I Wanna Be The Very Best

By Satoshi-Gekougha

105K 2.3K 15.9K

It's been 6 months since Ash has lost the Kalos League and he still feels like something is missing or someon... More

CHAPTER 1: What Is This Feeling
CHAPTER 2: Aloha To The Alola
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CHAPTER 3: A Journey's Beginning
CHAPTER 4: Serena's Aura training, how to catch a Pokémon.
Chapter 5: Ash vs Ilima
Chapter 6: The Mystery Of Rockruff
Chapter 7: Evil Emerges
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Chapter 8: Ash vs Hala
Chapter 9: A Mothers Love
Chapter 11: Akala Evolution
Chapter 12: Ash vs Lana
Chapter 13: A Clash of Ideals
Chapter 14: You Can't Protect her
Chapter 15: Family Matters
Chapter 16: Ash vs Ule
Chapter 17: Ash vs Olivia
Chapter 18: The Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 19: Wedding Bells Ringing
Chapter 20: Ash vs Sophocles
Chapter 21: The Masked Man
Chapter 22: Ash Vs Acerola, Evil in the midsts
Chapter 23: Ash vs Nanu.
Chapter 24: Poni Island Debut
Chapter 25: The Final Challenge and the Final Preparation.
Chapter 26: The Grand Festival
Chapter 27: Celebrations and Tribulations
Chapter 28: Your last day in Hoenn
Chapter 29: Alola Amour!
Chapter 30: The Amour Date
Chapter 31: Beach Day And New Faces
Chapter 32: Trouble Looms
Chapter 33: Prom Night
Chapter 34: Alola league Opening Ceremony
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Chapter 35: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 36: Silencing The Doubters
Chapter 37: The Student Meets The Teacher.
Chapter 38: Semi Final Showdown!
Chapter 39: Alola League Finals Part 1
Chapter 40: Alola League Finals Part 2
Chapter 41: Enter Team Rainbow Rocket
Chapter 42: Storming The Castle
Chapter 43: Charizard vs Reshiram
Chapter 44: The Top Of The Castle
Chapter 45: Never Give Up Until It's Over Team Rainbow Rocket Finale Special
Chapter 46: The Aftermath
Chapter 47: Alolan Clean Up
Chapter 48: A Champions Coronation
Chapter 49: The Last Day In Alola
Chapter 50: Pallet Town Homecoming
Chapter 51: Serena's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 52: Kalos Reunion
Chapter 53: Wetlands Visit
Chpater 54: Ash's Kalos Birthday
Chapter 55: A Fiery Masterclass opening
Chapter 56: The Masterclass Showcase
Chapter 57: Trouble At The Masterclass!
Chapter 58: Kalos Queen Ball
Chapter 59: Amour in Galar
Chapter 60: Leon Vs Alain
Chapter 61: Galar Gym Debut
Chapter 62: The Bonds Of Mega Evolution
Thank You!!
Chapter 63: Ash vs Kabu
Chapter 64: Riolu's Descent
Chapter 65: Ultraclass phenomenon
Chapter 66: Ultraclass Finale
Chapter 67: The Aura Within
Chapter 68: Amour Reunion
Chapter 69: Evolution Festival Frenzy
Chapter 70: Fears of the past
Chapter 71: Ashley returns?
Chapter 72: A Promise Come True
Chapter 73: Showdown in Pewter City
Chapter 74: Serena Vs The New Team Rocket!
Chapter 75: Cerulean City Blues
Chapter 76: An Amour Christmas. 50K Special
Chapter 77: Lost at Sea
Chapter 78: Troublesome Preparations
Chapter 79: Gathering The Gang Of 6!
Chapter 80: Indigo league Arrival
Chapter 81: A Confrontational Opening
Chapter 82: Charizard's Revenge
Chapter 83: Ritchie vs Ash, The Long Awaited Rematch
Chapter 84: Indigo League Final Rumble Part 1
Chapter 85: Indigo League Final Rumble Part 2: Putting Our Differences Aside
Chapter 86: Time For A Rest And A Date
Chapter 87: Are You Ready To Meet And Defeat The Elite?
Chapter 88: Bruno's Barrage!
Chapter 89: Slicing Through The Darkness!
Chapter 90: Ghosts Of The Past and Present
Chapter 91: The Final Countdown.
Chapter 92: The Battle Of Two Champions.
Chapter 93: The Indigo League Finale
Chapter 94: A Day To Relax and Celebrate
Chapter 95: The Enemy Of My Enemy
Chapter 96: Strange Encounters
Chapter 97: Calem's Dream
Chapter 98: Mega Evolution, Aura Style
100K Reads! Thank you!
Chapter 99: The Oak Family
Chapter 100 Movie Special! Part 1: Hisui Awaits You
Chapter 100 Movie Special Part 2: You Are Guardians

Chapter 10: A Death in The Family

1.2K 26 67
By Satoshi-Gekougha

The next morning Ash awakes in Kukui's house to sound of birds chirping. He takes a big yawn and gets out of bed to do his usual morning routine. He takes a shower and changes before making his way downstairs to make some breakfast.

Today is a free day for Ash to do as he pleases along with the rest of the group. The ferry to Akala island doesn't leave until tomorrow afternoon so they have a day to use to prepare. So what does Ash want to do to prepare himself. Train right. Well in this case for once in his life the answer is no he's not planning on training.

That's because a certain honey blond girl has a contest today that Ash would love to watch. He feels almost obligated after all Serena would always watch a battle for him whenever she was free it was only right that he would return the favour if the chance arises.

After making breakfast Ash leaves the house quietly as not to wake up the Professors heading to a nearby beach. Ash reaches the beach and releases all his Pokémon to play while he takes himself to a quiet spot. He sits on a rock overlooking the alola morning sky as a fresh breeze blows in his face.

Ash takes a deep breath and says "here we go it's time to check how she's doing." Ash closes his eyes filled with nerves. He's more nervous then he would be for a big battle his only theory why is that he must be more concerned about Serena than himself. He closes his eyes and thinks about her angelic smile, her sweet smelling honey blood hair and her large cerulean eyes. A few seconds pass before he sees it.

His vision changes as he sees Serena's pov. She walks out in front of a cheering crowd as the announcer exclaims her name. She takes two pokeballs out and throws them in the air and shouts "Braxien, Altaria take the stage." Ash watches as Braxien and Altaria appear next to him. He notices Serena pause for a second before starting her routine and senses a happiness in her aura as she becomes aware of Ash's presence.

With Ash watching her confidence seems to grow as she starts her routine. "Braxien use flamethrower and Altaria use moonblast." Braxien nods and twirls her stick shooting a flamethrower towards Altaria who lets off a pink ball firing off a moonblast. The attacks merge together and create a red moon that explodes sending small red moons into the air. Serena extends her hand and says "now Braxien use psychic. Braxien holds up her stick as her eyes glow blue with psychic energy. She gathers up all the moons and swirls them into the air before they explode into little red fireworks causing the crowd to cheer.

Ash watches the routine with a smile on his face, he whispers to himself "I forgot how beautiful her routines were." Ash focuses his aura and manages to watch the rest of the routine from a place in the crowd giving him a third person perspective. He watches the rest in awe of Serena's elegant movements that waste no energy, her beauty is undeniable as she dances around the stage with Braxien while Altaria flaps her wings sending the two dancing in to the air.

Ash can only find one word to describe it. Perfect. Serena and Braxien land on the floor as Altaria lands behind them. A firework goes off as Serana shouts "Ta da and finish," while throwing a hand into the air. Serena breaths a little heavy as the crowd erupts with cheers and applause. Serena curtsies to the crowd and says "thank you." She then turns around and leaves the stage with her two Pokémon following her. Ash watches her leave with his jaw almost hitting the floor.

After the rest have performed Serena and the rest of her competition return to the stage ready for the results. The announcer stands on the stage and says "before we give out the results please can you give these talented performers a round of applause. The crowd all put their hands together and break out into applause. As the applause stops the announcer continues "now without further a do the judges votes are in and the winner of the Sootopolis city pokemon contest is......"

There's a moment of silent as each performer stands awaiting the result with anticipation.

Ash crosses his finger and whispers "come on say Serena."


A spotlight appears above Serena's head as she gaps in shock slapping her hands over her mouth. She then breaks out into a smile and shouts " We won!" Altaria, Sylveon and Braxien all leap into her arms as the crowd cheers. Ash pumps his fist and shouts "that's how it's done!"

Serena releases her pokemon from her embrace and thanks them for their efforts. She then walks over to the announcer who hands her the winners ribbon. Serena thanks him and waves to the crowd who all cheer at her acknowledgment. It's clear that Serena is quickly becoming a fan favourite in the Hoenn region. She curtsies one more time before she turns and leaves the stage.

She smiles with happiness having won her 5th ribbon when she hears a voice in her head that makes her happiness grow exponentially. "Hey Serna I just want to say that was a perfect performance and I'm so proud of you for winning your 5th ribbon already that's really impressive, Ash says through their aura connection. Serena blushes at Ash's praise as she's closes her eyes in an attempt to reply. She says "thank you so much Ash but there's no way I could do it without you if you weren't watching then I wouldn't have been nearly as confident.

Ash smiles hearing the happiness in her voice until his head starts to spin and his vision turns black.  A few seconds later he regains his vision but only sees the alolan sea in front off him. Ash frowns and says to himself "only 2 messages before the connection failed again. What else do we need to do to communicate freely." He takes a deep sigh and stands up from his rock. "No point in dwelling on it now I should get back to Pikachu and the others."

Ash takes his leave and walk back towards the main part of the beach. Upon arrival Pikachu, Pikipeck and Rockruff see him and rush over to their trainer. Upon arrival Ash smiles at the three and says "did you miss me." Pikachu pouts and says "Pi pika pi pikachu," which translates to "where were you." Ash shrugs his shoulders and says "Hoenn." Pikachu rolls his eyes and says sarcastically "Pika pi," clearly knowing that Ash only came her to find a quiet spot to watch Serena.

Ash laughs and says "you know me too well buddy, come on let's get back to the Professors house before they start to worry about us. Pikachu nods and leaps up onto Ash's shoulder as he returns the other two to their pokeballs. Ash starts to walk off the beach in a great mood looking up at the Alolan sky thinking about how perfect everything seems at the moment when suddenly.

"Lit Lit Litten." Ash turns around to see the Litten he previously helped running towards him at full speed looking rather frantic. Ash upon seeing Litten  he kneels down to his height and says in a concerned tone "what's the matter Litten." Litten waves his paw in the air and quickly says "ten lit lit lit ten." Ash picks up the small cat pokemon and says "calm down Litten tell me what's going on slower." Litten calms down slightly as Ash puts him back down. Litten says frantic but more clearly "Lit Lit Litten Lit."

Ash turns to Pikachu and asks "What's he saying buddy. Pikachu has a panicked look on his face and says "pi pika Pikachu." Ash gaps and puts a serious look as Pikachu tells Ash that Stoutland is struggling to breath and has collapsed. Ash looks down at Litten and says in a serious tone "we'll help you just show us the way." Litten nods and says "ten," as he turns back in the direction he just came from with Ash and Pikachu running just behind.

Ash, Pikachu and Litten run for a minute until they reach the abandoned building. Once there they make their way through to the room where they first met Stoutland. Once there they see Stoutland laid out on a sofa not moving. Ash approaches Stoutland tentatively and places a hand on his back. He whispers in a caring tone "you okay Stoutland."

Stoutland doesn't give a response instead he breaths out heavily and constantly. Ash gasps and quickly puts his hand on Stoutland's pulse. Once he feels it his eyes widen. Stoutland's pulse beats slow and irregular and he's practically unresponsive.

Litten approaches Ash with teary eyes and scratches his leg to get his attention. Ash turns around and takes a deep breath. "What's up Litten." Litten looks at Ash and pries him to give him the news. Ash sighs and says "Stoutland seems really sick I'm not sure if there is much I can do here. We should take him to a pokemon centre they might be able to help."

Litten frantically shakes his head yes in desperation. Ash nods and says "I'm sorry Stoutland but I'm going to have to move you." Stoutland just let's out another breath as Ash scoops the pokemon up places him on his back. He makes his way out of the abandoned house with Litten and Pikachu and makes his way towards the Pokémon centre.

Ash makes his way to the pokemon centre as quick as he can with the 61 kg Pokémon on his back. After a massive struggle Ash kicks down the Pokémon centre doors and shouts "nurse Joy help!" Nurse Joy enters from the back and gasps upon seeing Stoutland on Ash's back. "Oh my Goodness what happened." Ash pants, "I found him like this can you try to help him." Nurse joy nods and in a rushed tone says "of course Comfey get the stretcher ready."

Comfey nods and heads to the back room before reappearing with a stretcher. Ash places Stoutland on the stretcher as Nurse joy quickly wheels away the sick Pokémon.

Litten watches from a far with teary eyes as Pikachu tries to comfort him. Ash, after catching his breath makes his way towards the two Pokémon. Keeping up a positive attitude Ash says "cheer up Litten, Stoutland is in the best possible hands he could be in. I'm sure he'll be better in no time." Litten nods and weakly smiles. Ash smiles back and takes seat a in the pokemon centre as Pikachu jumps up onto his shoulder and Litten curls up into his lap. Ash takes a deep internal sigh and says to himself "you have to fight Stoutland you've got to make it."

A few hours have passed since Nurse joy took Stoutland into care but still no news has been received. Pikachu and Litten have fallen asleep on the chairs next to Ash while he can't seem to sleep. He sits deep in thought when he is snapped back to reality by the pokemon centre bell. He looks up to see nurse Joy exit the backroom with a sad look on her face.

Ash rushes up to the doctor and says "How's Stoutland he's okay right." Nurse Joy takes a deep sigh and says "I've done all I could he's now stable and awake." Ash smiles and says "that's good right." Nurse Joy shakes her head and looks at the floor. "It is but unfortunately it's not going to last." Ash shakes his head and looks at the nurse with sad eyes. "No he's not is he." Nurse Joy nods her head and says "Stoutland is very old and is very sick. I'm not going to sugarcoat it he's got days to live at most."

Ash gasps upon hearing this and looks over his shoulder at the sleeping Litten. He adjusts his hat to stop anyone seeing his teary eyes. "Can I see him please," Ash sniffs while trying his best to block the emotion out of his voice. Nurse Joy nods and says "you may."

Ash excuses himself and makes his way through to the backroom. Upon entering he sees Stoutland laid on a bed with equipment attached to him. Ash slowly approaches him with his head down and whispers in a broke voice "I'm sorry Stoutland but there's nothing I can do." Ash stays staring at the floor for a few minutes with no response until he hears "Land Stout land." Ash looks up to see Stoutland looking at him with pleading eyes.

Ash shakes his head and readjusts his hat. Ash whispers "I can't Stoutland there's nothing I can do for you. I'm powerless." Stoutland looks at Ash with more defiance and says in a stern tone "stout stout land." Ash's eyes widen as he says "you want me to to do you one last favour."

Stoutland nods and tells Ash in Pokémon language to watch over Litten for him. He raised Litten since he was just a kitten and he's grown up to be the son he's always wanted. He's got incredible potential and is extremely loyal but he needs a family. A family that can help him become strong and move on from him.

Ash looks at Stoutland with a determined expression and says "I promise you Stoutland I'll take care of Litten no matter what and I'll make sure he never forgets you." Stoutland smiles at Ash gratefully and says "land stout stout." Ash weakly smiles back as the old pokemon drifts off into a slumber.

Ash leaves Stoutland's room and looks at the sleeping Litten. He whispers "I promise." He then takes himself to the window and stares off into space. "I've travelled the world for 7 years and I've never seen a pokemon just die." He sniffs back the tears and says "I also have no idea what to do. How do I try and make Litten move on when I can't even move on myself." He stares out the window as tears escape his eyes slowly. He continues to stare into the window when something in the reflection catches his eye. A phone.

Ash wipes away his tears and walks towards the phone. He takes a deep breath and says to himself "I can't do this alone I need someone to talk to." He dials a number and holds the phone up to his ear awaiting a response.

Serena's pov

I can't believe how well today went! I mean that performance might have been my best yet. And do you want to know why? Ash was watching me!

The feeling I get when I know he's watching is unlike any other. For some reason my nerves calm and I feel so much more confident knowing he's rooting for me. I know I'm a complete freak but I couldn't care less. Ash is my PED and I can always pass the test.

After our performance me and my Pokémon were really tired so we decided to take an early nights rest. We went back to the pokemon centre were I made dinner for us all to celebrate winning our 5th ribbon.

5th ribbon

Let me just repeat that one more time

5th ribbon.

After my first three contests I thought it was impossible but here I am. But no matter how hard things got we never gave up and kept going and now look where we are. Five ribbons and now I've still got some time until the grand festival starts. I wonder what I should do well I wait.

Well I could go back to Kalos and see mom but I know if I go home now there's no way she'll let me go back she's very overprotective like that. I could surprise Ash in Alola. I could just imagine the look on his face now. But then I know I'll never want to leave him again and I can't not compete in the grand festival I've worked so hard for it. I guess I'll think about it later.

Right now I am getting myself into my nightwear after taking a warm shower. I'm feeling pretty relaxed, my pokemon are all asleep, I've got music playing out of my speaker life is pretty good.

I sit down on my bed and start scrolling through the gram. I laugh when I see one of Ash's posts flexing that he beat Kahuana Hala. I comment some generic congratulations message as to not draw too much attention. We're still keeping our relationship a secret until we can tell everyone in person but we'll see how long that will last.

I continue to scroll through my tablet when suddenly a call appears on it. The number is one I recognise and I instantly gasp. Ash is calling me. Yes! Wait! He said he'd only call me in case of emergencies. What if he's lost hurt or worse. No don't be stupid it's Ash he probably just forgot. I pick the call up and say in my sweetest voice "Hi Ash."

Normal POV

"Hi Ash," Serena says as she answers the phone to her boyfriend. Ash takes a deep breath but doesn't speak as he swallows back some tears. Noticing his silence Serena says in a more concerned tone "Ash what's wrong." Ash takes a deep breath and says in stuttered tone "n...n..noth...ing ....s...sere.....Serena." Serena shakes her head and says in a sweet tone "Ash I can tell your crying please tell me what's going on I promise you I'll listen."

Ash wipes a way a few tears and says in a low voice. "Okay you remember the Litten I met about a month ago. Serena nods her head and says "yeah you told me he was friends with an elderly Stoutland." Upon hearing Stoutland's name Ash sniffs away and says in a crying voice "yeah."

"Okay so what about them," Serena says while tilting her head in confusion." Ash takes a deep breath and explains "Stoutland has fallen ill...I took him to nurse joy and....h..he..he's going..t.t....t....to....d...d....die soon."

Upon hearing this Serena gasps and slaps a hand over her mouth in shock. She says in a sad tone "that's so horrible, I'm so sorry you have to go through this Ash." Ash looks at the ground and says "I know I never even thought about a pokemon dying." He takes a deep breath and adds in a devastated tone "but I feel so sorry for Litten once he finds out he's going to be so upset."

Serena nods in agreement and says "me too Ash, so what are you going to do to do about him." Ash sniffs back more tears and says "Stoutland's last wish is for me to take care of him and help him get over his death. I promised him I would but the problem is I've got no idea what to even do. Serena raises her eyebrow and says "you always know what to do Ash." Ash shakes his head and says "not this time Serena, truth is I'm very lucky and I've never lost anyone I've cared about so I've never had to grieve so I've got no clue how to help someone else with it."

Upon hearing Ash's story Serena takes a deep breath and puts on a weak smile. "Well maybe I can help you Ash." Ash raises his eyebrow and says "you can." Serena hums in response and says in a quiet tone "I lost my grampa a few years ago so i know a bit more about this than you." Ash silently says "oh."

There's small period of silence as Serena wipes a few tears from her eyes remembering her late Grandfather and Ash tries to think of a valid response. Ash takes a deep breath and says "I'm sorry Serena I shouldn't have brought this up." Serena sniffs back a tear and says "it's okay Ash it's good to talk about him sometimes." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "He was such a caring man. He'd always come by and treat me like a princess. He'd spoil me and do whatever I wanted when I was little. Then as I got older he became by main source of guidance when I was feeling troubled. He also loved pokemon and even used to battle. The two of you would have got on well."

Ash smiles down the phone and says "he sounds like he'd be related to you alright." He then adds in a quieter tone "how did you cope when he passed." Serena wipes a tear and says "it was hard I'm not going to sugar coat it. But I got through it because my grampa loved to see me smile and not be sad so I tried my best to do that. Some days were harder than others and I'd need my mother to comfort me. Other days I needed to be alone. It's not straight forward Ash but the best thing you can do for Litten is be there for him and let him go at his own pace."

Ash takes in Serena's story and feels rather conflicted. Part of him is happy with the advice he's received but another part of him feels he crossed the line calling Serena like this and bringing up something very personal. Ash takes a deep breath and replies "your right Serena I just need to be there for him and I'm sorry for bringing the topic up I shouldn't have called you about this." Serena shakes her head and says "it's fine Ash I've told you before whatever it is you can talk to me and that's still the case no matter what it is no topic is off limits between us."

Ash sighs and says "your the best you know that, I'm sorry if I ruined your day I should have been calling to congratulate you again and not throw my problems on to you." Serena shakes her head and says "Ash you don't realise that just talking to you makes my day better." Ash smiles and says "me too Serena."

Ash then let's out a large yawn and says "I'd love to talk more but it's getting late here I should probably try and sleep." Serena says "me too it's been a long day."

"Right I'll speak to you soon and congratulations on the 5th ribbon again." Serena smiles and says "I love you Ash and let me  know if you need anymore help."

"I will Serena and I love you too." Serena grins and says "I love you more," before putting the phone down.

Ash leaves the phone and takes a seat next to Litten and Pikachu. He looks down at the two sleeping Pokémon and whispers "with you no matter what." He then closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.


The next day Ash awakens to a panicked cry. "Ten Lit Lit Lit Ten," Litten cries as he paws Ash's face. Ash groggily opens his eyes and says in a quiet tone "what's up litten." Litten runs around the room frantically as nurse joy enters in a panic. "It's Stoutland he's gone missing." Ash instantly wakes up and jumps off his seat as he shouts "what!!"

The shout causes Pikachu to also wake up as nurse Joy says "it's true he's not here." Ash looks at Litten with a determined tone and says "let's go check the house." Litten nods in agreement and jumps on to Ash's one shoulder while Pikachu jumps on to the other. The three of them run out of the Pokémon centre and towards the abandoned house.

The 3 make their way to the house and run straight to the living room where Stoutland usually rests. However upon entering Stoutland is no where to be seen. Instead in his spot lays a collar with a small metal Stoutland on it. Ash recognises it and gasps. "That's Stoulands collar,"Ash says in a low voice. Upon hearing that Litten jumps onto the sofa and looks at it with sadness in his eyes. He then turns to Ash and demands that they look for him.

Ash takes a deep breath and says to himself "I can't lie Litten deserves to know." He takes a seat next to him on the sofa and looks at the floor. "The truth is Litten Stoulands not coming back."

Litten gasps and tears up as Ash takes a breath before continuing. "The truth is Litten nurse Joy told me last night that Stouland was going to pass soon. He knew as well but he didn't want to tell you. I spoke to him last night and he asked me to take care of you to help you through this. I may not be the best person for this but I'm also going to be here for you Litten."

Litten looks at Ash with sadness as tears escape his eyes. Soon those tears start to turn into tears of rage as Litten snaps at Ash blaming him for what happened. In a rage blinded by grief he fires an ember attack at Ash who rolls out the way off it.

Pikachu sparks his cheeks ready to fight for his trainer when Ash calls him off. "No Pikachu!" Ash shouts as he picks himself off the floor and looks at the crying Litten. Ash says in a sincere tone "I get that your angry. I'll let you cool off a bit but I'll be back later to check up on you."

Ash and Pikachu leave the house as Litten watches them with teary eyes. Upon their exit he turns around and jumps back up onto the sofa. He curls up in a ball resting his head on the collar as tears escape his eyes. He sits there breaking down with emotion as everything him and Stoutland ever did comes flooding back to him. The day he found him as a young Litten. The day he protected him when he got attacked in the woods. The day he showed him how to pick berries. The day he taught him how to use fire fang. The day he realised something wasn't right. Litten continues to remember his father figure while tears escape his eyes. Eventually it all becomes too much as Litten cries himself to sleep.


A few hours later Litten reawakens to the sound of hissing. He looks up and gets into a defensive position as the hissing noise continues. Suddenly from out the shadows 3 Sevipers appear barring their fangs at Litten. It seems as though the Sevipers have heard about the passing of Stoutland and have come to take over the area now he's no longer around to protect it.

Litten growls at the three snakes as they approach. The Sevipers show no sign of backing off so Litten tries to defend his territory. He launches towards one off them with flames emanating from his fangs as he lands a powerful fire fang on one. He then turns and lands an ember on one before the third strikes him with a poison tail. Eventually the numbers game catches up to Litten despite his best efforts. The three soon corner him and in unison launch into poison tails. Litten closes his eyes and gets ready for pain when he suddenly hears a scream off Pain and a small thud on the ground.

Litten opens his eyes to see Ash on the floor in front in significant pain as he jumped in front of the poison tail in order to stop Litten getting hurt. Pikachu enters the room and upon seeing his trainer hurt is enraged. He instantly leaps up into the air and sparks his cheeks with electricity as he fires off a thunderbolt knocking one of the Sevipers to the ground. He then leaps forward and slams his tail of iron into another knocking them to the ground. A final one tries to hit Pikachu in the back but Litten intercepts and over powers him with a fire fang.

The three Sevipers regroup as Litten and Pikachu stare off with them ready for round two. The Sevipers realise they are outmatched and decide to retreat. Litten and Pikachu look at one and other and smile at their mini victory.

Ash groggily sits up and looks slightly winded. The two Pokémon see him getting up and leap up into his arms as Litten licks his cheek in thanks. Ash smiles and says "thank you guys, you were both awesome." Pikachu smiles and shouts happily "Pika Pika." Litten on the other hand looks a little apologetic. Ash notices this and smiles at Litten reassuringly. "Don't worry Litten I understand," Ash says while petting Litten's head. Litten responds with a happy nod as Ash puts the two Pokémon down.

He gets back to his feet and walks over to the sofa taking Stoutland's collar into his hand. He walks back towards litten and kneels down next to him. He says in a low voice "Stoutland would want you to wear it. Litten nods in agreement as Ash places the collar around his neck. He looks at it with a smile and says "now Litten he's always with you no matter what." Litten nods in agreement and says "ten lit."

Ash smiles at him once again and says in a low tone "you know Litten you and Stoutland were a family. A family that couldn't be separated. I could tell you both really cared for each other." Litten looks at the ground a little sad and says "lit ten." Ash puts a hand on him and says in a more upbeat tone "me and my Pokémon are also a family a lot like you were. We both push each other to get stronger so we can achieve our dreams." Litten looks at Ash with interest as he takes a pokeball off his belt. "Stoutland asked me to help you get stronger as well. I never want to replace him because what you had was special but I would love to welcome you to our family."

Ash points the pokeball towards Litten and finishes "so what do you say? Do you want to come with me on my journey to become a Pokémon master." Litten thinks for a second before a smile appears on his face and he nods his head yes. Ash smiles and moves the pokeball forward tapping it against his head. A few seconds later the pokeball sparks signalling Litten has been caught.

Pikachu pumps his fist yes as Ash releases Litten. Ash smiles at him and says "thank you Litten, I promise you that Stoutland is going to proud at how strong you become. Litten looks at his collar then up at Ash. He nods at his trainer with a smile which he returns. Ash pumps his fist and says "come on you two the boat leaves soon."

The pokemon nod as they all walk out the house and across a beach. As they walk up in the clear blue sky a cloud starts to form as a face appears resembling a dog like pokemon. He smiles down at Litten with his new friends also watching over him still protecting him from the heavens above.


There we have it another chapter in the bag.

This one was an emotional one😭

Honestly this episode in the real anime was one off my favourite off all time and as I said before I'm not a massive sun and moon fan.

So I had to find a way to adapt it into my Alola portion of this journey and I hope I succeeded.

I added the amour elements as well to really spice things up and to help establish the early stages off Ash and Serena's relationship.

I also think it provides a unique character development with Serena giving the advice to Ash about life experiences where it was pretty much always reversed in Xy

If you can't tell I thought this through quite a bit.

Anyway I have to two things I'd like to add

First thing is uploads are now going to Aimed at but not limited to twice a week.

I was originally aiming for 3 but I've got a promotion at work which means I have to actually do stuff now so I can't just sit around writing chapters.

Also I'm back playing football (soccer for you Americans) which means I'm training twice a week plus games so that takes up more time.

But I will still try and get 3 maybe 4 up when I can but I don't want to burn me or you guys out. Im enjoying writing and you guys seem to enjoy reading so if that doesn't Change then uploads will be no issue.

Basically I promise I'll finish this don't worry 😭😭

The other thing is we're now 10 chapters in so.

Let me know which one is your favourite so far.

You can even give me your top 3 or rank them 1-10 if you want.

I'm curious to hear what you say and I'm not immune to criticism so anything you don't like let me know.

Either way this has gone on long enough we're now at 5600 words so.

Have a nice day and I'll see you all soon :)

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