Beg Me

By StephanieBrown89

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Attraction is a weird thing especially when you are attracted to the one guy who has always bullied you. Be... More

Beth (7)
(9) Derrick
10 (Beth)
(11) Beth
(12) Derrick
(13) Beth
(14) Derrick
[15] Beth
[16] Samson
(19) Beth
(20) Derrick
Beth(21) Lessons and realizations
Beth (22)
Derrick {23)
Derrick (25)
[26] Beth
Beth (27)
Beth (28)
Samson (29)
Derrick (31)
Beth (32) The past
Derrick (34)
Beth (35)

Beth (30)

316 14 0
By StephanieBrown89

I awoke to the mess from last night cleaned up and Samson gone. Although he did leave me a note.


 Sorry that I have to leave but I have to go into the shop. I would have much rather stayed in bed with you. Don’t worry about your bookshelves, We will get them replaced, so stay in bed today and stay out of trouble. Soke in a hot bath, watch some t.v and rest. I’ll swing by when my shift is over.


I smile like the cat who ate the canary as I snuggle into the pillow that still holds Samson scent. The door to my room swings open and Tess looks at me shaking her head. “What?” I say, with one eyebrow raised. “ I am just trying to figure out how in the hell did you not only end up with one hot guy but two. I know you have tried to explain this whole thing to me but I still don’t understand how you seem to have forgiven Derrick and apparently Samson for all of the shit that they’ve put you through. One day I might understand but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.” Tess says as she pulls a chair over to sit next to the bed. When I give her a strange look she starts shaking her head, “ No, no I saw what the house looked like this morning, considering how long Samson was in here cleaning and the fact that you’re still naked; I will pass on sitting on the bed.” She scrunches up her face and we both bust out laughing. It was nice to laugh with her again. I seems like forever since we’ve even been in the same room for more than a few minutes.  “Beth, I do need to talk to you about something though.” My stomach starts to twist with knots. I sit up against the headboard and wrap my arms around Samson’s pillow. “ Hit me, I’m an open book.” I say with a smile. 

             “Last night Eric said something that concerned me. I was pretty embarrassed that I automatically assumed that you were pregnant and I was basically begging him to tell me what was going on because I feel like I am out of the loop. I mean the four of you seem to have some secrets,  I can walk into a room and the y’all will stop talking. If I ask what the conversation is about Eric tells me that it’s not important and that I’m not missing anything. I might have started throwing a bit of a tantrum; I’m not proud of it but after I was done throwing things at him, he told me that he would tell me what was going on.” Tess pauses and stands, to start pacing. My mind starts racing, “Um just a hypothetical question, but how safe is it for Tess to know about us?" I quickly ask through our link.  Tess is still pacing and it is starting to freak me out because I have no idea what to tell her if she says that Eric told her what we are. I don’t want to lie to my best friend but at the same time I do not want to put her in any kind of danger. “ Babe, she walked in as I was eating your pussy; I am pretty sure she already knows. She keeps using the phrase “ what ever weird shit those three have going on.”  Derrick is so stupid sometimes that I would love to strangle him.  “ Stop thinking with your small head and think with the one on your shoulders. So, please humor me Daddy and quickly give me an answer before she starts talking again.”  Tess stops pacing and looks at me, but she still isn’t talking. “ Well princess, I don’t think it is wise for her to know. It could put her in danger. A lot of our kind believes that humans would want us all dead. The only way she should find out is if it is a life or death situation.” Tess throws her hands up in the air. “ Beth, Eric said that all of y’all are werewolves and that your mom lied about something to do with your back. It wouldn’t surprise me if she did lie to you, she has lied to you about a lot of things. I’m starting to think that Eric has some mental issues and I’m not sure what to do. I mean come on; werewolves, that kind of shit doesn’t exist. I really really like him, maybe even love him but if he is crazy,” She leaves the rest of her sentence hang in the air.

                 I freeze for a moment, just watching different emotions play out on her face. “She did lie. All this time I have been seeing doctors for a back problem that never existed. It’s ok though; Derrick is looking to see if there is a way to undo what has been done. There is a chance that I could be some what normal again” I smile. It’s a bit forced and I hope that she doesn’t notice it. I mean it’s not really a lie but it still sucks not telling her the whole truth.  “As for the other, I’m sure he was just fucking with you. We were talking about how I have to have my back worked on every few years or so; you just happened to come in as I was telling they guys that I was late on getting my next surgery. I’m sorry that you thought that I was hiding a secret baby, but from my end it was pretty funny.”  A small laugh escapes Tess but I can see that she is still up set and worried about Eric’s mental health. 

                 Sometime before lunch I get a ride over to Derricks house. The plan is too tidy up a bit and plan something for dinner. I can’t cook to save my life but I have this strong need to do something nice for them. As soon as I walk through the door I realize that there really isn’t much to clean. So I wash the few dishes in the sink. I enter Derrick’s room just long enough to grab his dirty clothes before heading up stairs to grab Samson’s and throw them all in the washer. I open the freezer, searching for something that I could possibly cook and it be edible. When I don’t find much I pull out my phone, opening the app that will allow me to shop for something to cook without actually leaving the house. With every step I take, I am reminded of the way Samson stretched me last night and how great it felt. It doesn’t take me long to decide to take advantage of the garden tub in the bathroom.

                 Bending down I open the cabinet door under the sink, looking for some kind of soap. There in a cute little organizer sits a bottle of cucumber and melon body wash, bubble bath and some scented candles. I pick one candle, holding it up to my nose, then another before selecting “Midnight in the Forest.”  It smells like a forest on a warm summer night and it calls to my soul. I turn the hot water on, lighting the scented and a few unscented ones then quickly strip. The water is scorching against my skin and it takes a moment before I could fully sit down. I lay my head against the back of the large tub, letting the heat from the water soak into my body, allowing myself to relax. The ache between my legs from last night slowly subsiding. 

                   The thought of sending a picture to Samson or even Derrick crosses my mind, not a completely nude picture, maybe just my feet propped up on the tub; or gathering enough bubbles around me that my chest is covered. Then I realize that the tub has jets in it; I hit the button and the jets kick on with no problem; making tons of bubbles in the process. I open my phone, open the camera and set a timer before propping the phone against the ledge where some of the candles are sitting. I quickly pull enough bubbles near me that the only thing that can be seen is the swell of my breast. I have the light out so the only lighting in the room is from the many candles that I have set up around the bathtub. The first few pictures that are taken don’t turn out, I decide that if this last one doesn’t go right then I am just going to forget all about my failed attempt at being sexy.  This time instead of pulling the bubbles around me, I sit up on my knees, strategically draping one arm over my chest, so that my nipples are covered; my free hand in the water holding me up as I lean forward just a little.  

                  After downloading a photo editing app, I play around with blurring most of the picture; leaving only me in focus. The way the candles light up the room throwing shadow and just the right amount of light here and there; It looks like a pro took it. I end up really liking the finished product. I go into my text messages, scroll down to Samsons name and click on it. My finger hovers over the add photo button, “What am I doing?” I ask myself. Slumping my shoulders I decide to just send him a plan old massage without the picture that I consider to be nudy magazine worthy. 

Me: You didn’t have to clean the room, I would have done that.

S: You didn’t make the mess all by yourself.

S: What kind of man would I be if I had left it for you?

I read his text and chew on my bottom lip, that is one of the things that I have always liked about Samson; if he was involved in the slightest then he was down for what ever followed. Just like the time that I thought I was going to show Derrick that he couldn’t scare or break me. I decided that I would try and record Derrick treating me the way he would normally do. Samson walked in and I told him what I was doing; he would either tell Derrick or not and lucky me he didn’t tell him. Instead he said that he would help me try to trap him. See, to me it was a great idea, even though I hadn’t thought it all the way through. Like what was I going to do with it, I knew that I wasn’t going to go to the cops and sure wasn’t giving it over to his parents. I recorded a weeks worth of videos and audio. What I didn’t count on was Derrick finding it and when he asked Samson about it all he did was shrug saying, “ What can I say, I was board, and I wanted to see where it would go. The plan backfired, instead of stopping him it only added to the things that he did. Derrick had me watch the videos as he brought me to the edge over and over again without letting me fall. As for Samson, he was made to sit in a chair and watch, and I am pretty sure that wasn’t really a punishment to him at all.

Me: No, I had a really good helper and it would make you an asshole.

I smile and think once again think about sending the picture. I mean it’s not like they haven’t seen me naked before. Maybe if I send the damn thing they might come home early.  Then I could get one or both of them to kiss my sore pussy and make it feel better. My heart rate spikes at his next message.

S: Princess, how does your pussy feel this morning?

 I still don’t understand how words like “Good girl” and “Princess” can have such a effect on me and one particularly body part.

M: Sore, just like you promised

M: I am so sore, I’m actually soaking in a hot bath.

My pussy throbs, it’s that I need release kind of throb. Without thinking about it, I slide my hand under the water, between my legs and slowly slide my finger over my clit. I think about the way both Samson and Derrick kept me from falling over the edge years ago, then my mind played back how they worked my body and how it felt when they let me come. I let my legs fall open as I spred myself with one hand, slowly and gently rubbing my clit; while I think about their hands on my body, touching me and teasing me.  With a very vivid fantasy playing out in my mind, I abandon my clit, throw my leg over the side of the tub and slide my hand under my ass.  My eyes slide shut as I slip a finger inside what I once considered to be a forbidden area of my body. Even though I have played with toys, I have never actually fingered my own ass before, but right now I can’t help it. It isn’t as uncomfortable as I thought that it would be, that is probably due to the butt plug that I wear every other day, and the fact that Samson pops his finger in every once and a while; when no one is looking. With my free hand I pinch my nipple a few times before sliding two fingers into my already sore pussy. I pump my fingers in and out of both of my holes in unison, the heel of my hand grinding against my clit as I work my fingers. In my mind it is Samson taking my ass and Derrick wrecking my pussy. I’m so close to coming, right on the edge; until I hear the door to the basement open. “Hello?” I call out, but get no response. “Derrick, Samson, is that one of you?” Still no answer, but I know without a doubt that someone is here 

M: Did you come home early?

I quickly type out my message, hit send and try to use my senses to figure out who is here. I cant smell anything past the “Midnight in the Forest.” candle. When I get a reply from Samson stating that him and Derrick were just getting back to the shop, followed by the question of why, my stomach drops. I quickly send him a brief message explaining what was going on. I quietly exit the tub, as I am wrapping a towel around myself; I hear what sounds like stuff being thrown around and it’s coming from my room. Who the hell would be in my room; it’s not like I have anything of value in there.  “We’re on  our way to your place.” Samson’s voice flows through my mind. I can feel his worry and I can’t help but smile. What the hell is happening to me. At one time those voices would make me freeze because they were up to no good. Now I freeze because they send butterflies fluttering about in my stomach. “I’m at y’alls place, There is definitely someone here, they sound like they’re in my room.” No sooner that the thought lives my mind, banging starts at the bathroom door. They’re hitting the door so hard; I just know that it will break in no time. I have no one and nothing to keep me safe right now and to make it worse, Im in a freaking towel. 

        I watch in slow motion as the one of the hinges gives way from the frame, then it's pulled open. “What the fuck do you want you phyco!” I yell as Ben wraps his hand around my arm and starts yanking me out of the bathroom. I look around the room, my eyes landing on one of the still burning candles on the counter. Without a second thought I grab it smashing it into the side of his face. Not like it would do any real damage but it might buy me a little time to get out of here. Ben drops my arm and grabs the side of his face that is covered in candle wax. Then I rely on a defense move that has always worked. I run up, grab his shoulders and knee him right in the balls. When he pitches forward I ram my knee into his face. I take off running, almost slipping on the floor in my haist. Ben growls in anger and it causes the hair on the back of my neck to rise. His growl makes me feel sick to my stomach and my skin to crawl. My inner wolf howls and the sound passes my lips as if she is begging for one of her Alphas to magically appear.

I make it to the door, my fingers fumbling with the lock but as I get the lock turned; Bens arms wrap around me. I kick wildly as he hauls me to my room.  He drops me to my feet, turns me around so that I am facing him and just stares at me. “What the hell is wrong with you Ben” I don’t expect an answer. He looks mad; not angry mad but like he has lost his mind mad. His clothes are dishevled, his hair is a mess, leaves and other small fragments for stuff sticking out of it and he smells like copper. My stomach turns at the realization that he smells like blood, but whos?  “Ben, what is going on?” I reach out to touch his arm, but he batts my hand away. His eyes almost look void of life, like he is loosing his sanity. “ Tell me that you remember me, tell me you haven’t forgotten me?” I know my face shows my confusion, “ Ben, you know that I remember you. You have been one of Derricks closet friends for years. Why wouldn’t I remember you.” I say, as I try to search my memory for any thing that would account for his line of questioning; but come up with nothing at all. His head tilts slightly, “ No, from before.” He raises his hand to cup my face “Banphrionsa mac tíre beag.” (Little wolf Princess” Ben says the forign words so tenderly; as if I should know what they mean. 

         Reaching up I remove his hand from my face and take a step back. I shake my head, “ I don’t know what you just said. I met you through Derrick when I lived on his street; years ago, not a moment before then.” His eyes flicker from their normal smokey topaz color  to a dark amber color. Much darker that Samsons beautiful amber ones.  He is losing it, I don’t know which one is crazy, the man or the wolf; either way if Derrick and Samson don’t hurry I am going to be in real trouble.  “You need to remember who you are and who you belong too. The sooner the better for you. Those two have corrupted and brain washed you my little Banphrionsa mac tíre beag.” Ben says reaching for me again. I take another step back, looking for a weapon of any sort. My eyes land on the bed side table, then quickly remember that I emptied it when I moved into Tessa’s house; so there won’t be any knives in it. When he reaches for me again I slap his hand away. “Stop touching me, there isn’t anything for me to remember Ben, I. Am. Not. who ever it is that you think that I am. I am Beth Masters and I belong to my Alphas; Derrick McKinna and Samson Knight. 

             I hold on to my towel as I move around the mess on the floor, when I am close to the door Ben’s eyes burn with anger. “Where do you think that you are going?” He says, lunging for me. I dodge him, he barely misses me as I make my way around him. He growls and I prepare myself to dodge him again. This time I trip over something on the floor. I seep my leg out knocking him down. I make a run for the door but I’m caught by the hair of my head. I cry out from the burning cause by the force he uses as he pulls me back against him. “Don’t act like you don’t like it. I”ve been watching you with those to idiots for years. He says so close that his lips brush the shell of my ear. I ram my elbow into his ribs with as much force as I can muster. When he releases me I swing; hitting him in the nose as hard as I can.  He licks the blood from his lips and before I know what is going on; his hand is around my throat. He guides my to my knees, kicking a broken lamp out of the way. “Is this what you like? Do you like it when they treat you like some common whore?” Ben says, spittle flying from his mouth.  A growl starts low in my chest and I know that I am in trouble but when I hear a deep, commanding voice from the doorway; I know that I am safe.

    “I said,  Let.Her.The.Fuck.Go!” Derrick growls out each word. My eyes go wide as Bens hand tightens on my throat. “Come on man, we’re all friends right? Let her go and we can discuss this like rationale men.” Samson says calmly. “We are not men, we are beast trapped in the bodies of men. Tá muid déithe i measc na bhfear. Glacaimid cad ba mhaith linn agus tá sí ceart go leor mo cheann!" Ben snarls in that foreign langage again. The feeling that settles over me makes my skin crawl. Derrick looks like he wants to kill Ben, but I can also see that he is restraining himself from doing so. They have been friends well before I ever came into the picture. The four of them were as thick as thieves, the four musketeers if you will. I cut my eyes to Samsons tense form. “Samson, I need you to breathe and not look like you’re fixing to wolf out. As long as y’all keep him talking; I will be fine. I say into our shared link. Hes beautiful eyes find and hold mine. I feel his anger flow through me and it causes me to growl in response.  “That is bullshit and you know it. Níor bhain sí leat riamh. ní hí Beth í; Fuair an cailín sin bás i bhfad ó shin.” I stare in shock, I never knew that any of them could speak anything other than english and bad english. “Beidh Beth liomsa! Even if I have to kill both of you for it to happen, but one way or another it will come to pass.” Ben’s voice is strain. I wish they would just speak in english so I would know what was going on; other than this jackass thinking that I am someone else. 

       “Do I get a damn say so in any of this?” The only answer I get is Bens grip tightening again. I drop my eyes to the floor, searching for something, anything at all to get me away from Ben. If I could just get away Derrick and Samson could deal with this.  My eyes snap up to the guys when I hear a car pull into the drive.  “What the hell is going on here?” Erics voice booms through the basement at the same time my hand lands on something broken and jagged. Just as Eric steps up behind Samson; I bring my hand up, thrusting the object as hard as I can into Bens thigh. He screams as red liquid covers my hand and when his grip loosens just a fraction I throw myself back, his nails scratching me in the process. I hurry to move out of the way as I watch Samson charge towards Ben.  They both move so fast that all I can see are two blurs, or maybe it just appears that ways since I hit my head on the corner of the nightstand. 

            Hands touch me, I turn to see who it is and my head spins. “Shit she hit her head pretty hard.” A voice calls out but it sounds distorted. My vision blurs as chaos erupts around me. “Get her out of here.” Someone growls. I try to focus on the voice, hell I try to focus on anything but everything is muddled. Then it feels like I am floating, just kind of like a feather drifting in the wind and for amoment I give into the peacefulness of it.  Then sounds start to filter back in, “ Do something, her eyes are rolling into the back of her head” “I think she’s seizing.” “Beth!” I don’t know who is talking, the voices all sound blended. Everything hurts, my chest feels constricted and it feels like my lungs aren’t working right. “Help.” It’s the only thing I can manage to wheeze out before everything fades to black.

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