Young Queen: Aria Rose Gi...

By Lexibabe111

731K 26.1K 2.3K

When Elena's brother Jeremy was born and arrived home from the hospital Elena's parents were shocked to see... More

1 | F I R S T D A Y
2 | T H E G R I L L
3 | W O O D S
5 | D O O M E D
6 | H O U S E
7 | F L A M E
8 | C A R E
9 | O F F I C I A L
10 | F I R E
11 | T W I N
12 | C I V I L
13 | P L A N N E D
14 | P A I N
15 | B I T E
16 | S L E E P
17 | S C A N
18 | N O T E
19 | G L O W
20 | F U N N Y
21 | S T O R Y
22 | J O U R N A L
23 | T E Q U I L L A
24 | D A N C E
25 | O N E S I X
26 | R O S E
27 | W A K E
28 | S E A L
29 | M O V I E S
30 | C H A N G E
31 | B L O O D
32 | B L O C K
33 | E M I L Y
34 | B U R N S
35 | C O I N C I D E N C E
36 | P I T Y
37 | R E S E A R C H
38 | W H O
39 | "F U C K"
40 | S P I L L
41 | C O N F I R M
42 | D E A L
43 | G U L P
44 | R U N
45 | G O N E
46 | S O M E T H I N G
47 | W O R T H
48 | R E A S O N
49 | W I S E L Y
50 | A N Y M O R E
51 | M O T E L
52 | E M P T Y
53 | B R O K E N
54 | P R O O F
55 | C O O L
56 | A L W A Y S
57 | U H O H
58 | B E F O R E
59 | "A R I A N N A"
60 | P R O M I S E

4 | A T T A C K E D

21.9K 679 143
By Lexibabe111

Coming back to Mystic Falls was going to be odd and strange for him. He always knew that But what he didn't expect was to be captured by Elena's sister. Of course, not in a romantic way but more in an overprotective way his instincts were to keep her safe. He never felt the blood lust when he was in her presents, Stefan was able to relax and breathe normally knowing that he wouldn't end up killing anybody. He was concerned when he saw the black crow following her, not wanting to admit it but he was scared of what the crow meant. Stefen knew there was only was solution and that made him nervous.

Tonight at the party, Even though she had whispered the words so quietly he was still able to fully hear he voice. Shocking him that she actually spoke but the words she said made him freeze.

'dead vibes'

Stefan had no clue what she meant, did she think he looked like death? Could she tell what he was? Was she a supernatural creature? He brushed the last thought off, she smelt of human but had little hints of something else that he couldn't figure out.   

When she had run off, he was about to follow her. He had found out in his conversation with Caroline that Aria was only fifteen years old. He didn't want her wandering the woods alone and with the situation with the black crow following her, Stefan didn't want to take any chances with her safety.

Walking the same path she had taken, he was stopped when he saw Elena coming towards him. Sighing he knew he couldn't ignore her when they were the one to invite him to the party tonight.

The conversation with Elena was fine until Aria's voice made him fall to the ground in pain. Holding his head. It was lava circling his head, sizzling getting hotter and hotter with each word Aria Spoke.

Elena had helped him to his feet before realizing that voice was her sister's. Looking back at Stefan she says.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I have to go find my sister."

"I'm fine. Go find her" He answers breathing heavily still in a little pain.

When he finally got stable enough to walk, he saw a crowd of people in the woods. Maintaining his distance he notices Aria and Jeremy on the floor with an unconscious Vicky who had bite marks on her neck. Stefan turns around and races home slamming the front door open to come face-to-face with Zach.

"What's going on?" Zach questions seeing Stefan's worried expression.

"Someone was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn't me," Stefan explains running up the stairs to his bedroom. Walking into his bathroom he closes his eyes to take a moment of what just occurred.

The scream. Her scream. The sound of liquid dripping reached his painful ears. Looking down at the ground in front of him.


Looking in the mirror he sees blood pouring down his neck, coming from both of his ears. Furrow his eyebrows in confusion. He slowly goes to touch the blood when he hisses in pain from how hot the blood felt on his fingertips.

"Ouch. That's got to hurt" Another voice states behind Stefan. He stills at that familiar voice. He knows that voice. Turing round to see piercing blue eyes staring back at him.

"Damon" Stefan whispers.

"Hello, brother" Damon smirks at his brother's panicked expression.

"The crow's a bit much don't you think?" Stefan states crossing his arms.

"Especially, following a teenager around." He adds.

"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog"
Damon's eyes light up at the mention of the girl

"ahhh little Aria she's intriguing isn't she." He adds.

Damon rolls his eyes at his brother's expression "What? She's tiny"

"She's 5'0 Damon" Stefan replies.

"See. Tiny"

"When did you get here?" Stefan was already sick of this conversation.

"I couldn't miss your first school day." Damon walks over to a corner and looks at the different books on the shelf.

"Your hair's different. I like it." Damon comments still with a smirk on his face.

"It's been fifteen years, Damon."

"Thank God. I couldn't take another day of the '90s, that horrible grunge look did not suit you. Remember, Stefan it's important to stay away from fads." Damon walks around the room.

"Why are you here?"

Damon fake pouts to Stefan "I missed my brother."

"You hate small towns. It's boring. There's nothing for you to do." Stefan says.

"I've managed to keep myself busy." Damon shrugs.

"You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you." Stefan comments.

A dramatic sigh leaves Damon's mouth as he nods his head "that could be a problem...."

"....for you." Damon adds.

Stefan narrows his eyes at his brother "Why are you here now?"

"I could ask you the same question. However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into two little words" Damon walks closer to his brother.



"Leave them alone." Stefan spits out.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Damon states

"Considering Tiny can't be compelled," Damon explains.

Back in the woods, Aria was curled into her twin's side as they both share a beer bottle zoning out trying to process what they had just seen. Elena who saw her siblings blank expressions walks up to them both.

"Are you both okay?" Elena questions the twins who both ignore her.

Elena sighs "I called Jenna. She's on her way." Elena sees the cops in her view and look at the bottle Aria and Jeremy were drinking from "Those people in uniforms? Last time I checked, they're the police."

Aria rolls her eyes and gives Jeremy the bottle who finishes the drink and throws the bottle into the woods behind them.

"People are gonna stop giving you both breaks, They just don't care anymore. They don't remember that our parents are dead. They've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on. You guys should try too."

Aria shakes her head looking at her older sister she was done with being mute "Just because you've moved on Elena doesn't mean shit. You blamed me for them dying. I never got to actually grieve for the deaths of our parents. Every time I was seconds from breaking down you made it impossible. What were your words? Hmm?"

When Elena stayed quiet not answering her question. Aria looked at her twin "You remember what her words were right?"

Jeremy nods his head "Yup. You said that it should have been Aria who died that night. Not our parents"  

Aria jumps down from the brick wall she was sitting on and looks up to her older sister and with tears threatening to spill she says.

"The saddest thing Elena, is that a part of me did die that night."


Im not sure if I want Arias and Elena's relationship to be fixed.

Aria speaks whoooooo.

She's had enough crap.

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